Brilliant Light Power, Inc.
Announces the Validation of the Generation of over a Million of Watts of Power
in the Volume of a Coffee Cup from the Conversion of Water Fuel to a New Form
of Hydrogen
Using four cross-confirming methodologies, five validators have confirmed over a million watts of plasma power developed by BrLP’s so-called SunCell® at power gains of over 100 times the power to ignite the Hydrino reaction, and at power densities higher than any previously known energy source.
Dr. Randy Booker, physics professor and former Physics Department Chairman at University of North Carolina-Ashville said, “The power was measured using two optical power measurements involving three sophisticated spectrometers calibrated against a National Institute of Science and Technology traceable standard and two thermal methods involving a commercial calorimeter and the rate of the rise of the water coolant temperature of the SunCell®. All four methodologies cross-confirmed the production of megawatt scale power that was continuous in the case of the SunCell® with spectacular commercial potential. Moreover, the unique and characteristic spectrum from the optical tests of essentially purely high energy light emission over a predicted range confirms the hydrino reaction as the source of the power.”
“the developments truly impressive and
extremely important. I believe that the technology is amenable for making
large-scale devices as easily as a portable one. This is what makes it very
It comprises refractory materials capable of the intense heat wherein the SunCell’s® enormous power density heats a blackbody radiator to incandescent temperatures to produce the effect of thousands of halogen light bulbs, and the light is converted to electricity with so-called concentrator photovoltaic cells that receive the light from the blackbody radiator and operate at incident light intensities of over one thousand times that of sunlight. Details of the SunCell®, the BlackLight Process, the video and slide presentation from the June 28, 2016 demonstrations, background theory, journal publications, and other support materials are available on the BrLP webpage (
BrLP’s safe, non-polluting power-producing system catalytically converts the hydrogen of the H2O-based solid fuel into a non-polluting product, Hydrino, by allowing the electrons to fall to smaller radii around the nucleus. The energy release is over 200 times that of burning the equivalent amount of hydrogen with oxygen. Due to this extraordinary energy release, H2O may serve as the source of hydrogen fuel to form Hydrinos and oxygen. Moreover, the SunCell® is compact, light-weight and autonomous with a projected capital cost of 1% to 10% that of any other form of power. The anticipated cost is so low that BrLP intends to provide autonomous individual power for essentially all stationary and motive applications untethered to the grid or any fuels infrastructure. Dr. Mills announced, “This is the end of the age of fire, the internal combustion engine, and centralized power and fuels.”
“The commercial potential for SunCell® technology is enormous. The promise of a cheap, clean and unlimited source of electric power is on the verge of commercialization. SunCell® components are based on well-known technologies from electrical lighting, photovoltaic, semiconductor, refractory and aerospace industries, and use widely available materials. What is new is Brilliant Light Power’s theoretical and experimental breakthroughs, protected by patents and proprietary know-how. Albert Einstein is looking down, smiling: I told you so, He does not play dice,” said Former World Bank manager Gerhard Pohl. Dr. Joseph Renick, former Chief Scientist at Applied Research Associates added;
“It is understandable why even the best of scientists have difficulty taking seriously that which has been accomplished by Dr. Mills and his team at Brilliant Light Power because of how completely it transforms our understanding of atomic and molecular structure, dispels all of the strangeness associated with quantum theory so cherished by quantum physicists and chemists and then to boot delivers to mankind a new source of essentially unlimited inexpensive clean energy. The novel techniques, materials and processes developed by BrLP in the last few years are making this new source of energy a reality for all of mankind. The rest, however painful it will be for many in the natural sciences, will follow.”
One of the validators, Bucknell Professor Dr. Peter Mark Jansson PE remarked, “An objective review of the progress BrLP has made over the past decade in the development of their proprietary hydrogen-based technology indicates that they have achieved an understanding of the fundamental parameters that must be controlled to create a sustainable and energetic reaction of their atomic hydrogen fuel and catalysts. They have made landmark progress in creating demonstration devices that prove the concept of their generation technology with promise of becoming continuously operating prototypes in the near future. The creation of these consistently replicable experiments where input power is multiplied by 65 to 150 times is a remarkable achievement.
The input power for these respective experiments was 8.02 kW and 10.45 kW with corresponding output power peaks reaching as high as 521 kW and 1.56 MW. Although these energy bursts were on the order of 1 to 3 minutes in duration I was able to observe a more continuous, sustainable reaction experiment that lasted over 7 minutes, other validators were able to observe operating SunCells® for over 30 minutes in duration.” Dr. K.V. Ramanujachary, Rowan University Meritorious Professor of Chemistry and Material Science, added that from his independent tests he finds, “the developments truly impressive and extremely important. I believe that the technology is amenable for making large-scale devices as easily as a portable one. This is what makes it very attractive.”
Regarding the versatility of power and unsurpassed logistical advantages, David Bennett, former Proterra CEO and former President of Eaton Vehicle Group, Asia Pacific said, “Transportation technology has relied on burning something – oil, coal, natural gas, for over a century. The transition to alternative energy is often considered a niche, futuristic, and even inconsequential solution. The SunCell® presents the possibilities to make this transition to a new energy era a reality.” He further emphasized, “The SunCell® is a relatively simple system that catalytically converts water-based fuel directly into brilliant light that is converted to electricity using existing photovoltaic technology. Initial testing indicates mega-watt power potential, which would radically transform energy technology. The SunCell® presents a solution to the clean energy challenge of our lifetime.”

About Brilliant Light Power
Brilliant Light Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new primary energy source applicable to essentially all power applications such as thermal, electrical, automotive, trucking, rail, marine, aviation, aerospace, and defense. The BlackLight Process, the power source, is the process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom by forming Hydrinos. The SunCell® cell was invented by Dr. Mills to release this energy directly as electricity from water as the only source of fuel.
BlackLight Process: A novel chemical process invented by Dr. Mills causing the latent energy stored in the hydrogen atom to be released as a new primary energy source.
Hydrino: Hydrinos are a new form of hydrogen theoretically predicted by Dr. Mills and produced and characterized by BrLP. Hydrinos are produced during the BlackLight Process as energy is released from the hydrogen atom as the electron transitions to a lower-energy state resulting in a smaller radius hydrogen atom. The identity of the dark matter of the universe as Hydrinos is supported by BlackLight’s spectroscopic and analytical results as well as astrophysical observations.
SunCell®: The SunCell® comprises six fundamental low-maintenance commercially available systems, some having no moving parts and capable of operating for a decade or more: (i) a start-up inductively coupled heater to first melt silver; (ii) a gas injector to inject hydrogen derived from water and an injection system comprising an electromagnetic pump to inject molten silver and a very stable solid source of oxygen that reacts with the hydrogen to form the hydrogen to Hydrino catalyst; (iii) an ignition system to produce a low-voltage, high current flow across a pair of electrodes into which the molten metal and fuel are injected to form a brilliant light-emitting plasma; (iv) a blackbody radiator heated to incandescent temperature by the plasma; (v) a light to electricity converter comprising so-called concentrator photovoltaic cells that receive light from the blackbody radiator and operate at light intensity of over one thousand Suns; and (vi) a fuel recovery and a thermal management system that causes the molten metal to return to the injection system following ignition.
Photovoltaic or Solar Cell: Each cell comprises a flat panel of a semiconductor material that exhibits the photovoltaic effect, a method of generating electrical power by converting radiation such as solar radiation into direct current electricity. Light absorption in the semiconductor material creates energized charge carriers of opposite polarity that are collected at corresponding negative and positive electrode contacts on opposite sides of the flat panel to create a voltage that can deliver power to an external load.
Brilliant Light Power SunCell
Lynn Kline, Assistant for Dr. Randell L. Mills
Phone: 609-490-1090 Ext. 125
Theory Overview
Q: What is the founding principle of Mills GUT-CP?
In the atom, electrons are constantly accelerating around the proton in an atomic orbit. Yet, classical physics requires that accelerating charges radiate energy, which would cause the electron to spiral into the nucleus in a fraction of a second. This seminal problem of the stability of the atom was one of the key obstacles physicists faced early in the 20th century, and their inability to solve it led to the construction of quantum theory.
Mills solved the structure of the electron using classical physical laws, such that electron orbits were stable to radiation. This allowed Mills to construct a new theory of atoms and molecules that was based entirely on classical physics. And unlike other attempts in the 20th century, the result was not merely a “hidden-variables” reinterpretation of the quantum formalism, but a ground-up reconstruction of atomic theory.
This new model of the atom predicted the theoretical existence of the hydrino, or energy states of the hydrogen atom that exist below the -13.6 eV energy state of atomic hydrogen that is the basis of Brilliant Light Power’s power source.
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How does the GUT-CP describe nature? According to Mills GUT-CP, nature is classical. Electrons, when bound in an atom, are considered to be discrete two-dimensional spherical membranes of charge and current that completely surround the nucleus as a bubble. These shells, called electron orbitspheres, each have an organized pattern of super-current filaments on the surface that gives rise to electron spin. The current may be modulated with a time and spherical harmonic pattern that gives rise to orbital angular momentum. Electrons obey classical physics such that the intrinsic electron angular momentum that arises from the pattern of motion is quantized, and invoking this property predicts that bound electrons are stable to emitting radiation according to Maxwellian electrodynamics. This solves the problem that has plagued atomic physics since the Bohr model of the atom: how an electron, continuously accelerating in the Coulombic field of the proton, is able to remain in a stable orbit. This approach is extended to solve multi-electron atoms and molecules. In multi-electron atoms, bound electrons group into a series of concentric shells, each of which is an atomic orbital and may contain several electrons. In molecules, the electrons stretch over two nuclei to form a prolate spheroidal shell with the nuclei at the foci. Each reaches an equipotential, minimum energy configuration for the system, governed by Maxwellian and Newtonian laws. From within this frame of reference, GUT-CP unwinds the mysteries of quantum theory. GUT-CP is not a “hidden variables” interpretation of the formalism of quantum theory, rather, it is a new classical theory based on Maxwell’s Equations and Newton’s Laws. It explains canonical experiments of quantum mechanics such as the double-slit experiments and the Aspect experiments classically. |
Q: What does the GUT-CP predict? How has it been validated?
Mills GUT-CP is a confirmable theory, meaning it makes many claims about nature that can be confirmed or denied through experiment. The GUT-CP predicts thousands of atomic and molecular parameters that match known data to high accuracy, often to much higher accuracy than predictions by quantum mechanics. Further, several data sets produced by the GUT-CP have never been calculated before.
Data sets include the electron spin, g-factor, ionization energies of 1-20 electron atoms and ions (400 states); the state lifetimes and line intensities of hydrogen; the excited states of helium; the excited states of H2, the relationships between the masses of fundamental particles; the bond distances, energies, angles, and dipole moments of over 800 molecules; and the parameters of a variety of extended solids. From the molecular theory, Brilliant Light Power has launched a molecular modeling subsidiary, Millsian Inc.
The GUT-CP also predicted some phenomena new to science. Before 1995, it predicted that the universe was accelerating in its expansion, and predicted the rate of acceleration, which was confirmed experimentally later that decade, much to the surprise of the scientific community. The GUT-CP also correctly predicted the mass of the top quark and the lack of time dilation in highly redshifted quasars.
The GUT-CP also predicts the existence of hydrinos: each hydrino atom being a stable energy state of the hydrogen atom wherein the principle quantum number of the Rydberg formula of atomic hydrogen excited states is replaced by a reciprocal integer. Thus, these exist below the first nonradiative n = 1 state, erroneously called the “ground state” by quantum theory. Hydrinos further react to form the corresponding very stable molecules, and neither hydrinos nor molecular hydrinos emit or absorb electromagnetic radiation as is typical of electronic transitions of the ordinary species. Observations support that hydrinos is the identity of the dark matter of the universe. Brilliant Light Power is engaged in experimentally characterizing hydrinos and developing the technology for commercial use.
See the Molecular and Atomic Physics Summary Tables for predicted vs. observed values. See a list of theoretical papers published in journals, or visit our technical papers page.
Q: Do hydrinos violate conservation of energy?
No. The hydrogen atom is stable to emitting a photon directly. But, an unstable hydrogen state forms when a hydrogen atom resonantly and nonradiative exchanges energy with another atom (a catalyst) capable of accepting energy in multiples of 27.2 eV. This process relies on multipole coupling between the hydrogen atom and the catalyst. The unstable state then emits further energy as radiation of a characteristic continuum profile as the electron drops into a lower energy state, in which the electron is closer to the proton, forming a higher binding energy hydrogen atom. Energy is conserved in this process. The resulting hydrino atom cannot be converted into a normal hydrogen atom without the addition of collisional energy to elevate the electron’s energy by at least that released in the formation of the hydrino.
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