Aborted Human Foetuses Used for ‘Flavour Enhancers’
Ending Up in the Food You Consume - And Vaccines
Obama agency rules Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetus ‘ordinary business’
In a decision delivered Feb 28th, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled that PepsiCo’s use of cells derived from aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”
The letter signed by Attorney Brian Pitko of the SEC Office of Chief Counsel was sent in response to a 36-page document submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January, 2012. In that filing, PepsiCo pleaded with the SEC to reject the Shareholder’s Resolution filed in October 2011 that the company “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.”
PepsiCo lead attorney George A. Schieren noted that the resolution should be excluded because it “deals with matters related to the company’s ordinary business operations” and that “certain tasks are so fundamental to run a company on a day-to-day basis that they could not be subject to stockholder oversight.”
Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, the organization that exposed the PepsiCo-Senomyx collaboration last year was “appalled by the apathy and insensitivity” of both PepsiCo executives and the Obama administration.
“We’re not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use – we are talking about exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit,” she said. “Using human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine operations!”
PepsiCo also requested the resolution be excluded because it “probed too deeply into matters of a complex nature upon which shareholders cannot make an informed judgment.”
“In other words, PepsiCo thinks its stockholders are too stupid to understand what they are doing with the remains of aborted children,” Vinnedge stated. “Well they are about to find out just how smart the public really is when they turn up the heat on the world-wide boycott!”
Oklahoma Senator Ralph Shortey has proposed a bill SB1418 banning the sale of products that are developed with or contain aborted fetal remains. In the case of Pepsi products, the cells derived from the aborted fetus do not end up in the final product.
“We commend the Senator for his courageous move,” noted Vinnedge. “The public is already saying no thanks to all Pepsi beverages and Pepsi Next is just that – the “next” product to avoid!”
To date, the world-wide boycott has expanded to include Canada, Germany, Poland, UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand.
From http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/obama-agency-rules-pepsi-use-of-aborted-fetus-is-ordinary-business
by Prof. Alexander Backman
We have got to wake up to what is happening on our planet. "Flavor enhancers" derived from parts of human fetuses ARE being put into the products we consume. Please google this for yourself so you can see what is really happening.
Biotech company using cell lines from aborted babies in food enhancement testing
( http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/biotech-company-using-cell-lines-from-aborted-babies-in-food-enhancement-te/ )
Senomyx is a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells in their research and development of "artificial flavors." This is being put into our food!!
Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and blood of another sentient being), we are participating in [cannibalism].
Although we consider it "normal" to eat the flesh of tortured, mutilated, and murdered beings, this is NOT normal and we do it only because we have been mind-controlled to believe this is appropriate behavior for humans. IT IS NOT!
It is time to snap out of the trance. Senomyx is using aborted fetal cells to develop their "flavors." HELLO! Ever hear of the movie Soylent Green?
This is a list of brands that make these companies that support Senomyx:
PEPSICO products include:
Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Mist
Juices Tropicana, Dole, SoBe, Ocean Spray,
Lipton Tea
Gamesa Cookies Online
Quaker Oats cereals and granola bars and
Frito Lay's chips, Sabritas, Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Ruffles,
Sonric's Sweets
Coffee: Frappuccino, Seattle's Best Coffee,
View brands: http://pepsico.com.mx/Brands.html
Source: http://www.pepsico.com/download/USBrands_Shopping_List.pdf
CADBURY ADAMS products, Kraft Foods now include:
Chewing Trident, Dentyne, Clorets, Chiclets and Bubaloo
Halls lozenges and Deemint
Cadbury Chocolates, Toblerone, and Marabou
Kool-aid, Clight, Frisco, Tang
Jello Gelatin
Planter's Peanuts
Gevalia and Maxwell House Coffee
Nabisco crackers, Oreo cookies, Chips Ahoy! Ritz, Bran, Marbúdorada
A1 Steak Sauce
Oscar Mayer meats
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Cheese Whiz, Singles, Parmesan
Capri Sun drink
Honey Maple Log Cabin
Mircale Whip Whipped Cream
Source: http://www.kraftfoodscompany.com/mx/sp/Brands/index.aspx
Nestlé products include:
Nescafe Classic Coffee, Decaf, Taster's Choice, Nescafé Gold,
Chocolates: Crunch, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Aero, Cailler, Kit Kat, Orion, Smarties, Wonka,
Drinks: Juicy Juice, Nesquik, Milo, Nestea
Infant Food: Cerelac, Gerber Graduates, NaturNés, Nestum,
Food: Hot Pockets, Lean Cusine Frozen Food, Pasta Buitoni, Herta, Maggi, Stouffer's, Thomy
Cereals: Chocapic, Cini Minis, Cookie Crisp, Estrelitas, Fitness, Nesquik,
Water: Pure Life, Perrier, Poland Spring, S.Pellegrino
Milk: Carnation Coffee Mate, Laitiere, NIDO Milk
Vitamin: Boost, Nutren Junior, Peptamen AF, Resource
High: Dreyer's, Extreme, Hagen Dazs, Mövenpick, Nestle Ice Cream
Pet foods: Alpo, Baker's, Benful, Cat Chow, Chef Michael's, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Gourmet, bloom, Purina ONE, Purina Pro Plan
Sports Nutrition: Power Bar Performance
Weight: Jenny Craig
Below is the google translate version of this page, which I encourage you to read because it is packed with important information and links. This is the year of exposure. These dark energies are about to be brought down for good.
SATANAZI: As the world transnational elite put aborted babies in food, beverage and vaccines for human consumption
National Campaign Against Food Satanism and Vaccine
By Alexander Backman for CR ® and NoAutismo.com ®
League: http://www.concienciaradio.com/el_destino_ya_nos_alcanzo.htm
PDF: http://www.concienciaradio.com/el_destino_ya_nos_alcanzo.pdf
In Soylent Green, a post-apocalyptic and dystopian scenario is fed into the human population with biscuits made from human flesh. Now this is no longer fiction but a reality… I tell you one thing; eating kidney and liver cells of human babies aborted in the 3rd month and sometimes up to the 6th month is simply criminal and on the verge of madness. This cannibalism food and health is the extent of Nazi projects through multinational corporations...
Therefore it is time to state the truth. As the author mentioned in the new documentary by Robert Hammond and Anthony J Hilder entitled Illuminazi, Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove West, Senomyx, a multinational company dedicated to creating flavor for food is one of many companies that are instrumental in this. Senomyx has been developing "natural flavorings" and sweeteners using unspeakable procedures.
The documentary can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhnghPMksNI&feature=youtu.be
Senomyx decided to promote the ideas of the Illuminati transnationals such as Pepsico, which is owned by Queen Beatrix of Holland, daughter of the founder of the Bilderberg Club and Nazi official, Prince Bernhard, as well as BP and Shell corporations, using human cells from aborted babies in their products. But this particular research is just the beginning… It is time to report and describe what Senomyx and its customers have been doing in the shadows.
Senomyx’ website is http://senomyx.com/. Their offices are in San Diego, California. Their address is: 11099 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037. In this document, Senomyx admits that they are using dead babies in these. Please download this evidence on the link below:
This scientific paper is he strong evidence published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the United States, stating that Senomyx is not just using kidney cells from aborted babies in their projects sweeteners and natural flavors but use rat DNA chimeras in the style of the film Splice. The cell lines HEK-293T and HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) are stealthily hidden by Senomyx. When referring to parts of an aborted baby they use this kind of scientific code.
Senomyx claims to have cloned rat and human DNA entremezclándolos for their natural flavors.
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC123709/pdf/pq0702004692.pdf
Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Kraft Foods, Cadbury Adams, Firmenich SA, Nestle SA, and Solae, Campbells are other businesses or clients who are actively participating with Senomyx & PEPSICO, and use parts of the organ tissues of aborted babies... This opens the field to speculation that any of these companies’ products may contain the suffering and pain of murdered babies from the wombs of women who choose to receive good pay in exchange for the baby...
Experts like Dr. Theresa Deisher, a molecular physiologist and a global expert in regenerative medicine says:
"It is estimated that each year in the U.S. there could be up to one million eight hundred seventy thousand of those transactions, which are ordered individual body parts like eyes and liver."
Deisher literature mentions:
"... Discusses the optimal age for the death of a child, in order to obtain useful body parts: one of these professionals found that the best heart tissue is obtained from a child of 22 weeks of gestation."
This scientific paper is he strong evidence published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the United States, stating that Senomyx is not just using kidney cells from aborted babies in their projects sweeteners and natural flavors but use rat DNA chimeras in the style of the film Splice. The cell lines HEK-293T and HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) are stealthily hidden by Senomyx. When referring to parts of an aborted baby they use this kind of scientific code.
Senomyx claims to have cloned rat and human DNA entremezclándolos for their natural flavors.
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC123709/pdf/pq0702004692.pdf
Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Kraft Foods, Cadbury Adams, Firmenich SA, Nestle SA, and Solae, Campbells are other businesses or clients who are actively participating with Senomyx & PEPSICO, and use parts of the organ tissues of aborted babies... This opens the field to speculation that any of these companies’ products may contain the suffering and pain of murdered babies from the wombs of women who choose to receive good pay in exchange for the baby...
Experts like Dr. Theresa Deisher, a molecular physiologist and a global expert in regenerative medicine says:
"It is estimated that each year in the U.S. there could be up to one million eight hundred seventy thousand of those transactions, which are ordered individual body parts like eyes and liver."
Deisher literature mentions:
"... Discusses the optimal age for the death of a child, in order to obtain useful body parts: one of these professionals found that the best heart tissue is obtained from a child of 22 weeks of gestation."
The Killer Business
The owner of Cadbury Adams (formerly Cadbury Schweppes) is the Queen of England, Elizabeth II. Mexico Penafiel is hers too. Although recently taken over by Kraft Foods, these companies produce chocolates, chewing gum or chewing gum and soda sold throughout the world…
Ajinomoto, the Japanese company is responsible for manufacturing the neurotoxin known as Monosodium Glutamate, a highly addictive and dangerous component that alters the behavior of those who consume it… Ajinomoto is the largest manufacturer of aspartame in the world and these ingredients are highly toxic to the body; even the Pentagon cataloged them as a chemical warfare agent in the eighties. Many do not know the symptoms of MS are identical to aspartame poisoning. After it was revealed in 2010 that the Pentagon considered aspartame as a chemical weapon, Ajinomoto renamed aspartame as Aminosweet, and Monsanto, the multinational dedicated to the production of transgenic seeds, changed it to Neotame.
When eaten, aspartame is mutated or breaks down into aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. The latter decomposes to formaldehyde and formic acid causing methanol poisoning.
For effects of MSG read the article that CR ® published in 2010 here:
Nestlé and the Ritual of Death
Nestlé is primarily controlled by the Vatican but it’s difficult to prove as over 250,000 investors are involved in the crime. Among them, 42% are Swiss and by law their identity cannot be known. But what we do know is that it highlights the heiress of the cosmetics company L'Oreal, Liliane Bettencourt, the richest woman in France. She has major investments in Nestlé. Did you know that parts of aborted babies are also put in cosmetics, or that L'Oreal does so in yours?
How can the Vatican in Rome allow this? Because the Vatican is the spiritual head on Earth that gives blessings to the 12 houses of the Illuminati in Europe, as reported by Svali since 2006. Svali is a living witness to Satanic rituals performed under the Chapel of St. Peter in Rome for the creation of a New World Order where innocent three and four year old children are sacrificed by slitting their throats and other children are forcibly initiated into the Illuminati, taking blood that’s collected as it flows in channels around the and gold black obsidian altar where victims are sacrificed - swearing their allegiance to the New World Order and having to kiss the ringleader of the ceremony.
"Certain people within the Catholic Church hierarchy must also participate in the ceremony." - Svali, a former member of the Illuminati and the New World Order project.
Svali said about sacrifice:
"Your heart beats at 220 beats per minute. Inside repeating 'I can not wait until this is over.' I had to swear my allegiance to my death to the new World Order. "
Nestlé had this to say when confronted by COG on funding Senomyx:
"The work we are doing in Senomyx and Nestle covers basic science in terms of taste and different flavor. This is the technology of Senomyx with taste receptors for testing of chemicals such as flavors, flavor modifiers and flavor enhancers that can be sold once their safety and effectiveness are confirmed. "
Source: Letter from Nestlé to the Children of God http://www.cogforlife.org/nestle3.pdf
Nestlé is no white dove. It is the company responsible for putting melamine in milk powder in China in 2008. The Chinese government executed two of those responsible when it discovered the coverup, which lasted from 2007 up to the Olympics in China. Chinese Official figures state that six babies died and 297,000 were affected when in fact there were many more who lost their lives, according to parents who protested.
We know that Nestle exploited minors without pay in the Ivory Coast for the extraction of cocoa for its famous chocolatesThe evil is not limited to those greedy humans who exploit and trade in the industry of death and enslavement of human beings.
Now we understand why more than 20 nations have an active boycott against Nestle.
Chinese pills from aborted children
And when I quote in the documentary by Hilder Hammond about what China is doing, when Soylent Green pales in comparison! China puts them directly into capsules that are sold as tablets to increase performance in adults, including sexual stamina boosters…
The worst thing about this is that tissues and body parts from the hearts, eyes and even fingernails of aborted babies are used.
Now we understand Agenda 2. And what about Ted "El Terrible" Turner – owner of CNN and Aristegui head - when he says we should not have more than one child per family and that China is the model for the world to follow.
Human baby parts in Chinese capsules
The worst thing about this is that tissues and body parts from the hearts, eyes and even fingernails of aborted babies are used.
Now we understand Agenda 2. And what about Ted "El Terrible" Turner – owner of CNN and Aristegui head - when he says we should not have more than one child per family and that China is the model for the world to follow.

Is there any way to describe this as anything other than an abomination, an outrage, a crime that should be punishable by law? But we know that everything is arranged for them to win.
The COG site also clearly states how companies of the pharmacological criminal cartel known as BIG PHARMA, an umbrella group or consortium of companies… make their money as they kill and harm millions of human beings - injecting deadly vaccines containing cell lines of kidney and liver tissue from babies who are systematically killed in the wombs of women. It's more than obvious that they do so in collusion with the governments of many countries. The reason is that the industry is a vaccine business – these manufacturers are the same who distribute vaccines to the public and fool them into believing that vaccines are safe and effective for disease prevention when it has been shown that the opposite is the case. The epidemic of autism and other syndromes of the nervous system such as Guillaine Barre, which is claiming the lives of victims in Tamaulipas and Veracruz and in Arizona, show the negligence of the health authorities of both countries, not to mention the rest.
The Children of God organization have protested and achieved international support in their cause to stop these practices by PEPSICO. Read letter. http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/9266/
Biological Weapons
Inoculations are biological weapons that are part of a silent genocide agenda to reduce populations of Third World countries, especially in Mexico, India and other poor nations. The following table shows the vaccines that contain remains of dead babies and their DNA is known to alter the genetic code of the recipient…
Even more troubling is the recent discovery that autism could be caused by the same DNA from aborted babies (along with aluminium and mercury) by creating mutations in the brains of children, as suggested by this note: Organization of bioethics study possible link between aborted fetal cell vaccine and autism.
Quoting Dr. Theresa Deisher:
"Vaccines with fetal cells, such as measles-mumps-rubella, chickenpox and hepatitis A are not only morally problematic, but its use has a dramatic correlation with a growing epidemic: the Autism. "
Even more troubling is the recent discovery that autism could be caused by the same DNA from aborted babies (along with aluminium and mercury) by creating mutations in the brains of children, as suggested by this note: Organization of bioethics study possible link between aborted fetal cell vaccine and autism.
Quoting Dr. Theresa Deisher:
"Vaccines with fetal cells, such as measles-mumps-rubella, chickenpox and hepatitis A are not only morally problematic, but its use has a dramatic correlation with a growing epidemic: the Autism. "
The Complaint
This abomination is the systematic use of human DNA in human diploid cell shape in vaccines. In simple terms, the National Immunization Manual of the Ministry of Health indicates diploid cells are cells are derived from human babies that are murdered by the Industry of Death.
Do Something!
…It's time to put an end to these sick psychopaths who want to create this chaos in order to impose its New World Order! I ask that all businessmen, politicians, parliamentarians, students, doctors, professionals, teachers, parents, youths and children to not consume any products containing parts of the bodies of babies who never had the opportunity to a single breath of life. It is unethical and immoral to drink soda, eat cereal, cookies, chocolates or chewing gum that these companies made in partnership with Senomyx.
We ask all organizations in favor of life to join the campaign against… cannibalism in food. You already know what to do.
All Secretaries and Ministers of Health are criminal accomplices of murderers if they allow this in food and vaccines. We require a 180° shift in the health and food policies in our countries. We ask the investors in the companies that fund Senomyx to cut business relationships with them…
Brands We Must Avoid Eating
This is a list of brands from companies that support Senomyx.
PEPSICO products include:
Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Mist
Juices Tropicana, Dole, SoBe, Ocean Spray,
Lipton Tea
Gamesa Cookies Online
Quaker Oats cereals and granola bars and
Frito Lay's chips, Sabritas, Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Ruffles,
Sonric's Sweets
Coffee: Frappuccino, Seattle's Best Coffee,
View brands: http://pepsico.com.mx/Brands.html
Source: http://www.pepsico.com/download/USBrands_Shopping_List.pdf
CADBURY ADAMS products, Kraft Foods now include:
Chewing Trident, Dentyne, Clorets, Chiclets and Bubaloo
Halls lozenges and Deemint
Cadbury Chocolates, Toblerone, and Marabou
Kool-aid, Clight, Frisco, Tang
Jello Gelatin
Planter's Peanuts
Gevalia and Maxwell House Coffee
Nabisco crackers, Oreo cookies, Chips Ahoy! Ritz, Bran, Marbúdorada
A1 Steak Sauce
Oscar Mayer meats
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Cheese Whiz, Singles, Parmesan
Capri Sun drink
Honey Maple Log Cabin
Mircale Whip Whipped Cream
Source: http://www.kraftfoodscompany.com/mx/sp/Brands/index.aspx
Chewing Trident, Dentyne, Clorets, Chiclets and Bubaloo
Halls lozenges and Deemint
Cadbury Chocolates, Toblerone, and Marabou
Kool-aid, Clight, Frisco, Tang
Jello Gelatin
Planter's Peanuts
Gevalia and Maxwell House Coffee
Nabisco crackers, Oreo cookies, Chips Ahoy! Ritz, Bran, Marbúdorada
A1 Steak Sauce
Oscar Mayer meats
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Cheese Whiz, Singles, Parmesan
Capri Sun drink
Honey Maple Log Cabin
Mircale Whip Whipped Cream
Source: http://www.kraftfoodscompany.com/mx/sp/Brands/index.aspx
Nestlé products include:
Nescafe Classic Coffee, Decaf, Taster's Choice, Nescafé Gold,
Chocolates: Crunch, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Aero, Cailler, Kit Kat, Orion, Smarties, Wonka,
Drinks: Juicy Juice, Nesquik, Milo, Nestea
Infant Food: Cerelac, Gerber Graduates, NaturNés, Nestum,
Food: Hot Pockets, Lean Cusine Frozen Food, Pasta Buitoni, Herta, Maggi, Stouffer's, Thomy
Cereals: Chocapic, Cini Minis, Cookie Crisp, Estrelitas, Fitness, Nesquik,
Water: Pure Life, Perrier, Poland Spring, S.Pellegrino
Milk: Carnation Coffee Mate, Laitiere, NIDO Milk
Vitamin: Boost, Nutren Junior, Peptamen AF, Resource
High: Dreyer's, Extreme, Hagen Dazs, Mövenpick, Nestle Ice Cream
Pet foods: Alpo, Baker's, Benful, Cat Chow, Chef Michael's, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Gourmet, bloom, Purina ONE, Purina Pro Plan
Sports Nutrition: Power Bar Performance
Weight: Jenny Craig
Source: http://www.nestle.com/Brands/Pages/Brands.aspx
Consciousness Radio will be broadcasting a special program at no cost, entitled "Industry of Death" where we address this and other issues to stop and repeal the pro-abortion laws in Mexico and the consumption of foods that may contain human elements and DNA of aborted babies. We will read the transcripts of the court in the U.S. on the procedure of abortions in the voices of the doctors themselves.
Nescafe Classic Coffee, Decaf, Taster's Choice, Nescafé Gold,
Chocolates: Crunch, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Aero, Cailler, Kit Kat, Orion, Smarties, Wonka,
Drinks: Juicy Juice, Nesquik, Milo, Nestea
Infant Food: Cerelac, Gerber Graduates, NaturNés, Nestum,
Food: Hot Pockets, Lean Cusine Frozen Food, Pasta Buitoni, Herta, Maggi, Stouffer's, Thomy
Cereals: Chocapic, Cini Minis, Cookie Crisp, Estrelitas, Fitness, Nesquik,
Water: Pure Life, Perrier, Poland Spring, S.Pellegrino
Milk: Carnation Coffee Mate, Laitiere, NIDO Milk
Vitamin: Boost, Nutren Junior, Peptamen AF, Resource
High: Dreyer's, Extreme, Hagen Dazs, Mövenpick, Nestle Ice Cream
Pet foods: Alpo, Baker's, Benful, Cat Chow, Chef Michael's, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Gourmet, bloom, Purina ONE, Purina Pro Plan
Sports Nutrition: Power Bar Performance
Weight: Jenny Craig
Source: http://www.nestle.com/Brands/Pages/Brands.aspx
Consciousness Radio will be broadcasting a special program at no cost, entitled "Industry of Death" where we address this and other issues to stop and repeal the pro-abortion laws in Mexico and the consumption of foods that may contain human elements and DNA of aborted babies. We will read the transcripts of the court in the U.S. on the procedure of abortions in the voices of the doctors themselves.
What I can do?
You should check and send a letter to Pepsico Mexico, Kraft and Nestle where you express your full and unequivocal condemnation of these atrocities. This will update our page CR ® under the section "No to Abortion."
Please send letters directly to PepsiCo Mexico at the following email address:
PepsiCoMexico.Informa @ pepsico.com
Or the PR agency of PepsiCo Mexico:
Guerra Castellanos & Associates
(52 55) 5246 0100
Please send letters directly to PepsiCo Mexico at the following email address:
PepsiCoMexico.Informa @ pepsico.com
Or the PR agency of PepsiCo Mexico:
Guerra Castellanos & Associates
(52 55) 5246 0100
Kraft Mexico:
Contact email: asuntos.corporativos @ kraftfoods.com
Nestlé Services, Inc. de CV
Army Av 453
Col. Miguel Hidalgo Granada
11520 Mexico, DF
Tel: + 52 55 52 62 50 00 Fax: + 52 55 52 54 82 64
Or send a message via their contact form on their website here:
Download the PDF of Children of God and learn what vaccines with dead babies. http://www.cogforlife.org/order.htm
Do not eat any products from the companies concerned.
Spread the Word! Do conscientious work in your church, school, university, work and home.
Always check what you eat. Avoid products mentioned in their list of ingredients "identical to natural flavorings" or "natural flavorings."
As we know they lie, we cannot trust any product. Avoid consuming products made by listed multinationals. This includes Pepsico, Campbell's, Nestle and Kraft. Although Campbell's has ended its contract with Senomyx on learning this, and other companies will be able to make their food taste "richer" without ever including aborted babies in the future.
We must defend the sanctity of all human life including respect for the remains of aborted babies - innocents PEPSICO is using for exploitation and profit.
Prof. Alexander Backman is the author, independent researcher, international lecturer and co-host of ConcienciaRadio.com, transmitted via the Internet. He can be reached via email at concienciaradio@yahoo.com . He is currently giving lectures and training courses and online about 2012, The End of Time, LIFE Cosmic Conspiracy CODEX: Codes of extermination - the translator of the book THE MASTER QI and soon to be published book Epocalíptica: Part I.
Contact email: asuntos.corporativos @ kraftfoods.com
Nestlé Services, Inc. de CV
Army Av 453
Col. Miguel Hidalgo Granada
11520 Mexico, DF
Tel: + 52 55 52 62 50 00 Fax: + 52 55 52 54 82 64
Or send a message via their contact form on their website here:
Download the PDF of Children of God and learn what vaccines with dead babies. http://www.cogforlife.org/order.htm
Do not eat any products from the companies concerned.
Spread the Word! Do conscientious work in your church, school, university, work and home.
Always check what you eat. Avoid products mentioned in their list of ingredients "identical to natural flavorings" or "natural flavorings."
As we know they lie, we cannot trust any product. Avoid consuming products made by listed multinationals. This includes Pepsico, Campbell's, Nestle and Kraft. Although Campbell's has ended its contract with Senomyx on learning this, and other companies will be able to make their food taste "richer" without ever including aborted babies in the future.
We must defend the sanctity of all human life including respect for the remains of aborted babies - innocents PEPSICO is using for exploitation and profit.
Prof. Alexander Backman is the author, independent researcher, international lecturer and co-host of ConcienciaRadio.com, transmitted via the Internet. He can be reached via email at concienciaradio@yahoo.com . He is currently giving lectures and training courses and online about 2012, The End of Time, LIFE Cosmic Conspiracy CODEX: Codes of extermination - the translator of the book THE MASTER QI and soon to be published book Epocalíptica: Part I.
West Bohemian Grove Bilderberg Illuminazi - Anthony J Hilder Robert Hammond (LR), 1 hour 11 minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhnghPMksNI&feature=youtu.be
Dutch Prince Bernhard, Bilderberg founder 'was member of Nazi party' http://publicintelligence.net/dutch-prince-bernhard-bilderberg-founder-was-member-of-nazi-party/
Children of Life International, http://www.cogforlife.org/
Senomyx and Partners - All the Proof You Need, http://www.cogforlife.org/senomyxproof.htm
IMMUNIZATION OF ABORTION, THE HIDDEN TRUTH, The Story Dark http://www.cogforlife.org/vacunas.htm
Senomyx, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Senomyx
Human receptors for sweet and umami taste, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC123709/
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy, http://www.henrymakow.com/141002.html
Svali, http://projectcamelot.org/svali.html
Born Into The Illuminati, A Friend Fears For Svali's Safety As She Has Come Up Missing, http://www.illuminati-news.com/072706a.htm
Kraft Foods, Featured Brands, http://www.kraftfoodscompany.com/Brands/featured-brands/index.aspx
Letter from Nestlé Children of God http://www.cogforlife.org/nestle3.pdf
Nestlé Brands, http://www.nestle.com/Brands/Pages/Brands.aspx
Ajinomoto, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Ajinomoto
Aspartame, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Aspartame
Nestlé, Melamine in Chinese Milk https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Nestle # Melamine_in_Chinese_milk
Two Sentenced to death over China melamine milk scandal,
Pepsi shareholders for the company to stop using aborted fetal cell lines in research on taste, http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/9266/
Organization of bioethics study possible link between aborted fetal cell vaccine and autism, http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/9264/
The dark side of biotechnology: an expert details the gruesome fate of the fetal body parts, http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/2057/
China's New Lucrative Business: Dead Babies Turn Into Stamina Booster Pills
Soylent Green, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Soylent_Green
Biotech company using cell lines from aborted babies enhancement in food testing,
Nestle SA, Who, Where, How Much? http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=238
History of the Boycott, http://www.teachspace.org/personal/research/nestle/history.html
Dutch Prince Bernhard, Bilderberg founder 'was member of Nazi party' http://publicintelligence.net/dutch-prince-bernhard-bilderberg-founder-was-member-of-nazi-party/
Children of Life International, http://www.cogforlife.org/
Senomyx and Partners - All the Proof You Need, http://www.cogforlife.org/senomyxproof.htm
IMMUNIZATION OF ABORTION, THE HIDDEN TRUTH, The Story Dark http://www.cogforlife.org/vacunas.htm
Senomyx, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Senomyx
Human receptors for sweet and umami taste, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC123709/
Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy, http://www.henrymakow.com/141002.html
Svali, http://projectcamelot.org/svali.html
Born Into The Illuminati, A Friend Fears For Svali's Safety As She Has Come Up Missing, http://www.illuminati-news.com/072706a.htm
Kraft Foods, Featured Brands, http://www.kraftfoodscompany.com/Brands/featured-brands/index.aspx
Letter from Nestlé Children of God http://www.cogforlife.org/nestle3.pdf
Nestlé Brands, http://www.nestle.com/Brands/Pages/Brands.aspx
Ajinomoto, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Ajinomoto
Aspartame, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Aspartame
Nestlé, Melamine in Chinese Milk https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Nestle # Melamine_in_Chinese_milk
Two Sentenced to death over China melamine milk scandal,
Pepsi shareholders for the company to stop using aborted fetal cell lines in research on taste, http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/9266/
Organization of bioethics study possible link between aborted fetal cell vaccine and autism, http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/9264/
The dark side of biotechnology: an expert details the gruesome fate of the fetal body parts, http://notifam.net/index.php/archives/2057/
China's New Lucrative Business: Dead Babies Turn Into Stamina Booster Pills
Soylent Green, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Soylent_Green
Biotech company using cell lines from aborted babies enhancement in food testing,
Nestle SA, Who, Where, How Much? http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=238
History of the Boycott, http://www.teachspace.org/personal/research/nestle/history.html
Edited From Birth of a New Earth @ http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/aborted-human-fetuses-being-used-for.html
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If ever there was a good reason to stay well away from junk foods - THIS is it - shocking!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more! My family's diet just changed!
DeleteI cant believe what I am reading!! What happened to good old pick out of the soil or the tree and eat it?
ReplyDeleteMay be instead of showing half naked chicks on TV if they dedicated an hour of TV time documenting what these companies are doing it might get people to wake up and act.
Just completeley shocked!!D:
ReplyDeletepeople still don't get it still just don't get it keep eating ur blood foods keep thinking its a joke fucking fool some of yall deserve whats coming to ya u get warned but ur dumbass still don't listen still think its a joke man one day when the heat comes down on ur ass U FUCKING DESERVED IT MENTAL RETARDS!
ReplyDeleteI'm sending this to my family. Telling my friends.
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