"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Did Humans Walk the Earth with Dinosaurs? Triceratops Horn Dated to 33,500 Years

Did Humans Walk the Earth with Dinosaurs? Triceratops Horn Dated to 33,500 Years

Triceratops Horn Dated to 33,500 Years




A Triceratops brow horn discovered in Dawson County, Montana, has been controversially dated to around 33,500 years, challenging the view that dinosaurs died out around 65 million years ago.  The finding radically suggests that early humans may have once walked the earth with the fearsome reptiles thousands of years ago.

The Triceratops brow horn was excavated by palaeontologist Otis Kline Jr, microscope scientist Mark Armitage, and microbiologist and avocational palaeontologist Kevin Anderson, in May 2012, and two horn samples (GDFM 12.001a and GDFM 12.001b) were given to the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum in Montana. The samples were then sent to the University of Georgia, Center for Applied Isotope Studies for Carbon-14 dating, which yielded an estimated date of 33,570 ± 120 years for the first sample and 41,010 ± 220 years for the second.

Triceratops, a name meaning “three-horned face”, is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur that is said to have first appeared during the late Maastrichtian stage of the late Cretaceous period, about 68 million years ago in what is now North America, and became extinct in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago.

However, scientists from the Paleochronology Group, a team of consultants in geology, paleontology, chemistry, engineering, and education, who perform research relating to “anomalies of science”, maintain that dinosaurs did not die out millions of years ago and that there is substantial evidence that they were still alive as recently as 23,000 years ago.

Classical reconstruction of a Triceratops
Classical reconstruction of a Triceratops (Wikimedia Commons)

Until recently, Carbon-14 dating was never used to test dinosaur bones, as the analysis is only reliable up to 55,000 years. Scientists never considered it worthwhile to run the test since it is generally believed that dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years, based on radiometric dating of the volcanic layers above or below fossils, a method which the Paleochronology Group states has “serious problems and gross assumptions must be made”.

"It became clear years ago that paleontologists were not just neglecting to test dinosaur bones for C-14 content but were refusing to. Normally a good scientist will be curious about the ages of important fossil bones,” Hugh Miller, a research and consulting chemist and Head of the Paleochronology Group, told Ancient Origins in an email.  

YouTube video explaining results of carbon testing on dinosaur bones

The results of the Triceratops Horn analysis are not unique. According to Mr Miller, numerous C-14 tests have now been carried out on dinosaur bones, and surprisingly, they all returned results dating back in the thousands rather than millions of years.

“I organized the Paleochronology group in 2003 to fill a void with regards fossil wood and dinosaur bones as I was curious as to their age by  C-14 dating.  We thus have used C-14 dating to solve the mystery why soft tissue and dinosaur depictions exist world-wide. Our model predicted dinosaur bones would have significant C-14 and indeed they did in the range of 22,000 to 39,000 years BP,” Mr Miller added.

Results of C-14 tests on dinosaur bones
Results of C-14 tests on dinosaur bones provided by the Paleochronology Group.

Numerous independent researchers have long argued that there is evidence man and dinosaur once walked the Earth together, such as hundreds of ancient artworks and artifacts that appear to depict dinosaurs, long before modern science had pieced together dinosaur fossils and conducted analyses to produce detailed reconstructions of their appearance.

Top left: Relief carving at Angkor Wat, Cambodia (1186 AD). Top Right: Textile from Nazca, Peru (700 AD). Bottom: Tapestry in the Chateau de Blois (1500 AD)
Top left: Relief carving at Angkor Wat, Cambodia (1186 AD). Top Right: Textile from Nazca, Peru (700 AD). Bottom: Tapestry in the Chateau de Blois (1500 AD)

However, even more intriguing is the discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur fossils. In the March 2005 issue of Science, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer and her team announced the discovery of soft tissue inside a 68-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex leg bone from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana, a controversial finding considering scientists had thought soft tissue proteins degrade in less than 1 million years in the best of conditions. After recovery, the tissue was rehydrated by the science team and testing revealed evidence of intact structures such as blood vessels, bone matrix, and connective tissue. 

More recently, Mark Armitage and Kevin Anderson published results of a microscopic analysis of soft tissue from a Triceratops horn in the peer-reviewed journal Acta Histochemica. Mr Armitage, a creationist, claimed that the preservation of cells is a scientific impossibility if the dinosaur really walked the Earth over 66 million years ago. On this basis, he opened a discussion with colleagues and students about the implications of such a finding being that the creationist perspective is correct and that dinosaurs existed much later than mainstream science maintains, a move that promptly saw him fired by the University of California.

While the Paleochronology Group says it is not “of any particular creed or denomination”, there are undoubtedly those with creationist beliefs among the group, a fact which critics may say could bias their results. Nevertheless, the group has urged any and all scientists to replicate their results by carrying out rigorous C-14 testing on any dinosaur sample.  

“Every sample tested yielded significant original Carbon-14 by extensive cross-checking of their ages in bone collagen, bulk organics and carbonate from bone bioapatite on AMS units and obtained concordance.  Thus, the overwhelming  odds are that most if not all unpetrified or even supposed petrified dinosaur bones in museum and university collections will show the same result,” Mr Miller told Ancient Origins. “We urge therefore that all those in charge of such collections see if they can replicate our findings. The implications are immense.”

The challenge, so far, has been met with rejection, and previous attempts to publish C-14 test results were repeatedly blocked. Raw data without interpretation was blocked from presentation in conference proceedings by the 2009 North American Paleontological Convention, the American Geophysical Union in 2011 and 2012, the Geological Society of America in 2011 and 2012, and by the editors of various scientific journals.  The Center for Applied Isotope Studies at the University of Georgia, who conducted ‘blind’ C-14 tests on dinosaur bones, without knowing what they were, refused to conduct further C-14 tests after finding they were testing dinosaur bones.  Paleontologist Jack Horner, curator at Montana State University’s Museum of the Rockies, who excavated the Tyrannosaurus Rex remains that contained soft tissue, even turned down an offer of a $23,000 grant to carry out a C-14 test on the remains. 

“[T]he public should be made aware that the discovery of soft tissue, C-14 in dinosaur bones and dinosaur depictions world-wild renders current beliefs about how old they are obsolete,” said Mr Miller. “Science is about sharing evidence, and letting the chips fall where they may.”

While there is a possibility that the C-14 test results were a result of contamination or error, (even though the results were replicated and rigorous pre-treatments were carried out by the University of Georgia to control for this), or are perhaps due to some other factor not currently understood by science, it seems reasonable to expect scientists to attempt replication of such groundbreaking test results. Failure to investigate or even acknowledge such significant findings unfortunately suggests that some scientists are more interested in holding on tight to current perspectives, rather than seeking to advance knowledge and understanding in this field.

Featured image: Triceratops horn discovered in Dawson County, Montana, which yielded C-14 results of around 33,500 years.

New Illuminati comments: We waited for some hard data before presenting any information on the hypothesis of dinosaur survival, recognising that the notion will appear ridiculous to many; data appears to have arrived.

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Friday, 30 January 2015

10 Ways to Opt Out of the System

10 Ways to Opt Out of the System
It’s Never Too Late to Stop Contributing to the Destruction

By Joe Wright

I've noticed an increase in the defeatist tone among activists lately. Many are realizing that the current system cannot be salvaged, and they get angry at the lack of answers and give up hope. I've been there. We all have.

Yes, the system is tightening its control as more people begin to see it for what it is. Yes, mathematically and rationally, the system is nearing collapse.

But the fix will not be found with anger and predictions of doom, and the fix will not come from petitioning a lawmaker, a regulator, or a sheriff. The fix can only come from you.

It's true that it is nearly impossible to completely opt out of the system. The Matrix is all around us, embedded in our very survival. However, that doesn't mean we should not do what we can to limit our exposure to the decaying system.

The more you depend on a system you despise, the more you will be hurt by it. Therefore, it's vital to find ways to opt out to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Here are ten ways to opt out of the system:

1. Stop Feeding It:

 First, stop feeding the system. Stop advocating that the government do your bidding. The very idea that government should be powerful enough to do anyone's bidding is how the elite took it over.

You can also stop feeding it by boycotting corporations that do harm to society. Finally, reduce your digital footprint. Giving Facebook your whole life story is the same as giving it to the NSA.

2. Get Healthy:

Modern medicine has become one of the most egregious pillars of control. Even if you have foolishly overpriced health insurance, they require you to attend a minimum number of "well visits" or they can deny claims later on.

It's a clever scheme to get you into the system as much as possible. The only way to feel confident opting out is to get yourself healthy. Simple: eat well and get fit.

 Question: When GMOs finally get labeled, who will make sure they are not wrong? The FDA? Don't make me laugh.

Growing your own food is the most effective and rewarding way to opt out of the system. Get some chickens. Grow a garden. Learn to preserve food. What you can't grow yourself, buy locally or in bulk quantities direct from the source (i.e., wheat, barley, rice).

4. Become Your Own Bank:

This might be the biggest secret on this list. Did you know that you can opt out of traditional finance altogether?

You can be your own bank and benefit from compounding loan payments instead of corporate banks. Oh, and it's tax free. What is it? Dividend-paying whole life insurance. Before you groan, read this book.

5. Barter:

Dollars are the system's fuel and its very foundation. Use anything but dollars wherever you can. Do as much of your economic activity as possible with barter, or off-the-books transactions.

Agorism, sharing economy, and peer-to-peer opportunities are growing exponentially. Go to the Craigslist "barter" category and engage. Use Bitcoin - open a wallet and get some bitcoin here.

6. Produce Something:

 Make something of value. Create something beautiful. Learn a new skill that no one can take from you. It doesn't even matter if you sell or trade it, because just doing it for yourself is making you more independent.

7. Homeschool Your Kids:

For parents, this is by far the best step you can take to opt out. If you despise the system, why would you expose your children to its indoctrination?

Public schools are temples of authority worship to promote a deliberate agenda. The system may not be fixed in your lifetime, but at least your children will be saved from its cult.

8. Don't Outsource Your Personal Security:

Let's face it, some people will defend the militarized police no matter how much violence they commit.

Scared masses have outsourced their personal security to a seemingly unaccountable armed gang... and the result is a police state for everyone else. Get fit and learn self-defense. That way you don't have to demand that "authorities" protect the herd like helpless livestock. [NI Ed Comments: This does NOT mean buying and stocking weapons or ammunition – learn T’ai Chi Chuan!]

9. Volunteer:

Stop begging the government to take care of everything. If you want a better world, go make it happen. The war on poverty is clearly not working.

The government criminalizing feeding the homeless all over America should be all you need to know. Disobey. Volunteer for charities, community or church events, or start your own charity.

10. Move to an Undisclosed Location:

Last, but not least, you can just about drop out completely by moving overseas or to an undisclosed location.

This can be accomplished, but it won't occur without some hardship. Leaving friends and family behind may cause more pain than the system is causing you. So you should do serious research and meditation before attempting this option.

Dropping off the grid abruptly will likely make you miserable. Don't feel like you have to do everything at once. It's best to take small steps toward independence.

Pick a few of the ideas above that are possible within your current circumstances, or the points that most resonate with you, and take action immediately.


From Activist Post @ http://www.activistpost.com/2015/01/10-ways-to-opt-out-of-system.html

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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Buddha Mudras to Practice in Daily Life

Buddha Mudras to Practice in Daily Life


Mudras or hand gestures is a practice to improve your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. In the Vedic tradition, the fingers of the hand represent the five basic elements that make up the human body: air, wind, fire, mud, and water. Based on this understanding, finger tips of living beings have many concentrated nerve root endings which act as free energy discharge points.

On touching the finger tips together in different ways or to other parts of the palm channelizes and balances the flow of energy (Prana) within our body, and the energy traveling through the nerves stimulates the various chakras. In Sanskrit, mudra literally means a posture/seal and has been used in different religions, art and dance forms, yoga and meditation for a long time.

In yoga, using mudras in conjunction with Pranayama (breathing exercises), revitalizes the flow of energy to different parts of the body. While Tibetan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism broadly use mudras during mindful meditation.

Let’s take a look at ten important mudras incorporated by Buddha on his journey to enlightenment. You must have come across a Buddha statue somewhere in one of these mudras. As mudras have healing benefits on the mind and soul, you can generally perform these to instantly energise yourself.

Karana mudra1) Karana Mudra

This mudra keeps negativity at bay. To perform this Mudra, stretch your hand either vertically or horizontally. Turn the palm forward. Now using your thumb press down the two middle fingers and extend the index and little finger straight upwards. Energy created by performing this mudra helps in expelling negativity from your mind and soul.

2)  Varada Mudra

This gesture signifies offering, welcome, charity, giving, compassion and sincerity. It is a left hand gesture in which the arm is hanging naturally at the side of the body and the palm facing outward, and the fingers extended. 


3)  Uttarabodhi Mudra


It signifies supreme enlightenment as it charges one with positive energy and vibrations. The mudra helps one in staying connected with oneself and the divine universal energy. In order to perform this Mudra, both hands are placed at the heart; index fingers touching and pointing upwards and the remaining fingers intertwined. Try holding the Uttarabodhi mudra for a couple minutes and feel the subtle energy shift in your body. 

4)  Namaskara or Anjali Mudra


Namaskara mudra is used in Indian culture to greet people and as a sign of respect. This Mudra is performed by pressing the palms together and holding it to the center of the chest or the heart chakra; fingers pointing towards the sky. The mudra evokes positive vibrations in the body teaching us the fact that we are all one and we must acknowledge/adore the existence of light in one another. This Mudra helps in staying grounded and humble. 

5)  Vitarka Mudra


This mudra evokes the energy of teaching and intellectual discussion, or argument. In this gesture tips of the thumb and index finger touch to form a circle that creates a constant flow of energy and information. All the other fingers are extended upwards. This Mudra gives us the energy required to attain clarity of mind. 

6)  Abhay mudra


Abhay is translated as fearlessness. In this Mudra, the right hand is brought to the shoulder level and the palm faces outward and fingers extend upwards. History says that when Buddha was attacked by an elephant, he used  this mudra to stop the flow of negative energy (fear). This Mudra gives us the energy to stand strong. 

7)  Dhyana mudra

Dhyana mudra

This mudra depicts absolute concentration in the process of meditation. Place both your hands on the lap with the right hand placed on the left and fingers fully stretched, palms facing outwards; thumbs of both the hands will touch creating a triangle, cleansing of any impurities on an etheric level. Practicing this Mudra will fill you with deep sense of peace and serenity.

8)  Bhumisparsha mudra


Bhumisparsha translates to touching the earth where the mudra symbolizes the fact that the earth witnessed Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. This was the Hand gesture of Buddha when he accomplished Enlightenment. In this Mudra, the right arm hangs over the right knee with the right palm turned inward and the left hand is placed on the lap with the left palm faced upwards.

9) Vajradhara mudra


In this mudra the wrists are crossed, over the heart, with the right forearm placed in front of the left one; this gesture symbolizes the highest energy and the union of compassion and wisdom necessary to reach enlightenment. In vajradhara mudra, one is free from  judgement, notions, theories, fate, truth and any concept that defines enlightenment; as they say, enlightenment is not defining it.

9)  Dharmachakra Mudra


Depicts the continuous flow of energy in the cosmos. Here the hand gesture symbolizes the energy of the universe in the form of a chakra/wheel. Both the hands are placed near the chest, the left palm faces the heart and right palm faces outwards; index finger and thumb form a circle like Vitarka mudra. This mudra represents the whole universe in a nutshell.

As I mentioned before, these Mudras are used in the process of mindful meditation. But at the same time one can practice these mudras to gain the simple benefits of altering one’s state of consciousness and staying positively energized. 

“Our essential nature is boundless consciousness. We are rooted in it when the mind focuses and settles.” 
– Yoga Sutras

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From Fractal Enlightenment @ http://fractalenlightenment.com/30319/spirituality/10-buddha-mudras-to-practice-in-daily-life

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