"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Universe Has No Beginning: Quantum Equation Suggests the Big Bang Never Occurred

The Universe Has No Beginning
Quantum Equation Suggests the Big Bang Never Occurred 


When it comes to the science regarding the true nature of our reality, you won’t find a shortage of theories, or a shortage of criticisms of each theory. We are like a race with amnesia, trying to discover and search for an answer that most probably exists, but has yet to be discovered. How did the universe begin?

According to new research, there might not have been a big bang. Instead, the universe might have existed forever. The theory was derived from the mathematics of general relativity, and compliment Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

“The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there.”
– Ahmed Farag Ali, Benha University, Co-Author of the study. (source)

The big bang theory postulates that everything in existence resulted from a single event that launched the creation of the entire universe and that everything in existence today was once part of a single infinitely dense point, also known as the “singularity.”

Here is a good picture representing what the big bang theory is referring to.


So the big bang, again, postulates that the universe started out as an infinitely small point in space called a singularity, then exploded and created space where there was no space before, and that it is continually expanding. One big question regarding that expansion is; how did it happen? As you can see in the picture, “who is that guy?!”

According to Nassim Haramein, the Director of Research for the Resonance Project:

“For every action there is an equal opposite reaction.” is one of the most foundational and proven concepts in all of physics. Therefore, if the universe is expanding then “the guy” (or whatever “he” is), who is blowing up that balloon, has to have some huge lungs that are contracting to be able to blow it up. This a concept that Nassim Haramein began exploring when creating an alternative unified field theory to explain the universe.” (source)

This is one out of many criticisms regarding the big bang theory. There are many considerations to be pondered. Can something come from nothing? What about quantum mechanics and the possibility that there is no moment of time at which the universe did not exist?

Again, so many considerations to be pondered.

According to Phys.org:

“The scientists propose that this fluid might be composed of gravitons—hypothetical massless particles that mediate the force of gravity. If they exist, gravitons are thought to play a key role in a theory of quantum gravity.In a related paper, Das and another collaborator, Rajat Bhaduri of McMaster University, Canada, have lent further credence to this model. They show that gravitons can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (named after Einstein and another Indian physicist, Satyendranath Bose) at temperatures that were present in the universe at all epochs.” (source)

The theory also suggests (obviously) that there are no singularities or dark matter, and that the universe is filled with a “quantum fluid.” These scientists are suggesting that this quantum fluid is filled with gravitons.

According to Phys.org:

“In a related paper, Das and another collaborator, Rajat Bhaduri of McMaster University, Canada, have lent further credence to this model. They show that gravitons can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (named after Einstein and another Indian physicist, Satyendranath Bose) at temperatures that were present in the universe at all epochs.”

As you can see, when quantum mechanics is thrown into the equation things appear to be far different. Again, this new theory is suggesting that the universe could have always existed, that it never was what we perceive to be as “the  beginning.” Perhaps it was just an event that did occur that we perceive as the beginning, perhaps the event occurred not from nothing, but something. Again, who is that guy blowing on the balloon in the picture? There is something there that has yet to be discovered.

“As far as we can see, since different points in the universe never actually converged in the past, it did not have a beginning. It lasted forever. It will also not have an end, in other words, there is no singularity. The universe could have lasted forever. It could have gone through cycles of being small and big. or it could have been created much earlier.” –  Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, Co-Author of the study. (source)


What We ‘Know’ Is Often Just Theory


To conclude, it’s clear that we do not yet have a solid explanation regarding what happened during the Big Bang, or if it even happened at all. This new theory is combining general relativity with quantum mechanics, and at the end of the day these are all just theories.

Not to mention the fact that theories regarding multiple dimensions, multiple universes and more have to be considered. When looking for the starting point of creation, our own universe might not even be the place to start. It might be hard given the fact that we cannot yet perceive other factors that have played a part in the make up of what we call reality. What is even harder is the fact that quantum physics is showing that the true nature and make up of the universe is not a physical material thing!

We just don’t know yet, and there are still new findings in modern day physics that delve into non-materialistic science that many mainstream materialistic scientists have yet to grasp and acknowledge.

I’ll leave you with a quote that might give you something to think about:

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.”
-      (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)

“Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger. (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)


From Collective Evolution @ http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/02/11/quantum-equation-suggests-the-big-bang-never-occurred-the-universe-has-no-beginning/

New Theory Suggests There Was No Big Bang

For more information see Infinite Cosmos @ http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2013/03/infinite-cosmos-of-light-and-life-dark.html

For more evidence for an infinite cosmos see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/no%20big%20bang
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Friday, 27 February 2015

Life Raining Down from Space? Did Space Seeds Create Life On Earth?

Life Raining Down from Space?
Did Space Seeds Create Life On Earth?


Scientists in the U.K. have examined a tiny metal circular object, and are suggesting it might be a micro-organism deliberately sent by extraterrestrials to create life on Earth.

Don't be fooled by the size of the object in the microscopic image above. It may appear to look like a planet-sized globe, but in fact, it's no bigger than the width of a human hair.

The University of Buckingham reports that the minuscule metal globe was discovered by astrobiologist Milton Wainwright and a team of researchers who examined dust and minute matter gathered by a high-flying balloon in Earth's stratosphere.

"It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its centre," Wainwright said, according to Express.co.uk.

"One theory is it was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life," Wainwright hypothesizes.

That theory comes from a Nobel Prize winner.

"This seeming piece of science fiction -- called 'directed panspermia' -- would probably not be taken seriously by any scientist were it not for the fact that it was very seriously suggested by the Nobel Prize winner of DNA fame, Francis Crick," said Wainwright.

Panspermia is a theory that suggests life spreads across the known physical universe, hitchhiking on comets or meteorites.

The idea of directed panspermia was suggested by Crick, a molecular biologist, who was the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA in 1953. Twenty years later, Crick co-wrote -- with biochemist Leslie Orgel -- a scientific paper about directed panspermia.

The abstract of their manuscript states:

It now seems unlikely that extraterrestrial living organisms could have reached the Earth either as spores driven by the radiation pressure from another star or as living organisms imbedded in a meteorite. As an alternative to these nineteenth-century mechanisms, we have considered Directed Panspermia, the theory that organisms were deliberately transmitted to the Earth by intelligent beings on another planet.

We conclude that it is possible that life reached the Earth in this way, but that the scientific evidence is inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability. We draw attention to the kinds of evidence that might throw additional light on the topic.

In contrast to what Crick-Orgel speculated about in 1973, four decades later, a team of scientists, led by astronomer-astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Center for Astrobiology, announced they had found fossils with biological properties attached to a meteorite (check out the slideshow at the bottom of this story) that fell in Sri Lanka.

Of course, these controversial claims bring forth the skeptical side of science.

In the case of the meteorite fossils, astronomer Phil Plait wrote that the scientists didn't do a good enough job convincing him there were actual fossils in that meteorite.

Wainwright and his team launched balloons nearly 17 miles into Earth's stratosphere, and when they examined the material collected by one of the balloons (like the one pictured below), they discovered a small crash mark which indicated to them that the microscopic, circular object didn't simply land softly.
"On hitting the stratosphere sampler, the sphere made an impact crater, a minute version of the huge impact crater on Earth caused by the asteroid said to have killed off the dinosaurs," Wainwright said.


Even with this more recent discovery of a tiny globe found lodged into a high-flying balloon, the alien space seed proponents know they have a long way to go before that can be proven and accepted by the scientific community.

"Unless, of course, we can find details of the civilization that is supposed to have sent it in this respect, it is probably an unprovable theory," Wainwright conceded.

Time -- and space -- will tell.

From Huffington Post @ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/03/aliens-send-space-seed-to-earth_n_6608582.html

GHOST PARTICLE: The picture proof that shows aliens ARE out there

This extraordinary image is further proof that alien life DOES EXIST, scientists have sensationally claimed.


The spectre-like ghost particle was discovered in debrisUniversity of Sheffield GETTY
The spectre-like ghost particle was discovered in debris

The eerie and never-before seen picture reveals a spectral-like ‘ghost particle’ discovered in debris gathered from outer space.

Exclusively unveiled by the Daily Express, it shows what is thought to be a ‘living balloon’ which once used to carry microscopic alien organisms.

Discovered by Professor Milton Wainwright and his team from the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, it is, they claim, the latest proof aliens exist.

It could even be the next step in piecing together the age-long conundrum of where life on Earth came from, with experts firmly pointing the finger outside our planet.

Professor Wainwright insists the particle, found in dust and particulate matter collected from the stratosphere, is biological.

The ghost particle resembles a wisp of smoke 
Sheffield University
The ghost particle resembles a wisp of smoke

Resembling a wisp of smoke under the microscope the minuscule organism, could hold the key to the long-pondered question “are we alone?”.

Professor Wainwright said: “This is nothing short of a New Year’s present from outer space.

“The width of a human hair and resembling a chiffon scarf with a ghostly appearance, the particle is definitely biological.

“We can speculate that in its space environment this ‘ghost particle’ is a living balloon which an alien microscopic organism might inflate with lighter than air gasses allowing it to float in the air or the seas of an unknown space environment.

“The particle in the picture looks is more like a collapsed balloon, however in its natural state is probably inflated”.

It is set to throw the scientific community into a frenzy of excitement and comes after the discovery last October of a similar ‘dragon particle’ by Professor Wainwright and his team.

Both particles were found by sending balloons into the stratosphere 27 km above the Earth’s atmosphere and examining debris pulled back from space.

Professor Wainwright said: “These are like nothing previously found on Earth.

“It is amazing is that they appear on the sampling stubs in an absolutely pristine condition with no contamination like pollen, grass or pollution particles “Unless a means of lifting them from Earth exists which selectively sieves them out from other Earth-derived debris then they must be incoming from space.

“They also produce tiny dents we call impact craters when they land on the sampler so there is almost no doubt of their space origin.”

Last year astronauts announced they had found traces of life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) which orbits Earth.

The discovery of tiny plankton on the ISS was the first time complex organisms  were discovered in outer space.

Experiments previously showed bacteria can survive outside our planet but the discovery of the  so-called diatoms supports the theory that the biochemical catalyst for human life originated elsewhere in the universe.

The research lent credence theories that not only does life exist in outer space, but extraterrestrial organisms including unknown viruses are continually raining down on earth.

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in England, said newly released research shows DNA - the building blocks of life - can survive harsh extra-terrestrial conditions.

A small piece of DNA called a ‘plasmid’ was sent into space from Sweden in 2011 on the exterior of a TEXUS-49 rocket.

After enduring 1,000C heat it was found to still be intact and with its biological properties when it returned to Earth.

Professor Wickramasinghe, who has long-maintained that alien life does exist, hailed the finding as further proof of this.

He said viruses and viral particles are constantly raining down on Earth from space in a process called cometary panspermia.

“DNA carries the blueprint of all life, and its survival during space travel is essential if life is to be regarded a cosmic phenomenon,” he said.

“This finding shows that DNA and viruses can survive the rigours of space travel – escape at high speed through the atmosphere of one planet and land in tact on another.

“The result  gives strong support for the Hoyle-Wickramasinghe theory of Evolution from Space.  

“It lends very strong support to the theory of cometary panspermia.”

Professor Wainwright added: “Everything that we have on the Earth is derived from space, including humans.”

The picture that 'PROVES' there is life on other planets


The image that proves aliens exist

Is this the picture that proves life exists on other planets?[GETTY]


The never-before seen photograph shows a mysterious dragon-shaped organism found in space, which they claim also reveals that all life on Earth, including humans, is extraterrestrial in origin.

It was discovered in dust and particulate matter gathered deep in the Earth’s stratosphere.

Its finders say it is a “biological entity” made of carbon and oxygen - the building blocks of life.

And the scientists who made the incredible find insist there is no way it could have blown up into space from our planet - and so must have originated  elsewhere in the universe.

It was discovered by Professor Milton Wainwright and his team from the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology.

Professor Wainwright sent balloons into the stratosphere 27 km above the Earth’s atmosphere to collect particles from space.

He claimed what  they have discovered is not only proof that life exists in outer space, but that extraterrestrial organisms are continually raining down on earth.

He said: "The photo shows a structure colloquially called ‘the dragon particle’ which scientific analysis shows is made of carbon and oxygen and is therefore not a piece of cosmic or volcanic dust.

Aliens exist: Dragon particle proof of life on other planets 
Scientists claim the dragon particle is conclusive evidence of life elsewhere in the universe [UoB]

“This is clearly a biology entity (about 10micron in size), although it is unclear whether it is part of a single organism or is made up of smaller, individual microbes.

“It is certainly unusual and seems to be like nothing found on Earth.

“What is amazing is that these organisms appear on the sampling stubs in an absolutely pristine condition.

“There is no pollen, grass or pollution particles found with them, or for that matter soil or volcanic dust.

“Unless a means of lifting them from Earth exists which selectively sieves them out from other Earth-derived debris then they must be incoming from space.

“This, plus the fact that some of the biological material samples by the team produce impact craters when they hit the sampler, confirms their space origin.”

It comes just weeks after astronauts said they found traces of life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) which orbits Earth.

From Sunday Express @ http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/552462/Ghost-particle-proof-aliens-exist-life-on-other-planets and http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/518510/Aliens-do-exist-scientists-find-proof-of-life-in-space

For more information about panspermia see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/panspermia
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