A Love Drug?
Oxytocin Hormone Makes Mothers Kinder
A mother gently holds her baby's hand. (ArtBox Images/Getty Images)
Sometimes it seems like what the world really needs is a love drug. But what if we could just produce it in our own brains, making humans more altruistic and interested in helping others, and paving the way for a new mother to give her baby the warm embrace it so desperately needs?
Well, we already do, according to scientists who are studying a hormone produced in the brains of mammals ranging from prairie voles to humans. It is officially known as oxytocin, but it is also called the "love hormone," the "cuddle chemical," and the "hormone of love and bonding."
By whatever name, it can create a little magic, making humans, and even monkeys, a little more humane.
Oxytocin -- not to be confused with the highly addictive pain killer oxycodone -- is critically important to a pregnant woman because it is partly responsible for the nourishment and cuddling she is likely to give her child. There is hope that the hormone could be used to help patients suffering from a range of psychiatric disorders that affect social interactions, including autism and schizophrenia.
Although not fully understood, several studies show just how powerful the hormone can be. Scientists at Bar-Ilan University in Israel measured the natural levels of oxytocin throughout the entire pregnancy, and the postpartum month, of 62 women. The researchers also measured such things as gaze, touching, talking, and showing affection toward the child during the first month of life.
They found a clear correlation between the levels of oxytocin and the amount of attention each new mother paid to her baby. The first trimester of the pregnancy turned out to be the most important because higher levels of the hormone during that period coincided with much more bonding and affection after the birth.
At about the same time as the Israel study, Paul Zak of Claremont Graduate University in California was giving doses of oxytocin, and a placebo, to participants who were instructed to split a sum of money with a stranger. The results were "overwhelming," according to that study. Those given oxytocin offered 80 percent more money than those given a placebo.
And therein lies a problem. Just how the hormone works is not fully understood, and it's not practical to carry out long-term experiments with humans. Such experiments have been conducted on prairie voles to see how the hormone could affect their social structure, which depends on mutual cooperation. But prairie voles are a lot different from humans.
So scientists at Duke University have turned to monkeys, which are more like us, to see if they could serve as human surrogates in the effort better to understand how the hormone works. If oxytocin works on monkeys like it does on humans, then trials could be possible to see if the hormone is effective over a long period of time. Of conversely, if it might also be potentially harmful, as suggested in a number of human studies.
The first results from Duke are encouraging, according to Michael Platt, director of the university's Institute for Brain Sciences.
Two rhesus monkeys that had been trained to react to key symbols on a computer screen were seated side by side during the experiments. Significantly, rhesus monkeys are "primarily characterized by competition and aggression, and show very weak, if any, inclination toward cooperation," according to the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Each monkey had his own computer display, and a tube was positioned in front of each monkey's mouth so juice – or reward –could be delivered.
Would they be willing to let the other monkey have a sip of juice, even if they didn't get a sip themselves? Yes, it turns out, consistent with earlier studies at Duke. But they were far more willing to give the juice to their fellow monkey after given a nasal dose of oxytocin, at least if it didn't damage their own chances of getting a swig.
"Thus, (the hormone) robustly enhanced prosocial choices when there was no potential cost to self, but slightly increased selfish choices when there was potential for direct self reward," the study concludes. That's a big change for a monkey known to be surly, and it suggests that the hormone can break down social barriers, a possibility that Platt described as "cool."
The researchers were able to track the eye movement of the monkeys, and the hormone caused each to focus more on the other monkey, so they were paying more attention to a colleague.
The inhaled hormone ended up in the cerebral spinal fluid, so it went right to the area that control's all activities – the brain. So monkeys apparently process the hormone the same way as humans, raising the odds that they would make good surrogates for further study.
However, it's not as tidy as this sounds, because in the first hour or two after getting the hormone, the monkeys actually became more selfish. It took a couple of hours for them to become more social and compassionate.
It's unlikely that this research will lead to a "recreational" drug that would make all of us a little more loving. That "Love Potion Number Nine" celebrated by the musicians that call themselves "The Clovers" is not likely to be on your pharmacist's shelf anytime soon.
Maybe that's best. Remember what happened to that love potion? According to the song, it ended like this:
"But when I kissed a cop down on Thirty-Fourth and Vine, he broke my little bottle of love potion number nine."
There's always a down side.
From ABC News @ http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/love-drug-oxytocin-cuddle-chemical-scientists-makes-mothers/story?id=15330910#.T2cvoYElLtM
Oxytocin: Outstanding Hormone, Outlandish Uses
by Dr. Reeja Tharu
The hormone Oxytocin has been lovingly referred to as the ‘cuddle hormone’, ‘feel-good chemical’ or the ‘love drug,’ due to its several magnificent qualities.
But sadly this nature’s wonder has been dragged into the limelight for dubious reasons.
Prostitution is a familial occupation in the backward villages of Sodavas and Girvas located in the Alwar region of Rajasthan in north- west India ; therefore, it is very common for most women here to be engaged in the ancient trade.
But it began to be brought to public attention that hundreds of little girls, even as young as 6 months to ten years, are being regularly kidnapped from across the length and breadth of India to be brought to these villages, and forced to ‘grow up quickly’ so that they may enter the ‘traditional trade’ of the region and rope in the moolah.
These children are given unregulated doses of the hormone Oxytocin by the villagers to hasten sexual maturity so that they can be pushed into prostitution in Mumbai or sent to the Gulf, at the earliest.
These girls are injected with veterinary oxytocin because this hormone variant is more potent than that meant for humans. Besides, veterinary oxytocin is also readily available over the counter under the code name of ‘Goli number 10.’ It must be noted that the villagers in this region do not indulge in cattle farming or agriculture to warrant the presence of these drugs at the chemists shop!
When injected with this drug, pre- teens ‘blossom’ and begin to resemble teens. They also become trusting and more sexually charged - traits that are essential for their compliance.
In the male-dominated regions of rural Rajasthan, cursed with a skewed male-female ratio, women fare poorly. However in Girvas and Sodovas there are women everywhere! Apparently, girls here are well nurtured because they are the money spinners!
Oxytocin has long been used by dishonest milkmen to boost milk yield in cows and buffaloes and also by farmers who inject it into vegetables to make them grow faster and bigger.
More on the Love drug
Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone secreted by the hypothalamus of the brain. It is also secreted by tissues of the ovaries and testes and acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It brings about hormonal changes and the responses to the hormone is markedly increased in women than in men.
Traditionally Oxytocin prepares a woman for childbirth and breast feeding.
Oxytocin facilitates the release of dopamine, which is responsible for a feeling of wellness, excitement, and bonding. The levels of oxytocin surge stupendously during acts of intimacy and orgasm, paving way for adult emotional bonding. The hormone is believed to have evolved as a tool to reduce stress and fear of another person in order to facilitate contact and procreation.
Oxytocin evidently plays a vital role in bonding not just in humans but in animals too. Although the intricate biochemical reactions need to be clearly elucidated, it is clear that oxytocin interacts with other hormones associated with pleasure and social behavior to bring about its final effect.
Recent Research
Various studies have effectively contributed to the growing list of oxytocin benefits. It has been understood that this wonderful hormone promotes positive qualities such as empathy and generosity and ensures emotional bonding in close relationships.
Researchers in the UK and Germany have discovered that when oxytocin is administered to men in the form of a nasal spray they become more empathetic and caring—traits usually associated with women. This is probably what women have been waiting for eons –to instill sensitivity in uncaring partners!
Research has also shown that oxytocin contributes to social memory and helps us to initiate and establish a preference for people we like, by remembering their faces, and differentiating them from those we dislike.
The hormone is known to promote bonding between mothers and newborns. However no research has revealed that it helps to make the mothers that much more endearing to their offspring.
Scientists speculate that the “love hormone” may play a significant role in the higher levels of depression and interpersonal stress commonly observed in women, who are twice as often affected as men. It is hoped that future research will throw more light on the effect of oxytocin on human psychiatry and whether it plays a role in controlling emotional and sexual behavior.
Distress Call
High, unregulated doses of Oxytocin has several side effects on the body. It causes hormonal changes, affects the centre nervous system and can cause seizures.
Needless to say, such unscrupulous acts, as mentioned above, will have devastating psychological effects on the victims.
It is indeed a pity that the cuddle chemical, which helped women to build familial bonds, has been put to use in this loathsome manner, to disrupt families and scar women for life.
Let’s hope that the powers that be, which are currently in a denial mode, wake up before the face of India is further tarnished and more damage is done!
Dr Reeja Tharu/S
From Oxytocin: Outstanding Hormone, Outlandish Uses | MedIndia http://www.medindia.net/news/healthwatch/Oxytocin-Outstanding-Hormone-Outlandish-Uses-69464-1.htm#ixzz1pZLD6OyH
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Oxytocin Orgasm Love Drug is a Harmone Supplement Which we can Say is the Nearest Thing to a Love Drug and it is a anti anxiety Medicine that it is very safe supplement which is based on naturally occurring harmone oxytocin.it is beneficial for human body and mind specially effective for Women's harmone enhancement and The hormone Oxytocin is Basically best known for its role in childbirth and breastfeeding