Fluoride Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths
Fluoride can be found in many water supplies, toothpaste, and even food at alarming levels. While it may sound shocking to many, some research is even drawing a close connection between fluoride and an increased cancer risk.
Top Scientist: Fluoride Already Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths
One paper entitled Fluoride – A Modern Toxic Waste says the following:
Yiamouyiannis documents research showing that fluoride increases the tumor growth rate by 25% at only 1 ppm, produces melanotic tumors, transforms normal cells into cancer cells and increases the carcinogenesis of other chemicals. For the original references to these studies, refer to Yiamouyiannis’ pamphlet, Lifesavers Guide to Fluoridation.
In 1977, it was shown that fluoridation caused about 10,000 cancer deaths in epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the National Cancer Institute and Yiamouyiannis. Despite the findings occurring in 1977, they were not reluctantly released until 1989. After analyzing the study results in rats, it was found that animals who drank fluoridated water:
- Showed an increase in tumors and cancers in oral squamous cells.
- Developed a rare form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma.
- Showed an increased in thyroid follicular cell tumors.
- Developed a rare form of liver cancer known as hepatocholangiocarcinoma.
Other research resurfaced by Dr. Dean Burk, former chief of cytochemistry at the National Cancer Institute for 30 years, also shows that fluoride increases the cancer death rate. Dr Burk refers to a study conducted which compares the 10 largest U.S. cities with fluoridation and the 10 largest without. What researchers found was that following fluoridation, deaths from cancer went up immediately - in as little as a year.
Common Food Items Could Contain 180 Times More Fluoride Than Tap Water
According to Green, the culprit is non-organic food, but not just one kind. If you’re still eating conventionally-farmed food products, you may be unknowingly exposing yourself to extreme levels of fluoride. Green says this is made possible by fluoride going incognito within the food supply in a very concerning way:
“Cryolite is actually sodium aluminum fluoride… This sodium aluminum fluoride is especially effective at killing bugs,” Green says. “It’s also very sticky, so when they spray it, it’s more likely to stick on your produce, unless you’re… really working at trying to get it off of it.”
Fluoride-Based Pesticide Contaminating Food Staples
While Green states that a large number of non-organic produce items can contain shocking levels of this fluoride-based pesticide, iceberg lettuce may be one of the largest offenders. In fact, iceberg lettuce can now be laced with a startling 180 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride – 180 times higher than the ‘recommended’ water fluoridation level. This ‘health’ food could actually be corroding your body with heavy levels of fluoride. But what other seemingly-healthy produce items contain high amounts of fluoride?
- Citrus fruits are actually allowed to contain 95 ppm’s of sodium fluoride.
- Potatoes can have as much as 22 ppm’s on the outside, and 2 ppm inside.
- Raisins are allowed 55 ppm’s.
Cancer-Linked Fluoride Doesn’t Even Effectively Prevent Cavities
The West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoride-exposed rural children.
“For children’s dental health measures, it was found that fluoridation rates were not significantly related to the measures of either caries or overall condition of the teeth for urban or rural areas,” the researchers write.
Since the 1940′s, fluoride has been added to the water supply as a claimed method of preventing tooth decay. It was once believed (and still believed by some), that the primary benefits for teeth resulted from fluoride ingestion during the tooth-forming years. However, it is now thought by scientists, dentists, and researchers, that fluoride’s primary benefit comes from topical treatment, and not from ingestion. Fluoride has also been shown to be ineffective at preventing tooth decay in the pits & fissures of teeth, which is where most decay occurs.
Research conducted by the Cochrane Oral Health Group shows how the ingestion of fluoride is ineffective at reducing tooth decay in primary teeth. Not only does the research show that fluoride supplements are ineffective, but health risks from fluoride supplementation aren’t even studied enough for the supplements to be pushed in the first place. It was found that fluoride supplements, which are heavily endorsed by the CDC, provide no more benefit than topical treatments, which is safer due to minimal fluoride ingestion.
Adding to the downfall of fluoride use in our water supplies, the ineffective tooth-protecting nature of fluoride is accompanied by some serious health-related downfalls. In 1977, it was shown that water fluoridation caused about 10,000 cancer deaths in epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the National Cancer Institute and Yiamouyiannis. Another research paper documents how fluoride ingestion causes tumor growth rates to increase by 25% at only 1 ppm (part per million), while also producing melanotic tumors and increasing carcinogenesis of other chemicals.
Based on the research at hand, it is safe to say that fluoride ingestion should be avoided if at all possible. Investing in a reverse osmosis water filtration unit is one solution to reducing fluoride ingestion, while drinking distilled water for 3-6 months may also reduce the soft tissue fluoride levels.
Government Calls for Lower Fluoride Levels and Admits it Harms Children
by Mike Barrett
Water fluoridation has been in effect in the United States for over 65 years. The U.S. government began putting fluoride in the public water supply claiming that it would prevent tooth decay. Over the years, thanks to various studies and public officials speaking out, the negative effects of fluoride have finally come to light. The United States government, prior to today, denied the link between increased fluoride levels and disease. The game changer, however, was the major study out of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, found that increased fluoride consumption led to decreased IQ in children.
Since 1962 the government has recommended fluoride levels between 0.7 and 1.2 milligrams per liter in the nations drinking water. Ever since then, fluoride has been praised for its alleged power to prevent tooth decay. Research, however, has shifted the national outlook on fluoride. Even in calling for the reduction of fluoride in the water, the government does not discuss the major findings. Instead, it focuses on a smaller symptom of fluoride consumption – damage to children’s teeth.
The very substance that is supposed to lead to greater tooth health is leading to teeth damage. According to the government, fluoride in drinking water should be reduced because of the damage it is causing to childrens’ teeth, not the link between fluoride and decreased IQ in children.
Over 72 percent of Americans drink water treated with fluoride. A large majority of the nation has been consuming fluoride, now found to be a poison, for years. Even if fluoride was beneficial to teeth, the damage it does to the body would logically be a priority over increase tooth health. While the government reducing fluoride in the water is a step in the right direction, fluoride should be completely abolished from the water supply, as New York officials have been calling for.
From Natural Society @ http://naturalsociety.com/top-scientist-fluoride-already-shown-to-cause-10000-cancer-deaths/#ixzz1slCXes4p
For more information about fluoride see Dangers & Health Problems from the Drug Fluoride @ http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/dangers-health-problems-from-drug.html?showComment=1335005051807 and http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com.au/search/label/fluoride
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