Join a Breakaway Civilisation:
A multinational group wants you to
join 'Asgardia' -- the first outer space nation with a mission to defend Earth
Asgardia/James VaughanAn artist’s
concept of an Asgardian space station.
by Dave
That is, if everything goes according to an uncertain and open-ended yet ambitious plan put forth by its founders.
The group behind the Asgardia project includes space experts based out of Canada, Romania, Russia, and the United States, and they announced their intention to launch the first space nation from a press conference in Paris on Wednesday.
Their core concept is to launch a robotic satellite within the next 18 months (60 years after Russia launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite), then eventually follow up with a permanent space station “where people can live, work, and have their own rules and regulations,” one founding member told Business Insider. The hope? To “democratize space,” they say.
Ultimately, the organisers envision Asgardians building “a state-of-the-art protective shield for all humankind from cosmic manmade and natural threats to life on earth such as space debris, coronal mass ejections and asteroid collisions,” according to an emailed press release.
“We must leave [Earth] because it’s very much in the nature of humanity,” Ram Jakhu, the director of McGill University’s Institute of Air and Space Law and an Asgardia founding project member, told Business Insider in a phone intevierview before Wednesday’s press conference.
“Humanity left Africa and covered the whole globe. The resources of Earth will be depleted,” he said. “Third, I would say, we have a wish to go where nobody has gone before.”
Who is Asgardia?
But we count at least five so far, according to materials shared by Asgardia’s publicity company:
- Igor Ashurbeyli — founder of the Aerospace International Research Center (AIRC) in Russia and the new chairman of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation’s (UNESCO) “science of space” committee
- David Alexander — director of Rice University’s Space Institute
- Ram Jakhu — director of the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University
- Joseph N. Pelton — director of the Space and Advanced Communications Research Institute (SACRI) at George Washington University
- Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu — a Romanian cosmonaut
“What we’re doing now is a call to arms, so we want to widen the net,” he said.
In addition to experts, Asgardia is calling in you to join its ranks.
“[T]he site will allow the first 100,000 people to register to become citizens of Asgardia alongside their nationality on [E]arth,” the release stated. Asgardia is also crowd-sourcing its flag, insignia, and even national anthem.
How is it funded?
“We’re absolutely confident the satellite will launch within 18 months,” Wild said. “But in terms of absolute numbers [of money], we’re not there yet.” Wild would also not disclose how Asgardia’s founders plan to acquire cash to fund its future efforts.
It will likely need tens of millions of dollars to start out, and perhaps billions to sustain itself.
Substantial, fist-size satellites called nanosats can be built and launched for roughly millions of dollars. But sending up larger objects requires more powerful and expensive launchers.
Right now, one of the cheapest rides into orbit a couple of hundred miles above Earth is a Falcon 9 rocket, and SpaceX charges roughly $60 to $65 million for the whole ride (some companies will share payload space and split the cost).
Meanwhile, it took 18 nations and about $100 billion to build and operate the International Space Station (ISS).
Can you actually form a new nation in space? - An image of
Asgardia’s symbol featured on the supposed nation’s website.
In an emailed press release, Ashurbeyli said that “Asgardia is a fully-fledged and independent nation, and a future member of the United Nations — with all the attributes this status entails.”
However, according to current international space law, the country that launches an object into space is responsible for it, including any damage it causes to denizens of Earth.
“The project is creating a new framework for ownership and nationhood in space, which will adapt current outer space laws governing responsibility, private ownership and enterprise so they are fit for purpose in the new era of space exploration,” the organisation said in its emailed release. “By creating a new Space Nation, private enterprise, innovation and the further development of space technology to support humanity will flourish free from the tight restrictions of state control that currently exist.”
How would that be different from the ISS?
“The ISS is joint venture. There’s no entity called ‘ISS,'” Jakhu said. “It’s just one facility, parts of which are controlled by different nations. It’s more or less a condo.”
And when asked about the laws behind forging a country on a yet-to-be-launched space station, Jakhu acknowledged the challenge, but he seemed optimistic.
“We have not seen any nation attempt this before. So this will be a first,” he said. “We’ll start small and eventually people will be going there, and working, and having their own rules and regulations … This facility will become an independent nation.”
Business Insider contacted the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) for clarification on whether or not current space laws would permit a new country to declare itself in space — from the ground, with an uncrewed satellite, or even with people aboard a space station. We also asked the organisation how (if it’s not yet permitted) a new nation like Asgardia might need to change space law to form itself
UNOOSA represenatives did not immediately respond to our query.
How will Asgardia get built?
Business Insider pressed its representatives for details about timelines, funding, satellite and space station designs, launch vehicles, personnel, and more, but Asgardia declined to provide that information.
“At this point we’re trying not to give too much technical details away,” Wild said. “We have some ideas, but it’s not at the level of understanding to put into the public domain … [W]e’re taking a measured approach. We’re explaining what we want to do now and not jumping the gun on too many details.”
Jakhu and Asgardia’s organisers expect to draw plenty of critics, including analogies to the fizzling Mars One project — an effort that continues to claim it will set down astronauts it has recruited on the red planet, though multiple investigations suggest it lacks the funding, manpower, and expertise to pull off the feat.
However, Jakhu and Wild pointed out that trying to form the first space nation a couple hundred miles above Earth is a lot different than trying to colonize Mars, as Elon Musk of SpaceX and Mars One intend.
“I’m sure people will ridicule [Asgardia], but I’m not worried. Anyone who tries out-of-the-box things is initially ridiculed,” Jakhu said. “Everything that’s amazing starts with a crazy idea. After a while science fiction becomes science fact, and this is an idea which is just being initiated.
Asked if Jakhu would live in Asgardia, he responded, “why not?”
“I think it’d be less risky than going to Mars,” he said. “And you could more easily come back to Earth if you didn’t like it.”
From Business
Insider @
Asgardia -- an Open Recruitment for a Breakaway Civilization Begins | A "Second Brain Drain" and the Disclosure of Secret Space Programs?
for a space-based nation—a breakaway civilization named Asgardia has
The call was put out for 100,000 volunteers who would be willing to join the
soil-less nation that would be the first of its kind—or is it?
An international consortium represented by Timothy Wild (backed by major players in science and business who wish to remain largely hidden at this time) are pioneering the first en masse recruitment for space colonization.
The call was publicized in an article released by Business Insider, a magazine that draws a broad range of readership that could bring recruit some of the brightest minds in the world today.
Given the public's fascination with science fiction and fantasy dealing with the exploration of space, reaching back some 80 years, there could be millions of people who want to join the fledgling nation.
But for those who have studied the fringe topics of ufology, the UFO cover-up and what is now called the Ancient Astronaut theory, there could be much more to this story.
The existence of a breakaway civilization that is already well established in space is what some researchers and whistleblowers claim—spread throughout the solar system and beyond. But is there any credence to support such a mind boggling assertion?
An international consortium represented by Timothy Wild (backed by major players in science and business who wish to remain largely hidden at this time) are pioneering the first en masse recruitment for space colonization.
The call was publicized in an article released by Business Insider, a magazine that draws a broad range of readership that could bring recruit some of the brightest minds in the world today.
Given the public's fascination with science fiction and fantasy dealing with the exploration of space, reaching back some 80 years, there could be millions of people who want to join the fledgling nation.
But for those who have studied the fringe topics of ufology, the UFO cover-up and what is now called the Ancient Astronaut theory, there could be much more to this story.
The existence of a breakaway civilization that is already well established in space is what some researchers and whistleblowers claim—spread throughout the solar system and beyond. But is there any credence to support such a mind boggling assertion?
Breakaway Civilizations
Certain alleged insiders have
disclosed that there are shadowy governments that have progressed secret space programs,
operating under the cover of government-sponsored secrecy for decades.
Richard Dolan is a researcher who spoke at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club event organized by Dr. Steven Greer in 2001. He said that evidence assembled via declassified documents and whistleblower testimony suggests that indeed a breakaway civilization has existed alongside common place societies for decades, if not far longer. It is this same covert group that was responsible for promoting and maintaining the UFO cover-up and silencing anyone who dared speak about advanced technology that could threaten the status quo of the energy industry, according to Dolan.
Richard Dolan is a researcher who spoke at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club event organized by Dr. Steven Greer in 2001. He said that evidence assembled via declassified documents and whistleblower testimony suggests that indeed a breakaway civilization has existed alongside common place societies for decades, if not far longer. It is this same covert group that was responsible for promoting and maintaining the UFO cover-up and silencing anyone who dared speak about advanced technology that could threaten the status quo of the energy industry, according to Dolan.
what is a breakaway civilization?
According to researchers, a breakaway civilization is a term referring to a secretive group within a nation or society that furthers a hidden agenda often involving technological advancements that eventually lead to resource independence from the parent community. These resources would include but are not limited to, financial, social, or material demands that are one day transcended as a result of an agenda's success.
But is there any evidence to support this theory breakaway civilization and secret space program theory?
In short, there have been many warnings and utterances by esteemed figures within government and the private sector who do indeed believe that such a group exists.
The now deceased Senator of Hawaii from 1963 to 2012, Daniel K. Inouye, had this to say when he Chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran in 1987:
According to researchers, a breakaway civilization is a term referring to a secretive group within a nation or society that furthers a hidden agenda often involving technological advancements that eventually lead to resource independence from the parent community. These resources would include but are not limited to, financial, social, or material demands that are one day transcended as a result of an agenda's success.
But is there any evidence to support this theory breakaway civilization and secret space program theory?
In short, there have been many warnings and utterances by esteemed figures within government and the private sector who do indeed believe that such a group exists.
The now deceased Senator of Hawaii from 1963 to 2012, Daniel K. Inouye, had this to say when he Chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran in 1987:
exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own
fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national
interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” (source)
President Theodore Roosevelt's comments on a shadowy group also suggest that a
breakaway group had gained control over the United States government as far
back the turn of the 20th century.
"Behind the ostensible Government sits
enthroned an invisible Government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no
responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible Government, to dissolve
the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first
task of the statesmanship of the day...." — Theodore
Roosevelt (1858–1919). An Autobiography. 1913. (source)
while the notion of a secret space program was not explicitly revealed in the
statements mentioned above from officials within the US government, a shady influence
that had gained control of the overt state seems to be well acknowledged. The
question is what was this cloaked organization doing with the unaware backing
of the American people, who by the consent of the governed were
funding and supporting projects of an undisclosed nature.
In short, the truth appears to have been hidden so well that even if evidence poured down from the sky, most of the uninformed masses would be unable to comprehend the importance of what they were seeing.
According to proponents of the breakaway civilization theory, the truth is hidden in plain sight, enfolded into the fabric of society itself as science fiction and fantasy. And if one plots the development of the so-called Secret Space Program alongside popular works of fiction, a clear correlation can be made that suggests perhaps a breakaway civilization has indeed been revealing itself to the public for decades.
Disclosure through Fiction -- Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight?
As one possible example of disclosure through fiction, Jack Kirby is a comic book
artist who produced many widely successful works during the mid- to late- 20th
century. Kirby wrote The Face on Mars depicting a giant human
visage on the surface of the red planet in 1958.
Image Source.
But it wasn't until 1976 when NASA's Viking
Missions sent back photos of the Cydonia site that the public learned
of a landform that some believe is a clear-cut case of an
extraterrestrial civilization.
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Image Source. Viking image of the Cydonia site on Mars
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Image Source. The "face on Mars."
Although NASA and the media were quick to refute claims that this image was proof of the existence of non-terrestrials, it fueled a storm of interest in the notion that humanity is not alone in the universe. Ufologists would spend years trying to solve this mystery, all while most of the public remained completely unaware of the staggering correlation.
Did Kirby know that the face on Mars existed? If so, how did he come to gain this knowledge?
Some researchers contend that Kirby was provided the data by certain figures within a secretive space program that had already made the voyage to Mars decades before NASA would set its sights there.
If true, then this suggests what breakaway civilization and secret space program researchers have asserted for years—that there is indeed a hidden agenda to explore space that was successful beyond the wildest dreams of many who subscribe to NASA's contemporary plans for Mars exploration.
One whistleblower claims that the Germans developed a hidden program to produce antigravity flying saucers as early as 1930, some 30 years before Kirby would pen his infamous comic book work. But again, for the average person, these claims are so controversial that many dismiss them out-of-hand, without a second thought that they might actually be true.
In light of this, an exploration of what can be confirmed through somewhat official channels might be helpful.
Searching for Evidence
Consider that President Eisenhower warned of
the power and might of a military industrial complex that answers to no
nation or public authority whatsoever, capable of advancing an agenda hidden
from the public eye—much like what President Roosevelt and Senator Daniel K.
Inouye referred to.
warning went out in 1961 after Eisenhower learned of what had been developed
behind closed doors under the direction of what are called Special Access
Programs and Unacknowledged Special Access Programs, also known as deep-black government
projects. These are highly secretive projects with no government oversight,
possessing the capacity to advanced technology that is completely hidden from
the public eye.
According to released FBI documents as well as recovered pages from former assets within some of these programs, a group known as Majestic 12 or MJ12 were in charge of some of these programs—a multinational group of high ranking business figures with ties to what has been called the secret government. When Eisenhower learned of these projects—realizing that he was not only unaware of their activities but completely incapable of overseeing them for the safety of the American people—he was furious and made efforts to regain control of the situation.
Dr. Michael Salla is one researcher who presented the following account as provided by Richard Dolan in relation to a former CIA operative turned whistleblower who was ordered to deliver a message to one of the secret facilities known as S4 or Area 51. The whistleblower testified before a panel of six former US members of congress during the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure in 2013.
Dr. Salla introduces the account by the former CIA operative in the following excerpt from an article on his website Exopolitics:
According to released FBI documents as well as recovered pages from former assets within some of these programs, a group known as Majestic 12 or MJ12 were in charge of some of these programs—a multinational group of high ranking business figures with ties to what has been called the secret government. When Eisenhower learned of these projects—realizing that he was not only unaware of their activities but completely incapable of overseeing them for the safety of the American people—he was furious and made efforts to regain control of the situation.
Dr. Michael Salla is one researcher who presented the following account as provided by Richard Dolan in relation to a former CIA operative turned whistleblower who was ordered to deliver a message to one of the secret facilities known as S4 or Area 51. The whistleblower testified before a panel of six former US members of congress during the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure in 2013.
Dr. Salla introduces the account by the former CIA operative in the following excerpt from an article on his website Exopolitics:
response to questions from UFO historian Richard Dolan, the former CIA agent
went on to explain how in 1958, he and his boss – the CIA operative – were
summoned by President Eisenhower to the Oval Office. The President, who was
accompanied by Vice-President Nixon, told the agent and his boss that he was
trying to get information about efforts to learn about extraterrestrial life
and technology. The agent said that according to President Eisenhower: “MJ-12
was supposed to find out, but they never sent reports to him.” The CIA agent
said he and his boss were called into the Oval Office”. President Eisenhower
We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing…. I want you and your boss to fly out there. I want you to give them a personal message…. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. And if they don’t, I’m going to get the First Army from Colorado. we are going to go over and take the base over. I don’t care what kind of classified material you got. We are going to rip this thing apart.”
We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing…. I want you and your boss to fly out there. I want you to give them a personal message…. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. And if they don’t, I’m going to get the First Army from Colorado. we are going to go over and take the base over. I don’t care what kind of classified material you got. We are going to rip this thing apart.”
And still other insiders have also suggested that a breakaway civilization has already colonized the Moon, Mars, much of the solar system and beyond—home to millions upon millions of individuals who already comprise an unacknowledged "space nation" that surface dwelling humans would easily consider a Star Trek-like society. But of course, this claim is so absurdly fantastic, many dismiss it as yet another wild "conspiracy theory"—or is i

Image Source. Project Paperclip Scientists.
according to other insiders and the documentation brought forward by them, the
space race itself was a cover for a much more advanced secret space program,
one that eventually saw the development of a breakaway civilization.
According to one of the more recent whistleblowers who came forward in 2015, the Brain Drain was much larger than previously thought. Allegedly millions of people were secretly recruited into secret space programs that sent hundreds, thousands and millions of individuals—and their families—into space to colonize the Moon, Mars and beyond. Of course, these claims are so contradictory to accepted history and the notion that "the government can't keep a secret" that most people dismiss them as unfounded conspiracy theory.
But as part of the protocol for keeping Unacknowledged Special Access Programs secret, elaborate cover stories were developed to hide a project's true agenda, as the following excerpt from an analysis of Gaia's series Cosmic Disclosure details.
According to one of the more recent whistleblowers who came forward in 2015, the Brain Drain was much larger than previously thought. Allegedly millions of people were secretly recruited into secret space programs that sent hundreds, thousands and millions of individuals—and their families—into space to colonize the Moon, Mars and beyond. Of course, these claims are so contradictory to accepted history and the notion that "the government can't keep a secret" that most people dismiss them as unfounded conspiracy theory.
But as part of the protocol for keeping Unacknowledged Special Access Programs secret, elaborate cover stories were developed to hide a project's true agenda, as the following excerpt from an analysis of Gaia's series Cosmic Disclosure details.
Dr. Michael Salla’s book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial
Alliances, Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) are discussed
in which participants are given authority to hide their activities from the
public. Waived USAPs are a more secretive set of programs not required to
report any of their activities or existence for congressional oversight. In
these deep-black projects, oral briefs are provided to read-in persons
only—those individuals who have a valid need to know. Participants
are authorized to deny the existence of these programs under any circumstances,
including congressional subpoena, and are provided a cover story to hide the
project's existence.
A supplement to the DoD manual related to special access programs states that cover stories can be generated with the goal of hiding a program's true purpose.
Program Cover stories. (UNACKNOWLEDGED Program). Cover stories may be established for unacknowledged programs in order to protect the integrity of the program from individuals who do not have a need to know. Cover stories must be believable and cannot reveal any information regarding the true nature of the contract. (Source)
A supplement to the DoD manual related to special access programs states that cover stories can be generated with the goal of hiding a program's true purpose.
Program Cover stories. (UNACKNOWLEDGED Program). Cover stories may be established for unacknowledged programs in order to protect the integrity of the program from individuals who do not have a need to know. Cover stories must be believable and cannot reveal any information regarding the true nature of the contract. (Source)
suggests that there were most likely two sets of secret programs, one that was
designated deep-black or USAP, and an acknowledged project that would draw
public attention. (source)
The Beginning of the UFO Cover-up
Project Bluebook is a declassified US Air Force
study into the UFO issue, beginning in 1952 and ending abruptly in 1969,
which declared that there was nothing of interest to the US government or merit
to the UFO sightings being reported by millions of people at the time.
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Image Source.
Prior to this development, investigation into extraterrestrial intelligence and flying saucers was a serious field of research, attracting academics held in high regard. However, after the investigation ended, any honest inquiry was ridiculed by the media and all study became taboo—the talk of "fringe" researchers only.
If one examines the time period when the UFO cover-up began—sometime before Project Bluebook—the rise of science fiction's popularity and usage by Hollywood could arguably be evidence that elements of truth were being hidden in plain sight.
These Unacknowledged Special Access Programs have since the time of the UFO cover-up made incredible advances into space, if proponents are to be believed. The level of secrecy needed to maintain these programs is truly staggering and is arguably one of the best-kept secrets in human history—if true.
Asgardia's Recruitment and Recent Leaks
the same time that the recruitment call for Asgardia went out, there are a
staggering number of leaked emails released via Wikileaks, naming
prominent figures, like John Podesta (Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton
presidential campaign) and former astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
Here is an excerpt from an article recently published on this site that details correspondence between Mitchell and Podesta:
Here is an excerpt from an article recently published on this site that details correspondence between Mitchell and Podesta:
... emails, specifically #1766 and #1802, reveal far more than just speech
outtakes. They were sent from Dr. Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta, discussing
some interesting topics related to Disclosure, free energy, and
extraterrestrials. Dr. Edgar Mitchell is a former NASA Astronaut and the sixth
man to walk on the Moon. After his years in the service, he then worked with
Dr. Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project in an effort to support the movement
of bringing disclosure of these technologies and the truth behind the UFO
cover-up to the peoples of planet Earth. His testimony from The Disclosure Project
can be found here.
As for the emails released on the 7th of October, here is an excerpt from email #1766, dated January 18th, 2015, from Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta:
“Dear John, As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI.”
And here is an excerpt from email #1802, dated August 8th, 2015, also from Mitchell to Podesta:
“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.”
These two emails captivated many people in the disclosure community because they mentioned Zero Point Energy (ZPE), Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), and confirmed assertions held by many in the fields of ufology and the like. (source)
As for the emails released on the 7th of October, here is an excerpt from email #1766, dated January 18th, 2015, from Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta:
“Dear John, As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI.”
And here is an excerpt from email #1802, dated August 8th, 2015, also from Mitchell to Podesta:
“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.”
These two emails captivated many people in the disclosure community because they mentioned Zero Point Energy (ZPE), Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), and confirmed assertions held by many in the fields of ufology and the like. (source)
Mitchell was one of a handful of people to walk
on the Moon and was avidly imploring Podesta and others before his death to
disclose the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials, along with advances made
in free energy and space-age technology, as revealed by recent leaks.
Given all this, the join Asgardia campaign could arguably be part of a multinational effort to prepare the human race for the disclosure of what has been called the Secret Space Program, which according to several alleged insiders, has already developed the technology to "take ET home."
Given all this, the join Asgardia campaign could arguably be part of a multinational effort to prepare the human race for the disclosure of what has been called the Secret Space Program, which according to several alleged insiders, has already developed the technology to "take ET home."
Asgardia is funded by a consortium of financiers
who wish to remain largely secret, and all of the connections mentioned above,
there is enough evidence to assert that the space-based nation could indeed be
another cover story for the already well-established breakaway civilization…
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Image Source. Artist depiction of Asgardia space station...
- Justin
About The Author
Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and steemit @justin-sits.
From Stillness in the Storm @
Dear Elon Musk: “We’re Already On Mars,” Claims Alleged SSP Whistleblower Corey Goode
you haven’t already heard, Elon Musk is planning to colonize Mars. Recently announced
at the 67th annual
International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, he revealed
that he not only wants to go to Mars, but also to establish a human colony on
the planet once we get there.
to alleged
Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode, who just released a press
release about human activity and Mars, we are already there and have been for a
long time. And he’s not the only one who’s saying that. This also comes as less
of a surprise given the recent WikiLeaks’ documents, suggest that human
and extraterrestrial collaboration that’s been happening for some
“Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the
1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and
other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became – Solar Warden.
Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars
and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the
can watch more on this in detail on
where Corey Goode & David Wilcock host Cosmic
might this secret space program be run by? Perhaps this statement from Senator Daniel
K. Inouye will give you an idea: “There
exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own
fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national
interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
was one of many politicians who tried to let the world know about the world of
secrecy that plagues our planet. Another great example would be President
Roosevelt, who told the world that “behind
the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no
allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” (source)
“invisible” government has also built its own secret space program.
you know that the National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, and its
existence was hidden until the mid 1960s? Even more secretive is the National
Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely
hidden for 30 years.
In the
mainstream world, these initiatives are called Special Access Programs
(SAP). Then there are unacknowledged and waived SAPs, better known as “deep
black programs.” These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed
exist. A 1997 U.S. Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from
standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source)
Already On Mars?
this subject is so controversial and so often ridiculed, it is essential to
consult credible sources, and to listen to whistleblowers with verified
backgrounds — who now number in the hundreds in terms of comments
regarding UFOs
and/or extraterrestrials.
there you can add to your research by listening to alleged whistleblowers,
who offer interesting stories that often corroborate with much of the
information presented by verified whistleblowers.
been in contact with Corey Goode for many months now and when asked about
releasing his credentials, he stated the time wasn’t right and there were many
things to consider that we cannot share on record at this moment.
all of the recent disclosures, and with dozens of governments already
releasing thousands of ‘UFO’ files detailing astonishing military encounters
with UFOs, alongside tremendous amounts of witness testimony, there is no
better time to delve deeper into the subject.
where Corey Good comes in. He claims he was recruited through one of the
MILAB programs at the young age of 6, and trained and served
there from 1976-1986/87. Toward the end of his time as a MILAB he was
assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by
secret Earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET Super Federation Council.
refers to the military abduction of a person who is
then indoctrinated and trained for any number of military black ops
programs. Apparently, Goode’s IE abilities played an important role in
communicating with non-terrestrial beings as part of one of the Secret Space
Programs (SSP). During his 20 year service he had a variety of experiences and
assignments, including the Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program.
recently released a press
release talks more about these programs:
Texas, October 13, 2016 – On Tues, Oct. 11th President Barack Obama wrote an
Opinion Editorial via announcing to the citizens of the United States
that, “America has set a clear goal to send humans to Mars by the 2030s…we do
what’s possible before anyone else.” The problem here is that during a Nov.
2015 video interview with, whistleblower Corey Goode from the US
Secret Space Program (SSP) said, “There are humans already on Mars and it’s
been colonized.” In Dec. 1986, Goode was recruited into SSP – UNSAP
(Un-Acknowledged Special Access Programs) under Project Solar Warden. He was
assigned to a research vessel in space to study the solar system from Dec. 1986
– Dec. 2007.
Obama and the US government joins a heavy-hitter list of private-sector
visionaries, such as Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg and Elon Musk (SpaceX), as
they compete to make a historical dent in space. On Oct. 4th, according to
Bloomberg Technology, Muilenburg said, “It’s my company that’s sending the
first humans to Mars, not Musk. I’m convinced the first person to step foot on
Mars will arrive there riding a Boeing rocket.”
William Tompkins

aerospace engineer William
Tompkins, (left) who
worked with U.S. Navy space intelligence programs during World War II, stated
that, “During my tenure
in the Navy, we discovered that the Germans had been inventing space technology
since the early 20th century.”
story corroborates Goode’s claims of German space-travel technology. This
is interesting, because it also aligns with when the American Space Program
began, shortly after operation
claims to have classified documents showing German space-travel technology, and
says he worked within highly classified think tanks, designing advanced
weapons for aerospace companies, including North American Aviation, Northrop,
and Douglas Aircraft Company.
you believe in the secret space program or not, evidence
is mounting that humans have been working well beyond what we’ve publicly
been told when it comes to secret space. Are we on Mars? You be the judge, but
given all we’ve seen in our research, there’s much reason to think we are and
that it’s simply not being conveyed to the public. Why? That’s a whole other
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From the New Illuminati –
Seems to me that the biggest threat to planet Earth is not from outside but on this Earth, especially the USA.
ReplyDeletethis is probably not the real breakaway. the genuine would not be using conventional rockets, etc... rockets are obsolete. they would have been using antigrav ships. this is probably to distract and divert attention away...