Time Lines
Beyond the Matrix of the Archons

by Greg Calise
To understand this, we have to understand about false light constructs.
Within the cosmos, in the sector that we are finding ourselves in, there is a dark cloud of conflict and delusion. There are very powerful trans-dimensional entities that have converged upon this part of space. They are marauders that have invaded our Earth, stealing her resources and enslaving her occupants. The Gnostics called them the archons. Along with the archons came other marauding aliens.

These predators are also known as the gods throughout written history. Coming from “the heavens”, they have wreaked havoc upon the Earth. They gave us agriculture, which shifted Mother Nature out of balance, and deteriorated the health of the people. They gave us cities, kingdoms and empires. Most people consider this civilization. They also gave us writing, science, religions, wars and slavery. They created kings at the head of hierarchies, along with governments and taxes. And they created the priests and idols, to feed off of the worship and sacrifices of the people. They created patriarchies and the degradation and enslavement of women. We are kept in ignorance and enslavement. This is a game of master and slave. This is the net of the matrix. That which we discern as progress, evolution and civilization, is actually the prison which binds us.

Each of these gods has his realms, with sub-realms. And they are all under the umbrella of the most powerful god in a hierarchal system. These gods have visions of grandeur, much like the heads of empires here on Earth. Each of them has his cosmic kingdom. Sometimes they fight amongst themselves, but they are all under the dark emperor, and they are all part of the dark empire. The gods (or the predators, as Don Juan called them) have enslaved us by giving us their mind. They control our minds, and hence, we become just like them. Just look around. Those that have become completely assimilated by these predators, become themselves predators.
“They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The
predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is
baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any
minute now.”
– Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda

Each of these gods has its own realm, or kingdom, which is constructed of false light. Within each realm, you will find the hierarchies of that god. For example, in christianity, we see Jehovah, Jesus, Mary, the archangels and the numerous types of angels and administrators. They reside over the entire realm of false light, which, because it is illusory, made of artificial light, seems to be as large as a universe.
If a christian “saint” was to look up at the heavens, he will see a universe that seems infinite, with jehovah and his entourage. He believes that jehovah is the true god of the entire universe. A hindu will look into the heavens, and see the entire universe with its pantheon of gods and goddesses. They are each false light constructs. Their largeness is an illusion. They are not as large as a universe.
As I have written before, each of the many false light constructs has a portal onto our Earth, through the minds of the believers of that god. As long as people believe in a certain god or religion, they become an open portal into that realm. There seems to be constant war with these gods for supremacy, and those wars are fought by the delusional armies of Earth. Blood sacrifices to the gods. Everyone is pushing their religion onto others. Nasty business.

These gods of false light realms have conquered most of our galaxy, and they have enslaved thousands of star races. Of course the races become ignorant of the fact that they are even enslaved. How many people on Earth realize it? So we see so many various factions of races, and because they are all infected to some degree by their minds being even subtly influenced, many are in conflict, just like the gods, and just like us. Yes, some are much nicer than others, and a few might even be benevolent. But there is always an agenda. I doubt if there are any true benevolent races in present contact with humanity. Like I said, some are much nicer than others, just like here on Earth. So even though they may fight with each other, ultimately, they are all under the same umbrella. The dark galactic empire.
Here on Earth, we are enveloped by an earthly matrix, a net of confinement, enslavement, conflict and delusions. It’s a covering of false light, and it is everywhere. But once you break free of this matrix, you will find that we are also enveloped by a cosmic matrix. This is the same cosmic matrix that envelopes the rest of this dark cloud of the cosmos. The entire dark empire is within this cosmic matrix. All of the star races are under the same matrix. And each of their planets in enveloped by its own “earthly” matrix. So there are many of these matrixes, and all of them are constructed of false light, which is also projected into and out of, the minds of the people that have succumbed to these programs. As you can see, it becomes quite intricate in its construction.

Each false light realm has its own laws and physics. They are not the same as Natural Law. Natural Law is the law of the universe, and it is very different from the various laws of the false light constructs. These artificial realms are created by false light, which is illusional. It is as if entire races are hypnotized into seeing and believing an illusion. The gods are master illusionists, and they can create an entire realm by their minds. They actually believe that they are the creator and controller of their universe. And they have hypnotized entire worlds to believe it as real.
Each realm has its own laws, and this includes the space that it envelopes, as well as the objects and the laws of its particular physics and metaphysics. These laws are mostly in opposition to Natural Law, so we find ourselves in a very complicated situation, where we are being ruled by different sets of laws. We see this manifest in our world as the different laws of the state, the religions, the societies, the sciences, the cultures, the family, and just about everywhere. But there is also Natural Law, which pays no heed to these false constructs of rules and laws. Transgress Natural Law, and no other law can protect you.

Now if each realm has its own laws of space, they also have their own unique law of time. I wrote in Another Look At Time, how time is the living entities’ awareness of the world. If the world changes, so does the awareness of the individual that inhabits that world. I explained how when the clock became common, the minds of humanity changed considerably, disconnecting him from the natural sequence of events. Our consciousness becomes molded by its environment. If the world changes, then time also changes. You could say that we took a new and different time line after the invention of the clock. Each planet, according to its matrix, will be a certain time line, yet there could be also many on a particular planet.
The American Indians were living on a different time line than the Europeans, and we see what happened when those two time lines collided. So we can see how there are so many multiple time lines. Each religion is connected to a specific false light realm, and each has their own laws, and each have their own time line. We are living in a world of conflicting time lines. I suppose that the main time line that the planet is on dependent upon the collective consciousness of humanity. Or perhaps the earth is on a natural time line, and the matrix is on another.
Each race of star beings is operating on their own specific time lines. There are as many time lines as there are artificial realms. Each light construct of each god is its own artificial universe. Each one may have many star races under its umbrella. There are many of these, some much more powerful than others. Each will have its own time line. And within each false universe, there are many star systems, each with its own time line, which is connected to the main time line of its false universe. This is why we hear so much about different time lines and parallel universes. It’s all a hypnotic net of illusion.
But beneath the illusions of the master hypnotists, there lies the natural world, with its Natural Law. When you wake up to all of this, you can see the natural world, as well as the Natural Law under the false coverings of illusions. This is the true time line. There is only one true time line, and it is the time line of the universe. All of these other time lines are the illusions of the illusory realms.

Sit in Mother Nature, and you can experience the natural time line. It’s a natural flow of time. And as my daughter says, “We don’t move through time, time moves through us.” This is reality. This is what lies beneath the illusions. But to experience it, you must free the mind of all of the false programs, to leave the mind empty. Leave the mind, with all of its thoughts, fears and ambitions, and embark on a journey into Mother Nature. Once you become free from the influence of the hypnosis of the false light, free from the predators, even for a short time, you will then experience the real and natural time line. There is only one.
From Riverbank of
Truth @ http://riverbankoftruth.com/2014/11/12/time-lines-by-greg-calise/
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