Simple Solutions for Fukushima Radiation from the Keshe

by Jeffrey
Recently Mehren Keshe and the Keshe Foundation have
publicly announced what they claim are solutions regarding the contaminated water and soil in Japan
from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster. This announcement comes a month
after Keshe publicly warned Tepco live on Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot live
stream that he was giving Tepco thirty days to respond.
Regardless of what amounts from this latest public announcement, the Keshe
foundation seems to have kept its word.If proven to be viable, the Keshe Foundation’s ideas offered for Japan (and all others in the world) are exciting to say the least. Up until now, the solutions theorized and attempted by Tepco would be ridiculous to the point of being comical, if it weren’t for the dire global situation at hand.
The void left by their blundering has created a vacuum that’s being filled with innovators, entrepreneurs and, unfortunately, an occasional charlatan. To sort them all out is proving to be a difficult task. What is needed now are ideas that are provable, outside the box, timely and easily scalable for rapid dissemination. An idea with the added advantage of empowering the individual to mobilize will simultaneously decentralize the power and secrecy that has been the calling card of Tepco, the Japanese government, and the international mainstream press.
The Keshe Foundation’s approach is beautiful in its simplicity and hints at immediate dissemination. If valid, his working ideas seem very well thought out and only occasionally flirt with sciences outside the normal lexicon of most human beings. Yet, the advantage lies in the fact this his basic step by step process is as easy as most elementary school science projects to attempt.
As I write this article, it is amazing to me that every news outlet, blog writer and radio show isn’t buzzing incessantly about the implications of this video. It reminds me of the Samuel Clemens quote that says, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” I believe that, once these techniques have become easily repeatable and proven, like all good science, those who have withheld comment or simply not known about this information will be its biggest champions. In the meantime, humanity is calling for ones who possess the mental, spiritual and financial means to test these principles and to put forth the results to all social media outlets immediately. YouTube will be the battleground. If enough people post their results and process, it simply can’t be stopped.
The Keshe Solution:
Below is the proposed process put forward by the Keshe Foundation to produce nanomaterials. As you will see, there is virtually zero cost for the decontamination of radiation from water and soil:
Step 1: Gather together metals such as rusty nails, old wire, iron, copper, etc.
Step 2: Add metals together in a container with hot water and a caustic substance. Let stand 24 hours.
Step 3: Transfer metal to an environment that is electrically conductive.
Step 4: Add a small amount of voltage across the metal for 5-10 seconds every 5-7 hours over 24 hours.
The theory and purpose of the above process is to create holes or gaps called p-n junctions. This environment creates a specific magnetic, gravitational field on the metal that attracts radioactive material which locks into those created holes.
Decontamination Process:
Step 1: Put the treated metal into the soil and add water.
Step 2: Run a magnet over the soil to gather the metal that now holds all the radiation pulled from the soil.
What do you do once you have all the radioactive metal materials pulled from the soil? As Keshe states, “You literally give it back to Tepco.” He goes on to describe how to conduct a somewhat similar process with contaminated water.
I, as well as humanity, hope that in the very least, these kinds of public demonstrations and freely accessible information will change the conversation to a solutions based mindset. At the same time , I acknowledge the great need for continued reporting of actual conditions across the world caused by this ongoing disaster, however difficult this task may be.
So who wants to be a part of the solution? Got social media, a few rusty nails, a battery, and twenty four hours?
About the Author
Jefferey Jaxen is an open source researcher and writer. In addition he serves as director of alternative & holistic health for the Awake & Empowered Expo. You can find his latest research, information, and work at the following websites: & Follow him on Twitter at
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
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