Biophotons are single quanta which are permanently and continuously emitted by all living systems. They are subjects of quantum physics and display a universal phenomenon attributed to all living systems…
Theoretical physicist David Bohm proposed a new hidden variables theory of Quantum mechanics. He assumes the wave function does not represent just a set of probabilities: it represents an actual field. This field exists and acts upon particles the same way a classical potential does, thus it is a quantum potential which is associated to this field and is a function of the wave function. It is postulated here that the quantum potential is active as a field in living cells and organisms and acts
upon them.
The equation Bohm used to represent this quantum potential is given:
the quantum potential
U = -sum k(hbar 2/2mk) (partial k2 R / R ), (1)
Research reveals that Bohmian quantum potential is still used, but that it may only represent a means to extend quantum theory into a realistic theory of particles and fields.
It resolves the dilemma of the appearance, in one and the same phenomenon, of both particle and wave properties in a rather straightforward manner: Bohmian mechanics is a theory of motion describing a particle (or particles) guided by a wave. This guiding wave is usually attributed to atomic particles, but might be more insightfully seen as a traveling soliton or vortex.
Bohmian mechanics is manifestly nonlocal, and the velocity may depend upon the positions of other, even distant particles whenever the wave function of the system is entangled. The behavior of the particle is determined by the particle’s position and momentum, the wave field and the sub-quantum fluctuations.
“Bohm's quantum potential binds the entire universe together into what
he liked to call a seamless "unbroken wholeness." Every particle in the universe is connected by the quantum potential to every other particle. He likened the cosmos to a hologram in which each point on the film carries information about the entire picture. Bohm's GWT, far more sophisticated than de Broglie's crude version, is a "holistic" vision in which all parts of the universe are joined to every other part.
"Interconnectedness" was one of Bohm's favorite words. He saw the
universe as resembling the unity of a living organism, a kind of pantheism not unlike Spinoza's--a pantheism Einstein himself favored.” (2)
Bohm referred the holomovement as the basic reality. The pattern formed on a photographic plate by light waves that interfere and create a hologram. This pattern is the interaction or interference pattern of two parts of a laser light (coherent light). One beam reflects off an object, the other off a mirror. In addition, any portion of the holographic plate contains information on the whole object.
Every cell in the human body contains nuclear DNA, information on the whole body, much like a hologram, only the cells can go through a process of division and reproduction (mitosis).
In quantum holography, things are spookier still. While holograms are typically constructed with interfering beams of light, in quantum holography the researchers measure the simultaneous arrivals of an illuminating photon that is sent into a chamber and a companion photon in the other entangled beam. (2)
Wave Genetics Inc. and the Moscow Institute of Control Sciences are exploring a new concept of the genetic code that asserts:
1) That the evolution of biosystems has created genetic "texts", similar to natural context dependent texts in human languages, shaping the text of these speech-like patterns.
2) That the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them, and
3) That the chromosome continuum of multicellular organisms is analogous to a static-dynamical multiplex time-space holographic grating, which comprises the space-time of an organism in a convoluted form.
That is to say, the DNA action theory predicts and which experiment confirms, i) is that of a "gene-sign" laser and its solitonic electro-acoustic fields, such that the gene-biocomputer "reads and understands" these texts in a manner similar to human thinking, but at its own genomic level of "reasoning". It asserts that natural human texts (irrespectively of the language used), and genetic "texts" have similar mathematical-linguistic and entropic-statistic characteristics, where these concern the fractality of the distribution of the character frequency density in the natural and genetic texts, and where in case of genetic "texts", the characters are identified with the nucleotides,
and ii) that DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able to form holographic pre-images of biostructures and of the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrixes”, succeeding each other. This continuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing its biosystem.
“Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999).
We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975). This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.”(4)
The distribution of the character frequency in genetic texts is fractal, so the nucleotides of DNA molecules are able to form holographic pre images of biostructures. This process of "reading and writing" the very matter of our being manifests from the genome's associative holographic memory in conjunction with its quantum nonlocality. Rapid transmission of genetic information and gene-expression unite the organism as holistic entity embedded in the larger Whole. The system works as a biocomputer -- a wave biocomputer.
The quantum nonlocality of the genetic information is fundamental. Experimental work of the Gariaev group shows how quantum nonlocality is directly related to laser radiation from chromosomes (coherent light), which jitterbugs its polarization plane to radiate or occlude photons. DNA and the genome have now been identified as active "laser-like" environments. Roughly speaking, DNA can be considered as a liquid crystal gel-like state that acts on the incoming light in the manner of a solitonic lattice.” (5)
This entire section is extracted from the History of Biophotonics website:
Around 1923 Alexander Gurwitsch discovers an "ultraweak" photon emission from living systems (onions, yeast,...), since he suggested connections between photon emission and cell division rate. He calls this photon emission "mitogenetic radiation". His experiments indicate that the wavelength is in the range around 260 nm (Bibliography under Gurwisch and also Ruth (1977, 1979)). Around 1950: Russian scientists rediscover "ultraweak photon emission" from living organisms. Most results are published in "Biophysics" (engl.) and originally in "Biofizika").( Bibliography under Ruth, 1979).
Italian nuclear physicists discover by chance "bioluminescence" of seedlings. They do not think that this finding is significant, but they publish the results. (Colli et al. 1954, 1955, Ruth 1979).
The Russian biophysicist and the American chemist enunciate the first theory of ultraweak photonemission (UWPE) from biological systems, the so called "imperfection" theory. UWPE shall be an expression of the deviation from equilibrium, some kind of distortion of metabolic processes (Zhuravlev 1972, Seliger 1975, Ruth 1979).
Independently from each other and by different motivations scientific groups in Australia (Quickenden), GermanyJapan (Inaba), and Poland (Slawinski) show evidence of ultraweak photon emission from biological systems by use of modern single-photon counting systems. Bibliography (Quickenden, Inaba, Popp &Ruth, Slawinski). While Quickenden, Slawinski and Inaba prefer the imperfection theory, Popp and his group enunciate just the opposite theory:
1. The radiation originates from an almost perfect coherent photon field.
2. Essential sources are the DNA and corresponding resonators in the cells.
3. The mechanism describes photon storage in cavities and information channels, tuned by Casimir forces.
4. There is a close connection to delayed luminescence which corresponds to excited states of the coherent photon field.
5. The radiation is not the product but essentially the initiator of chemical reactions in the cells. The radiation submits the information within and between cells.
6. The radiation is not limited to the optical range but follows a f = const-rule (the occupation probability of the phase space is equal for all wavelengths) and extends to longer wavelengths including the so-called heat radiation of the body.
7. This radiation is the proper regulator and information carrier of life.
The Marburg group of Fritz-Albert Popp calls this phenomenon "biophotons" in order to stress the difference to "bioluminescence": Biophotons are single quanta which are permanently and continuously emitted by all living systems. They are subjects of quantum physics and they display an universal phenomenon attributed to all living systems. Worldwide all scientists who agree with these statements call the radiation biophotons and the scientific field "biophotonics".
From 1972 to 1980 the Marburg group of the leader, the physicist and Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, evaluated experimentally all the essential physical properties of biophotons.
1. The intensity ranges from a few up to some hundreds photons/(s cm2).
2. The spectral distribution follows in the time average a f = const-rule.
3. The modes are strongly coupled.
4. The delayed luminescence that approaches continuously the biophoton emission follows a hyperbolic rather than an exponential relaxation function.
5. The biophotons originate from an almost fully coherent field.
6. Cells are able to establish cavity resonators which contribute to biophoton regulation.
7. The essential source of non-equilibrium biophoton emission is the DNA.
This group introduces the first time photocount statistics (PCS) into biophotonics. They show evidence that biophotons are emitted according to a Poissonian PCS. Furthermore they show evidence
(1) that the delayed luminescence follows a hyperbolic relaxation function rather than an exponential one,
(2) that the modes are strongly coupled, and
(3) that there are hyperbolic oscillations around the continuous hyperbolic relaxation function. The group finds the first time intercellular communication by means of biophotons. Later this was confirmed by Albrecht-Bühler (Bacteria), Popp and Chang (dinoflagellates), Galle (daphnia), Shen (blood), Vogel (bacteria)….
This term “bioinfoton” is one I am adopting to specify any particle (such as the Ganesh Particle*), wave, or biomolecule that transfers information from an emitter to a receptor. It is possible that if a biophoton is emitted from a coherent source that it will carry holographic information as a form of modulation (possibly frequency modulated) and produce action or results in biological systems.
It is possible that biophotons may even be carriers of psi information and that a coherent coupling can be established between two conscious life forms resulting in a transference of information from a higher potential field to a field at lower potential. Even though this is conjecture at this point, it suggests other means by which disparate life forms can communicate. We know there is a process by which trees communicate and even signal each other in the face of danger. We may be exchanging information with pets and other animals through biophotonic communication. This may be how some people who have a green thumb affect plants they care for.
Even communication with other intelligent life forms in the Cosmos may be effected by the amplification and vectoring of biophotons or via the quantum potential, produce information at a distance.
A virtual photon flux in the quantum potential may be integrating the coordinated wholeness of the organism while the action of bioinfotons may keep every part of the organism in communication with every other part.
Life and living organisms are more than the sum of their parts and are composed of material and non-material parts. The spiral form of DNA evidently produces an electromagnetic wave field that informs the organism’s growth and structure.
Scientist Richard Alan Miller is a pioneer in this field and has written,
“In a hologram, wave fields interfere with one another to lay the foundations for the reconstruction of the image of an object. But how are the wave fields produced? The term "holography" comes from the Greek roots meaning "entire" and "to write". In holography, the image is projected by a coherent light source split into both the object wave and the reference wave background. This dichotomous nature is reflected in the particle/wave nature of the DNA molecule, which can be "read out" with biophotons from chromosomes to set up a holographically produced wave field.
This superposition of wave fields (object wave and reference wave) creates a wave guide for the formation of biological structure. The image is constructed according to the reference information contained in the genes. The reconstructed object wave is identical with the object wave field. The reconstructed wave fields reproduce exactly the recorded ones (the DNA with genetic code). “(7)
Mr. Miller also proposes this hypothesis:
Hypothesis: The organization of any biological system is established by
complex electro dynamical field that is, in part, determined by its atomic physiochemical components. These, in part, determine the behavior and orientation of these components. This dynamic is mediated through wave-based genomes wherein DNA functions as the holographic projector of the psychophysical system—a quantum biohologram.
Images - & Artwork by Alex Grey
Confirmed: The Eye Emits Actual Light (Biophotons)
Look deeply into the human eye, and you are bound to get lost in its abysmal beauty. Much like mirrors facing one another in the dizzying cascade of visual infinitude, the seer gets lost in the spectacle, of which s(he) forms a part, i.e, you are an eye seeing at the same moment that you are seeing an eye; percipient and perceptible; seeing and visible.
That exquisite aperture – the mammalian eye – through which the light of the Universe passes into the darkest recesses of the human brain, is actually an extension of the nervous system – that like a plant – grows towards the light which nourishes it. Nourishes it how? With both energy and information, which is the very dual nature of Light.
The eyes do not age like the rest of our organs, due to the exaggerated expression of the chromosome-healing enzyme telomerase. As cells divide, important code at the end of the chromosomes can be damaged when the telomeres are sliced apart during mitosis (cell division). Like the ends of shoe strings, these telomeres are tended to and healed by the enzyme telomerase. The better shape the telomeres and the enzyme telomerase are in, the healthier will be the daughter cells following cell division, and the more long-lived and youthful these organs will be. Since the eyes have a unique level of chromosome-healing activity at their disposal, this explains so well how an aged individual’s eyes can relume brilliantly the youthful qualities of their soul.
Look closely at your own eyes in a reflective surface, and tell me whether or not you see that they are not simply receptacles of light and perception, but that they project their own light (i.e. their soul)?
Indeed, new research published in the Journal of Brain Research in Jan. 19 2011 show that the mammalian eye exhibits a “spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emission.” More details:
Here, we present the first experimental in vitro evidence of the existence of spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emission from freshly isolated whole eye, lens, vitreous humor, and retina samples from rats. These results suggest that the photochemical source of retinal discrete noise, as well as retinal phosphenes, may originate from natural bioluminescent photons within the eyes.
During normal vision, the eyes are continuously exposed to ambient powerful photons that pass through various parts of the eyes, which can produce ultraweak delayed bioluminescent photons that arise from diverse parts of the eyes. Although the importance and possible role of ambient light-induced permanent delayed photons (within different parts of the eyes) during vision requires further investigation, our study may provide evidence of an origin of discrete dark noise and retinal phosphenes. View Source
In another study published in May 2011 in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, on the bioluminescence of the mammalian eye, an explanation of “negative afterimages” is provided. A common example of a negative aftermage is the bright glow that seems to float before one’s eyes after looking into a light source for a few seconds. More details here:
The delayed luminescence of biological tissues is an ultraweak reemission of absorbed photons after exposure to external monochromatic or white light illumination. Recently, Wang, Bókkon, Dai and Antal (2011) [10] presented the first experimental proof of the existence of spontaneous ultraweak biophoton emission and visible light induced delayed ultraweak photon emission from in vitro freshly isolated rat’s whole eye, lens, vitreous humor and retina.
Here, we suggest that the photobiophysical source of negative afterimage can also occur within the eye by delayed bioluminescent photons. In other words, when we stare at a colored (or white) image for few seconds, external photons can induce excited electronic states within different parts of the eye that is followed by adelayed reemission of absorbed photons for several seconds. Finally, these reemitted photons can be absorbed by non-bleached photoreceptors that produce a negative afterimage. Although this suggests the photobiophysical source of negative afterimages is related retinal mechanisms, cortical neurons have also essential contribution in the interpretation and modulation of negative afterimages. View Source
The light that emanates through the “window of the soul,” the human eye, is not “imagined,” but real and these biophotons contain energy and information (wave-particle complementarity of Light), capable of transforming our understanding of one another, and ourselves.
Additional Reading: Biophotons: The Human Body Glows
About the Author: Sayer Ji is the founder of, the world’s largest, evidence-based, open-source, natural medicine database. Follow him on Facebook or Twitter
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What Are Biophotons?
This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and it's measurement, therefore can be used to assess this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type, for instance, can be discriminated by typical differences in Biophoton emission. After an initial decade and a half of basic research on this discovery, biophysicists of various European and Asian countries are now exploring the MANY interesting applications, which range across such diverse fields as cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various applications in biotechnology.
According to the Biophoton theory developed on the base of these discoveries the Biophoton light is stored in the cells of the organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei - and a dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell organelles, cells, tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organism's main communication network and as the principal regulating instance for ALL life processes. The processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are also explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent Biophoton field.
The holographic Biophoton field of the brain and the nervous system, and maybe even that of the WHOLE organism, may also be basis of memory and other phenomena of consciousness, as postulated by neurophysiologist Karl Pribram an others. The consciousness-like coherence properties of the Biophoton field are closely related to it's base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate it's possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.
The discovery of Biophoton emission also lends scientific support to some unconventional methods of healing based on concepts of homeostasis (self-regulation of the organism), such as various somatic therapies, homeopathy and acupuncture. The "chi" energy flowing in our bodies' energy channels (meridians), which according to Traditional Chinese Medicine regulates our body functions may be related to node lines of the organism's Biophoton field. The "prana" of Indian Yoga physiology may be a similar regulating energy force, that has a basis in WEAK, coherent electromagnetic Biophoton fields.
Background Of Biophotons
First discovered in 1923 by Russian medical scientist Professor Alexander G.Gurvich (who named them "mitogenetic rays") and in the 1930's widely researched in Europe and the USA, Biophotons have been rediscovered and backed since the 1970s by ample experimental and theoretical evidence by European scientists. In 1974 German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp has proved their existence, their origin from the DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature), and has developed Biophoton theory to explain their possible biological role and the ways in which they may control biochemical processes, growth, differentiation etc. Popp's Biophoton theory leads to MANY startling insights into the life processes and may well provide one of the MAJOR elements of a future theory of life and holistic medical practice based on such an approach. The importance of the discovery has been confirmed by eminent scientists, such as Herbert Froehlich and Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine. Since 1992, the International Institute of Biophysics, a network of research laboratories in more than 10 countries, based in Germany, is coordinating research in this field of Biophotons, which promises rapid development in the next decade.
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