Violence is the Religion of America
Violence in America has deep roots. It is the only continent in the world which is being ruled by foreigners. The native red Indians, to whom this continent belongs, are almost finished; and the people who think they are Americans, none of them are American. They have all come from other countries, invaded the poor country, invaded the poor innocent natives. The roots of violence are there.
The people who had come into power over this continent through violence have remained in power through violence. Unless the continent is given back to its people, this violence is going to remain.
It is a strange phenomenon that the foreigners who are ruling the country are trying to prevent others from living here. We are not trying to rule the country. We are not invaders. They are trying to call us foreigners just because they came here three or four generations ago. Time makes no difference. They are all foreigners.
We are not rulers. We have not invaded the country. We have not killed its people. We have not destroyed its people’s integrity and spirit. We have purchased the land and we have purchased it for the right price. Do you know how much the invaders paid the red Indians for the whole of New York City? – thirty dollars. The whole of New York was purchased for thirty dollars. This is not purchasing, this is cheating innocent people.
The people who came in the early days of America were really criminals. They were thrown out of their countries, expelled. Those criminals became presidents, became chief justices of the Supreme Court. They were expelled from their own countries for crimes which were so big that the countries could not tolerate them. They would either kill them or throw them out.
Then people from Africa were forced, bribed, persuaded and given great promises, hopes that they were going to a rich world where they would receive all the facilities. What they found here was that they were sold in the marketplace just like cattle. Slavery had disappeared from the whole world, and it appeared just three centuries ago in America. And the slaves, although no longer called slaves, still are not first-class citizens.
This continent is based on violence. It has repressed the red Indians in such ugly ways… it is difficult to imagine what man can do to man. Red Indians are living almost in concentration camps. Of course, they are not called concentration camps. They are called reservations, especially reserved for red Indians.
Why should red Indians not be allowed to mix in society? It is their land. They have lived here for thousands of years, but now they are confined to forests and mountains, on reservations, and they are being given pensions. On the surface it looks humanitarian, as if we are ruling over their continent and we are paying them. For generations we have been paying them but to pay them salaries for no work is not humanitarian.
What will they do with that money? They will get drunk; they will take drugs. They will gamble; they will fight, kill each other. What else do they have to do? Money comes without any effort. They will go on creating more and more children because with each child comes more money. To give people money without work is to reduce them into drunkards, gamblers, murderers. You have taken their dignity.
On the surface everything looks so whitewashed, clean. It can be claimed that you are giving them money because you are using their land. But the real purpose is to keep them drunk, fighting, gambling, rowdy, and to keep them in such a state that they never again think of being free, that they never think of getting rid of all the invaders of this continent.
The whole society is interwoven with violence. The black people are downtrodden. There are thousands of people on the streets with no home. What do you expect them to do? They will do every kind of crime, they have nothing to lose. And America goes on pretending to the whole world, that wherever there is any trouble, we are going to help. You can’t help your own people. Twenty-five percent of Americans who are able to work are unemployed, and America goes to help Ethiopia!
In America, Ethiopia is spread everywhere – just thinly, but it is there – and violence will come out. These people who have lost everything, respect, humanity, integrity, they have been treated like animals. You cannot expect the country to live without violence.
Basically, America is one of the greatest destructive powers in the world. The whole government is working with only one object, to win the third world war. But they are simply fools, because nobody can win the third world war, neither [Russia] nor America. The difference may be at the most ten minutes. Whoever attacks first, it will take only ten minutes for the other party to attack back. Nuclear weapons are ready on both sides, so it is not a question of somebody getting defeated and somebody else becoming victorious. It is simply suicidal. Both will be destroyed, and with them all life on earth will be destroyed.
If your great leaders, political, religious and others, are bent upon having a third world war, if all your scientific and military efforts were just aimed at one point – how to destroy [Russia] and how to destroy communism in the world – who were you to take responsibility for the whole world? Who were you to decide that [Russia] should not be communist? It was none of your business.
Your government is utterly violent. The whole structure of society is violent. There are the super-rich and there are the super-poor in this country. The distance between the rich and the poor is too big. Naturally, the poor man becomes violent – he is angry. Your priests and bishops go on teaching the poor to be contented, but how long do you think you can keep them contented?
Now old strategies won’t work. You have used this strategy for thousands of years in the whole world, but it is not going to work in America. It is a new country. It has only three hundred years’ civilization, which is nothing compared to countries like China or India with histories of thousands of years.
This country is new and its poor have seen clearly that they have been exploited. In India they have never seen it clearly – they have been exploited for thousands of years. They don’t remember any time when there was not poverty. They have accepted poverty as the law of nature, the will of God.
But you cannot deceive the American poor. He has seen with his own eyes that those who were cunning and clever have exploited him and become rich. He has seen people who were criminals becoming rich; and he has seen simple, innocent people who were not criminals becoming poor. You cannot deceive the American poor. You cannot tell him that he is suffering from his past lives’ actions, because he knows perfectly well that he is suffering from other Americans and their actions.
In such a small period of history – three hundred years – things are very crystal clear. They had all come to America. They were all equal. Nobody was rich, nobody was poor. Then, suddenly, a few people started becoming richer and richer and richer, the richest in the world, and a few people started falling down. They have seen with their own eyes how one becomes rich. It is not by right means. It is by exploiting, by cunning, by every kind of means – good or bad does not matter.
The American poor have a very different attitude from the poor in any other country, because all those countries are very ancient. They don’t remember their beginnings; they don’t know what happened in the beginning so that a few people became poor and a few people became rich. They think it has always been so. But the American poor have a unique situation. They know what has happened. They cannot forgive it. They cannot forget it. That brings violence.
Violence is the religion of America. And America is despised and condemned all over the world – even those countries receiving American help are not sympathetic towards America. I know it. In India you will not find a single person who is sympathetic towards America. And America has been helping: whenever there is a famine or floods or no rain for years, and people are dying, America is always ready to help. But American help does not create sympathy for America. On the contrary, it offends, because they know what you are doing to your own poor.
Why are you helping others when you yourself are not doing anything for your own downtrodden? It is not compassion that you go on helping Ethiopia, India, wherever there is poverty and sickness. It is an effort to make ground for your armies, for your nuclear weapons. All those countries understand perfectly that this is simply business, not help.
America is the most condemned country in the whole world. America has no friends anywhere, for the simple reason that it is the most destructive power today. When your whole government and the energy of the people and the intelligence of your scientists are moving in only one direction – destruction – how can you avoid violence?
There is only one way, which is really difficult. Give the country back to its native people. If they want you to remain here, you can remain here, but you will have to remain on reservations. If you don’t want to live here, that is far better. Just go back to your own countries.
Somebody is from England, somebody is from Spain, somebody is from Portugal, somebody is from France, somebody is from Italy, somebody is from Greece. The whole of Europe has to accept the responsibility to take these people back. Give the country to its own people. If they allow you to live here, you live, but you live under their rule, and violence will disappear. I don’t think red Indians can even imagine about nuclear war.
I wonder how a marriage license transforms a sin into a virtue? Just a license, a piece of paper, signed by a judge who may be committing adultery himself. In fact, sometimes I wonder from where this word adultery comes. It looks so simple – any adult must be capable of it; the moment you are capable of adultery you must be an adult. What other meaning can it have? From where can it come?
American women still are not free. Protests go on happening in the name of liberation, but the woman is not free, not equal. The woman is angry, and her anger is turning into a perversion. The American woman is educated enough. You cannot keep her repressed like the women of the East, of Arabia, who are uneducated, not knowing anything about the world. The American woman is educated. If you want her to be a dependent partner in a marriage, she would rather move into lesbianism than become a slave of man. In America there are more lesbians than in any other country, and naturally, when women become lesbians, men start becoming homosexuals.
These are all different shapes of violence. Your priests are responsible, your politicians are responsible. Do you know what happened in Vietnam? You forced your young people to fight there without understanding the fact that they are not soldiers as they exist in other countries. They were educated, highly qualified, and you forced them to kill innocent, poor Vietnamese for no reason.
Who are you to interfere in the whole world? You want to put your nose in everywhere? It is Vietnam’s decision whether it wants to be communist or not.
And what happened there? Thirty percent of the American soldiers did not kill anybody. They could see that this American violence was absolutely ugly, uncalled for. They could see that the poor Vietnamese have difficulty to arrange even two meals every day and you are bombing them, destroying their houses, burning their houses.
Many American soldiers went insane for the simple reason that they could not believe that this was what their country stands for. Many of the American soldiers had to be treated psychologically when they came back home from Vietnam; they were so much disturbed they had to be rehabilitated psychologically. They were not like other countries’ soldiers – uneducated, unaware of what is going on – who when they come home, come with great pride. The American soldiers came back home with guilt and, you may or may not know, many who were in Vietnam have never moved back into American society. They are hiding in jungles and mountains, in Alaska, living a very primitive life.
Many of them have been approached by their families and friends to come back home. They said, “We are finished with home, country, nation, flag, American Constitution, democracy, all that nonsense. Just leave us alone. We would like to live here in complete isolation. At least we will not feel guilty. We will not be forced to do something violent, unnecessarily. Back home, they’re going to put us back into the army, prepare us again for the third world war. We are not going.”
There are hundreds of young American men who were professors, doctors, engineers, living in the forest like primitive people, in caves. They don’t want to come back to America for the simple reason that this whole society is basically wrong. It is based in violence. Twenty percent of American presidents have been murdered. This is a record! In no other country has this happened. Once in a while a person may be murdered, but not twenty percent of the presidents. And if the president is so much unprotected – remember, the American president is the most protected man in the world – if the most protected man in the world can be killed by his own people, who else can be at ease? Even the president is not at ease. Every moment, violence!
America should declare, “We drop the whole idea of war. We destroy all our nuclear weapons. We drown all those weapons in the Pacific, in the Atlantic. We’re finished with it.” America should declare, “We will not have any defense department any more – it is just pointless.”
If America can do that, its people can be immensely rich, happy. And people who are happy do not do violence. It is out of misery, suffering, anger, that violence comes. When you are comfortable, happy, at home, and all that you need is available to you, you don’t want to be violent – because your being violent will destroy your cozy home, your beautiful surroundings, your love life. Your children, your wife, your parents will be lost. It is the people who have nothing to lose who become violent. And one cannot say to them, “Don’t be violent.”
I, personally, cannot say to them, “Don’t be violent.” On what grounds can I say it? They have been cheated of all that a man needs, and if they are revengeful, it seems logical. America should take care of itself, then unemployment is impossible, everybody can be comfortably rich. You just have to stop piling up nuclear weapons, and you can make this country actually, literally a new world by declaring that you are not going to defend.
Defense is meaningless. Even with all your nuclear weapons you can be destroyed, so what is the point of having all those nuclear weapons? It is a very strange fact that in the past weapons were significant; now they are not, but idiotic politicians go on following past policies of politics. They don’t understand that the whole thing has changed.
Only a nation which is not burdened by the past can become the first nation in the world to declare, “We are no longer a separate entity. We are open and available to the whole world. We declare that we are not enemies to anybody. We declare friendship to be our basic policy, and we are ready to lose everything rather than be violent.”

And the whole world now has become free. The British Empire has disappeared. Only America has not been capable of freeing the people who are the real owners of this country. Give it back to them. You have reduced them to such a situation that they cannot even struggle for freedom. They are doped, drugged. They are almost asleep. They cannot fight for freedom, they don’t know what freedom is. And they don’t want it either, because this is going so well: no work, and money is available; no work, and alcohol is available; no work, and all drugs are available. Even those drugs which are prohibited to other people are available to the red Indians, to destroy them, to destroy their spirit.
I say these three things: the land has to go back to the real owners – those who are capable of living here under the red Indians as rulers can remain, otherwise they should go back to their own country; America has to stop all interference with other countries, and put its whole energy into changing the conditions of the poor, of the blacks, of the women; and third, it has to drop the very idea of war, to become the first country in the history of the world to drop war, defense departments, armies, to become a precedent – for others to follow….
I am perfectly convinced that if America can do that, soon other countries would have to follow, would certainly follow, because they are also suffering. Under the pressure of war effort, their whole economies are going down and down. But out of fear they cannot stop creating more weapons.
These simple things just need a little understanding, and America can open a new dimension for the whole of humanity.
The Last Testament,
Vol 1, Ch 20
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From the New Illuminati –
First of all, all lands everywhere on earth belong to ALL people, there are no invasive species of man, for man belongs to the earth, and earth belongs to man. America is controlled and owned by internationally based banking cartels who we have allowed to rule over us... Yes, internationally based bankers have found that WAR makes the most funny money through their instituted politically based acts of violence that came here from foreign lands...
ReplyDeleteThe entire political-price system that we as natives have accepted is adversarial by nature and is the biggest promoter of violence the world has ever known... So please don't blame Americans exclusively for the political institutions that used cunning, deceit, and violence in order to pillage the American dream which is really the worlds dream for the reality of freedom, peace and prosperity for the great benefit to ALL!
Thy miscreant misdirection availeth thee not, denial-filled perpetrator that you are. Undoubtedly a north americant.
DeleteYes, I am native American, but certainly NOT in denial about REALITY!
DeleteAnd anyone born in America is a native American. But if you wish to become technical, then ask yourself what is America? America the NAME is a FICTION made up by political acrobats who determine what banker controls what!
ReplyDeleteEuropa was once to a land filled with native Europans.
ReplyDeleteOur Europan ancestors did not just roll over, and allow the foreign religion of violence via Yahwism to dominate. It took hundreds of years. The religion was forced on the natives, first of all, with the enforced Dark Ages, a feudal system, in which the Holy Roman Catholic Church via Yahwism via the supposed "savior" Jew Religion Part 2, the infamous "Dark Ages". And they were dubbed so for a reason. All mass was spoken in the dead language of Latin. It was a crime punishable by death for any natives to own a page of the bible. Not that any "peasants" were allowed to read. Only the Controllers and the priestly class were allowed to read and write. But to finish off remaining descent, the infamous "inquistion" was brought into play. How many were arrested, given phoney trials, visciously tortured, or just burned alive on the public square to dissuade any of those wiling to resist? Some say tens of thousands. The inquistion was lead by Jews and Christians. But few know of this. The inquisitors used a thick book of torture, called The Malleus Maleficarum. Research the psychopathic instruments of torture, so evil that it boggles the mind. Then all of these innocent people's lands and properties were con viscated by the evil Yahwism religion. Even today, few descendents of Europan ancestors know anything of their pre-Christian heritage. The name Pagan or Hedons is associated with evil, instead of the other way around. By the time of the Reformation and Martin Luther, in which he denounced the evil Catholic church, the masses were completely brain-washed....through force.
Is it any wonder than, when Christopher Columbus came over with 5 Jews, looked to subjugate and rape the New World?
Any knowledgeble person knows the infamous "Manifest Destiny" was based on the Torah or Old Testament. This information can be easily obtained and researched.
And Osho needs to do some research on the FACT that the first 22 rum distilleries in New England were all owned by Jews, Yahwists. They traded valuable fur pelts with the natives for "fire water". Also Jews were heavily involved in the African slave industry, thus the need for rum distilleries, from the sugar can grown in the Americas.
It is a tragedy what happened to the native peoples of America. But to constantly attempt to make all white people to feel quilty is assisting the NWO and their Jew propaganda. Observe who has taken complete control over Europe and the United States, and what they are now doing in the Middle East to the natives there!
The Torah is FILLED with dictates on how to subdue a nation and its people. The Zionist propagand is FILLED with dictates based on the supremacist Talmud.
I AM TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT. If you want to know where this came from look at the Old Testament or Torah. That is where American evil originates. And besides, the native people of America were not all that damn gentle themselves, they warred on each other. If it is true that karma is real, they would not have been dominated themselves, if it had not been within their own past on some level. I never hurt a minority in my life, and my ancestors never owned slaves. How about an article on the genocide of the Europan ancestors via Malleus Malforcum, the great "witch hunt" via Yahwism "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Exodus 22:18
Why do we suppose that many people blame religion for WAR? Well, perhaps to divert the attention away from the political-financial objectives that always lead to WAR in the first place... ALL modern day WARS are used to make money and secure resources for a specific group of people. Now, these people who profit most from WAR may use the IDEA of religion to DIVIDE two PRE-PLANNED opposing sides of war but it's never the primary objective. Again, the primary objective is to make MONEY at great interest to both sides of any manufactured conflict! Religion is just a bogus scapegoat!
DeleteBlaming 'zionists' for the violence of Amerikan WASPS is unfortunate and laughable. The vanishingly small percentage of jews involved in the subjugation of the Americas is a mirror of their tiny global population both then and now - they were always outnumbered even by the Native Aericans, by orders of magnitude! Their expulsion from Spain in the same year that evil cathoholic nation began murdering and stealing as much of the American continents as they could lay their grubby hands upon is legend. The French, Portugese and English were certainly hardly any better; Germans stole a lot of Amerindian land, too. Denialists often claim that 'the jews' were responsible. What a farce. There are less than 20 million jews in the entire world, while the population of the US alone is over 300 million. What do you think jehoodoos are, supermen?
DeleteThis attitude of denial is the major factor responsible in ongoing US violence, where murder and mayhem is the disorder of the day in a guntoting, triggerhappy nation of weapon profiteers, their shills and their victims, globally and locally. the USA is the world's biggest warmonger at home and abroad. No point blaming jehoodoos, adherents of islime or anyone else.
Violence is a particular affliction of the USA in this day and age and for a LONG time now - it was born in violence. If only that damnable national anthem was replaced with 'America the Beautiful' that poor deluded nation of vidiots may stand a chance of growing up and learning the nature of peace. Don't hold your breath.
Why talk about American violence? For what is America? A name? A fiction? A part of the entirety of the whole world. Violence is a world problem for the entire political-financial world is divisive by nature, adversarial, and not exclusive to the American notion of what or whom decides to be violent.
DeleteAnd Osho, what a hypocrite extrodinaire! How many Rolls Royces, gold watches and young impressionable women did he seduce? Coming from a religion which officially created a caste system, which to this day, subjugates the poor into such degrading terms as "untouchables"? Wealthy Bramin class aka eastern Controller class. How stupid. If he had really cared about Spirit he would have administered to his own people. But no, the pickings were much better in the West. And once again the gullible and stupid fall for another con man hiding behind religion!
ReplyDeleteUntrue! Osho never seduced any gold watches! And btw he laughed at all religion including hinduism. He actually spent most of his life teaching in india and wasn't one of those gurus who asked his followers for money or material things. You know nothing John Snow!