Another bin Laden Assassination
Queen Elizabeth II Orders Horror
Plane Shootdown in 9/11 Cover-Up

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is currently circulating an astounding new report which states that the “exposure” of Queen Elizabeth II as being one of the main financiers of the 11 September 2001 attacks against the United States is becoming more apparent after the August 1st assassination-shootdown of the aircraft carrying Sana bin Laden, the sister of the alleged 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, leading to her and her mother’s death, as well as two other people.
According to this report, Sana bin Laden was arriving in Britain via Blackbushe Airport, Hampshire, aboard her families private jet aircraft when while it was nearing the runway for landing, a small missile projectile blew it out of the sky causing it to fall and explode in a car park.
SVR analysts contributing to this report state that initial eyewitnesses to this assassination-shootdown confirmed the “strong likelihood” of a missile being fired with one of them, Joe Ramos, stating he heard its “loud bang”, while a second witness, Daphne Knowles, stated that two other witnesses had told her that the bin Laden plane “had to swerve to miss another aircraft as it went in”, which is consistent to what a pilot would do when facing a fast incoming projectile.
As to why Sana bin Laden was targeted for assassination, this report continues, was due to her having been recalled for additional testimony before The Iraq Inquiry headed by Sir John Chilcot this coming Monday, 3 August.
The Iraq Inquiry, this report explains, is a British public inquiry into the nation’s role in the Iraq War. The Inquiry was pursued by a committee of Privy Counselors with broad terms of reference to consider Britain’s involvement in Iraq between mid-2001 and July 2009.
The open sessions of The Inquiry commenced on 24 November 2009, this report notes, and concluded on 2 February 2011, but has yet to be released due to a myriad of factors, not least of which is the Obama regimes fear of it.
Nevertheless, this report says, even to last week, Sir Chilcot stated that he was making significant progress in the process of “Maxwellisation” – the method by which witnesses likely to be criticized in the report are given a further chance to rebut potential criticisms of their behaviour.
And to this “Maxwellisation” process was Sana bin Laden scheduled to be put through by Sir Chilcot on Monday.

As to Sana bin Laden’s exact testimony before The Iraq Inquiry needing this “Maxwellisation” process, this report continues, were her statements, backed up by documented proof provided by French intelligence sources, that two months before the 9/11 attacks, her brother, Osama bin Laden, was gravely ill and a patient at the American hospital in Dubai.
Even more important to note, this report says, was that Sana bin Laden further testified that two CIA officials visited with her brother Osama at the American hospital in Dubai convincing him to be transferred to Pakistan where he would be given more extensive treatment.
Confirmation of Osama’s transfer under CIA control to the Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi, this report says, was further provided by US newsmanDan Rather, the anchor for CBS evening news, who on his newscast confirmed that Osama bin Laden was transferred to Pakistan on 10 September 2001, one day before the 9/11 attacks…and for which he lost his job for going against the Bush regime.
But to her most sensational testimony before The Iraq Inquiry, and which required her assassination, this report further notes, was her stating that the 9/11 attacks were financed by Fahd bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Prince Fahd bin Salman) and Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Prince Ahmed bin Salman) utilizing the banking accounts of Queen Elizabeth II controlled by the Swiss accounting giant KPMG.

Upon Prince Fahd bin Salman’s death, this report continues, Sana bin Laden, fearing for her and her families lives, fled to the protection of Prince Ahmed bin Salman in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, where she remained until 13 September 2001 when she and her family were allowed to return to Saudi Arabia.
As Prince Ahmed bin Salman was a close friend of Queen Elizabeth II due to their horse racing and breeding connections, this report says, the Lexington, Kentucky, horse farm-estate where Sana bin Laden and her family took refuge was owned by the South African Dr. John Chandler and his wife Alice Headley Chandler…whose horse farms and estates not only watched over Prince Ahmed bin Salman, but Queen Elizabeth II too.
Even more tragic, this report notes, was that Sana bin Laden’s death today was not the only one ordered by Queen Elizabeth II relating to her complicity in financing the 9/11, but the former KPMG accountant, Marcie Thomason, was also killed in plane disaster in Lexington on 27 August 2006 due to her knowledge of how the 9/11 attacks were funded.

As to why these Saudi princes (Prince Ahmed bin Salman, Prince Fahd bin Salman and Prince Sultan bin Faisal) would be complicit with the CIA in the 9/11 plot to attack America while funneling their funds through Queen Elizabeth’s KPMG accounts, this report states, one need also look at the Bush Family controlled Carlyle Group, which today remains the chief beneficiary of all of the US wars since 9/11 raking in over $2 trillion in profits when all of the subsidiaries are combined.
With the massive wealth accumulated by the Bush Family through war, combined with Queen Elizabeth II’s unlimited power as the laws of her nation state “The Sovereign can do no wrong and no laws can be brought against her”, this report concludes, making her the apex of the 9/11 plot by these Saudi-American-British conspirators insures for all time that the murder of Sana bin Laden, the framing of her brother Osama for a crime he couldn’t have committed, and the continued mass killings of anyone becoming a threat to their power, will never have to be answered for…or at least they believe.
And though not mentioned in this report, and for those of you who wish to know the real truth…it is not by happenstance that the Lexington environs Sana bin Laden sought refuge in are all overseen by the Bush Family, Saudi Royal Family and Queen Elizabeth II confidant William S. Farish III…who aside from being the American Ambassador to Britain at the start of the Iraq War having been appointed just prior to 9/11, is also one of the premier horse owner/breeders in the world…and whose grandfather, William Stamps Farish II, as the head of Standard Oil was the lifelong friend of Prescott Bush (the father of President George H.W. Bush, and the grandfather of President George W. Bush)…and who both conspired with Nazi Germany to take over the United States.
To know and understand this deep history in more detail read: The Full Scale And Horror Of It All Is Nearly Incomprehensible and The Assassination Is Going To Happen…The Only Question Is Whose?
August 1, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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From the New Illuminati –
Clearly, this article is an obvious dis-information piece! Perhaps Bin Laden became involved as scapegoats in the 9/11 Zionist campaign toward world domination by alienating themselves away from the Mahfouz family... 9/11 seems to have been an ISIS (Israeli secret Intelligence Service) campaign agreed to by the Bush and other royal pain in the ass families throughout the worlds plutocrat society. False flags are always cloaked in dis-information. So take the opposite stance of all the BS coming out of various news outlets and you'll be that much closer to the relative truth.... Look at the history of the NAZI party and you'll find that they're actually still running major government corporations today, they use the same tactics, read the the patriot act and compare it to the NAZI book and you'll see the same language.... Same assholes are running things and creating havoc around the world through their Hollywood style false flags, military industrial dictatorships, private pirate governments used to loot the sheeple, Media conspiracy propaganda (fabricating Alice) through a consensus of socially agreed upon LIES, Funny money, LAWS that serve elite assholes at everyones expense, bogus contracts agreed upon by a gullible flock of sheeple, Electronic warefare, psychological deception games, poison in the air, food, soil, and water, drugs, drugs drugs... Magic tricks and word acrobats. How long will the sheeple accept taking it up the ass? Oh, how about another 1000 years or more... LOL... Keep the BS coming!
ReplyDeleteI believe this article agrees with everything you said. Perhaps your focus on all the negative possibilities that exist is skewing your ability to comprehend the meaning of such articles? I wish more positive thoughts for you my brother. It is good to be aware, but not afraid.
DeleteI comprehend it all too well, anon, and hence I don't need to read through entire articles of dis and or mis info, certainly not afraid to point out the flaws in our current operating INSANITY as it works against the viable alternatives I have pointed out in concise detail over the years. No, perhaps the negativity that you perceive is in actual effect from the direct causes of your own fallibilities!
ReplyDeleteCommenting on an article without bothering to read it renders your opinion irrelevant and/or equivocal evidence for psychic powers. But fixations and projections tend to accrue...
DeleteDon't necessarily read but rather skim through and point out either relevant or irrelevant poppycock and or FACTS. Don't really know any intelligent human who throughly reads through any mis-information piece!
ReplyDeleteThe incredible account that discredits anything that is stated begins as such.... "The foreign intelligence service." That's all that needs to be read for this article to be deemed illegitimate to my way of thinking about what is factual and what is NOT! The foreign intelligence service is just another organization that disseminates BS to the gullible sheeple who eat it up for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Serve me up some more of that bull crap, ma! No, I just can't pa, because I don't work on Sally's farm no mo!