Egypt Before the Pharaohs
Copyright by
Antoine Gigal
grey areas remain in the history of this Egypt that fascinates us so much.
How did this civilization begin? Why does the papyrus of Manetho, which
provides the chronology of the pharaohs, so upset official Egyptology?
Antoine Gigal gives a progress report on recent discoveries.
pre-pharaonic past of Egypt remains a very great enigma because the
question remains as to what exactly occurred during the mysterious period
prior to 3000 BC, date of the appearance of the first official pharaoh known
as Menes-Narmer. At that time, in a few decades, without any warning, there
suddenly appeared in a surprisingly perfect form, writing, perfect pyramids,
erudite astronomy, technical skills and knowledge - everything that goes with
a very sophisticated civilization. And it all seems to have arrived very
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As the English Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson put it so well: "They seem to have no ancestors or periods of development, they seem to have appeared overnight." The French authority Gaston Maspero (1846-1916) comments about the Egyptian texts: "The religion and the texts which made it known to us were already established before the first dynasty. In order to understand them it is up to us to put ourselves in the frame of mind of the people who constructed them, more than seven thousand years ago." (Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, vol. XIX, p.12). Yes, that's what it says: "before the first dynasty"!
ancient Egyptians viewed their civilization as a legacy coming directly
from divine beings who existed in Egypt thousands of years before the pharaonic
dynasties that we know about. The papyrus of Turin (or more exactly the royal
canon displayed at the museum of Egyptology of Turin), written in
hieroglyphics and dating back to Ramses II, presents a list of all the
pharaohs who reigned in the land of Egypt. This list includes not only the historical pharaohs, but also the "divine pharaohs who came from elsewhere" who reigned before the first dynasty of Menes. We are also told that this preceding lineage reigned for 13,420 years! It's hard to overlook this, yet a kind of consensual omerta reigns on this subject in official circles, which prefer to regard this lineage as mythical, thus making the subject easier to evade. Actually 160 fragments of this document were taken to Turin by the Italian Drovetti, French Consul in Egypt in 1822, though strangely enough certain fragments representing the whole beginning of the list are missing. In his day the brilliant Champollion was aware of the true importance of this document in establishing accurate dating. |
The basalt Palermo stele from the Old Kingdom, on the
faces of which were inscribed the annals of the reigns of the high Egyptian
period (the Ist-5th dynasties). Several incomplete fragments of this stele
have been found, the most important being preserved in the museum of Palermo
in Sicily.
A fragment of the Turin Papyrus.
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Fortunately the Palermo stele also cites these
so-called "mythical" pre-dynastic kings going back thousands of
years. It refers to Horus himself as having reigned over the land of Egypt.
According to Manetho, Thoth reigned approximately from 8670 to 7100 BC,
"after the night of the battle". Hesiod, the renowned historian and
moralist living at the time of Homer (8thC BC), obtained most of the
information he recorded in his Theogamy, a genealogy of the dynasties known
as celestial that reigned on Earth, from the Egyptian high priests.
leading an Egyptian
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Hint of the Egyptian people in prehistoric times in
Tassili. © Manuel Delgado
Egyptian High Priest Manetho (Ma-n-Thoth) from Sebennytos in the Delta,
Master of the Secrets (3rdC BC), who had access to the library of Alexandria
and who wrote for the pharaoh a history of Egypt in Greek in 30 volumes, the
Aegiptiaca, also cited these pre-dynastic dynasties of divine origin.
is curious but significant is that today's Egyptologists still use Manetho's
dating, which is considered perfectly reliable for everything related to the
"officially" recognized dynasties; but they carefully avoid anything
that relates to the prehistoric dynasties, while still regarding him as the
"Father" of Egyptology! Strange intellectual acrobatics in order to
remain "politically correct"! Mainstream Egyptology avoids talking
much about Manetho, because they find some of the details he gives extremely
wrote for example that according to the stelae coming from the gods of the
first (real) dynasty, more than 20,000 works were attributed to Thoth
(Tehuti, Hermes). He also reported that these same gods reigned from 33,894
to 23,642 BC. It must be said that this is more than a little disturbing,
coming from one whose work is the basis for the entire official chronology of
the dynasties recognized as authentic. How handy it is to take some of the facts
provided and ignore others that don't fit into our mindset … However
Champollion, who had read many original texts, endowed as he was with a sense
of flair and extraordinary genius, recognized the existence of at least 42 of
these books of Thoth: "There are altogether 42 principal books of Hermes
[Thoth] including 36 presenting the whole of Egyptian philosophy, which are
studied by the priests of the upper classes." (L'Egypte Ancienne, Paris)
Manetho gives us very interesting details
on the dynasties called "divine", which he divides into three
categories: Gods, Heroes, and "Manes". He also explains that the
category of the Gods was divided into seven sections, each having a god at
its head, including Horus, Anubis, Thoth, Ptah, Osiris and Ra, and that
"these gods who originated from Earth then became celestial and
associated with the stars as they reached heaven". (It does indeed say
"originating from Earth" - and there is undoubtedly much to be
discovered in the subterranean realms of our planet.) Next are the Heroes,
beings with supernatural terrestrial powers, and finally the
"Manes" (also called "Khus"), glorious beings
corresponding to the spirits of ancestors revered in other cultures. Osiris
himself says, in The Book of Coming Out by Day: "The tunnels of the
Earth gave me birth." And according to Plutarch, who wrote a very
erudite work on the cult of Isis and Osiris, "Ra departed to the heavens
and Osiris became pharaoh of Egypt with Isis and they built Thebes [the
present Luxor]". Finally there are many pre-dynastic genealogies cited
by many serious scholars of the early years of our era, like that of
Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, and that of the most important
Byzantine chronicler, Syncellus, residing also in Palestine.
Unimaginably Long
these sources speak to us about a lineage of gods who reigned each one for
several hundreds of years, for a total of 23,200 years, then of a list of
"Shemsu Hor", called "Followers of Horus", who reigned
for 13,400 years. Then come the names of the "normal" Pharaohs whom
we know. The fact that divine and semi-divine sovereigns could each have
reigned hundred of years is unacceptable in our view of things, but we should
ask ourselves why we accept without flinching the hundreds of years of life
of the people and prophets of the Bible, such as Enoch who lived over 360
years. Many factors explaining a much slower aging process can be understood
today through science: different terrestrial gravity, lower density, or
better protected or different DNA, or other ways of measuring time. There are
many theories that could justify such life spans.
It was during the period of the strange Shemsu Hor (from 4000 BC) - these "companions of Horus" described wearing masks of falcon or wolf, whom we imagine to be the initiators of the Pharaonic dynasties (though as we shall see they were not really so) - that there suddenly appeared an unequalled degree of sophistication and a remarkable civilization in its entire splendour. It was the researcher and philosopher Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) who, to my knowledge, generally "imposed" the translation of "Shemsu Hor" as "Followers of Horus", which has been taken up by thousands of others since. He thus understood that very advanced people arrived in Egypt at prehistoric times and suddenly brought all the knowledge. Following this widely held belief many authors, including the prolific Zecharia Sitchin (thinking that it referred to the Annunaki who had arrived first in Sumer), thought and wrote that this advance was due to the sudden arrival of beings from elsewhere, some kind of extraterrestrials. However, it is not only wrong and far more complicated than that, but it is even more extraordinary. |
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Horus in human form imparts life to the Pharaoh.
Horus watching over the resting Pharaoh, temple of
Seti, Abydos.
Proven Physical
Remains: the Anu People
Let us
focus initially on the work of the French Egyptologist Emile Amélineau (1850-1915), who
devoted himself to the first dynasties and who excavated, for the first time,
the tombs of the pharaohs of the first (official) dynasty. In his excavations
in the south of Egypt he discovered evidence of the existence of already
advanced people earlier than the Pharaohs of the first dynasty. He discovered
in particular the people of black race, the Anu (sometimes called
"Aunu"). (Nothing to do with the Annunaki, although it sounds like
a similar word.) They raised livestock and practised extensive agriculture all along the Nile and protected themselves inside the defensive walls of cities. They founded the towns of Esna (Anu Tseni), Erment (Anu Menti), Qush, Gebelein (Anti) and even Heliopolis (which was originally named "Anu"). These cities include in their written names the characteristic symbol designating the Anu people, the three columns. And according to many researchers (Chandler, etc), the greatest figures of ancient Egypt, such as Osiris, Isis, Hermes and Horus came from this ancient Anu race. May I remind you that according to the ancient texts, Osiris, for example, is known as "Son of Geb and Nut, born in Thebes in Upper Egypt", which gives him a reality in historical life; the texts even say that he taught the arts of agriculture and established the rule of law. (For my part, I do not totally agree with the thesis that these beings originated only among the Anu.) |
The noble Tera-Neter of the Anu, from William Flinders
Petrie, The Making of Egypt, 1939.
In any case the Anu knew the use of metals and ivory,
they were very organized and knew how to write. This was proven by many
artefacts found by Amélineau in the region of Abydos and described in his
Nouvelles Fouilles d'Abydos. The archaeologist pointed out: "If Osiris
was of Nubian origin, although born in Thebes, then it would be easy to
understand why the fight between Osiris and Seth took place in Nubia."
(Prolégomènes, pp.124-5). Let us not forget that according to certain
researchers, Anu is a term applied to Osiris himself. Amélineau comments that
it was "in an ethnic sense that we must read the term Anu applied to
Osiris." He also quotes a passage from Chapter 15 of The Book of the
Dead (of which the real title is The Book of Coming Out into the Light):
"O Thou God Anu in the mountainous land of Antem! O Great God of the
double solar mountain!" It was the name of Osiris in his role as fourth
Pharaoh on Earth which the Greeks translated by Onnuphris, that is to say,
"the Good".
We have an extraordinary object from pre-dynastic Anu found by the great English Egyptologist William Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) in Abydos. It is a glazed and inscribed earthenware tile, unearthed from below the dynastic temple. The inscription bears the portrait of the Anu ruler, Tera-neter. There is even his address at the top: "Palace of the Anu at Ermant, Tera-neter. " |
Existence of
Several Groups
But the Anu are only one contribution to
Egyptian civilization.
There are others, as is being revealed more and more with the latest
archaeological discoveries in the south of Egypt. We should include also the
Mesnitu (whom certain researchers identify with the Shemsu Hor) who came from
Punt, more precisely from Somalia. Their land was called Ta Neteru ('the land
of the gods'). They were mostly metal workers and blacksmiths and ended up
eventually dominating the Anu and their Nubian land Ta Seti ('the land of the
bond' or 'the land of the prow' according to translation) of Sudan. Gradually
the two lands were assimilated into one, Ta Khent ('land of the beginning').
The physical difference between the Anu and the Mesnitu is noted in their
jaws: those of the Anu are rounder and short whereas those of the Mesnitu are
square like that of Narmer-Menes. But there are also sub-groups within these
two groups, such as the Beja (among the Mesnitu) and the Rekhytu people in
north (who arrived in the valley of the Nile by Coptos) and groups supporting
or mixing with the Anu coming from Sinai and Libya.
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Early Egyptian
The history is complex because there are
yet more groups of various origins: the Aamu of Asian style but dressed like
Egyptians and living in the mountains of Egypt; the Nehesy, living beyond
present-day Sudan, the Temehu of the Western Desert, Libya and the northern
coasts of Egypt. All these people were not just simple aboriginal hunters as
some think. They had great knowledge and organization; but then where did
their knowledge come from in such remote times?
Let us examine first the tangible evidence. Human fragments
accompanied by signs of civilization, the oldest that archaeology has uncovered
in Egypt (though in the coming months we may find things much older still),
have been found 250km south of Aswan at Qadan, in ritual burials officially
dated to 13,000-9000 BC. It is an undoubted fact that these people were not
just simple aborigines; they had tools and knowledge of agriculture and
complex rituals. Though this is not yet the high sophistication that we are
looking for, we can see that they were much older than the Sumerians and even
the Ubaid before them. It is high time that people realized that civilization
on Earth probably did not begin in Sumer (an assertion imposed in the 19th
century in the biblical context); the story is much more complex than that,
as indicated by new evidence coming to light on all sides.
I cannot resist announcing the discovery on 7 May 2009
by a Belgian team, in a mountain cave close to Denderah in southern Egypt, of
a skeleton probably dated between 30,000 and 33,000 years ago. And that's not
all: the skull was turned towards the east, and several pots were found
around the remains, proof of a certain level of culture.
Mysterious People with Enlarged Skulls
But let us return to the research concerning the group
of people with sophisticated knowledge who were apparently much more advanced
than others in the arts of civilisation, and who disappeared from Egypt in
about 4000 BC.
Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971), an excellent
archaeologist with 45 years of experience excavating in Egypt and author of
the book Archaic Egypt, found in certain tombs the remains of people who
lived in pre-dynastic times in the north of Upper Egypt. The features of
these bodies and skeletons are incredible. The skulls are of abnormal size
and are dolichocephalic, i.e. the cranium as seen from above is oval, and is
about 25% longer than it is wide. Some skulls show no sign of the usual
sutures. The skeletons are larger than the average for the area and
especially the skeletal frame is broader and heavier. He did not hesitate to
identify them with the "Followers of Horus" and found that in their
lifetime they filled an important priestly role. With regard to the
long-headed skulls, it seems that it is not a prehistoric lineage of
evolution but rather a lineage coming from a cycle of civilization from before
the Flood.
These enlarged skulls have already been found in
several regions of the world. Dr. J. Von Tschudi and Mariane E. Rivero in
Peru have indentified three pre-Inca dolichocephalic races, the Chinchas,
Aymaras and Huancas. They also found that if the Chinchas had a lengthened
skull it was because they bandaged the skulls of their children in order to
resemble the two other groups, who did not bandage their skulls. They managed
to work out that the original group with the most marked natural characteristics
were the Chinchas. They preceded the first Inca, Manco Capac, and probably
influenced both the Incas and the Maya in later times. Researchers A.H.
Verrill and Posnansky point out that the oldest pre-Inca city in Peru,
Tiahuanaco, dates from the same time as pre-dynastic Egypt, and enlarged
skulls of this period can be seen in Tihuanaco Museum.
It is therefore asserted that there once existed an
antediluvian race that has been found here and there all over the world, a
race that had a naturally elongated conical skull, as affirmed by some
researchers, among them Dr Tschudi, who possesses a fossil from that time of
a 7-month-old foetus with a dolichocephalic skull still in the womb of its
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Dolichocephalic skull.
Dolichocephalic skull in the Regional Museum in Ankash
Huaraz, Peru.
All this is far from being "politically correct" because these facts call into question genetics, the history of evolution and beliefs based on the Bible. It is thus only very slowly that people absorb these new but fascinating facts. To cite one example, dolichocephalic skulls have been withdrawn from public view in the museum of Valetta in Malta, undoubtedly to avoid offending the religious sensitivities of some people. Indeed, about 700 of these skulls were found in Malta in the hypogea of Hal Saflieni and the tombs of the megalithic temples of Taxien and Ggantja. It was Dr Anton Mifsud and Dr Charles Savona Ventura who analyzed the skulls and came to the same conclusion as in Peru, identifying three different groups, some of completely "natural" origin, and others that had been bandaged. |
The Egyptian hieroglyph of the bee at Luxor, a link
with Malta.
is another even closer link with Egypt. The former name of Malta is Melita,
from the Latin mel, 'honey'. The symbol of Malta is a bee with its hexagonal
honeycomb. Let us not forget that the symbol of the pharaoh in Egypt is also
the bee ('bit') which gives him one of his titles. Honey was reserved for the
Pharaoh and the chief priests, and Mel (or Mer) was one of the names given to
the pyramids in Egypt. In addition, sun worship prevailed in Malta as in Egypt,
and the dolichocephalic caste disappeared at the same time in both countries.
In my own research, I've found that there was very probably a migration of
these long-headed people from Egypt to Malta, and traces of them are found in
Cretan civilization. Be that as it may, this race that seems to have been
devoted to the priesthood and teaching, and that kept itself more or less
separate, had one point in common everywhere: the building of megalithic
monuments. It formed a dominant priestly caste wherever it was. Could these
people really be the descendants of an antediluvian race? Perhaps. But are they
the famous Shemsu Hor? It's not certain.
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construction in Malta.
The Shemsu Hor
according to the Egyptian Oral Tradition
Today, what says the oral tradition, still
alive among certain Egyptians who have been initiated from generation to
It says that the term "Shemsu Hor" has been very poorly translated.
The meaning "Followers of Horus" is not convincing. For them, the
word is initially "Sheshu Hor" and indicates in very early
Egyptian, "the evolved principle of man". The phrase "Zep
Tepi" that Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock have translated as the
"First Time" is for them, and for the British Egyptologist E.A.
Raymond, to be translated as "when the gods manifested as humans".
The exact sentence found on the walls of the temple of Edfu is: "Ntr
ntri hpr m sp tpy", that is to say, "the sanctified god who came to
be born at the first time".
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A wisdom keeper of the oral tradition in Edfu. © Gigal
The keepers of the oral tradition say that
these words refer to a time when the divine appeared among humans to raise
their consciousness. They say that the humans of that time in Egypt, the
Shesh people (whence 'Sheshu Hor'), organized into 42 tribes (which gave
later the 42 nomes or regions), were beginning to lose their subtle senses.
Indeed, if we now have our five senses today, according to the wisdom keepers
at that time we had 365! We have really lost so many of them! The divine
beings manifested more and more at that time to try to halt the degradation
and the loss of senses among the Shesh, and to try to preserve the communion
with the 360 Neters or "the 360 principles of divine creation"
(wrongly translated as "gods", as they say). Thus there were in the
beginning the Shesh people, consisting of 42 tribes (including the Anu) of
various origins, having united and having had prestigious ancestors like
Anubis, Osiris, etc., and also a mysterious dolichocephalic race of which we
know almost nothing.
One thing is certain: Egypt was an
incredible melting pot of mixed races and it will be necessary to make a
further serious study of the origins of these people. It is already known
from all the documents of ancient Egypt that "the Egyptian people came
from the land of Punt". Researchers today are struggling to give this
place an exact geographical location, placing it in turn in Ethiopia, in
Sudan or elsewhere. To my mind the richest and most convincing thesis is that
of the Director of Research at the François Daumas Institute of Egyptology,
Dimitri Meeks, who places Punt in Arabia. This is the only fully convincing
theory in the light of the texts, and as soon as we can conduct research over
there I am sure we will learn much more about the early Egyptians. But the
researchers will have to become more open to a new paradigm, that of a very
advanced civilization existing long before the last Flood.
Antoine Gigal
(Translation by Valérie Sandelin with Daniel Winter’s help - from a French article: “L’Egypte d’avant les Pharaons” in the French “Sacrée Planète” magazine – April-May 2010) |
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From the New Illuminati –
This is great info and it make sense that something was there for the Pharaohs because who build the Sphinx???