More Evidence for the Rendlesham UFOs
US commander investigates 'UFO
attack' at 'Rendlesham' in 35-year-old recording

Former Lt Col Charles Halt – Image JONAUSTIN
A FORMER US Airbase commander at the centre of the UK's most controversial mass UFO sighting insists "we are not alone," but world leaders are "covering up" the truth.
to the area 35-years on, Mr Halt's claims included:
Rendlesham Forest was mobbed with US military personnel "hunting
UFOs" at the time
• A
"UFO exploded " before his eyes and another "shot down a laser
beam" from 3,000 feet above
The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) later hid documents relating to Rendlesham
US personnel who "lost 40 minutes" during the sighting have been
denied access to medical files
at a UFO conference in Woodbridge, Suffolk, he said: "There is no doubt in
my mind we are not alone and there are some people (in power) who know this,
but even Mr (Barack) Obama won't get through to them."
you can listen to the tape recording he made on a dictaphone at the time of the
sightings here:

Charles Halt at the conference

USAIRFORCE - Charles Halt photographed at the time
of the incident

BRENDABUTLER - A more recent "UFO sighting"
at Rendlesham woods taken by a local researcher

NoW - The News of the World
broke the story in 1983

JONAUSTIN - Charles Halt cuts a cake to mark
35-year anniversary of the sightings
theories claim the light came from either the Orfordness lighthouse, military
tests, a helicopter carrying a dummy Apollo capsule, or was even a UFO prank by
airmen that spiralled out of control.
have pointed to inconsistencies in various witnesses' accounts and more detail
being added over time.
Halt did little to dampen this, after refuting the accounts of several of his
former colleagues made in various books.
Suffolk UFO conference was organised by ex-cop UFO researcher John Hanson, who
said Mr Halt was "a reliable witness" and backed the "cover
up" claims.
added the new radar evidence "undermined" Government suggestions the
mass sightings were down to the lighthouse.
of the public also claimed to see lights heading towards the forest around the
same time.
two police officers also investigated the reports at 4:11am on Boxing Day
morning 1980, but reported no trace of anything.
Pope, who later investigated UFOs including Rendlesham, for the MoD, said:
"One needs to bear in mind that he's the most senior military officer ever
to have seen and reported a UFO while on duty. He's a man of the utmost honesty
and integrity, and when he makes claims - however extraordinary they may sound
- you can take it to the bank."
MoD declined to comment.
Greatest UFO Mystery in Britain The Rendlesham
Forest Incident Documentary
From Express @
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Where's the evidence????
ReplyDeleteOh, since when is hearsay evidence? To the politician hearsay matters most because their hearsay is ALL based on socially accepted fairy-tales, but to the scientific community hearsay matters NOT!
ReplyDeleteSince when is there evidence attached to anything that is unidentifiable? That which ceases to be identifiable ceases to exist! Until identity is established of any object that is verified through close agreements of a series of the same flying object phenomena, then speculation of what it is is render to the realm of Alice, we can only surmise Alice is indeed living in wonderland type scenarios best suited through flashback phenomena from late 1960's acid trips probabilities!LOL
ReplyDeleteYou are obviously unfamiliar with the case - and with standard rules of evidence. Whether the technology exhibited was human or extraterrestrial (or not technology at all), this mass ongoing sighting passes mustrer as authentic. Try researching a little more deeply...
ReplyDeleteMy comment is about the very definition of the acronym UFO. That which is UNIDENTIFIABLE ceases to exist unless verified by it's obvious identity. What is it? Tell me some FACTS! Lets talk about FIFO (Factually identifiable flying objects) shall we? Then perhaps we could leave the realm of Stephen Speilberg and George Lucas...
ReplyDeleteI sense but don't know that UFO's are all identifiable and that the term UFO is set up to discredit what has been observed, such as holographic images, advanced flying technologies, moon shadows, a flock of seagulls, etc... Yes, a flock of seagulls.... that I once ran away from!