Wi-Fi: The Invisible Killing Fields
We now live in a
wireless-saturated normality that has never existed in the history of the
human species.
are experiencing 100,000,000 times more electromagnetic radiation than our
grandparents. Yes a hundred million!
The Entire Human Body Functions
through Electricity.
When the energy pulses through the constant radioactivity from a Smart Meter, Cell Tower, Cell Phone and other wireless appliances it affects organs, cells, and more of the world’s population per capita as more Wi-Fi Technology is used. The Data, Research and Proven Hazards are fully aware within government files however they will deny it. They need the people to say “it’s not safe” before they change their ways, the governments doesn’t want to be held liable, for their lies. Utility Companies are receiving millions in profits & politicians are getting kickbacks. Politicians cannot and will not change their ways without the people telling them to do so, it’s how the system works.
“There are no safe
levels of radiation.”
–Barrie Trower,
Physicist and former Military expert on Microwave Radiation
As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors;
a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, fetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth.
Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.” —-
“The shocking truth is, not only was all of this known and documented long before wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous biological effects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the general public, in order to protect the industry’s profit.”
“The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. To protect our children, ourselves and our ecosystem, we must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.”
Just How Dangerous Is Wi-Fi To Your Health?
Dr. Edward Group cites a recent study that might emphasize the potential danger of electromagnetic frequencies and the growing amount of Wi-Fi that people are exposed to.
Why should we care about wireless microwave radiation?
Learn how to protect yourself from cancer-causing microwave radiation
For starters, let’s not forget, we (humans) are bioelectrical beings. Our hearts and brains depend on internal bioelectrical signals to function properly. And, whether we like it or not, hundreds of scientific studies now prove that microwave radiation – that comes from cell phones, baby monitors plus other wireless mobile devices – significantly disturb cellular functions.
In just the last decade or so, the United States has seen cell phone towers expand from just 36,000 to over 260,000 – with no end in sight. These towers are being placed near schools and healthcare facilities – placing our children (and the elderly) at even greater risk of sickness and premature death. It’s no wonder why we see the direct correlation between the use of microwave radiation technologies and the growth of autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and a variety of other autoimmune conditions.
To be blunt, there is a biochemical reason why so many people are suffering with irregular heartbeats, sleep disorders, memory problems, increased anxiety levels and brain fog. In addition, we are seeing a dramatic increase in reproductive problems, brain cancer and learning disabilities in children.
Despite industry’s for-profit reassurances, the science is clear: low-level chronic microwave radiation is harmful to human beings… and especially children.
See 5,000 scientific studies:http://justproveit.net/content/studies

This is
what the invisible wireless signals all around us look like
Raw information:
The Microwave Factor
The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)
Microwave – and other forms of electromagnetic – radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process originally described in the 1970s as Microwave Sickness.
The prevailing view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation cannot cause DNA damage was first challenged academically with a theory Penn State published titled, DNA and the Microwave Effect, January 20, 2001. New studies on (ROS) Oxygen Species Production and RF, proves Penn State theory correct and cell phone radiation does cause DNA damage in two-stage process.
The effectiveness of microwaves for sterilization has been well established by numerous studies over the previous decades (Latimer 1977, Sanborn 1982, Brown 1978, Goldblith 1967). The exact nature of the sterilization effect and whether it is due solely to thermal effects or to the ‘microwave effect’ has been a matter of controversy for decades.
The Microwave Factor
Microwave – and other forms of electromagnetic – radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process originally described in the 1970s as Microwave Sickness.
The battle began when Damon Wyman and David Bird battled Te Horo School system over the promotion of Wi-Fi networks for educational purposes. Wyman’s 10 year old son Ethan was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died in August 2012.
Ethan’s father blames Apple for his son’s death. He strongly believes the cancer was caused by the iPod his son received as a gift.
Some in the medical community backed Mr. Wyman’s claims.
“We’ve been inundated from health professionals from all around the world, and so have the board, all expressing their concern with Wi-Fi, and advocated for it to be removed from our school.”

It is unconscionable that the primary health authority in Canada, Health Canada, has failed to provide protection against radio frequency radiation as levels continue to increase in homes, schools, hospitals, offices, airports and airplanes, city streets, and residential neighbourhoods.
People are becoming ill and so far the medical profession in Canada, apart from a few enlightened individuals, is largely ignorant of the health risks of continuous exposure to wireless technology.
There is good evidence to suggest that many toxic exposures to the fetus and very young child have especially detrimental consequences depending on when they occur during critical phases of growth and development (time windows of critical development), where such exposures may lay the seeds of health harm that develops even decades later. Existing FCC and ICNIRP public safety limits seem to be not sufficiently protective of public health, in particular for the young (embryo, fetus, neonate, very young child).
The Presidential Cancer Panel (2010) found that children ‘are at special risk due to their smaller body mass and rapid physical development, both of which magnify their vulnerability to known carcinogens, including radiation.‘
Brain Wave Warping Effect of Mobile Phones, Study Reveals
Your mobile phone is not only a possibly carcinogenic radiation emitting device, but may alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave activity that is intimately connected to cognition, mood and behavior.
Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.
By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.
Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronises our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing.
Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too. Our cells communicate using electro magnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves. Without them we couldn’t exist for more than a second.
This delicate balance has taken billions of years to perfect. But over the last 25 years the harmony has been disturbed. and disturbed dramatically.
Mankind has submerged itself in an ocean of artificial frequencies. They are all around us, filling the air and drowning out the earth’s natural resonance.
To the naked eye the planet appears to be the same. But at a cellular level it is undergoing the biggest change that life on earth has endured; the affects of which we are just starting to see and feel.
‘Resonance’ sensationally reveals how our reliance on a technology that is proving to be unsafe, could result in us paying the ultimate price…
New study links over 7000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower …
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe – Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014
Invisible Danger EMF
Microwave Radiation A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
Quote by Floyd Maxwell. “The cancers are coming, the cancers are coming!”
It is now impossible to overstate the wireless radiation problem.
We are in the process of going over Niagara Falls.
How long will it be?
How long will it be before you can’t avoid “smart” appliances?
How long will it be before your child must use a “smart” gadget at school?
How long will it be before office workers are expected to be tethered to some kind of 21st century wireless ball-and-chain?
And how long will it be before we learn what a Pandora’s box we have opened up?
Sadly, I predict it will take 20 years before we view wireless radiation in the same way as, say, asbestos. Or cigarettes.
Learn how to protect yourself from cancer-causing microwave radiation
For starters, let’s not forget, we (humans) are bioelectrical beings. Our hearts and brains depend on internal bioelectrical signals to function properly. And, whether we like it or not, hundreds of scientific studies now prove that microwave radiation – that comes from cell phones, baby monitors plus other wireless mobile devices – significantly disturb cellular functions.
In just the last decade or so, the United States has seen cell phone towers expand from just 36,000 to over 260,000 – with no end in sight. These towers are being placed near schools and healthcare facilities – placing our children (and the elderly) at even greater risk of sickness and premature death. It’s no wonder why we see the direct correlation between the use of microwave radiation technologies and the growth of autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and a variety of other autoimmune conditions.
To be blunt, there is a biochemical reason why so many people are suffering with irregular heartbeats, sleep disorders, memory problems, increased anxiety levels and brain fog. In addition, we are seeing a dramatic increase in reproductive problems, brain cancer and learning disabilities in children.
The EMF Safety Network (www.emfsafetynetwork.org).
Most people do not know that cell phones and wireless devices can affect unborn children. A new study (part one), (part two) reports that exposures from electromagnetic fields and wireless radiation may contribute to autism. Autism now affects about one … Continue reading →
Why Is This Giant Cell Phone Tower Smack Dab in the Middle of an Elementary School Playground?
As Truthstream Media previously reported:
Estimates show that those of us living in modern-day America are experiencing 100,000,000 times more electromagnetic frequency (EMF) than our grandparents did simply by existing. Incidents of brain tumors have also been found to be higher in Western, developed nations. Everything from cell phones to cell towers going up everywhere to household appliances to computers…even cars emit EMF. Many of these technologies were never tested for potential harmful effects. Research has found EMF does have an adverse effect on tissues and cells, and this non-ionizing radiation has been classified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen.
The top two childhood cancers are leukemia and cancers of the brain and nervous system. Studies have linked both EMF exposure and childhood leukemia (for a few examples, see here, here, here and here), and EMF exposure to childhood brain tumors (see here, here and here).
Belgium just banned cell phones specifically designed for children up to age 7 based on this risk.
It is abundantly clear that there are plenty of reasons to apply the precautionary principle and limit your child’s exposure (and your own) to both cell phones and to cell phone towers, as well as other sources of EMF pollution, but here are a few considerations:
But does the average parent who does this even realize that studies have shown people who use cell phones before the age of 20 have a five times higher chance of developing malignant brain tumors?
Do they know that the country of Belgium has banned all cell phones manufactured and marketed towards children age seven and under because the International Agency for Research on Cancer cited a potential increase in brain cancer risk back in 2011?
Did they realize that the United Kingdom has told its schools to discourage students under 16 from using cell phones due to health risks citing a scientific report which states that children “have smaller heads, thinner skulls, and higher tissue conductivity than adults” so “they may absorb more energy from a mobile phone than adults”?
Were they aware that the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety has confirmed “the existence of non-thermal effects of electromagnetic fields on living matter” which includes “blood brain barrier changes, learning and behavioral effects, changes in anti-oxidant enzyme activities, DNA and biological damage”?
That this caused the commission to conclude, “We strongly advise limited use of cell phones, and other similar devices, by young children and teenagers, and we call upon governments to apply the Precautionary Principle as an interim measure while more biologically relevant standards are developed to protect against, not only the absorption of electromagnetic energy by the head, but also adverse effects of the signals on biochemistry, physiology and electrical biorhythms”?
In fact, childhood diagnoses of brain cancer are ‘mysteriously’ on the rise and have been for awhile now….
Here are just a handful of studies showing that cell phone exposure could be very dangerous, especially for children….
Also, the Cellular Phone Task Force compiled a list of all the governments and advocacy organization on record warning against or even banning wireless technology (see here).

“Smart Meters” & EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time –
Take Back Your
Power is an award-winning 2013 documentary feature film, which uncovers
startling information about “smart” metering and “smart” grid …
Watch Take Back Your Power Film | EMF Safety Network
Take Back Your Power film investigates the benefits
and risks of the ubiquitous “smart” grid program, with insight from insiders,
expert researchers,…
Story by Rob States
Story by Rob States
Smart grid powers up privacy worries – The next Big Data threat to our privacy may come from the electricity we consume in our homes.
Rob States , M.S., P.E. is a graduate of the University of Colorado and MIT, with a total of three MS degrees, Degree in engineering, expert on pulse-power generation, and microwave synthesizers, and 30 years of experience as a consulting engineer in the field of applied mechanics. Rob is also a dedicated researcher of alternative sciences & health modalities..
“The Darker Side of Smart Meters, how they are part of Agenda 21, plans, and what we can do about them”
Rob States comments:
I have been discussing with many of you over the months the topic of dirty electricity, or dirty power, generated by switched mode power supplies (SMPSs), particularly in smart meters.
You will find the information in the email below from Rob States, an engineer in San Francisco, to be quite fascinating. You can also listen to his thirty minute radio interview with an online radio show. In that interview, Rob gives his reasons why he believes smart meters are so nasty for people.
Read Rob’s total presentation at: http://www.stopthecrime.net/smartmeters/0036.html
Experts: Cellphone Users Are ‘Guinea Pigs’ In Worldwide Test …
One study even found around a 290% increase in brain tumor risk through the use of a cellphone on the side in which it was used
There are so many sources of radio frequency transmissions bombarding us from so many directions that they could never be fully identified or quantified. Life is electrical by nature, aren’t all these signals affecting the web of life? The answer is unarguably yes. If radio frequency transmissions can sicken and kill trees, what is it doing to us?
In microwave cooking, the radio waves penetrate the food and excite water and fat molecules throughout the food, causing them to vibrate, which creates heat. A plate inside the microwave spins so the food is heated evenly. Heat is created evenly, in most cases, because the molecules are all being excited together by these powerful electrical waves.
What many of us don’t realize is that much of the electromagnetic field (EMF) energy created by the microwave is not blocked completely by the oven’s metal case. This dangerous energy escapes into our home environment and can, over time, affect the health of people who spend time in the vicintiy of the device while it is in operation. This powerful electromagnetic field can travel great distances and can be measured several meters from the oven itself, according to scientist, Dr. Neal Cherry. Cherry believes the safe level of exposure to microwave radiation is “Zero.”
The case against using microwave ovens has considerable scientific backing. Since World War II, the Russians have experimented with microwave ovens, and according to U.S. researcher William Kopp, who gathered much of the results of Russian and German research, the following effects were observed:
- Microwaved meats contain d-nitrosodiethanolamine, a well-known carcinogen.
- Cancer-causing agents are created in the protein-hydrolysate compounds in milk and grains.
- The molecular composition of proteins and natural sugars is unnaturally altered.
- Even brief exposures of raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables to microwaves enhance the production of alkaloids (such as caffeine, morphine and strychnine) that are harmful to the human body.
- The availability of vitamin complexes A, B, C and E, and essential minerals is vastly reduced.
- The microwaves in the food bind with atmospheric radioactivity, creating additional harmful radiation.
– See more at: http://naturallysavvy.com/care/microwave-ovens-produce-emfs-alter-food#sthash.fvO2aHKe.dpuf
There is absolutely no need to force this woman to be exposed to harmful radiation from the X-ray scanner. There is no obvious sign of a weapon or explosive being on this passenger. A simple metal detector and or pat down will confirm this. The real purpose of the airport X-ray irradiation is a government sponsored sterilization program. All part of a sinister government sponsored depopulation program.
The American people are right to make a big fuss over full body X-ray scans at airports throughout the United States. The scans have nothing to do with airport security. 99% of the time,………………………They force you to stand there and be sterilized. If you are one of the millions of frequent fliers, you and millions of others will no longer be able to bear a child or father a child and millions like you will soon become sick and die.
Depopulation Agenda – December 10 1974.
“We are going to get Global 2000 implemented, one way or another by famine, starvation, or by choice…
We need a real economic shock, a depression to get our message across.”
Investigations have uncovered a planning apparatus operating outside the control of the United States White House whose sole purpose is to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. This apparatus, which includes various levels of the government is determining U.S. foreign policy. In every political hotspot the goal of U.S. foreign policy is now population reduction………………….
New Studies Show Wireless Radiation May Be Contributing To
Male Infertility
New studies reveal evidence that cell phone radiation damages DNA, brain, and sperm Kurtzweil, May 24, 2011 New independent studies offer proof …

Soon after he started to experience acute symptoms. His physical, mental and spiritual health were profoundly affected. ‘Wiped out’ is the way he describes it.
The only place he was able to function was away from Wi-Fi, cell tower antenna’s and mobile devices.
How could he be feeling this way? He began to search for the truth.
He started to ask himself, “what don’t the telecom companies and mobile manufacturers want us to know”?
He realized that the adverse health effects of Wi-Fi, mobile devices, and cell towers were not being shared with the public. He realized that microwaves were altering our DNA 24/7………
– See more at: http://www.electricsense.com/10178/emfs-god-biological-spiritual-electromagnetic-radiation/#sthash.Z4tY6qd5.dpuf
From The Silent War
On Our Children @ https://thesilentwaronourchildren.wordpress.com/2015/10/28/wi-fi-the-invisible-killing-fields/
For more information about wifi see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/wifi
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Have you heard of the technocrats? This movement began in the 1930's. Check out the research done by Patrick Wood regarding "technocracy". The aim is for a centralized group of "experts" to gage every single amount of public consumption, measure and then limit amounts per person.
ReplyDeleteAlso, smart meters are a part of Agenda 21, which is the technocrats answer to the so-called human induce C02 "climate change". Never mind that life would cease to function w/o C02, and C02 in abundance actually helps plants grow, and that the so-called "experts" absolutely refuse to acknowledge that cloud-seeding has been occuring globally and is unregulated, and could very well be causing unusual disturbances in weather and is causing the planet to warm, due to the fact that aluminum, barrium, and strontium sprayed high into our atmosphere actually traps heat from escaping. Listen, anything the mainstream media pushes, best assume it is a lie. Google: Agenda 21 and smart meters, and you will discover the truth. It's part of the great cull of humanity. The "experts" want to thin down the herds of sheep. We are being ruled by psychopaths. Haven't you ever wondered why there is little genetic research going on in isolating the psychopathic gene? These bastards know what they are, that is how they got control in the first place. Did you know that science is currently fraught with fraud? All science papers are now published by only 6 corporations, just like our news outlets are under the monopoly of only 6 corporations. And get a load of this: The New York Times is reporting that scientists across the globe have teamed up to counter the “conspiracy theory” that a secret large-scale atmospheric program, or SLAP, is in place to impact the health of humans and the environment.
The “study,” the first peer-reviewed expert response to the chemtrails “conspiracy theorists,” entitled “Quantifying expert consensus against the existence of a secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program,” was published by Environmental Research Letters, the “quarterly, open-access, electronic-only, peer-reviewed, scientific journal covering research in all aspects of environmental science.” The study’s existence is a clear sign that the powers-that-be are increasingly concerned that the number of people suspicious that something is not quite right in the skies is growing.
Yes, that's right, the masses are awakening. And the Jew York Times doesn't like it, no, not one bit. These gov. paid scientists are all whores. That is why both editors of the New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet publically stated that much of science today is fraudulent. I'm telling you, they 1% who rules us, want to thin us down, depopulation. The EMF's will cause much infertility as well as the plastics which now even line tin cans, much less seep through plastic drinking bottles. We are under attack, and the Jews are behind much of it. Now call me anti-Semite if you will, but they already funded 2 major communist revolutions, and now plan on destroying the US and Europe in the concerted effort to create the NWO, global communism. This got started in earnest after the Rothschild creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. They whom control the money, eventually control everything. Wake up. It's getting down to the wire, literally. At the very least there should be an opt-out program for all citizens. I'm going into my sunset years, but I feel sorry for the younger people. I don't know what it will take to wake the sheep up. I have certainly put my heart and energy into trying.
The Technocrats:
Global Team of Scientists Attack Chemtrails “Conspiracy Theorists”
Q - What's funnier than a conspiracy theorist spouting off about geoengineering?
DeleteA - A RACIST conspiracy theorist spouting off about geoengineering who sprreads BS like 'CO2 is good for life'! ROFL! Try breathing a little bit of it and see what happens to you! Levels were never this high since the dawn of human existence and they're going thru the roof. What planet do you live on? Planet Blamegame?
spread the news about the new light WiFi tech.NO EMF,NO radiation