Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy
(It's "what if the earth were flat" you tin hatters!)
The Flat Earth fad is a "conspiracy theory" designed to distract,
divide and discredit those who understand modern society has been enslaved by
the Judeo Masonic (Satanic) conspiracy. It creates
cognitive dissonance, and make us question all our assumptions, especially
those which are True.
"This flat earth
stuff is to mess with your mind."
by Sean Caiside
According to some, the earth is in fact a flat
disc and not a globe. This
meme took off after Obama equated climate change deniers to members of the "Flat
Earth Society." Within 12 months, YouTube was flooded with a mass of
assumptions of this Meme are:
Our globe-shaped world orbiting the sun is a myth.
The sun and moon are spherical, but much smaller than mainstream science
states, and they rotate around a plane of the Earth, because they appear to do
Arctic Circle in the centre and Antarctica is a continent forming an ice rim of
150-foot-tall wall of ice, NASA and the military guard this wall to stop you
climbing over it and falling off the end of the Earth.
Gravity is an illusion. When driving, it is not gravity that pins you to the
road, but the rapid upward motion of a disc-shaped planet.
Space exploration and the moon landings are all faked.
The Sun is not 93 million miles away but is much smaller and only 4,000 miles
above the Earth.
Horizon is always at eye level. (See also- Ten
Absurd Claims of Flat Earth Conspiracy Theorists)
fail to address:
What lies underneath the Earth and how the disc sits or what holds it up. [The
earth sits on the back of giant tortoise- Makow]
Cannot explain orbiting satellites or GPS. They rationalize that Satellites are
a hoax and GPS only exists due to a network of radio transmitters.
How does the Sun circle the Earth for night and day. They say Sun travels via
zero space and instantaneously appears on the other side of the disc. When
facts and science contradict, they make up nonsensical explanations. First,
gravity does not exist and then it does exist to bend the sun's rays. This is
when they are explaining why you can't view the other end of the Earth. To
debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat
theorist Eric Dubay launched the International Flat Earth Research
Society (IFERS)
claiming all others were "controlled opposition". Dubay stands out
for a documentary claiming Adolf was a peaceful, honourable individual unfairly
tarnished by the Zionist media.
Earthism is like a new religion with its dogmas and many schisms. Three
websites vying for flat earth supremacy differ from the trivial (who had the
idea first) to the argumentative (Are the Jews to blame for suppressing
flat-Earth truths?). Everybody is trying the define it; there is no unified
earther, Daniel Shenton states, "There is no unified flat Earth model but
the most commonly accepted one is that it's more or less a disc, with a ring of
something to hold in the water. The height and substance of that, no one is
absolutely sure, but most people think it's mountains with snow and ice."
is a "PsyOp" which requires large funding from intelligence agencies
and governments and corporations. It has become a tool of reverse psychology
e.g. if you are broad minded enough to know 911 was a false flag; and now just
accept Flat Earth theories. When you engage with this Psyop, a paid shill
replies from their "Flat Earth Manual" like some cyborg, there is a
mass of paid bloggers on CIA pay roll to push this.
meme is the ideal project for mind-control that could be devised by Tavistock
institute & CIA. It is amazing how many clever, well-meaning and spiritually
oriented individuals have been suckered in by this transparent
pseudo-scientific sham.
psy op is designed to create cognitive dissonance. You've been lied to your
whole life to believe in the Globe model.
is the underlying agenda? Lumping Christians and Truthers in a divide and rule
strategy; some will fall for this trick while others won't be easily deceived
by this nonsense. This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind.
Earthers exchange one set of lies for another. My advice is to eschew
cognitive dissonance and reside in truth.
First Comment from Ingmor:
until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the
reptillian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make
people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in
labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global
warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions
in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.
have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious
truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no
consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.
people have been NEUTRALIZED
comment: I
think they have made their point. A lot of so-called "Truthers"
are mentally unstable. Pilots would have flown over the edge and under the
disc long ago.
David Livingstone: "I think it's pretty
obvious what it's designed to do: the absorb the "truth" community in
complete nonsense. But such utter nonsense that it will completely discredit
anyone nearly associated with it. Talk about 9/11 now, or the Illuminati, or
Bilderberg and you can be denounced as a "flat earther".
And this is a paragraph from my book Black
Terror White Soldiers.
"The notion that the people of Columbus'
time believed the earth was flat was a myth invented during the 19th century by
two Skull and Bones members to discredit Christianity, as part of what is known
as the "Conflict Thesis":
More anti-Christian propaganda was created in
the seventeenth century when historians invented what is known as the
"Flat Earth Myth," which claimed that Medieval Christian Europe
believed the earth was actually flat, a notion that was supposedly contested by
Columbus. The myth was created as part of a campaign by Protestants against
Catholic teaching. Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell claims "with
extraordinary few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western
Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the earth was
flat," and he regards that the myth gained currency in the nineteenth
century due to inaccurate histories such as John William Draper's History of
the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson
White's History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
(1896).[i] Dicksen was member of the notorious Skull and Bones at Yale and
co-founder of Cornell University.[ii] Draper and White were the most
influential exponents of the Conflict Thesis, the proposition that there is an
intrinsic intellectual conflict between religion and science and that the
relationship between religion and science inevitably leads to public hostility.
Draper's book received worldwide recognition and was translated into several
languages, but was banned by the Catholic Church.
[i] Russell, Jeffrey Burton (1997), "The
Myth of the Flat Earth," Studies in the History of Science (American
Scientific Affiliation).
Great Flood on the Flat Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5iaBplT7QI
ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= 5e-RnKAN9qY
FLAT EARTH CONSPIRACY EXPOSED! Rob Skiba Proves NASA Fakes Photos and Videos https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= SWTdAxm3Opc
Amateur Footage of FLAT EARTH!!! 2016 No fake NASA CGI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= qAPXZgJjv7A
Perspective NOT Curvature Flat Earth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= Pjm_oeN5j1g
FLAT EARTH CONSPIRACY EXPOSED! Rob Skiba Proves NASA Fakes Photos and Videos https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=
Amateur Footage of FLAT EARTH!!! 2016 No fake NASA CGI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=
Perspective NOT Curvature Flat Earth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=
From Henry Makow
@ http://henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html
For more information about Flat Eathers see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/flat%20earth
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through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section
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Thank-you Sean Caiside and New Illuminati for posting an much needed declaration of basic common sense and awareness.
ReplyDeleteWhat the truth movement needs to deeply understand, is that infiltration is real. We should stand together as a united group and remain vigilant of these infiltrations. It is difficult enough to get the public to grasp basic ideas such as the criminal creation and debt-based system known as the Federal Reserve, geoengineering, Zionist infiltration, etc. Any ground gained within one's community is instantly destroyed when one begins to also support the ludicrous idea of a flat Earth. This is exactly what the current controllers desire. BEWARE!
The good news is that obviously, the controllers are AFRAID of the truth movement. Oh yes, they are very aware of the growing movement of TRUTH. That is why we must each do our duty and call out these infiltrators before they deflate the movement, through their traditional divide and conquer methods of infiltration and thus control. Here is more info on Cass Sunstein, from the blog of Brother Nathaniel Kapner, who was raised as a Jew and now belongs to the Orthodox Christian Church. He is not only a brave and genuine Christian, but he outs Zionism and its effects on our nation.
"Regulatory Czar - Cass Sunstein. Director of Obama’s Office of Regulatory Affairs. A Zionist Jew, Sunstein joined the faculty of the Zionist-run Harvard Law School and began serving as the director of its Program on Risk Regulation.
A leading architect of the Cyber Security Act of 2009, now before Congress, Sunstein stated that the Internet is a “threat to democracy.” Indeed, our last bastion of freedom, the Internet, may soon be under the dictatorial control of this Zionist Jew, Sunstein."
Actually Obama's head is flat, the appearance of it being round is an optical illusion!
ReplyDeleteearth is it flat or round?
ReplyDeleteFlat earthers anticipating