Freed From Schooling
8 Reasons We Won't Push College on
Our Kids
by Mary Hickcox

I must state upfront that if our children desire a profession that requires college, of course we will encourage and support them to follow their dreams. However, they will definitely know the consequences versus the benefits.
First, let's examine the traditional path that was ingrained in all of us.
Do your homework. Get good grades. Go to a good college. Get a job. Work for 45-plus years to pay off all debts. Save for your kid's college and your retirement. Play by the rules. Success will be yours.
Sound familiar?
We've all heard this mantra from
family, teachers, employers and the TV, as if it's the only path society
provides for success. For many, as the economy worsens this myth gets echoed
even more loudly. "We need more education to compete in a weaker
job market," society says. But is it really true given the current
economic situation?
I understand that for some people college will be a necessary step in pursuing their dreams. For instance, those who want to become certified doctors in the US must study at an American Medical Association approved university.
But first they should ask themselves "why" they want to be a doctor.
Is it to help people? To make a nice income? Is it for prestige among family and peers? Then, it may be wise to ponder if becoming a doctor is the best way to accomplish those goals. Certainly there must be other ways to help people, make good money, and gain respect from loved ones without accruing a quarter-million dollar debt before working life begins, right?
Either way, college may be necessary for some to achieve their dreams. But let’s be sure our children know that there are other paths, other innovative ways to attain their goals, and certainly other ways to spend 4-8 of the best years of their lives.
Here are eight reasons why college will not be encouraged in our household:
I understand that for some people college will be a necessary step in pursuing their dreams. For instance, those who want to become certified doctors in the US must study at an American Medical Association approved university.
But first they should ask themselves "why" they want to be a doctor.
Is it to help people? To make a nice income? Is it for prestige among family and peers? Then, it may be wise to ponder if becoming a doctor is the best way to accomplish those goals. Certainly there must be other ways to help people, make good money, and gain respect from loved ones without accruing a quarter-million dollar debt before working life begins, right?
Either way, college may be necessary for some to achieve their dreams. But let’s be sure our children know that there are other paths, other innovative ways to attain their goals, and certainly other ways to spend 4-8 of the best years of their lives.
Here are eight reasons why college will not be encouraged in our household:
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College is just not what it used to be
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It is Obsolete
does a nursing student need four more years of English Lit or Algebra?
Likewise, why would a business major have any need for Anatomy and Physiology?
I know, I know, back to that whole college-is-teaching-kids-to-think argument.
Or maybe the “well-rounded” school of thought? I don’t buy it. After 13 years
of schooling prior to college, most subjects outside of a degree's focus seem
to be a waste of time and money.
Additionally, the world is changing at lightening-fast speed, but the education system is still moving at a snail's pace. At the exponential rate of change in science and technology, by the time someone graduates from 4-6 years of college what they were forced to learn the first couple of years is most likely obsolete, requiring even more schooling. What a racket!
What's more, with a smartphone and Internet, all of the world's knowledge is literally in the palm of our hand. Incidentally, advanced knowledge is not confined to the brick-and-mortar walls of universities anymore.
Additionally, the world is changing at lightening-fast speed, but the education system is still moving at a snail's pace. At the exponential rate of change in science and technology, by the time someone graduates from 4-6 years of college what they were forced to learn the first couple of years is most likely obsolete, requiring even more schooling. What a racket!
What's more, with a smartphone and Internet, all of the world's knowledge is literally in the palm of our hand. Incidentally, advanced knowledge is not confined to the brick-and-mortar walls of universities anymore.
2. Horrible Job Market
this poor economic climate where America's job market has entered a prolonged
drought, college graduates are no longer guaranteed a job. In fact, only
53% of recent college graduates in the U.S. have full-time employment.
And even global youth unemployment has been labeled a "crisis".
According to the New York Times analysis of recent unemployment numbers:
According to the New York Times analysis of recent unemployment numbers:
rates for new college graduates have fallen sharply in the last two years, as
have starting salaries for those who can find work. What’s more, only half of
the jobs landed by these new graduates even require a college degree, reviving
debates about whether higher education is 'worth it' after all.
So, the myth that kids must attend college to
get a job is proven false. Kids today need more than the standard
education to stand out in a crowded field of cookie-cutter graduates.
Prohibitive Cost
The cost of going to college versus the benefits make it a terrible investment. Entrepreneur James Altucher breaks down the numbers quite accurately:
average tuition cost is approximately $16,000 per year. Plus assume another
$10,000 in living costs, books, etc. $26,000 in total for a complete cost of $104,000
in a 4 year period. Some people choose to go more expensive by going to a
private college and some people choose to go a little cheaper by going public
but this is an average. Also, a huge assumption is that its just for a 4 year
period. According to the Department of Education, only 54% of undergraduates
graduate within 6 years. So for the 46% that don’t graduate, or take 10 years
to graduate, this is a horrible investment. But lets assume your children are
in the brilliant first half who finish within six years (and hopefully within
it worth it? First, let’s look at it completely from a monetary perspective.
Over the course of a lifetime, according to CollegeBoard, a college graduate
can be expected to earn $800,000 more than his counterpart that didn’t go to
college. $800,000 is a big spread and it could potentially separate the haves
from the have-nots. But who has and who doesn’t?
I took that $104,000 and I chose to invest it in a savings account that had
interest income of 5% per year I’d end up with an extra $1.4 million dollars
over a 50 year period. A full $600,000 more. That $600,000 is a lot of extra
money an 18 year old could look forward to in her retirement. I also think the
$800,000 quoted above is too high. Right now most motivated kids who have the
interest and resources to go to college think it’s the only way to go if they
want a good job. If those same kids decided to not go to college my guess is
they would quickly close the gap on that $800,000 spread.
There is not much more to say. It's is
a bad investment for parents, and student loans seem financially irresponsible
as a burden to place on our children before they start their professional life.
Debt Serfdom
As the cost of living continues to outpace pay increases, it's difficult enough
just to survive week to week, let alone get ahead financially. When young
people begin their adult lives saddled with hundreds of thousands of debt, it
almost ensures that they will be locked into a lifetime of debt serfdom.
In other words, they'll be trapped into working whatever job they can
find just to pay this obligation regardless of their passions. Add on the
pressure and manufactured prestige of "owning" a home, having a nice
car, starting a family or dressing a certain way, and you have all the makings
of wasting a life trying to pay for these things. I'm not sure this was part of
the original
American Dream, but, sadly, it is indisputably what it has
become. Surely, there are more fulfilling ways to spend our limited time
on this planet than running on the same hamster wheel our entire lives.
5. Knowledge is Free
It's important to highlight the difference between school and knowledge. These things do not go hand in hand. Many people go to college and never achieve any useful knowledge, while many people who never attend school are some of the wisest and most successful people in the world.
In the 1700s, knowledge was limited to those with the resources to buy books, or those who could afford to send their kids to school (most stayed home to work the family trade). Ben Franklin understood that in order to have a level playing field in society, everyone must have access to knowledge. So he founded the first public library in America (which later became the University of Pennsylvania). Now that the Internet acts as a global open-source library and is giving away knowledge, everyone has the ability to learn about what they're most interested in for free.
No need to waste money just to get a piece of paper saying you “officially have gained knowledge”. What is the goal; the piece of paper, or the actual knowledge? If it is the knowledge, as I hope it should be, then college is not the most efficient way to reach that goal anymore.
6. Wasted Youth

Furthermore, how many of you went to college purely out of obligation? My parents never gave me the option, even though, in retrospect, I wasn't mature enough to appreciate my overpriced education. So, I dropped (flunked) out. It wasn't until later in life when I knew what I wanted to be, that I began to appreciate school. Then, I got straight A's in route to becoming a Registered Nurse.
In these most amazing years of life, transitioning from child to adult, imagine what could be experienced or achieved when you're not locked in a dorm out of obligation (See the countless alternatives to college in my final point). Finally, college will always be there for your kids no matter when and if they decide to go.
7. Limited Life Choices
Many people that we meet say they're envious
of our permanent travel lifestyle, but they feel too trapped by financial
obligations to attempt an alternative lifestyle. This is the result of
the debt serfdom cycle explained earlier that begins with student
loans. Because of the debts incurred while at college, and a host of other
reasons, many young adults end up limiting their options in life. We are
usually told the opposite, but once a student commits to a certain major they
may feel obligated to only pursue that career even if it falls out of favor
with them. Most kids usually don't know what they want at 18 years old.
Life should be a collection of experiences, not a collection of shiny trinkets that mean nothing on our deathbeds. If we seek a life outside of the proverbial box -- a life of travel, of passion, of adventure, of independence -- then societal pressures and college debt become a prison that locks us into a narrow range of experiences. Once we step out of the box and realize this, the floodgates of alternatives to the "normal" path open wide.
Life should be a collection of experiences, not a collection of shiny trinkets that mean nothing on our deathbeds. If we seek a life outside of the proverbial box -- a life of travel, of passion, of adventure, of independence -- then societal pressures and college debt become a prison that locks us into a narrow range of experiences. Once we step out of the box and realize this, the floodgates of alternatives to the "normal" path open wide.
8. Countless Alternatives
This is the other side of the story that
parents aren't supposed to see, or even contemplate for their kids.
First, it begins with wanting something for your child that's far more
important than societal success -- happiness! This can only be achieved
if we allow our children to live their passions. After all,
this life is theirs for the making, and we view our job as a guide to help them
follow their own path, not to dictate some societal fantasy.
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our parents are still bitter that we gave up on the traditional definition of
success to pursue an alternative lifestyle of homeschooling and extensive
adventuring. Our happiness seems to take a backseat in their mind
compared to the anguish they feel about missing their grandkids, and our
rejection of the dreams they had for us. Although this has been somewhat
painful, we're grateful to them for helping shape what we believe is important
for our children.
So what alternatives are available instead of going to college? First, they can take online courses through OpenCourseware or iTunes if they want to accrue college credits. They can learn a skill by becoming an apprentice. They can volunteer for a charity or even a big company to learn about how those organizations work. They can travel by picking up odd jobs along the way (or obtaining ESL certificate to teach English abroad). They can start a business, a nonprofit organization, or monetize a blog. They can find a mentor or become a self-taught expert in whatever field that moves them. They can create something beautiful; art, music, handmade crafts, write a book, or build something. This list is endless, and they will gain great knowledge with each of these examples and more.
Finally, they can just get a part-time job and enjoy their carefree youth until they discover their passion. We must stop assuming that a "lack of direction" equals failure. It doesn't; not if they're happy. We get one go around in this life and it shouldn't be wasted doing something that others expect us to do.
At this point, our boys learn what interests them and is pertinent to their lives. Some would say they "world school". We all learn better when we're inspired. And we have great confidence in this approach to prepare them for life. The universe has a funny way of giving people what they desire. Sadly, most people are too busy complaining about their situation to even define what they want.
In conclusion, we teach our boys that they should do what they love. That happiness is far more important than any status symbol or paycheck, no matter what anyone thinks. No dream is too big to achieve. The college-job path is only one way to achieve certain goals among a host of other perhaps more rewarding experiences.
So what alternatives are available instead of going to college? First, they can take online courses through OpenCourseware or iTunes if they want to accrue college credits. They can learn a skill by becoming an apprentice. They can volunteer for a charity or even a big company to learn about how those organizations work. They can travel by picking up odd jobs along the way (or obtaining ESL certificate to teach English abroad). They can start a business, a nonprofit organization, or monetize a blog. They can find a mentor or become a self-taught expert in whatever field that moves them. They can create something beautiful; art, music, handmade crafts, write a book, or build something. This list is endless, and they will gain great knowledge with each of these examples and more.
Finally, they can just get a part-time job and enjoy their carefree youth until they discover their passion. We must stop assuming that a "lack of direction" equals failure. It doesn't; not if they're happy. We get one go around in this life and it shouldn't be wasted doing something that others expect us to do.
At this point, our boys learn what interests them and is pertinent to their lives. Some would say they "world school". We all learn better when we're inspired. And we have great confidence in this approach to prepare them for life. The universe has a funny way of giving people what they desire. Sadly, most people are too busy complaining about their situation to even define what they want.
In conclusion, we teach our boys that they should do what they love. That happiness is far more important than any status symbol or paycheck, no matter what anyone thinks. No dream is too big to achieve. The college-job path is only one way to achieve certain goals among a host of other perhaps more rewarding experiences.
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College is for all those who wish to become just another indoctrinated idiot within the framework of the status quo, and if you're like I am you'll know the status quo isn't all that it's cracked up to be, in fact it's quite insane.
ReplyDeleteNo quite about it my friend, society is breeding psychopaths. Great article that hopefully resonates with increasing numbers of people. Don't coerce your kids into anything, they get enough coercion throughout their existence as is. Allow them to be their 'self', it is not your right, nor within your interest to deny them truth and natural discovery. Peace always
ReplyDeleteOur last college tutor confided that they were only studying the lessons they'd teach the night before class - by studying clips on Youtube as it was the only way they could catch up and learn enough to 'teach'. Bypass the middle person! 'Education' all an expensive crock filled with BS - you can learn everything you need without one if you're persistent and dedicated to the expansion and exploration of (your) consciousness.
ReplyDeleteThose who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
You're correct, illuminator! Our political - monetary based society extremely limits thought, in fact college is an attempt to get rid of creative thought, and to actually weed out originality. If you're at all creative to alternative ways of thinking they flunk you out. They're looking for a very particular kind of do-gooder, someone who conforms to corporate structures, they mold young adults into a kind of spiritless automatons, all very intentional in order for them to conform to the insanity of their objectives. College is very much like the military in the way it's set up to kill off your own unique personalities, except college does it by stealing your money at the same time it indoctrinates you into the mad world. I bet many young people who visit this site are highly intelligent types looking for alternative ways of viewing the world. Don't buy into the notion that you're dumb because you flunked out of school. I was one walking around with a low self-image for a very long time because I failed at school, don't buy into that kind of perception of yourselves. Think about it this way. There are probably as many different kinds of intelligences. talents and or aptitudes as there are stars in the sky, and college focuses on maybe 10-100 of these and ignores the rest. Everyone is intelligent it's our job as parents to discover how our children are intelligent and go from there. This should be the goal of every school. The first question should be, how is that child intelligent and work towards finding out how and nurturing their specific aptitudes? We should never ask, is the child intelligent, for that limits the very nature of what is unique about each individual?
ReplyDeleteOther folks want to have a look at various colleges and universities before deciding where they'd love to apply. The mastergrades can propose you a writing help. Most colleges today is going to have distinct page for cyber schooling requirements. Completing college is going to take a decent sum of time.
ReplyDeleteI just read your article and...well, i dunno. Personally, i think that time that i spend in college was good. I got bunch of new friends, some useful connections, knowledge and all that stuff. The one negative moment for me was a student loan. I had to work to pay my bills so i also had to skip some subjects and use custom writing service. But, after all, still it was a good time.
ReplyDeleteThe best response essay is a persuasive one. Consequently, it cites examples, facts, and any personal experiences that support or refute the text being responded to, according to the responder’s stance