Don’t panic! Preliminary data
suggest earthquakes are indeed increasing worldwide
In recent weeks, worldwide earthquake data indicates an increase in the magnitude and a significant increase in the frequency (magnitude 5.5+) of earthquakes. Current graphs clearly show an alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake strength and frequency.
These results are in agreement with the USGS statistics page, which shows an increase in the frequency of stronger earthquakes (M 5.0+). These trends also show that the depth of earthquakes has diminished, they occur closer to the Earth’s surface.
Shallow earthquakes occur along fault lines and are due to the accumulation of stress. Earthquake waves can also propagate far enough to trigger other earthquakes; this may explain the noted increase in earthquakes. Certain scientists have stated that the increased frequency of earthquakes is due to the increased number of detection instruments installed worldwide. This would cause more sensitive earthquakes to be measured.
However, these graphs show an increase in stronger earthquakes; it is also important to note that the earthquake Richter scale is base-10 logarithmic. The fact that the world’s population has increased doesn’t help, more people are affected by these events. There is increased media availability and attention. However, due to recent events, it is now easy to convince even the average person, that there are more and more strong earthquakes occurring worldwide. – Guardianlv (excerpt)
Largest increase in 62 years:
According to the Costa Rican Volcanology and
Seismology Observatory (OVSICORI), after
the magnitude 7.6 earthquake which occurred on September 5th, 2012, the country
registered the highest level of earthquake activity it has seen in 62 years.
The strongest earthquakes in Costa Rican history occurred in 1950 in Nicoya,
with a 7.8 magnitude quake, followed by the 2012 earthquake that occurred in
the same area, of a 7.6 magnitude. After the September 5th earthquake, OVSICORI
reported 75 earthquakes that were felt by residents during the 4 months after
the main event. 2010 saw a total of 6,245 earthquakes, in 2011 there were
5,483, and in 2012 the total was 11,049. – Inside Costa Rica
Japan shaking more:
Japan had experienced a little over 3,000
noticeable earthquakes in 2012,
nearly 60 percent of them aftershocks from last year’s massive tremor that
devastated the country’s northeast, Japanese media reported on Monday. Quoting
the Japan Meteorological Agency, the NHK broadcaster reported that a total of
3,134 quakes had been felt across Japan until Sunday (December 30) which is
about 1,000 more than the annual average from 2001 to 2010. An analysis of
seismic waves indicates that there were more than 10,000 noticeable quakes in
While the number of quakes decreased from that of last year, seismologists continue to monitor frequent seismic activity. They urged people to be on the alert for possible strong quakes with a magnitude of at least 7 or those triggering tsunami. The March 11, 2011 quake and the tsunami it triggered had left more than 15,000 people dead or missing besides wreaking havoc in Japan’s northeast, including the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that leaked radiation forcing the evacuation of more than 160,000 residents. – RTT
Over 5,000 quakes shake Mexico:
In 2012, 5,043 earthquakes, including more
than 1,484 with their epicenter in Chiapas,
shook Mexico, according to the State Civil Protection System, local media
reported. That number is likely to increase before the year’s end. In fact, two
four-magnitude earthquakes in the Richter scale were reported some 67
kilometers southwest of Ciudad Hidalgo on Friday, but there was no visible
damage. The State Civil Protection System noted that seismic activity is caused
by the convergence of three tectonic plates in North America, Cocos and the
Caribbean. Coincidently, at the onset of 2013, a 4.5 magnitude earthquake
struck off the coast of Oaxaca Mexico. – Prensa Latina
Koreas report increase in quakes:
A study has found that, including North Korea
and the seas, the country experienced twice
as many earthquakes this year as in the past. According to the Korea
Meterological Association on the 27th, there were 56 earthquakes on the Korean
Peninsula this year through last month, twice the average since record-keeping
began in 1978. The highest number, 60, was recorded in 2009. It’s also over ten
more than the average of 43.6 recorded each year since digital detection
methods were begun in 1999. There were nine which reached at least 3.0 on the
Richter scale and four which were strong enough to be felt by people.
Other than in the seas the largest number, 11, were in the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do area, followed by four in Jeollabuk-do and two each in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do. In North Korea seven earthquakes were recorded, and there were none in the capital region of Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon. There were 12 in the West Sea, nine in the Sea of Japan (East Sea), and seven in the South Sea. The strongest earthquake of the year so far occurred on May 11th at 12:46 pm, five kilometers east-northeast of Muju-gun in Jeollabuk-do, registering a 3.9 on the Richter scale. Houses and windows shook in Muju and Namwon, at an intensity level of IV. In Daegu and Daejeon the intensity was of level II but there was no damage. The increased number of earthquakes in recent years is likely due to the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2010, the KMA said.
In this country there were 42 earthquakes in 2010, 52 last year, and 56 as of Christmas of this year. Kim Yeong-shin of the KMA said that “around the world in recent years there has been an increasing number of earthquakes… since the Great East Japan Earthquake there has been a slight decrease as energy levels seem to have been adjusted.” – Asian Correspondent
Fivefold increase in Peru:
Peru has been shocked by a total of 225 sensitive
earthquakes, during 2012, Geophysical
Institute of Peru (IGP) reported Monday. Hernando Tavera, head of IGP’s
Seismology said in statements to Andina news agency that the highest percentage
of earthquakes, probably 70 percent, was centered off the coast of Peru. He
noted that mostly the cities of Arequipa, Ica and Lima, in Peru’s central
region and southern Peruvian coast, were the most affected by the several
Tavera added that recent earthquakes occurring off the coast, from Tumbes to Tacna, which is the area of highest risk to be affected by a major earthquake and where the subsurface tectonic plates are constantly moving. “It happens that offshore is exactly where the Nazca plate colliding head-on with the South American plate, and there is the problem,” he told Andina news agency. The IGP only reports the tremors sensitive to the population, but the not sensitive are usually two to three daily. According to Lima Easy, only 45 seismic events were listed for all of 2011. – Andina, Limaeasy
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my name i lilian I will love to share my testimony with all my viewers because i never thought i would have another chance with my boyfriend, the man i wanted to marry left me for another woman, and when i called him, he never picked my calls,he deleted me on his Facebook account and then set the status to having a girlfriend with the other chick. I was devastated. I went to three spell casters before doctor and i had really lost hope. i lost a lot of money with them and got no results. so when i came to doctor i was really leery of him and didn’t think he could help me. i though it is too good to be true, because all the other spell casters were supposedly good and none of them helped me. i saw the testimonials and read the other testimonials and decided to get the consultation. he said he could help me, but my chances of getting my ex were very low and he didn’t recommend it at all. But i insisted that he at least give me the chance to work with him and try and if it didn’t work, i wouldn’t be upset and i would move on with my life. He agreed. Since he is in jersey and im in nyc, i decided i would go in person to have my spells cast. he is a really sweet and gentle man, when i met him i was really surprised. he looks very young, and i had my doubts whether or not he would be able to help me. But i figured i came all that way and i said i would try so i tried it. He called a spirit to talk with me and do the work, it was a woman spirit and when it came it totally transformed hector’s face. that is when i thought to myself that it might just work. the spirit gave me some advice and did the spells. i had a separation spell and a reunion spell done. the spirit said it would take a while for my ex to leave his new girl but once he did, he would come to me very quickly. She gave me some things to take home and do. I did them, but i was really nervous. i think i messed up a few times and i told t and she said just keep going and i would be fine. so i did. it was like 6 or 7 weeks later and i saw that my ex unblocked me from Facebook. I saw he had changed his status again to single. so i was super excited because i took this to mean that he had split up with the other girl. about 10 days after that my ex called me. At first, it was weird between us. he wanted to see me. so i went to meet up with him. he didn’t ask me back then. i got very anxious and told t, and she said to stay calm and everything would turn out okay. So i did the best i could although i was still worried. We met up a few more times after that, and still he didn’t ask me back out. so i got a consultation with hector and he said to expect my ex to ask me back out within two weeks from the consultation. i listened, but i wasn’t sure it would happen. then it was almost 2 weeks later, and i though, damn, hector was wrong. But the next day (there was like 2 days left from it being 2 weeks) my ex called and we got together. He asked me if i would be willing to try our relationship again, which of course i said yes. that was about 3 weeks ago, and so far we have been doing okay, we still have a lot of things to work out, but i am very happy. hector is the real deal and i am so glad that i found him and i recommend him to anyone who needs help. thank you so much doctor you saved my life!
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