"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Sunday 2 May 2010

Successful University Test Demonstration of a Free Energy Motor

Successful University Test Demonstration of a Free Energy Motor

(9:59) Turkish inventor Muammer Yildiz has just given a presentation of his all magnet motor to an audience of scientists at Delft University in The Netherlands. When the demo is finished the motor is disassembled for all to see.

The demonstration is quite noisy as the device turns a fan and it appears to show the device producing approx 200-600 watts of power. There is talk of the demonstration being taken to other European countries including Germany.

The following text was also translated from Turkish from a previous video:
"He took out the patent for his device on december,2009. The public demonstration will be on May, 2010 at Germany. German and Dutch scholars have examined the device for days. Under confidentiality agreements with large companies have signed a contract...."

Yildiz has 3 patents that turn up in a search of the European Patent Office

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1 comment:

  1. Not so, the machine was only partly disassembled, no one could or was allowed to look inside the machine.
    According to the inventor this was due to patents pending. But one visitor claimed to have visited Yildiz inhis
    country, got an demonstration on how to run a car. Even had one engine him self, and he claims he was using
    the engine in his car for 3 years or so. Still, it was never on tv or newspaper, and even though he still has the
    engining (running for free) in his car, he never invited people to have a look at it.


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