The Bosnian Pyramid Complex:
Signs of Technically
Advanced Ice Age Civilization
by Paul A.
LaViolette, Ph.D.
On September 1st I flew to Sarajevo to take part in the 2014 Hidden History Tour & Conference with Dr. Sam Osmanagich (August 31st to September 6th). I decided to go there after receiving an email from a friend who had just returned from a week long sojourn to the pyramid and tunnels. She was ecstatic about her experience and her enthusiasm infected me.
I decided to contact the people there who were planning a week long conference and archaeological tour in Bosnia just two weeks hence. I was fortunate in that they were able to include me at that late date to present a lecture at their conference. I was added to the roster of speakers just before the conference began which is why my name is not listed in the above linked brochure.
I was totally amazed by what has been discovered there and of the immense volunteer effort to further excavate this site. As I stated at the press conference, held on the last day of the conference, I consider this to be one of the most important archaeological excavations going on at this time on our planet. These findings will one day completely transform our ideas about prehistoric civilization. You can view the press conference video here: It was shown on five stations in Bosnia to raise awareness about this important archaeological find. I am seated at the table second from the end on the right. I speak at about minute 36 -43 through the video. All views are interesting to hear. They are all intermittently translated into Bosnian by Dr. Sam Osmanagich, the fellow wearing the hat near the center of the press table.
Right end of the press conference table
showing Dr. Osmanagich, Valery Uvarov, and myself.
Dr. Osmanagich is the one who first discovered this pyramid complex in 2005. He also heads the archaeological foundation excavating the pyramid and the nearby tunnel system. He has written a book summarizing some of the findings of their excavation which is entitled “Pyramids Around the World and Lost Pyramids of Bosnia“. He is quite amazing in that he has been able to orchestrate this entire excavation project, in spite of being shunned by many mainstream archaeologists and archaeological societies. This project has attracted volunteers from all over the world to help in the excavation. Some of the team come with previous experience which makes them valuable assets.
I lectured later that day, speaking about the gigantic ice age floods that once swept through that region, how they covered the pyramid with flood deposits. I also spoke a bit about galactic superwaves and about advanced science concepts encoded in ancient constellation lore.
Lecturing later that afternoon.
Paul LaViolette gives a presentation on a possible cause of soil deposition on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun at Hidden History Conference ICBP 2014 (5th International Scientific Conference on the Bosnian Pyramids) at Hotel Saraj in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Other conference speakers included Semir Osmanagić, Klaus Dona, Michael Tellinger, Goran Marjanovic, Valery Uvarov, and Stephane Cave.
To view the 50-minute press conference immediately preceding the conference, please visit:
For a shorter version of the press conference (without Bosnian language translation by Dr. Osmanagić), please visit:
For a Bosnian language-only version of the press conference, please visit:
Lecture by Paul LaViolette:
are a few facts about the Pyramid of the Sun and a few of the other megalithic
structures in Visoko:
1) There are about seven pyramids and tumuli that are located in relatively close proximity to one another; i.e., within a few kilometers of distance. The largest pyramid, which has been named the “Pyramid of the Sun”, is the tallest pyramid in the world. It has a visible height of 220 meters and engineer Senad Bahor estimates that it could even be as high as 360 meters, based on a 3D computer model constructed through analysis of satellite ground imagery. The Bosnian “Pyramid of the Moon” comes in second place with a height of 190 meters. By comparison, the Giza pyramid, which formerly held the record as the tallest pyramid in the world, now comes in only at third place with a height of only 146.5 meters.
On this trip I did not get a chance to travel to the Pyramid of the Moon, at which site the volunteer archaeologists have also made some extremely interesting findings. Nor did I see any of the other lesser pyramids. So as a result, this discussion will focus more on the Pyramid of the Sun and the tunnel system whose main entrance lies in Ravne about 3 kilometers from the Pyramid of the Sun.
2) The pyramid of the Sun is oriented with respect to true north with an error of only 12 seconds of arc! This orientation is far more accurate than that of the Giza Pyramid which has an orientation error of about 3 minutes of arc, 15 times greater! The other pyramids are also oriented with respect to true north. The three largest pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of the Dragon are each separated from one another by approximately 2.18 kilometers with an error of less than 2 percent, to form the three apexes of a near perfect equilateral triangle. Natural mountains simply don’t arrange themselves with this kind of precision to form such geometric patterns.
3) This pyramid complex is the oldest known man made structure in the world. A radiocarbon date on a fossilized leaf found under one of its concrete slabs indicates an age of around 33,800 calendar years before present (~29,200 C-14 years BP); see photo below. The Cariaco Basin-Hulu Cave radiocarbon calibration chronology requires that a correction of ~4600 years be added to the radiocarbon date to compensate for C-14 reservoir changes.) Other radiocarbon dates back up its antiquity. This places the pyramid’s construction in the middle of the ice age, about 6000 years after the extinction of Neanderthal man which had occurred about 40,000 calendar years ago. Another radiocarbon date was secured on organic material found above a concrete slab and beneath the overlying clay deposit covering the pyramid. This indicated a later burial date of 24,800 C-14 years BP, equivalent to 30,000 calendar years BP, which supports the earlier date for the pyramid itself.
Another section of concrete slab excavated on the
North side of the pyramid.
5) There is what is called an “access plateau” leading up the west side of the pyramid. It has the shape of a ramp that is 420 meters long, 35 meters wide, inclined at about 20°, and paved with sandstone tiles that have apparently been cut by human hand and transported to their present location.
The pyramid is covered with ice age flood deposits which are deeper on the south side of the pyramid. I propose that these deposits that buried the pyramid were transported by giant avalanche-like waves of glacial meltwater (what I call continental glacier waves) which came from the North, the pyramid being then located about 600 kilometers south from the southern edge of the European ice sheet. This flood assault from the north would explain why the deposits are much deeper on the south side since this would have been the leeward side where deposits would have more easily collected to a greater depth. Just the presence of these deposits which are seen to cover the Pyramid of the Sun, as well as the other associated pyramids, is proof by itself of the ice age antiquity of these edifices.
6) An electromagnetic energy beam issues vertically from the peak of the Pyramid of the Sun. It usually has a diameter of about 28 feet, but varies in size and can sometimes reach a diameter of 100 feet. Its position is also observed to move around in a radius of about 50 feet. It has a frequency of around 28 kilohertz, and is found to vary in intensity with its voltage amplitude ranging from 40 millivolts to 4 volts. Its signal may even be absent for some periods. This was found to be accompanied by an ultrasonic wave beam of similar frequency that was observed to have a diameter of 5 to 6 meters, to similarly move around the pyramid in a radius of 15 to 20 meters, and to vary in intensity and even shut off entirely for periods of 10 minutes or so. Weather was observed to affect the intensity of the ultrasound beam.
Hills or mountains are not normally observed to spontaneously radiate directed energy beams from their tops. So, if anything, the presence of such beams coming from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun should indicate that its outer soil deposits are covering something that is quite unusual and certainly not of natural origin. No one knows how the beams are generated. But it is highly unlikely that the electromagnetic beam is radiated by a radio antenna of the sort most are familiar with. To radiate a 28 kiloHertz radio signal, a quarter wavelength dipole antenna would need to have a length of at least 2.7 kilometers! This is far larger than the diameter of the radiation beam itself. Moreover such antennas normally radiate over a very wide angle; they do not confine their emission to a beam. Although one possible explanation has been suggested by professor Mizdrak based on the results of an experiment conducted a few years ago which is described below.
Beam emission is found in lasers but such beams are monochromatic (single discrete frequency) and this is not. Moreover no laser is known to lase at such a low frequency. Another possibility is that it might be a phase conjugate beam similar to technologies developed by the military for use in microwave beam weaponry and aerospace propulsion (e.g., Project Skyvault). But then again, this implies the existence of highly advanced technology, perhaps more advanced than what 21st century science has achieved, but in stone age times!
The anomalous character of the beam is strengthened by the observation that its signal intensity is found to increase with increasing distance above the vertex of the pyramid. The beam has been detected as high as 30 meters above the pyramid using a drone, and airplane flights are planned to see if the beam can be detected at even higher altitudes. As one possibility, one might imagine that the beam may have a source above the pyramid (i.e., in space). But this would require the presence of a geostationary satellite which if present should be known to most superpower defense departments which raises questions as to who would have placed such a probe aimed down at this particular pyramid and why the military allows its homing signal to be broadcast.
possibility that has been suggested is that the source of the beam is located
hundreds of meters beneath the center of the pyramid. In 2012, a team of
16 engineers, physicists and research assistants, led by Croatian electrical
engineer and physicist Dr. Slobodan Mizdrak, conducted an experiment in which
they fed a 40 watt signal ranging from 23 to 33 kiloHertz through a square
antenna deployed along the top perimeter of the pyramid. The experiment
attempted to create an interference between their applied signal and the signal
beam that was naturally emerging from the top of the pyramid. The
resulting interaction was picked up by a series of electromagnetic wave and
ultrasound wave sensors placed at different locations around the pyramid.
They acquired 39 hours of data, about 1 gigabyte, which was recorded by a
series of electronic data loggers. Using the technique of triangulation,
the data was then computer analyzed at an institution for statistics in
Belgrade and at another institution in Vienna specializing in advanced
results implied that the pyramid’s electromagnetic beam originates 2440 meters
below the pyramid apex, just over 2 kilometers below its base.
Interestingly, this is about the same distance as that separating the main
pyramids discussed above in (2). Also it was determined that the signal
requires a power source of at least 10 kilowatts. Professor Mizdrak
theorized that at this 2 kilometer depth there might be a large dish-shaped
iron layer whose center is displaced 410 meters away from the pyramid’s central
axis, about 10° off axis, and that is somehow being electrically energized to
emit these electromagnetic waves and focus them toward the pyramid apex.
This would explain why the signal increases in intensity as one moves upward
from the top of the pyramid. That is, this subterranean antenna dish may
be focusing at a point some tens of meters above the pyramid which would result
in the signal strength increasing as this point of convergence is
approached. But this dish would need to have a radius of 2.7 kilometers
to properly emit this wave.
power source that has continued to function for 34,000 years? The thought
begins to give one the chills. If it were indeed encapsulated at the time
of the pyramid’s construction, this would imply the existence of a high tech
fuel-less generator that has been functioning for 34 millennia. The
existence of advanced technology in the ice age era does not come as that much
of a surprise when we understand that highly advanced scientific concepts are
encoded in ancient star lore and preserved in ancient Egyptian, Greek, and
Babylonian creation myths; e.g., see the books Earth Under Fire and Genesis
of the Cosmos. But as we shall see shortly, there may be a more
practical explanation.
A similar 28 kHz energy beam has been detected emanating from the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. Except in this case the primary beam is found to be modulated with a beam of slightly higher frequency of around 42 kHz. This is 1.5 times higher in frequency. In effect, the 28 and 42 kHz signals would be like second and third harmonics of a 14 kHz signal. So, there is a definite indication that a resonance phenomenon is taking place within the pyramids.
What was the purpose of these signals? Valery Uvarov at the 2014 conference in Sarajevo suggested that they might be spacecraft homing beam markers. Airports use the same concept. They transmit an electromagnetic homing beam that airplanes use for landing while on autopilot. Another possibility that has been suggested is that it might be some sort of communication beam. When the ultrasonic beam of the Pyramid of the Sun is electronically converted to bring its sound down to the audible frequency range, its modulations sound to some people as though it is conveying some sort of information. One other idea to throw into the works is that perhaps the builders of the pyramid did this to call attention to their pyramid structure so that future generations might be notified of its presence and not think that it is mearly a mountain, as many archaeologists persist in believing. Perhaps they knew that one day it would be covered by flood deposits and needed to incorporate a marker beacon.
7) Now here is some further food for thought to throw into the mill as another possible explanation for how these energy beams are generated. The Pyramid of the Sun is underlain by a conglomerate rock layer that also extends for kilometers into the surrounding land area where it is found to be permeated by a labyrinth of tunnels dug in prehistoric times. It is found that this conglomerate material contains quartzite as one of its main rock components. Quartzite is a diamagnetic metamorphic rock formed when quartz-rich sandstone or chert has been exposed to high temperatures. Like quartz, it is piezoelectric, meaning that it will generate electric fields if vibrationally excited. This principle is used to keep the second hand accurately ticking in your wrist watch. Now, it is known that quartzite grains or rocks have natural resonant frequencies that range from a few kilohertz up to many megahertz depending on their size, the larger the rock, the lower its resonant frequency. For example, in the case of a quartz crystal, a crystal having a thickness of 10 centimeters (4 inches) will naturally resonate at 28 kiloHertz. Interestingly, if we take the speed of sound in concrete we find that it is 3400 meters per second, about 10 times the speed of sound in air. An ultrasound wave manifesting a frequency of 28 ± 6 kiloHertz in concrete will necessarily have a wavelength of 10 centimeters! Just a coincidence?
This means that ultrasonic vibrations generated by the quartzite will produce sound waves whose wavelength (12 ± 3 cm) approximately matches the dimensions of the quartzite rocks that are resonating at this frequency and hence will sympathetically reinforce their vibration causing self-amplification of the resonant vibration! This makes one wonder whether the ancient architectural plan to construct a pyramid encased in concrete made of embedded quartzite may have been purposefully done as a way of amplifying a resonance that was naturally present in quartzite rocks of the proper dimension. Moreover because these quartzite rocks are piezoelectric, they will be producing an oscillating electromagnetic field of the same or similar frequency. Of course, quartzite will have somewhat different resonant frequency than the example given above for quartz, and this will depend on the impurities present in the rock. But, in general the resonance will have a wavelength size that will center around quartzite rock inclusions of about the size that are found in the concrete and conglomerate layers.
the quartzite conglomerate making up the concrete encasement of the pyramid and
also the underlying naturally present quartzite conglomerate layer are
radiating ultrasonic and EM waves at this particular frequency, then it is
conceivable that the resulting electromagnetic wave component could be focused
by the iron dish-shaped reflecting layer that Dr. Mizdrak has theorized might
underlie the pyramid, and thereby be directed upward toward the pyramid
apex. So actually the observed electromagnetic energy beam may be
deriving its energy ultimately from the pyramid’s ultrasonic energy waves and
their resonance with the quartzite in the rock conglomerate.
ultrasonic wave component has been discovered coming from the Tumulus in
Vratnica, an artificial conical hill located 5 km from the Pyramid of the Sun.
It is 35 meters high and constructed of clay, concrete and bi-layered
artificially made megalithic blocks, some weighing as much as 24 tons.
Its artificial beam was found to be much more discontinuous than that
coming from the Pyramid of the Sun. Also its sound emissions were found
to be emitted far off from the center of the tumulus. The signals have
also been measured in the tunnel labyrinth system adjacent to the Pyramid of
the Sun but the ultrasound component there was very weak and present only deep
within the tunnel system.
an infrasound component was present there in the 7 to 10 Hertz range, hence in
a range that corresponds to the fundamental frequency of the Schumann
electromagnetic resonance. Hydrophone recordings conducted in water pools
within the Ravne tunnels showed the presence of ultrasound oscillations at 24
kHz and one octave up at 48 kHz whose amplitudes changed in a rhythmic
manner. A 38 kHz frequency also appeared erratically.
Interestingly, this is 14 kHz higher than the 24 kHz frequency, a difference frequency
that is half of the 28 kHz frequency reported coming from the Pyramid of the
Sun. Researchers were getting too much environmental noise to get
reasonable ultrasonic measurements for the Pyramid of the Moon. There are
plans in the future to make hydrophone measurements there.
what is the source of this vibrational energy of over 10 kilowatts that excites
this quartzite resonance? One source might be natural seismic noise in
the earth arising from movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates and ongoing mini
seismic events. Seismic studies have found that the region around the
pyramids is unusually quiet. Could the pyramid be acting as a seismic
energy accumulator that dampens earthquake activity in its vicinity?
Intriguing! Or this energy may come from the 7.83 Hertz Schumann
electromagnetic resonance that comes from all parts of the sky due to
oscillation of the Earth’s ionospheric layer. This
Schumann frequency lies nowhere near the Pyramid of the Sun’s 28 kiloHertz
resonance, but interestingly scientists have measured a 7.8 Hertz signal in the
EM signature observed coming from the Pyramid of the Sun. So likely it is
somehow tied into the resonance phenomenon that takes place there.
course, this theory is presently somewhat speculative being based on a paucity
of information. Research needs to be carried out to measure the actual
speed of sound in the pyramid’s concrete slabs, the resonance characteristics
of the quartzite found in the concrete and in the natural conglomerate layer.
But for those of you who have any doubts about this theory, I encourage you to
come up with a better explanation. It is indeed a mystery that needs
8) A very large number of ancient artifacts have been retrieved from the underground tunnel labyrinth, some even inscribed with runic-like symbols. Since these date from the time of the tunnel construction and before its Neolithic date of being sealed off, they testify to the authenticity of the Visoko tunnel site as being made in prehistoric times. The artifacts are exhibited in the museum and archaeological repository of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. I had a chance to view some of them and they are very impressive. A few are shown in the photos below. The stone with rune-like writing was found in Ravne in 2006. The stone bearing a pigmented effigy at one of its ends and easily held in the hand was found in association with 20 other stone artifacts buried under conglomerate. According to curator Timothy Moon, organic material in this same stratum yielded a radiocarbon date of 20,100 C-14 years BP (i.e, ~24,500 calendar years BP). Interestingly, both this date and the 30,000 calendar year BP date mentioned earlier correlate with the dates when ice age mega tsunamis would have swept over Bosnia. The first correlates with the date of Heinrich Event 2 and the second correlates with the date of Heinrich Event 3.
particular piece, which I found extremely interesting, is a piece of ceramic
that contains what appears to be a rusted ferrous bar (fourth photo
below). It was found in a valley immediately next to Vratnica.
Future analysis will confirm if this inclusion is indeed rusted iron. If
confirmed, it would push the iron age back to the mid ice age period, with the tantalizing
possibility that these pyramid builders were employing metallic machinery in
the excavation of the tunnels and in construction of the pyramids. This
again would challenge the limits of credibility of the standard archeologist.
Information about the archaeological findings at the Ravne site may be
found in the report by Timothy Moon (see reference below).
Engraved ceramic
Artifact bearing a pigmented effigy. (courtesy of T.
The Ravne Tunnels:
A civilization
that resided in the Visoko region some time during the present interglacial apparently
sealed off the tunnels by meticulously filling them in with gravel
(similar to that forming their walls). This sealing off is believed to
have occurred around 3000 to 5000 years ago. It is a mystery why they
were motivated to close off the tunnels. For, to do the job that was done
would have involved an enormous amount of labor, hundreds of man-years of
work. These tunnels extend for several kilometers and have branch tunnels
splitting off every 20 meters or so. The entrances to these branch
passages are consistently blocked with a “dry wall” made of carefully placed
large stones without use of mortar. Behind the dry walls the tunnels are
entirely filled with gravel that is similar to that filling the main tunnels
whose passages have been recently cleared and opened up in the ongoing
archaeological dig effort. The fill gravel is of a loose consistency
which makes it easy to distinguish from the more cohesive conglomerate material
that forms the walls of the tunnels, thereby facilitating the excavation
meticulous filling in of the tunnels calls to mind the purposeful burial circa
8,000 BCE of the prehistoric temples found at Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey
and which themselves date back more than 11,500 years. In Bosnia, as in
Göbekli Tepe, was the newer civilization trying to hide and forget the
past? Or were they trying to preserve the past for later discovery
in the future? It is a mystery.
Drywall sealing off a branching tunnel passage.
10) After examining the Ravne tunnel labyrinth during my tour in September, I became convinced that this ice age civilization had excavated it to create an underground refuge space where their people could take shelter from episodes of elevated cosmic ray bombardment. My astronomical and geological research had shown that galactic superwave cosmic ray volleys and mega solar flare conflagrations had recurrently plagued the Earth during the last ice age. This is substantiated not only by astronomical and geological evidence outlined in my writings (e.g. in Earth Under Fire), but also in the many legends of the burning of the Earth by the Sun that have been handed down from the past in cultures all over the world.
The largest such cosmic ray event to occur prior to the time of the excavation of the Bosnian tunnels and pyramid construction was that which transpired during the 6000 year long hazardous period which extended from 46,000 to 40,000 calendar years BP. During this period there occurred the largest Galactic cosmic ray flux event of the last 50,000 years, which is seen in the Vostok, Antarctica ice core record as a beryllium-10 (10Be) peak centered around 41.5 kyrs BP, 10Be being an element produced in the Earth’s atmosphere by galactic cosmic rays; see graph below. In my 1983 Ph.D. dissertation and 1987 Earth Moon and Planets paper, I had predicted that such peaks would be found in the ice record and proposed that they should be associated with periods of increased solar flare activity. That is, I had reasoned that upon its arrival a galactic superwave cosmic ray volley would propel cosmic dust into the solar system, which in turn would be accreted by the Sun, aggravating it into a state of elevated solar activity. Seventeen years after the Vostok data had been published, the Cariaco Basin extended radiocarbon record became available and, not surprisingly, it was discovered that, during the period spanning this 10Be spike, radiocarbon in the Earth’s carbon reservoir rose more than six fold.
Lower graph: Relative
beryllium-10 production rate in the Earth’s atmosphere as an indicator of
cosmic ray intensity variations on the Earth s surface during the past 150,000
Based on the Vostok
ice core data of Raisbeck, et al. (1987) adjusted by P. LaViolette for
variations in ice accumulation rate.
Upper graph: global temperature based on Vostok ice core deuterium isotope data.
The numbered climatic zones include: the present interglacial (1), the last ice age (2, 3, &
4), a semiglaciated interval (5a-d), the last interglacial (5e), and the previous glaciation (6).
Upper graph: global temperature based on Vostok ice core deuterium isotope data.
The numbered climatic zones include: the present interglacial (1), the last ice age (2, 3, &
4), a semiglaciated interval (5a-d), the last interglacial (5e), and the previous glaciation (6).
The idea that the Sun was overly active during the ice age has had some support from astronomers such as Thomas Gold and Harold Zook who some four decades ago based their conclusions on studies of lunar rocks. More recently, physicist Anthony Peratt and his group have concluded that prehistoric petroglyphs found around the world were depicting auroral displays of mega solar storms.
In the midst of this solar cosmic ray conflagration, the Earth’s geomagnetic field intensity became depressed to 5% of its present day value for a period of 1500 years (42,300 to 40,800 calendar years BP) and around 41,300 calendar years BP, near the end of this magnetic intensity low, the geomagnetic pole reversed for about 400 years; see paper by Bourne, et al. (2014). Geophysicists call this the Laschamp geogmagnetic reversal. The occurrence of a geomagnetic reversal during this period of high solar activity confirms a theory put forth in 1983 that at times of extreme solar storms, when the Earth’s radiation belts become overly flooded with solar cosmic ray particles and produce a powerful equatorial “ring current,” the resulting opposing magnetic field can be strong enough to cancel out the Earth’s magnetic field and in extreme cases even cause a field reversal. That the Laschamp reversal should occur at this time indicates that the solar cosmic ray bombardment that was causing this precipitous rise in radiocarbon concentration was indeed quite intense.
It is no wonder, then, that Neanderthal man became extinct at this time. In Earth Under Fire, I had conjectured that Neanderthal man had become extinct within a relatively short period of time at the height of this comic ray episode. Paleontologists at that time, however, had no idea that Neanderthals might have been extinguished by a cosmic cataclysm. They were generally of the opinion that they had died out gradually as a result of competition with humans, with some enclaves of the specie living to times as recent as 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. It was only this year that a study was published in Nature magazine indicating that these earlier dates were erroneous and that Neanderthal man in fact became extinct on a particular date around 41,100 ± 1000 calendar years BP (Cariaco-Hulu radiocarbon chronology). This date coincides in time with the 10Be concentration peak and the extended solar cosmic ray onslaught, thereby confirming my prediction.
It is also not a surprise that this newly found extinction date falls in the very midst of the Laschamp geomagnetic reversal with its accompanying implication of extreme solar storm activity. With the Earth’s protective geomagnetic field at near zero intensity, cosmic rays would have reached the ground in full force and any hominids spending too much time outdoors away from their cave shelters would have received a lethal radiation dose. The worst periods would have been at times when the geomagnetic field was undergoing its greatest longitudinal swings indicating particularly high solar cosmic ray activity.
Homo sapiens also populated Europe for at least 5,000 years prior to this extinction event. Did they survive because they were more aware of the hazards of cosmic ray exposure?
Finding that the latest dating chronologies indicate that these unparalleled events all occurred around the same time, I then realized that the ancient Egyptians had preserved a record of this same very important date in their chronicles. The King List found in the ancient Egyptian Royal Papyrus of Turin states that the predynastic “reign of the gods” began 36,620 years before the time of Menes (~3050 BCE), which would be 41,670 years ago. Apparently, the ancient Egyptian priests were marking the passage of time forward from this very important hominid extinction date.
The beginning of this period of high solar activity also coincides with the extinction of megafauna in Australia. About 90% of Australia’s ice age mammals became extinct by around 46,000 years ago, including all marsupials exceeding 100 kg, and 22 out of 38 species in the 10 to 100 kg range. Also three large reptiles and three large flightless birds became extinct there. In Tasmania the mass extinction is dated to have occurred around 41,000 years ago around the time of the Laschamp geomagnetic reversal; see paper by Turney, et al. (2008). Archaeologist John McGovern, a member of Dr. Peratt’s group, has found numerous Aboriginal petroglyphs in the Australian outback which date back over 40,000 years and which make reference to the occurrence of a solar cataclysm.
If knowledge of such a horrible event in human history were handed down to the pyramid builders, it is understandable why they would have gone to such extremes to excavate tunnels thinking that a similar event would recur. After returning from my trip to Bosnia, I did further research to check out what the geologic record tells us about the level of solar activity at the time that the Pyramid of the Sun was constructed. What I found was very interesting. In the centuries prior and centuries after the pyramid’s construction, solar activity was at its highest level since the extinction of Neanderthal! The 33,800 calendar year BP pyramid construction date falls in the midst of what geophysicists call the Mono Lake geomagnetic excursion, an event that stretches over a period of three millennia from ~35,000 to 32,000 calendar years BP; see paper by Negrini, et al. (2014). Paleomagnetic studies indicate that during the first thousand years of this event, 35,000 – 34,000 calendar years BP, geomagnetic intensity fell to 5% of its present value, as it had done during the Laschamp reversal. During this time the north geomagnetic pole swept to a western equatorial Pacific location. According to the Cariaco Basin radiocarbon record, radiocarbon levels, and hence solar activity, rose to a peak during this early phase, but subsequently fell sharply around 34,000 years BP allowing geomagnetic field intensity to spring back to a more normal level. So, more tolerable radiation levels then began to prevail.
Having managed to survive the preceding lethal millennium, these ice age people likely became convinced of the need to begin building protective underground shelters. In fact, measurements that scientists have conducted within the Ravne tunnels have shown that the cosmic ray radiation intensity there is far lower than outside in the open air, as one might expect. So, the tunnels would have offered any nearby ice age residents a haven of safety. Considering that it contains many kilometers of branching passages, as well as many room-like chambers, I estimate that this subterranean labyrinth could have once held as many as a 50,000 people.
Apparently, these wise architects made the right decision, having taken advantage of the ensuing cosmic ray intensity lull to complete their tunnels and pyramid, because the Cariaco radiocarbon data indicates that during the remaining two millennia of the Mono Lake excursion cosmic ray exposure of the Earth rose on two occasions, from about 33,100 to 32,700 calendar years BP and again from about 32,200 to 31,500 calendar years BP. Also a number of cosmic ray intensity upswings occurred during the millennia that followed. Presumably, these ice agers were able to safely weather these events from the secure confines of their underground dwelling.
11) The tunnel system somehow regenerates its air, always maintaining its oxygen level at 20% without any need of ventilation. Measurements indicate very high levels of beneficial negative ions in the tunnel atmosphere, 200 times higher than in the outside country air! One possibility is that the 28 kiloHertz ultrasonic vibration that permeates the tunnel somehow induces sonic dissociation of the water droplets, sonic cavitation effects perhaps splitting the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Although this theory needs further testing, photomicrographs made of water droplets in the tunnel show that something excites their surface and causes microscopic water clusters to seed off from their surfaces. People say they feel energized after spending some time within the tunnels and claim to have had health ailments cured. I heard some testimonies first hand. So, many visitors to the Ravne tunnels come for heath purposes, to “energize” themselves. It is reminiscent of healing that takes place at spiritual centers such as Lourdes. In fact, many people take home with them bottles of water taken from the Ravne tunnel which is believed to have healing properties, the energy vibrations within the tunnel system having imprinted themselves into the molecular structure of its water.
12) Large man-made ceramic stones of amorphous shape have been found in some of the tunnel chambers, some weighing up to 12 tons. Most are too large to have been transported into the tunnels and somehow must have been fabricated there. Some of these stones are inscribed with hieroglyphic writing, presumably dating from the mid ice age period. Again, this shatters all concepts of human history. You can understand why the conventional archaeological community has frowned on this excavation project: It throws all their carefully assembled theories out the window.
Manmade ceramic stones in the Ravne tunnels.
Normally invisible orbs seen floating in the air in my
first camera shot.
To fully appreciate the orb phenomenon, it is
best to see videos which have captured them flying around, such as those
uploaded to the net:
Also here is an interview of people who
witnessed them:
In conclusion, one who visits the Visoko pyramid and tunnel excavation site will be impressed by the aura of enthusiasm that circulates there and really infects one. People of many diverse backgrounds have been converging there from all parts of the world: amateur and professional archaeologists, physicists, geologists, dowsers, mystics, media crews, pyramid explorers, and people from many other walks of life. Maybe you will be next to go.
The first part of a two-part article based on the information posted here, authored by P. LaViolette, has appeared in the December-January Nexus Magazine issue (Australia, New Zealand and UK editions) and part two will be available in February 2015. The German, Italian, and Hellenic Nexus editions will also carry the story in German, Italian, and Greek translations. Some of these editions could come out possibly as early as February. It is unknown whether the French Nexus will carry it.
Also Jock Doubleday would like to inform those interested in more information that they may visit the following Facebook page which gives recent photos and videos from the Bosnian pyramid project:
Also, videos shot in 2014 of tourists, scientists, and volunteers talking about the pyramids project may visit:
Primary References
Osmanagich, S. Pyramids Around the World and Lost Pyramids of Bosnia, The New Era Times Press, 2012. Ebook:
Moon, T. Bosnian Pyramid 2013 Report, The Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2013.
Additional References
LaViolette, P. A. Earth Under Fire: Humanity’s Survival of the Ice Age, Rochester, VT, Bear & Co., 1997, 2005.
LaViolette, P. A. Galactic Superwaves and their Impact on the Earth, Niskayuna, NY, Starlane Publications, 2012; expanded update of P. LaViolette’s Ph.D. dissertation, Galactic explosions, cosmic dust invasions, and climatic change, Portland State University, 1983.
LaViolette, P. A. Genesis of the Cosmos: The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation, Rochester, VT, Bear & Co., 1995, 2004.
Photos by Paul LaViolette and friends
From Sphinx Stargate @
For more information about the Bosnian pyramids see
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