Quantum Consciousness – A Trap for the Unwary
by Riley Hansard Crabb
One such physicist, Fred Alan Wolf, outlines his effort in a brief article in the September 1985 issue of “Omni” magazine, “Quantum Consciousness”; but instead of following the lead of his teachers—East and West—and accepting the principle that mind precedes and controls matter, he reasons that matter controls mind, and the emotions.
In enunciating the Law of Indeterminacy years ago, the German physicist, Heisenberg, acknowledged the supremacy of mind over matter. He told his students of the 1930s that the experimenter is a part of the experiment, that his attention on it will affect the outcome. This resulted in a wave of scepticism in the scientific world then, but the recognized wave-particle duality of quantum physics confirms the German’s inspired observation.
Wolf poses the question: “When does an atomic object behave like a wave and when does it behave like a particle? According to many quantum physicists the answer depends on whether the object is observed. Unobserved the object appears to be spread out over space as a wave, but the instant it is observed the wave collapses to a point and behaves like a particle. The action of a simple observation ’causes’ a wave to collapse, producing a particle. But what kind of action is a simple observation? Nobel laureates Eugene Wigner and Brian Josephson and many other physicists, including myself, believe that it may be a fundamental event beyond physics. We view it as an act of consciousness.”
But then he goes on to claim that the action of consciousness is controlled by the particle behavior of electrons in the brain “orchestrating the behavior of individual nerve cells as they relay their chemical messages to one another. Iargue that the wave-particle duality action of electrons, for example, could give rise to feelings of loneliness, of ego and hatred.” I argue, as a student of metaphysics, that waves of loneliness, of ego and hatred give rise to chemical changes in the molecules of the body. “Similarly,” writes Wolf, “love and feelings of compassion may be created by photons, particle-wave units of light.” It seems to me that it would be just as proper to say that feelings of compassion are waves of energy from the emotional or Astral world—what physicists call the virtual state- creating photons or particles in the physical, the actual state.
“Love and hate, success and failure, violence and peace could be but manifestations of energy, of forces and atomic objects flowing through our bodies, brains and minds as particles and waves. What we call the brain,” writes Wolf, “is the particlelike behavior of our observations. What we call mind is the wavelike behavior of atomic objects, invisible and unobserved. Mind is then the outgrowth of the basic laws of quantum physics together with the actions of the observer, which I believe are the acts of consciousness.”
Fred Alan Wolf claims to have studied the Cabala with an internationally acknowledged expert, Carlos Suares. This is while Wolf was an associate professor of physics at the University of Paris. If Suares taught him that mind is an outgrowth of matter I am surprised, and disappointed; for that philosophy is characteristic of the Left Hand Path. It is quite the opposite of another internationally acknowledged expert, Professor Whitehead, who held the chair for Mathematics at Cambridge. His cosmology assumed that physical events were the result of mental events, with mind, not matter, as the basis of life. John Wilcox in his excellent book “Radionics In Theory and Practice” (Herbert Jenkins, London, 1960) compares Whitehead’s positive philosophy with that of the late lamented founder of Scientology, a prize pupil of that famous or infamous Cabalist of the Left-Hand Path, Aleister Crowley.
“Conversely,” writes Wilcox, “Mr. L. Ron Hubbard, an American nuclear physicist, subsequently turned his attention to psychology in the belief that mental events partake of the same fundamental characteristics as physical events. Under the name, first, of Dianetics and subsequently Scientology, Hubbard evolved a technique of psychotherapy based on the methodology of mathematics and atomic physics with which some remarkable results are said to have been obtained.”
One of the remarkable results was that Hubbard obtained a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars from thousands of devotees all over the civilized world, using scurrilous business practices which made him persona non grata in many American states and in foreign countries such as England and Australia. This is one of the major reasons he made himself inaccessible to process servers by living on a yacht in the Mediterranean for years, then returning incognito back into the United States after his lieutenants had surreptitiously purchased the old Gen. Harrison hotel in Clearwater, Florida.
We can see here the results of particle-like behavior at work as described by physicist Wolf in the Omni article: “In the quantum world, electrons suffer a paradoxical life. Because of their particle behavior and their electrical repulsion, no two electrons can ever occupy the same space. They are doomed to solitude. In their wave-like guise, however, electrons are forever seeking their opposite particle, the positron, even though such a meeting would result in their destruction. The electron’s electrical charge is a cry for the return to the void. It hopes and fears to attract its opposite, its antimatter partner, the positron, in a dance of death.”
Four Worlds of the Cabalist
The RETURN to the VOID
To the Cabalist on the Right-Hand Path of love and service, the “return to the Void” is a return to the Father’s House, “O* zero is Infinity: Infinite Power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love. To the Black Magician who says, “Evil, be Thou my Good”, the Void is the end, total destruction because of the dependence on the self-limiting cycles of matter—and the inorganic beings who reside in it, in some cases refuse from an earlier cycle, in Theosophical terms the Moon Chain, whose physical planet was Maldek. It was blown up by Evil Forces in an all-out atomic war about 700,000 years ago.
Rumors of the sudden demise of the Apostle of Quantum Consciousness, Ron Hubbard, were rife in Southern California long before I left it in September 1985. In fact his oldest son went to court to get control of his father’s estate, but lost the fight to the Los Angeles leaders of Scientology, who produced evidence that convinced the court that Ron Hubbard was still alive— though they could not produce Hubbard! Now they say he is dead, of a stroke, at his California ranch, according to an Associated Press dispatch of Jan. 28, 1986, and that “Mr. Hubbard left most of his estate to Scientology”. Two other facts are known for sure. His surviving wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, is in jail for committing crimes in his name against the U.S. Government and his younger son died of mysterious causes in a Las Vegas hospital. He was found unconscious in his car, without identification, on the Nevada desert, apparently on his way to visit his older brother who was living at that time in the gambling capital. Police finally traced the ownership of the car to Clearwater, Florida and Scientology, but the staff there at first denied any knowledge of the young man who passed on, alone, and for no discernible medical cause.
from the May-June 1986 Journal of Borderland Research
via Borderland Research @
http://borderlandresearch.com/quantum-consciousnessFor more information about quantum reality see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/quantum%20reality
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Thank you for a very informative and entertaining article. I know little of Quantum physics and admit to knowing less but this article inspired me.