"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Monday, 31 August 2015

U.S. Irradiated! Time to Leave the Northern Hemisphere

U.S. Irradiated!
Time to Leave the Northern Hemisphere

Cracked World by R. Ayana


Your Radiation This Week

(No 17)


(San Francisco) August 15, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it.


*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.
Partial Counts are noted. Uncounted radiation makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]

  •  610 CPM, 122 Times Normal, Concord, NH. Gamma and Beta Radiation only.
  •  359 CPM, 71.8 Times Normal, Boston, MA. Gamma only.
  •  323 CPM, 64.6 Times Normal, New York City, NY. Gamma only.
  •  774 CPM, 154.8 Times Normal, Pittsburgh, PA. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  594 CPM, 118.8 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Gamma only.
  •  351 CPM, 71 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Gamma only.
  •  501 CPM, 100.2 Times Normal, Miami, FL. Gamma only.
  •  269 CPM,  53.8 Times Normal, Chicago, IL. Gamma only.
  •  407 CPM, 81.4 Times Normal, Ft Wayne, IN. Gamma and Beta only. Last known reading.
  •  258 CPM, 51.6 Times Normal, Indianapolis, IN. Gamma only.
  •  443 CPM, 88.6 Times Normal, St Paul, MN. Gamma and Beta only. Last known reading.
  •  583 CPM, 116.6 Times Normal, Lincoln, NE. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  273 CPM, 54.6 Times Normal, Des Moines, IA. Gamma only.
  •  415 CPM, 83 Times Normal, Aberdeen, SD. Gamma only.
  •  311 CPM, 62.2 Times Normal, Rapid City, SD. Gamma only.
  • Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]
  •  443 CPM, 88.6 Times Normal, Kansas City, KA. Gamma only.
  •  375 CPM, 75 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK. Gamma only.
  •  607 CPM, 121.4 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  494 CPM, 98.8 Times Normal, Dallas, TX. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  606 CPM, 121.2 Times Normal, San Angelo, TX. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  229 CPM, 45.8 Times Normal, Lubbock, TX. Gamma only.
  •  433 CPM, 86.6 Times Normal, South Valley, NM. Gamma only.
  •  530 CPM, 106 Times Normal, Albuquerque, NM. Gamma and Beta only. Last known report.
  •  365 CPM,  73 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Gamma only.
  •  961 CPM, 192.2 Times Normal, Billings, MT. Gamma only.
  •  459 CPM, 91.8 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  669 CPM, 133.8 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Gamma and Beta only.
  •  245 CPM, 49 Times Normal, Las Vegas, NV. Gamma only.
  •  550 CPM, 110 Times Normal, San Diego, CA. Gamma only.
  •  855 CPM, 171 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Gamma and Beta only. Last known reading.
  •  310 CPM, 62 Times Normal, Los Angeles, CA. Gamma only.
  •  206 CPM, 41.2 Times Normal, San Francisco, CA. Gamma only.
  •  538 CPM, 107.6 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Gamma only.
  • Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]



Highest Recorded Radioactive City in America this week


A new and familiar Leader this week in the race for the Most Radioactive Weather in America is Billings, Montana with 961 CPM. Congratulations to Billings, Montana as the Most Radioactive City in America.

Can 1,000 CPM be far behind? We’ll see. Stick with Bob Nichols on VT, I’ll keep you advised.

Last place in the radiation race among reporting cities is none other than San Fransisco, California with 206 CPM. Even at that, San Fransisco is still 41.2 Times Normal.

 Religion is a region with a li(e) in it by R. Ayana




The word “only” is a permanent add to all partial Rad report lines. Right now, all the city lines are partial reports and are therefore reporting Low.


Isotope Count reporting


These CPM numbers do not represent the actual radiation counts in your radiation weather this week. It is higher [or worse] than these government certified partial reports say. Use these report numbers as your Starting Point in adding up your daily, monthly and annual exposure from your Rad Weather.

Most radiation monitors report on the radioactive presence of Cesium 137 at the detector. YRTW will report on “the secrets the Pros use” in estimating the actual Total radiation counts. It is not a pretty picture. Squeamish readers may want to turn to other Veterans Today articles reporting on usual things like wars and people getting blown up by an actual named enemy you can see in pictures.

The Lethality goes up for 35 years; then declines slightly and hangs steady for millions of years, for that release. New releases start a new clock all over again. Regrettably for all Normal Humans, that is a bunch of generations. The end result is extinction, of course.  Everybody is included; no one is left out. Truthfully, it is a Bummer and I know of no variety of radiation-exempt Human Species.

Day One out of the reactor use a news reported Cesium multiplier of 150 Times. After 15 days outside the reactor the multiplier is still approximately 100 times the Cesium Twins. Take all appropriate Rad precautions.

A second Multiplier is for Rad particles that have been outside the reactor for ten years or more. The Total radiation declines to approximately Five (5) Times the Cesium level. The Lethality is still increasing though.

Here’s how you can calculate an estimate of your Total Rad today: Use a reported account of the Cesium 137/134 CPM in your area and Multiply Times 5. Another way to say it is:

Cs137/134 CPM X 5.0 = Total Radiation released in CPM

That’s it. No magic or VooDoo, just the facts as close as you can calculate it. Good Luck.

Radiation types commonly measured by radiation monitors include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. Only Beta and Gamma are reported by the EPA and here on YRTW. There are 1,944 other individual Rad elements, only a few are ever mentioned in articles.

In short: The newer disaster’s Cesium 137/134 radiation CPM that is conveniently echoed by local and national news outlets, tells you right away by simple Multiplication how big the disaster really is, even if they are lying. At least it gets you closer than “There is no danger to the public.” That would be You. Think of it as the insider’s secret code. Multiply away!

How often do radioactive releases occur? The answer is: Radioactive releases occur daily in most reactors.

It is not unheard for officials to think they will hurt business or tourism if they tell the truth so they Lie about the Cesium 137/134 CPM level, kinda like the doofus Mayor in the 1975 movie Jaws.

Isotope detectors


If you have a lot of money you can buy an Isotope detector that will tell you the name of isotopes it is tuned to detect. They are excellent tools for determining specific Rad elements. More power to you if you can afford one, or a group of you can pony up the Bucks to buy one. In this case knowledge is power. That kind of power can only be bought.

Without it, you have what the Pro-Nukers laughingly refer to in our lives as “A shortened life span.” That means the Pro-nukers are joyfully killing people these 70 years now and have no intention of stopping. I mean, after all, they get rich slaughtering us.

Jeeeez, where is Master Sergeant Woods, 3rd Army Hangman in WWII? We need him to hang these Stainless Steel Psychopaths and their political henchmen.

Previous editions of YRTW

Up to five previous editions of YRTW are listed at the end of each column. View each YRTW and all my previous columns at VeteransToday.com

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there!

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2015. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols and Veterans Today.

Notes and Sources


1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at Epa.gov

2. The EPA based reporting of NETC.com, an LLC.3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.

4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.

5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.

6. Digilert 100 Promotional Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Keison.co.uk  Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.

7. ENENEWS, August 7th, 2015, US Gov’t: “We don’t know what’s going on” in Pacific — Many ill baby seals being abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; Dying whales, birds, fish — “Unprecedented things happening” — Experts: “It’s been a very unusual marine mammal year… I’m really worried, very concerned” (AUDIO)

8. Google” Movie Jaws, Steven Spielberg  When a young woman is killed by a shark while skinny-dipping near the New England tourist town of Amity Island, police chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) wants to close the beaches, but mayor Larry Vaughn (Murray Hamilton) overrules him, fearing that the loss of tourist revenue will cripple the town.

Fukushima: Almost Five Years Later and Look at What’s STILL Happening


As most of you reading this already know, 2011 bore witness to one of the darkest days of human environmental history. That year, a nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant after a massive 9.0 earthquake triggered a tsunami, resulting in the nuclear meltdown of three of the plant’s six nuclear reactors.

Again, this is one of the (if not the) most disastrous environmental incidents in the history of the human race. You could argue that the BP oil spill of the year prior was on the same level, but it doesn’t matter; these types of catastrophes happen every day on our planet, and the corporations responsible do their best to cover up the facts and influence the public into thinking that it’s not as bad as it looks. But it is far worse than we even realize, and these events serve as a great opportunity for us to wake up and realize that the time for change is here.

Or do we need yet another lesson?

With Fukushima, we are talking about serious radioactive water leakage. Just a couple of months ago, the facility’s operator, TEPCO, announced that contamination levels have spiked up to 70 times over regular readings. This was happening because of a gutter that pours rain and ground water from the plant to a nearby bay. (source)

Furthermore, in that same time period TEPCO also announced that a staggering 750 tons of contaminated rainwater have escaped the plant. (source)(source)

This is one of many examples of continual contamination of the Pacific Ocean, and the entire planet. It’s no secret that TEPCO has had a very hard time dealing with this, and they also recently announced that they would miss their toxic water cleanup deadline.

A recent report by UN nuclear watchdog (IAEA) stated that Japan had made significant progress, but there is still a radioactive threat, and a “very complex” scenario at Fukushima. (source)

This type of thing has been happening since the earthquake first occurred. The Japanese government made it clear in 2013 that a minimum of 300 tonnes of contaminated water has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean every single day. That means that approximately 300,000 tonnes (minimum) of contaminated water made its way into the Pacific Ocean by March of 2013. Just imagine what that number is now. (source)

It’s also noteworthy to mention that TEPCO had to dump 3 million gallons of contaminated water into the Pacific to make room in its storage ponds for water that was more heavily contaminated, which they needed to pump out of the damaged reactors to try and get them under control. (source)

Again, these are minimum amounts, as TEPCO has spent a great deal of time denying the truth and trying to conceal information.

Even after the immediate crisis eased, scientists continued to find radioactive contamination in the waters off the plant.

As Nation Geographic reports:

“Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution who has analyzed thousands of samples of fish from the area, said he’s continued to find the high levels of cesium-134, a radioactive isotope that decays rapidly. That indicates it’s still being released.” (source)

He stated that “it’s getting into the ocean, no doubt about it. The only news was that they finally admitted to this.” (source)

“This is one of the most monstrous cover-ups in the history of medicine.” – Dr Helen Caldicott, personally nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Linus Pauling

You can view what she had to say about the crisis here.

In 2014, Bronwyn Delacruz, a high school student from Grande Prairie, Alberta, discovered that a variety of seafood, particularly seaweeds, are littered with high levels of radiation. You can read more about that here.

Extremely low levels of radioactive cesium-134 were also detected about 100 miles off the coast of Eureka in northern California. You can read more about that here.

A study published in the peer-reviewed Open Journal of Pediatrics has found that radioactive Iodine from Fukushima has caused a significant increase in hypothyroidism among babies in California, and this was a study that was conducted two years ago. They determined that:

Although less than three years have elapsed since the meltdown, health effects of low-dose exposures from fallout should be analyzed, especially for those in the earliest stages of life. Health status measures after March 2011 such as infant deaths, neonatal deaths, birth defects, stillbirths, low weight births, premature births, and cancers in the first year of life can be analyzed. Short-term findings of the young can serve as a warning about potential long-term adverse health effects on populations of all ages. Fukushima fallout appeared to affect all areas of the US, and was especially large in some, mostly in the western part of the nation.” (source)

You can read more about that, and view the study here.

Just to reiterate, every single year since the disaster happened, there has been undeniable evidence that the plant was leaking every day for the first two years, and for the last couple of years there have been confirmed leaks as well.

 New Dawn by R. Ayana


It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way. We Can Change.


First of all, Japan built this reactor on an earthquake fault, and the GE engineers who were involved resigned because they knew this (as Dr Helen Caldicott explains in a source linked above). If you look at how many nuclear reactors have been built on earthquake fault lines, it will make you scratch your head. Why are we using the same energy that’s used to blow up nuclear bombs to generate power when we have several other ways to do so? Why are we using nuclear power to boil water, using that heat to turn it into steam, to turn a turbine that generates electricity? How primitive are we?

We are starting to realize that this is a huge mistake, we are dealing with radioactivity here that, were you to stand next to it for even a couple of seconds, you would die. We’ve already seen the effects travel all the way to North America., as mentioned above.

The world’s largest private bank, UBS, is urging investors to join the clean, renewable energy movement. Analysts at the bank say that power plants in Europe might be extinct within the next 10 to 20 years.

Most of the plants retiring in the future will not be replaced, large scale power plants could be on the path to extinction.”(source)

We could use solar power to provide energy to the entire planet. A team at IBM recently developed what they call a High Concentration Photo Voltaic Thermal (HCPVT) system that is capable of concentrating the power of 2,000 suns, they are even claiming to be able to concentrate energy safely up to 5,000X, which is huge. You can read more about that here.

Over-unity breakthroughs are also being made, which means the second law of thermodynamics must be adjusted to account for the fact that space is not empty. Here is one example coming out of India. Here is a video of a NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor explaining the reality of these devices. Here is a clip of another renowned physicist doing the same, with more links to publications within the article.

We have so many plausible solutions to our environmental problems just waiting to be taken advantage of,  but many people have a hard time accepting the fact that they are both feasible and affordable.

We (the human race) need to grow out of our adolescence and into adulthood. It’s time to move on and embrace new ways of doing things; people are working hard to come up with alternatives and we should be making every effort to adapt. Old habits die hard, but we need to learn from our mistakes and ensure a brighter future for the generations to come.

For more information about radiation see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/radiation
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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Sunday, 30 August 2015

Project Serpo: The Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens

Project Serpo – The Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens  


In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO Discussion Group led by former U.S. Government Employee Victor Martinez. These emails detailed the existence of an Exchange Program between the U.S. Government and the Ebens – alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The program was thus called Project Serpo.


The source identified himself as a retired employee of the government, claiming he had participated in a special program.

The program’s origins lay with the two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, the famous Roswell incident and another one in Corona. He claimed one extraterrestrial survived the crash and was transferred to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The other six deceased extraterrestrials were placed in a freezing facility in the same laboratory.

Establishing communications with the scientists and military personnel, the survivor provided them with the location of its home planet and continued to cooperate until its death in 1952. The alien provided information regarding the items found inside the crashed UFOs. One of the items was a communication device that it was allowed to use, contacting its home planet.

A meeting was set for April 1964, when an alien craft landed near Alamogordo, New Mexico. Upon retrieving the bodies of their dead comrades, the extraterrestrials engaged in an information exchange that was carried out in English, thanks to the aliens’ translation device.

One thing led to another and in 1965, the aliens accepted to take a group of humans back to their planet as part of the exchange program. Twelve military personnel were carefully selected for a ten year stay on Serpo. The ten men and two women were specialists in various fields and their task was to gather as much information as possible, regarding all aspects of life, society and technology on the alien planet.

They were three years late and four people short when they finally returned in 1978. Two men had died on the alien planet. One man and one woman had decided to stay. The journey to Serpo, located 37 light years from Earth, took only nine months aboard the alien craft.

They had learned that Serpo was a planet similar to our own, albeit smaller. It orbited around a binary star system and had an atmosphere similar in composition to the one on Earth. However, the two suns meant there were higher levels of radiation and the twelve humans had to resort to protection at all times. Two of them died from complications. The heat was extreme and it took the remaining humans several years to adjust.


Another problem was the food. The crew had taken enough food to last them for two and a half years but eventually had to resort to eating native Eben food. Anyone who’s traveled abroad knows about the serious gastrointestinal implications posed by eating local food but the human crew eventually adjusted.

Another problem was the length of the day on Serpo, which was 43 Earth hours long. Also, it never got fully dark as their night skies were dimly lit by the smaller sun. The crew had complete freedom to explore the alien planet and they were not hindered in any way.

The geology of the alien world was different; there were few mountains and no oceans. Several types of plant-like life existed but mostly near the polar area, where it was cooler. There were also types of animal life and some of the larger ones were used by the Ebens for work and other tasks but never as food sources. They produced their food through industrial processes, of which they had many.

The inhabitants of Serpo lived in small communities led by a large city. They lacked a central government but seemed to be doing fine without it. The Ebens had leadership and an army but the Earth team noticed they never used weapons of any type and violence was virtually unheard of. They had no concept of money or commerce. Every Eben was issued items in accordance with their needs.

The planet’s population was about 650,000 individuals. The human crew noted the Ebens were disciplined in all aspects of their lives, working on schedules based on the movements of their suns. There were no other civilizations on Serpo except the Ebens.


Their method of reproduction was similar to our own but it had a much lower success rate. Therefore, their children were highly isolated. In fact, the only problem the human crew had was when they intended to photograph Eben children. They were escorted away by the army and asked not to attempt that again.

Upon returning to Earth, the remaining eight members of the expedition were quarantined for a year. During this period, they were debriefed and the complete account amassed around 3,000 pages. All members of the expedition have since died from various complications due to radiation exposure. The fate of the two people who chose to remain on Serpo is unknown. The Ebens have not contacted Earth since 1985.


{This section provides overall information about what the exchange team discovered during their stay on Planet Serpo.  Section 5.1 describes what the team discovered about the planet.  Section 5.2 describes the EBEN civilization.  Section 5.3 describes the problems the team members encountered and section 5.4 provide the conclusions made about the project.}

It took our team, in an Eben craft, nine months to travel the distance. During the trip, each of our team members were frequently dizzy, disoriented and suffered headaches. The craft did not go through any weightlessness during the trip. The craft was very large and allowed the team to exercise.

Once the team arrived on the Eben planet, it took them several months to adjust to the atmosphere. During the adjustment period, they suffered headaches, dizziness and disorientation.

There was a period of darkness, but not total darkness. The Eben planet is located within a solar system of the Zeta Recticular Star System. The planet had two suns but their angles were small and allowed some darkness on the planet depending on one's location.

The planet was tilted which allowed the northern part of the planet to be cooler. The planet was a little less than Earth's size. The atmosphere was similar to Earths and contained the elements of CHON [Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen]. Zeta Recticular is approximately 37 light years from us.

The bright suns of the Eben planet also presented problems. Although they had sunglasses, they still suffered from the bright sunlight and the danger of sun exposure. The radiation levels of the planet were a little higher than that of Earth. They were careful to cover their bodies at all times.

The Ebens had no forms of refrigeration, except in industry. The temperature of the planet, at the center portion, stayed between 94° and 115°. They did have clouds and rain, but not frequently. At the northern hemisphere of the planet, the temperature dropped to between 55 and 80 degrees. This was too cool for the Ebens, or at least most. Our team did find Ebens living in the north, but in very small villages.

Our team eventually relocated to the north in order to stay cool. The ground transportation used by our team was similar to a helicopter. The power system was a sealed energy device that provided electrical power and lift for the craft. It was very easy to fly and our pilots learned the system within days. The Ebens did have vehicles, which floated above the ground and did not have any tires or wheels.


There were leaders, but no real form of government. There was virtually no crime seen by the team. They had an army, which also acted as the police force. But no guns or weapons of any type were seen by our team. There were regular meetings within each small community. There was one large community, which acted as the central point of the civilization. All the industry was at this one large community. There was no money.

Every Eben was issued what they needed. No stores, malls or shopping locations. There were central distribution centers where Ebens went to obtain items of needs. All Ebens worked in some capacity. Children were kept very isolated. The only trouble our team members got into was when they attempted to photograph Eben children. The Army politely escorted them away and cautioned them not to do it again.


The Eben's energy device was analyzed over and over again by our team. Since our team did not have access to scientific microscopes or other measuring equipment, we could not understand the function of the energy device.

But, regardless of the electrical demand, the Eben energy device provided the proper current and wattage. Out team surmised the device had some sort of regulator that sensed the required current/wattage and then supplied that specific amount. (Note: Our Team Members brought back two energy devices for analysis.)

Serpo moved around one sun only. The other sun was within the two orbits.


Statistics on the Eben planet was collected by our team. Here is the pertinent data:
7,218 miles
5.06 x 10 24
Distance from Sun #1:
96.5 million miles
Sun #2:
91.4 million miles
Surface gravity:
9.60m/s 2
Rotation Periods:
43 hours
865 days
43 degrees
Min: 43° / Max: 126°
Distance from Earth:
38.43 light years
Planet named by Team:
Nearest planet to SERPO:
Named: OTTO
88 million miles (colonized by Ebens with research base, but no natural inhabitants on planet)
Number of planets in Eben Solar System:
Nearest inhabited planet to SERPO:
Named: SILUS (SILUS is made up of creatures of various types, but no intelligent life forms. Ebens use the planet to mine minerals.)
434 million miles



Here are some geological facts regarding Serpo our Team Members compiled: The planet's diameter was measured at about 7,218 miles. The surface gravity was 9.60m/s 2. And, the rotation period was approximately 43 hours.

Our Team contained two geologists (they were also cross-trained as biologists). The first thing our geologists did was map the entire planet. The first step was to divide the planet in half, thus creating an Equator. Then they established a Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Within each hemisphere, they created four quadrants.

Finally, they established the "North and South" Poles. This was the easiest method to study the planet. Most of the Eben communities were placed along the Equator. However, there were some communities established north of the equator in each of the four quadrants in the Northern Hemispheres. There were no communities located in either poles. The southern pole was desert. It was barren land with virtually no precipitation where absolutely nothing grew in this area.

There were volcanic rock formations and part of the extreme south contained a rock desert. Temperatures in the south pole were measured at between 90° and 135°F. Going further north from the south pole in Quadrant 1, the Team found extrusive rocks. This indicated some volcanic activity in the area. Our team found numerous volcanoes in this area.

The Team found several fissure eruptions in this region, with standing water. The water was tested and contained high levels of sulfur, zinc, copper and other unknown chemicals. Moving from east to Quadrant 2, the Team found basically the same volcanic fields of rocks.

However, in one particular location near the north end of Quadrant 2, the Team found an Alkali Flat. On Earth, these were formed by streams flowing into a desert or arid location. Our team found hard mud covered by alkaline salts. Some vegetation was growing in this area.

Moving to Quadrant 3, the Team found a form of Badlands: An arid region that is lined with deep gullies with sparse vegetation. The gullies or valleys were extremely deep, some going down 3,000 feet.

The team found the first Serpo animal in this region. It looked like an armadillo. This creature was extremely hostile and tried to attack the Team several times. The Eben guide used some type of sound device (sonic-directed sound beam) to scare away the creature.

Moving to the Equatorial region, our team found desert-style landscapes which contained patches of vegetation. The team found numerous pockets of water fed to the ground by Artesian Wells. This water was the freshest, containing only the unknown chemicals. It tasted good and the Ebens drank and used it. Our team still boiled it because during culture tests, unknown types of bacteria were detected.

Moving to the Northern Hemisphere, the Team found a major change in climate and landscape. One Team Member, who had coined it Quadrant 1, in the northern hemisphere, named it "Little Montana." The Team found trees, similar to the Evergreen style of Earth trees. These trees were milked by the Ebens. A white fluid was extracted and drank.

Numerous other types of vegetation were found in this region. Standing water, possibly fed by either Artesian Wells or fissure eruptions was found. In one area, marsh lands were seen. Large plants were observed growing in the marshy area. The Ebens used these plants for food. The bulb of the plant was very large. The bulb tasted something like a melon.

Our Team eventually moved to an area in Quadrant 1 in the northern hemisphere. This area contained moderate temperatures [50° - 80°] and ample amounts of shade. The Eben's built a little community for the team. Most of the remaining exploration of the planet was done from this point. The Team only explored the southern hemisphere once, obtaining geological information.

Because of the intense heat, the Team decided not to venture back. The Team continued to explore the northern hemisphere, where, as the Team traveled towards the north pole, the temperature cooled considerably. The Team found mountains, raising to an elevation of 15,000 feet and valleys that sank below the basic mark the team established for "sea level." Lush green fields were found containing a form of grass, but contained bulbs. The Team coined these fields, "Clover Fields," even though the bulbs were not clover.

The radiation levels were lower in the northern hemisphere than at the Equator and southern hemisphere. The north pole contained cold weather and the team saw the first sign of snow. Blankets of snow littered the landscape around the north pole. The snow measured about 20 feet, at its deepest.

The temperature was a constant 33°. Our Team never found the temperature to vary in this region. The Ebens could not stand to be in this region for long. They suffered extreme hypothermia. The Team's guide wore a suit, similar to a space suit with built in heaters.

Our Team found evidence of past earthquakes. Fault lines were found along the northern tip of the southern hemisphere. Exfoliation was observed along with extrusive rocks, which indicated magma flows in the past.

Our Team brought back hundreds of samples of Serpo soil, vegetation, water and other items for testing on Earth. During our Team's exploration, they discovered numerous types of animals. The strangest was the "Beast" which looked like a large Ox. The animal was timid and never seen to be hostile.  Another animal looked like a Mountain Lion, but had long fur around the neck. This animal was curious, but was not considered hostile by the Ebens.

During the exploration of Quadrant 4 of the southern hemisphere, the team found a very long and large creature that appeared to be a snake. This creature was "deadly," as explained by the Ebens. The head of the creature was large and contained almost human-like eyes. This was the only time our Team used their weapons and killed the creature.

The Ebens didn't appear to be upset that the Team killed the creature, but was upset they used a weapon. The team brought four .45 caliber Colt (standard military issued) handguns and four M2 carbine rifles. After killing the creature, the team disected it. The internal organs were strange and nothing similar to a Earth-style snake. The creature measured 15 feet long and 1.5 feet in diameter. The team was curious about the eyes.

Examination of the eyes revealed cones, similar to human eyes. The eye contained an iris and the back contained a large nerve, similar to the optic nerve feeding into the creature's brain. The brain was large, much larger than any Earth-based snake. The Team wanted to eat the meat from the creature, but the Eben guides politely told them "No."


The bodies of water on Serpo did not contain fish, as we know. Some bodies, near the equator, did contain strange-looking creatures, similar to eels (small and about 8–10" long) and was probably a cousin of the land-based "Snake." There was something like a jungle, near the marshlands, but not the jungles that we're familiar with.

There was a lengthy discussion about weapons. At the end, the Ebens didn't really care. So our Team Members decided to take some just in case. Not for a fight, God knows, as our Team was vastly outnumbered, but for the safety aspects of it. Remember, the 12 were all military members, so weapons made them FEEL safe. A side note: They only took 50 rounds of ammunition per handgun and 100 rounds of ammunition per rifle.


Here is some information about the animals on Serpo.
— The Armadillo-like creature was not aggressive, it just scared the Team Members. The Eben guide directed some type of sound (very high pitch) at the Armadillo creature and that scared it away. These creatures were seen at several locations around the planet. Some were larger than others, but they were not aggressive.
— Only the snake-like creature was aggressive, which forced the Team to kill one. The snake-like creatures were located in just one location and the Team never saw another one.
— As for birds, there were two types of flying creatures. One resembled a hawk and the other looked like a large flying squirrel. Neither were aggressive and the Team could never catch one for examination.
— As for insects, they had small bugs, similar to cockroaches, but smaller. They were harmless, but did get into the Team's equipment. They had a hardened shell, with a soft interior body. The Team never observed any flying insects, such as flies, wasps, etc. Several other small bugs were found and identified.

There were four photographs available, which were taken on Serpo:

—                one photograph shows the entire Team standing next to an Eben home, with several Ebens standing in the background;
— another photograph shows the Team's new home in the north;
— another photograph shows an Eben village in the north;
— another photograph shows a group of Eben s playing their "soccer" game.



The Eben civilization was estimated to be about 10,000 years old. They evolved from another planet, not on Serpo. The original home planet of the Ebens was threatened with extreme volcanic activity. The Ebens had to relocate to Serpo in order to protect their civilization. This occurred some 5,000 years ago.

The Ebens had a great interplanetary battle with another race about 3,000 years ago. The Ebens lost many thousands in their battle. The Ebens completely eliminated all of their enemies. The Ebens have never fought another war since. The Ebens have been space travelers for the past 2,000 years. The Ebens first visited Earth about 2,000 years ago.

Why does the Eben population number only about 650,000? The Ebens have a very stable, structured civilization. Each male has a mate. They are allowed to reproduce (in somewhat the same sexual way we do), but are limited to only a specific number of children. Our team never saw a family with more than two children.

The Eben civilization was so structured that they planned the birth of each and every child, spacing them apart to allow the proper social grouping of the civilization. Eben children matured at a super rate, compared to Earth children. Our team watched live births, attended to by an Eben doctor, and then watched the development of the child over a period of time, team member's time. They matured at an alarming rate.

The Ebens had scientists, doctors and technicians. There was one educational facility on the planet. If one was chosen, you attended the facility and learned the job one was best qualified and suited for. Although it was extremely difficult to judge or measure, the team estimated each Eben's IQ to be 165.

The Ebens had no single ruler. There was a "Council of Governors," which the team named. This group controlled every single action on the planet. The members of the council seemed to have been around for a long time. Since Ebens didn't age – or at least our team couldn't detect aging – it was difficult to judge the age of each member.

There were about 100 different villages or living locations for the Ebens. The Ebens only used a small portion of their planet. They did mine minerals in remote areas of the planet and had a large industrial plant in the southern portion of the planet near a body of water. Our team determined this plant had some sort of hydroelectrical operation.

The Ebens developed a different type of electrical and propulsion system. It was unknown to our team and I don't think we ever really understood it. They were able to tap into a vacuum and bring back an enormous amount of energy from that vacuum.

Our team's living quarters, which consisted of several small buildings, contained electricity powered by a small box. This small box supplied all the power our team needed. Ironically, the electrical equipment our team brought on the trip worked using their power source only.

Ebens did die. Our team members saw deaths, some from accidents and some from natural causes. The Ebens buried the bodies, similar to our method. Our team saw two air accidents involving their intra-planet flying vehicle.

The Ebens worshipped a Supreme Being. It appeared to be some sort of diety relating to the Universe. They conducted daily services, normally at the end of the first work period. They had a building or church they entered to worship.

Our team left Earth in a large Eben spacecraft and flew to Serpo in approximately nine months by our team's measurement of time. Upon our team's return, they traveled on a newer Eben craft. The time, estimated by our team for the return, was seven months.


How did the Ebens advance so quickly? Nothing was written about this. But Earth-based scientists surmised that since the Eben culture consisted of just one species, their advancement excelled and accelerated more rapidly than a civilization that consisted of different species, different languages, etc.

Why are there only 650,000 in the Eben civilization? Again, the team never found the answer except that many hundreds of thousands of Ebens died in The Great War. Earth-based social behavior specialists surmised that the Eben civilization was structured to accommodate their own needs. Our team did find limited supplies of commodities on their planet. Large buildings were used to harvest food products.

The soil wasn't rich in a lot of minerals. Ebens used a form of organic agriculture to harvest food items. Maybe the Ebens were scared that if they over populated the planet, they couldn't provide for their citizens.

As to the Eben culture: They had a form of musical entertainment. The music sounded like tonal rhythms. They also listened to a type of chanting. The Ebens were dancers. They celebrated certain work periods with a ritual dance. The Ebens would form a circle and dance around, listening to the chanting type of music. The music was played on bells and drums, or something similar to them.

There were no televisions, radio stations or anything like that. The Ebens played a game, something like soccer, but with a larger ball. The object was to kick the ball down a field into a goal. The game had very strange rules and played for long periods of time. They also had another game, mostly played by the children, that consisted of making formations with groups of Ebens. They seemed to really enjoy the game, but our team found little understanding of the game.

Athough the Eben civilization had no televisions, radios, etc., each Eben had a small device belted to their waists. This device gave orders to perform a particular task, news of pending events, etc. The device displayed a screen, similar to a television screen but in a 3-D style format. Our team brought back one of these devices. (I think today, we could compare it to a palm pilot.)

The Ebens fought a battle with an enemy for a period of time. Our Team Members estimated the war lasted about 100 years, but, again, that is our time. The war was fought using particle beam weapons, developed by both civilizations. The Ebens eventually were able to destroy the enemy planet, killing the remaining enemy forces.

The Ebens did warn us that several other alien races within our galaxy were hostile. The Ebens stay away from those races. The debriefing document never stated the name of the enemy, probably because they no longer existed.


The Ebens live in a very simple society. The individual Eben family contained a male, female and at least one child. Our team did find some families with as many as four children. We later learned those families were caring for children of Ebens who were either on Traveling Missions (exploring the universe) or dead Ebens.

Our Team witnessed an aircraft accident that killed four Ebens. The Ebens performed a form of ritual at the crash site. The Ebens transported the bodies to a medical facility and examined the bodies. Our Team Members were always allowed to accompany the Ebens, except during rest period, when the Ebens closed their doors for privacy.

Our Team Members saw the sorrow in the eyes of the Ebens during the death of their own. Later, after the last work period of the day, the Eben's had a "funeral," at least that is what our Team concluded it was. The Eben bodies were wrapped in a white cloth. Several types of liquids were poured over the bodies. Large numbers of Ebens would stand in a circle, chanting.

The sounds became almost nauseating to our Team Members. The ceremony lasted for a long time. Finally, the bodies were placed in metal containers and buried in a remote location away from the communities. After the burial, the Ebens had a feast. Large tables of food were brought out and everyone ate, danced and played games. This occurred at every Eben death witnessed by our team.

The individual Eben family lived a simple life. Their homes were constructed of clay, some type of material similar to wood, and some metal. The houses all looked the same. They appeared to be something from the Southwest, looking like adobe. The interior of the house consisted of four rooms. One room was the sleeping room where all Ebens slept in the same room on mats, a food preparation room (kitchen), a family room (the largest in the house) and a small waste room.

This brought up an interesting point for our Team. The Ebens did not have a physiological need to release body wastes as we did. The Eben's had small collection locations in the residence for their body wastes. But the Eben's body was extremely efficient in processing all food taken in. Their body wastes consisted of a small amount of fecal matter, similar to a small cat dropping.

Our Team Members never saw any urine excretion from an Eben. On the other hand, our Team Member's wastes consisted of bulk quantity of both fecal matter and urine. The Ebens had to dig large waste reception sites for our 12 Team Member's waste. The Ebens accommodated our team.

Food, as I mentioned previously, was a problem for our Team Members. Our Team consumed mostly military-style C-Rations, but eventually had to switch to Eben food. The Ebens had a variety of food items. They grew vegetables. Our Team found items similar to potatoes, but they tasted different. They had some type of lettuce, turnips, and tomatoes. They were the only items similar to ours. The Eben's had other vegetables grown.

These were strange looking round items with long vines. The Ebens cooked the vines and ate the large portion of the plant raw. The Ebens had some type of white liquid, which we first thought was a form of milk. But after tasting it, our Team realized it was different, both in taste and content. The liquid came from a small tree located in the northern portion of the planet. The Eben's literally milked the tree for the liquid. It appeared to be some sort of pleasure to drink the stuff.

Our Team Members never got a real "taste" for the liquid. The Ebens cooked food. They make pots of stew, which was extremely tasteless to our team. We used a lot of salt and pepper. They also baked a form of bread. It was non-yeast bread and tasted fairly good, but caused extreme constipation to our Team Members. We had to drink large quantities of water in order to digest the bread.

The one common food that Ebens and our Team Members liked was the fruit. The Ebens ate a great quantity of fruit. The fruit, although different from anything we saw, was sweet. Some of the fruit tasted something like melons, while others tasted like apples.

Another problem was water. The water on Serpo contained a number of unknown chemicals found by our team. Our Team eventually had to boil the water before drinking it. Seeing this, the Ebens built a large plant that processed water for our Team.

In our Team's final report, written by the commander (Colonel), the report states that during the exchange period (he was careful not to use exact time periods), the Team was able to communicate with the Ebens about 50% of the time. There were some things we were never able to communicate.

Our Team brought along softball equipment for sporting activity. The Ebens would watch the game and laugh out loud. (The Eben laugh sounded like a high pitched yell.) Eventually, the Ebens started playing the game, but never got used to catching the ball before it hit the ground.

Our Team also played touch football. Again, the Ebens watched the game intensely and then played it themselves. But again, like softball, the Ebens never figured out they had to catch the football before it hit the ground!

Although our Team Members honored the privacy of the Ebens, our Team was allowed to witness births. Our team, snooping around, was able to capture the sexual activity of the Ebens. The males and females had similar sexual organs and performed intercourse. The frequency of sexual activity was not recorded as being as often as our society performed. It was believed that they performed the act for pleasure and reproduction.


Our scientists could not understand how the orbit of Serpo could revolve around the two suns at the distance measured. In the end, our scientists found that some things relating to that particular system was different in physics compared to our system. There were some questions about how our team measured the orbit and other calculations based on the lack of a stable time base. For some reason – and I don't think this was ever determined – our time instruments did not work on Serpo.

Now, considering this, you can understand the difficult job our team members had making calculations without time. They had to come up with an alternate method to measure speeds, orbits, etc.

Challenge: Try solving a problem in physics without being able to measure time on Earth!  So you see, our team did the best they could with the instruments they had and the hardships they developed attempting scientific calculations. It is difficult for any Earth-based scientist to understand the different physics in other solar systems or on other planets.

One question involved Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion. Our team had that information. We had some of the best military scientists on the team. But if you consider Kepler's Law, it requires time and our team could only measure time in the conventional way. It was determined that Kepler's Laws did not apply to that solar system. So, one of the things our Earth-based scientists learned was not to apply Earth's laws of physics in a universal way.

Serpo was estimated to be about three billion years old. The two suns were about five billion years old, but only by estimation.


http://www.coasttocoastam.com/cimages/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/coast-to-coast/repository/photos/project-serpo-graphic-novel/804766-1-eng-US/Project-Serpo-Graphic-Novel_photo_medium.jpgAlthough our team spent over a decade (our time) on Serpo and nearby planets, they did not have a laptop computer to enter all data. They had two recorders, who were responsible for writing down the data. Our team acknowledged that a lot of data was lost or not documented.

Regarding Time: The Team Members brought several time pieces, e.g., wrist watches, non-battery style, as it stated in the debriefing data. The time pieces worked, but they had no reference to time since the Eben days were longer, the dusk and dawn periods were longer and they had no calendars to reference.

They did use the time pieces to calculate movement, for example, timing the movement of the Eben two suns. They also calculated the time between work and rest periods. But, after awhile, the team discarded their time pieces and used the Eben's measurement of time periods. The team became confused with the calendars they brought – a 10-year calendar.

After 24 months, the team lost track of time, as to the calendar since they could not properly calculate days compared to Earth days. They set up one large clock to the earth time when they left. However, this was a battery-controlled clock and when the battery died, the clock stopped and they forgot to change the battery in time. Consequently, they lost the earth time. The team brought a large quantity of batteries, but they ran out after about five years. The Ebens had no comparable item like batteries.

They also took electric razors, coffee pots, electric heaters, a DIM (no explanation as to what this was), an electric IBM typewriter, a scientific calculator, slide rules (both conventional and scientific), Base Data Collection Recorder (BDCR), three different sized telescopes, tangents, both conventional and electrical.

The list goes on and on. But they took about everything they were allowed to take, as to weight. The Ebens did weigh the equipment taken by our team. The weight limit was 4.5 tons or 9,000 lbs. As for food, the team took C-Rations, military style. They carefully planned for 10 years.


Selected Team Members carried small containers of liquid nitrogen. Ebens were vulnerable to extreme cold. In case the Eben's turned hostile, the liquid nitrogen could be used to neutralize Ebens during an escape attempt. The Team Members were instructed to spray the substance directly into the face of an Eben. Ebe 1 was found to be vulnerable to this.

As for the liquid nitrogen, it was placed in special containers, just like we do today. The debriefing document doesn't state the type of containers, just that each member had a small container.

However, during the return debriefing, the Team found the Ebens to be so docile, each Team Member quickly discarded these bottles of liquid nitrogen when they arrived on Serpo. The Ebens realized the Team had this substance, but never questioned the reason for bringing it. 

As with weapons, each Team Member had a handgun and rifle. The Ebens realized these were weapons, but again never questioned why the Team Members were bringing them along.

But each Team Member never carried the weapons except during their exploration of Serpo and then only certain Team Members carried them.


Humans could make the Eben tonal sounds, but one had to practice and practice and practice. It took a long time for anyone studying the Eben language to make the sounds. Some of the sounds were similar to high pitch singing sounds. The bottom line is that it could be done.

Now consider this: Even though each Team Member was taught the Eben tonal sounds/language, it was difficult for the Team Members to remember each tone and the use of other sounds with the tones. The two linguists on the Team practiced and learned enough to basically communicate, according to the documents I read.

The Ebens learned English, but had difficulty pronouncing words exactly correct. For example, according to the document, Ebens could not say the letter "L." So, if the Eben's were trying to say the word "look," it came out "ook."

Between the first message sent by our Earth-based team in the summer of 1952 to the first message received from the Ebens was about four months. We have no way of knowing when the Ebens received our message, how long it took them to study it and how long it took them to send it back. The signals were in Eben language, with a readout and sounds, tonal, etc.

There was one Eben, who was a space traveler and who could speak English better than the other Ebens who had learned it. This Eben was codenamed "Noah" by the Team. Every time the team had to communicate important information, they turned to Noah. But during the latter part of our Team's stay, Noah left for an away mission. By then, our two linguists were able to communicate better than any other Team Member.

Our Team had the Eben communication device with them, but it contained only about 500 English words. Not enough to fully communicate. The Team discarded the device early in their stay.


It took our linguist specialists several years to adequately establish a form of communication with the Ebens. A group of Ebens learned to understand English and a few other Earth languages.

This group contained the "Travelers," as our team called them. Our Team Members connected themselves with the Travelers. Although the Team couldn't always understand their responses, the Eben travelers understood our Team, most of the time. During this time period, the only exchange of information was simple.

The Ebens, not being able to completely explain something to our team, used a form of sign language by pointing to the object or item they wished to explain and made hand movements. Our team, two members, eventually grasped that method of communication. However, our Team didn't receive much information from the Ebens during this time period.

The Travelers (the very few who understood English numbered about 30) did not fully understand all words in our language. Later, the Ebens called our language too complicated and difficult to understand. We eventually determined the Eben Tonal Language to be very complicated and extremely hard to translate. We were able to record their language and then play it back, listening to each Tonal dialect and each tonal bar.

Eventually we crudely translated some of the language. We started with simple items, for example, the flying object that they used to travel around their planet on. Then things like houses, roads, food, clothing, their suns, their planet, etc. Although we did establish some form of communication, it was crude and not always helpful for our Team when something complicated happened.

For example, when our first Team Member died in an accident, it was hard to communicate with the Ebens. The member died instantly, therefore, no medical care was provided. Our two doctors examined the Member's body and determined the injuries were consistent with an accidental fall. Initially, the Ebens never interfered with our care or offered to provide any of their medical care.

However, once the Ebens – a very benevolent and caring people – saw our team members crying, the Ebens stepped in and offered to attempt some sort of medical care. Although our doctors felt the Team Member was medically dead, they allowed the Ebens to try their own medical care. Most of this was either through sign language or speaking to the Travelers who could understand some English.

The Ebens transported the Team Member's body to a remote area of the largest community. They took the body into a large building, apparently their hospital or medical center. The Ebens used a large examination table to view the body. The Ebens ran a large bluish-green light beam over the body. The Ebens watched a display, that appeared on a large screen that looked like a television screen. The readouts were in the Eben written language and thus our team could not understand it.

However, there was a graphic display, similar to a heart beat graph. The solid line was not wavering. Our doctors understood that meant the same thing that their equipment measured: the heart was not beating. The Ebens administered some liquid through a needle. This was done several times. Eventually, the heart started beating.

But our doctors knew the internal organs of the body were damaged, but couldn't fully explain that to the Ebens. The Ebens finally made a sign, placing both their hands to the chest and bowing their heads. Our team members knew that meant the body was dead and nothing could be done.

The Ebens showed affection to our Team. During the last work period, the Ebens had a ceremony for the dead Team Member, the same ceremony used when an Eben died. Our team held their own service, attended by the Ebens. The Ebens were extremely curious about our religious service. One Team Member, who was acting as a minister, performed a death service. Our Team was eternally grateful for the Eben's caring attitude for our dead friend.


Regarding the reason why some Team Members remained, the debriefing reported that the Team Members who remained, did so voluntarily. They fell in love with the culture of the Ebens and the planet. They were not ordered to return. Communication with the remaining crew members lasted until about 1988. No other communication was received from those Team Members. The two – who died on the Planet Serpo – were placed in coffins and buried. Their bodies were returned to Earth.

Each Team Member received a large dose or radiation during their stay on Serpo. Most of the Team Members died later of radiation-related illnesses.


President Bill Clinton wanted to continue the exchange program, but others in his administration thought it would be a mistake and overruled him. It was terminated in 1994 with Ebe #5.

All surviving Team Members were carefully monitored and watched by a special branch of the DIA. The last surviving Team Member died in 2002 in the State of Florida.

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