The Global Butterfly Effect

“What the caterpillar
calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”
―Richard Bach, Illusions
are living now during one of the most important time periods in
human history.
Our global species is at a turning point, the actions and decisions we take
collectively over the next few decades will determine the path humanity
(and all life on our planet) takes far into the future― towards either greater
harmony or chaos, stability or destruction.
one turns on the television, the news does not sound good. The mass media feeds
our fears, warning of global warming, terrorism, racism, wealth inequality,
economic instability and ecological collapse.
most of these problems are real,
what the media (and our leaders) do not understand is how these issues are
ALL symptoms of the destructive ways so-called “advanced”
civilizations see the world and behave. That the way to solve these
problems requires that we grow up (as a species), cultivating a deeper
level of wisdom, compassion and creativity.
“A new type of
thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels…”
~Albert Einstein
children and grandchildren’s future depends upon our species become less materialistic,
fearful and violent, more generous, peaceful and caring. It requires that
billions of people “wake up” to a deeper sense of unity and love for our human
family and the Natural world that supports us.
Earth needs us to mature, to transform ourselves from a selfish
caterpillar-like species (that consumes resources mindlessly), to more
spiritual butterfly-like beings, who behave wisely, dance among the flowers and
take joy from living lightly.
time has come for our species to evolve our consciousness, to open our hearts,
to question the predatory behaviors and mechanistic thinking of our more
technologically advanced warrior civilizations.
thousands of years people in Western cultures have been wrestling with the
illusions we’ve spun from our dualistic “us vs. them” mindsets and belief
systems. It’s like we’ve been dreaming a shared nightmare together, grounded in
the predatory and feudalistic ways our societies have been organized, rooted in
how we live and think.
the centuries, the very foundation of Western civilization has been based on
ideas of separation and superiority- men above, women below; kings above,
peasants below; humans above, Nature below; etc.
dualistic thinking came an emphasis on linear time, our consciousnesses locked
into mental projections of a feared or desired future, an imagined and
idealized history.
lost in these linear projections we became less aware of the magical nature of
each moment, blind to the beauty, value and mystery of the HERE and NOW. This
is how schools teach our children to think and feel, how our ancestors were
dazed and hypnotized.
this mindset grew civilized humanity’s mad circus of history, the hostile
cultures of race and nationalism as identity, religion as truth, militarism as
method, acquisition of wealth and power (by a ruling elite) as the
organizing goals of our economic and political systems, the unquestioned
materialistic paradigm guiding our way of life.
manifested with the rise of wealth obsessed empires seeking power and dominance
in the Middle East and Europe. Dualistic thinking led to the Witch Hunts during
the Renaissance, to Europeans coming to conquer the “New World” – thinking
themselves superior to the Natives, stealing their land. Then going to Africa
where they kidnaped and enslaved the people, robbing their resources and
dragging them across the oceans.
the centuries reductionistic and compartmentalized thinking has given rise to
all our most difficult problems- to racism, sexism, nationalism, slavery, human
trafficking, organized crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, obesity, prostitution,
genocide and all our wars.
thousands of years now, individual artists, poets, prophets and sages have been
trying to help “civilized” humans to wake up from our delusions, to
let love and wisdom guide us, instead of materialism and fear.
Jesus to Buddha, from Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” to Thoreau’s “Civil
Disobedience,” Whitman & Blake’s poems, Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables,” Van
Gogh’s paintings and forward thru time to the “Wizard of Oz,” Pink Floyd’s
“Dark Side of the Moon,” Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” and James
Cameron’s “Avatar”… the message of love has been clear.
“Yes,there are two
paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road
you’re on.”
―Led Zeppelin
was a great creative burst of realization and vision in the 1960s, but still
the spirit crushing institutions, materialistic lifestyles and unquestioned
mechanistic assumptions of the past continued to exert a powerful hypnotic
the rise of new technologies and global industrialization our consumer
lifestyles have overpowered the rivers, mountains and forests that surround us.
Over the last five decades we have been destroying Nature’s ecosystems at
an astounding rate.
has it been so difficult for humans to change?
part, I think, it is because the “Civilized” Matrix will do whatever it can to
avoid a shutdown. Our dominant institutions are designed to acquire wealth for
those with power, to maintain control, to defend, expand and perpetuate their
existence. Like the immune system of a body, attacking these systems directly
only strengthens them, leads to hostility and violence.
however, I believe that we have not changed as a species because too many of us
are still hypnotized. Primarily identifying our sense of self with names,
career, race, religion, gender, political perspective or nationality.
pleasurable experiences, wealth, status and material possessions; mistakenly
believing that these will bring us happiness and that the only way to solve
complex problems is to “defeat the opposition.”
most of us have failed to see is that we are not
these social and cultural roles we imagine ourselves to be. And that the
historical systems that have constrained us- the darkness and
creative suppression- may have been exactly what we needed, to transform
our minds, let go of our fears and transcend our limited
cultural ideas of identity.
“You are
not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately
you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming
conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”
~Eckhart Tolle
are Life, in human form. Descendants of the stars and galaxies, children of the
oceans and forests, creative expressions of Nature. As much a part of this
planet as the rivers, trees, mountains and butterflies.
more and more of us wake up to that deeper sense of identity we will be more
easily able to transcend old thought patterns and beliefs. Observing Nature’s
Systems closely, studying her ways, we can re-write and delete old programming.
truly bring an end to the destructiveness of humanity- to really transform the
world- a deeper wisdom has to first arise from within. As individuals, we must
each “be the change” as Gandhi put it. We have to free ourselves first,
transform our ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.
join with others who have awakened, taking the wisdom of our wholeness and
applying it creatively to everything we say and do, to all fields of human
activity. Economics, entertainment, technology, education, art, music, poetry,
law, medicine, farming, politics, transportation, energy- they all can (and
must) be transformed.
is dawning now is the realization that we are not the solitary individuals we
had believed ourselves to be. We are expressions of Universal life, Children of
the Earth. We are the “leaves of grass” Walt Whitman spoke of – the Awakening
voices of Eden, instruments of the great turning.
Nature’s Agents of
Transformation- The Global Butterfly Effect.
~Christopher Chase~
“See simplicity in
the complicated, Seek greatness in small things. In the Universe, the difficult
things are done as if they were easy.”
~Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching
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From the New Illuminati –
Nice ideas, but you would be wise to dig deeper, The root of the problem is our acceptance of a SCARCITY based commodity valuations system (MONEY and POLITICS) without ridding ourselves of these myths, there will always be perpetual conflict. The answer is FREE ENERGY distribution for the great benefit to ALL in harmonious balance with natures laws!
ReplyDeleteIntroducing technical 'fixes' without consciousness change - increased awareness, mindfulness and compassion at the very least - is worse than useless, as history amply demonstrates.
DeleteA Technical FIX of an environmental condition is a conscious change that automatically leads US to mindfulness, compassion and increased awareness, Illuminator. Please point out any historical reference that repudiates this FACT and I'll give you a lolly Pop!
ReplyDeleteThanks, but we don't suck sugary pops - or are you calling us 'Pop'? Technical fixes are great. We use solar power here, for instance, but we DON'T connect our high;y efficient system to the utterly wasteful 'smart' metered grid, which is the same as feeding the consumptive energy beast some sugar when it really needs to slim down.
DeleteClean energy would solve most of the world's problems - IF we didn't use it to destroy ecosystem more efficiently! Awareness (mindfulness) and compassion are required...