Ooparts: Anachronistic Out Of Place Artefacts

Who left the modern shoe prints found in stone more than 200 million years before humans appeared and dinosaurs roamed the planet?
Who left the metallic spheres found in South Africa,. obviously made by intelligent beings but more than two billion years before humans evolved on the earth?
Did modern humans meet their untimely death to have their remains preserved in the earth, hundreds of thousands of years before seemingly possible? From where, or perhaps "when," were advanced civilizations visiting our past thousand's and million's of years before humans appeared on the earth?
Explore the possibilities with this fascinating scientific evidence. These represent just the surface of the forbidden knowledge being hidden and protected today... knowledge that suggests a strong possibility that our views of human origins are either incorrect, or maybe that time travellers have already visited Earth's past.

Cenozoic Era Evidence
The Cenozoic Era is last of the five major eras of geologic time, beginning about 65 million years ago and extending through the present. It follows the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era and is subdivided into the Tertiary period and the Quaternary period. Features of Tertiary times are considered in articles under the names of the various shorter time periods (epochs) making up the Tertiary period; in order, from earliest to latest, these are the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene. The accepted scientific view of evolution in the Cenozoic Era shows human beings appearing on the earth about 1.6 million years ago, and human civilization just 10,000 years ago. Yet the scientific finds presented below present a very shocking and different story. Pleistocene Epoch Finds
Pliocene Epoch Finds
Eocene Epoch Finds
Mesozoic Era Finds
The Mesozoic Era is one of the major divisions of geological history, following the Paleozoic era and preceding the Cenozoic era. The Mesozoic era, which lasted from approximately 240 million to 65 million years ago, may be characterized as the Age of Reptiles because their greatest development occurred during this era. The first birds and mammals and the first flowering plants also appeared at this time. The Mesozoic era is divided into three time periods: the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. As we move back into time we enter a period in the Mesozoic Era that began with the first dinosaurs appearing on the earth and ending with the development of flowering plants. Humans wouldn't evolve for at least another 136 million years. Yet the scientific finds below suggest proof that advanced civilizations were visiting Earth's past and walking at a time when dinosaurs roamed the planet. Cretaceous Period
Triassic Period
Paleozoic Era Proof
The Paleozoic Era is a major division of geological time, preceded by Precambrian time and followed by the Mesozoic era, and including the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian periods. The Paleozoic Era began about 570 million years ago and ended about 240 million years ago. As we move back even further in time we enter this period of the Paleozoic Era where life was evolving from primitive, multicellular, free-floating forms in the sea to advanced groups on land. The most advanced life forms at the end of this period where amphibians, insects, fern forests, and small reptiles. Humans would not evolve for nearly another 300 million years. Yet the scientific finds below again suggest even more strongly that modern humans with advanced technology were visiting Earth's past and walking at a time when the first life forms were just beginning to emerge on our planet. Carboniferous PeriodGold Thread in England, between 320 - 360 million years old.On June 22, 1844, this curious report appeared in the London Times: "A few days ago, as some workmen were employed in quarrying a rock close to the Tweed about a quarter of a mile below Rutherford-mill, a gold thread was discovered embedded in the stone at a depth of eight feet." Dr. A. W. Medd of the British Geological Survey wrote in 1985 that this stone is of Early Carboniferous age between 320 and 360 million years old. Who dropped this gold thread in the ancient fern forests in a distant time when the most advanced life forms on the planet where amphibians and insects? Gold Chain from Morrisonville, Illinois, 260 - 320 million years old.On June 11, 1891, The Morrisonville Times reported: "A curious find was brought to light by Mrs. S. W. Culp last Tuesday morning. As she was breaking a lump of coal preparatory to putting it in the scuttle, she discovered, as the lump fell apart, embedded in a circular shape a small gold chain about ten inches in length of antique and quaint workmanship. At first Mrs. Culp thought the chain had been dropped accidentally in the coal, but as she undertook to lift the chain up, the idea of its having been recently dropped was at once made fallacious, for as the lump of coal broke it separated almost in the middle, and the circular position of the chain placed the two ends near to each other, and as the lump separated, the middle of the chain became loosened while each end remained fastened to the coal. The lump of coal from which this chain was taken is supposed to come from the Taylorville or Pana mines (southern Illinois) and almost hushes one's breath with mystery when it is thought for how many long ages the earth has been forming strata after strata which hid the golden links from view. The chain was an eight-carat gold and weighed eight penny-weights." The Illinois State Geological Survey has said the coal in which the gold chain was found is 260 - 320 million years old. This raises the possibility that culturally advanced human beings were present or visiting in North America during that time. How did this gold chain find itself left behind in Earth's distant past more than a quarter of a billion years before humans had evolved? Carved Stone near Webster, Iowa, 260 - 320 million years old.The April 2,1897 edition of the Daily News of Omaha, Nebraska, carried an article titled "Carved Stone Buried in a Mine," which described an object from a mine near Webster City, Iowa. The article stated: "While mining coal today in the Lehigh coal mine, at a depth of 130 feet, one of the miners came upon a piece of rock which puzzles him and he was unable to account for its presence at the bottom of the coal mine. The stone is of a dark grey color and about two feet long, one foot wide and four inches in thickness. Over the surface of the stone, which is very hard, lines are drawn at angles forming perfect diamonds. The center of each diamond is a fairly good face of an old man having a peculiar indentation in the forehead that appears in each of the pictures, all of them being remarkably alike. Of the faces, all but two are looking to the right. Was this stone carved and left behind by a traveler from earth's future? Iron Cup from Oklahoma Coal Mine, 312 million years old.On November 27, 1948 the following statement was made by Frank J. Kenwood in Sulphur Springs, Arkansas. "While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Oklahoma in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell from the center leaving the impression mould of the pot in the piece of coal. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma, Mines. According to Robert O. Fay of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, the Wilburton mine coal is about 312 million years old. What advanced civilization or visitor was creating or using iron pots in our past more than 300 million years ago? Block Wall in an Oklahoma Mine, at least 286 million years old.W. W. McCormick of Abilene, Texas, reported his grandfather's account of a stone block wall that was found deep within a coal mine: "In the year 1928, I, Atlas Almon Mathis, was working in coal mine No. 5., located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. This was a shaft mine, and they told us it was two miles deep. The mine was so deep that they let us down into it on an elevator.... They pumped air down to us, it was so deep." One evening, Mathis was blasting coal loose by explosives in "room 24" of this mine. "The next morning," said Mathis, "there were several concrete blocks laying in the room. These blocks were 12-inch cubes and were so smooth and polished on the outside that all six sides could serve as mirrors. Yet they were full of gravel, because I chipped one of them open with my pick, and it was plain concrete inside." Mathis added: "As I started to timber the room up, it caved in; and I barely escaped. When I came back after the cave-in, a solid wall of these polished blocks was left exposed. About 100 to 150 yards farther down our air core, another miner struck this same wall, or one very similar." The coal in the mine was Carboniferous, which would mean the wall was at least 286 million years old. According to Mathis, the mining company officers immediately pulled the men out of the mine and forbade them to speak about what they had seen. Mathis said the Wilburton miners also told of finding "a solid block of silver in the shape of a barrel... with the prints of the staves on it," in an area of coal dating between 280 and 320 million years ago. What advance civilization built this wall? Why was the truth, as is so many of these cases protected and hidden? What is the real truth about time travelers, modern humans, and modern technology in our past? Hieroglyphics in Ohio Coal Mine, 260 million year old.It is reported that James Parsons, and his two sons, exhumed a slate wall in a coal mine at Hammondville, Ohio, in 1868. It was a large smooth wall, disclosed when a great mass of coal fell away from it, and on its surface, carved in bold relief, were several lines of hieroglyphics. Who carved these hieroglyphics more than 250 years before humans walked the earth? Devonian PeriodNail in Devonian Sandstone, between 360 and 408 million years old.In 1844, Sir David Brewster reported that a nail had been discovered firmly embedded in a block of sandstone from the Kingoodie (Mylnfield) Quarry in North Britain. Dr. A. W. Medd of the British Geological Survey recently indicated that this sandstone is of "Lower Old Red Sandstone age" (Devonian, between 360 and 408 million years old). In his report to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Brewster stated: "The particular block in which the nail was found, was nine inches thick, and in proceeding to clear the rough rock for dressing, the point of the nail was found projecting about half an inch (quite eaten with rust) into the 'till,' the rest of the nail lying along the surface of the stone to within an inch of the head, which went right down into the body of the stone." The fact that the head of the nail was buried in the sandstone block would seem to rule out the possibility the nail had been pounded into the block after it was quarried. This was a time where amphibians and insects were the only dominant life form on our planet. So who dropped this nail to have it eventually preserved in rock at a time more than 350 million years before humans appeared? Cambrian Period
Pre-Cambrian PeriodMetallic Vase from Pre-Cambrian Rock, over 600 Million Years Old.The following report, titled "A Relic of a Bygone Age," appeared in the magazine Scientific American (June 5, 1852): "A few days ago a powerful blast was made in the rock at Meeting House Hill, in Dorchester, a few rods south of Rev. Mr. Hall's meeting house. The blast threw out an immense mass of rock, some of the pieces weighing several tons, and scattered fragments in all directions. Among them was picked a metallic vessel in two parts, rent asunder by the explosion. On putting the parts together it formed a bell-shaped vessel, 4-1/2 inches high, 6-1/2 inches at the base, 2-1/2 inches at the top, and about an eighth of an inch in thickness. The body of this vessel resembles zinc in color, or a composition metal, in which there is a considerable portion of silver. On the side there are six figures of a flower, or bouquet, beautifully inlaid with pure silver, and around the lower part of the vessel a vine, or wreath, also inlaid with silver. The chasing, carving, and inlaying are exquisitely done by the art of some cunning workman. This curious and unknown vessel was blown out of the solid pudding stone, fifteen feet below the surface." According to a recent U.S. Geological Survey map of the Boston-Dorchester area, the pudding stone, now called the Roxbury conglomerate, is of Precambrian age, over 600 million years old. By standard accounts, life was just beginning to form on this planet during the Precambrian. But in the Dorchester vessel we have evidence indicating the presence of artistic metal workers in North America over 600 million years before Leif Erikson. At this time in our planets history the was no life on land, plant or animal. The most advanced life-form at this barren time in our planet’s history was simple algae floating in the seas. Yet somehow through time this beautiful work of art was brought and left behind and eventually buried and preserved in ancient rock…
Artifacts From AIX En Provence, FranceIn his book Mineralogy, Count Bournon recorded an intriguing discovery that had been made by French workmen in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Bournon wrote: "During the years 1786, 1787, and 1788, they were occupied near AIX en Provence, in France, in quarrying stone for the rebuilding , upon a vast scale, of the Palace of Justice. The stone was a limestone of deep grey, and of that kind which are tender when they come out of the quarry, but harden by exposure to the air. The strata were separated from one another by a bed of sand mixed with clay, more or less calcareous. The first which were wrought presented no appearance of any foreign bodies, but, after the workmen had removed the ten first beds, they were astonished, when taking away the eleventh, to find its inferior surface, at the depth of forty or fifty feet, covered with shells. The stone of this bed having been removed, as they were taking away a stratum of argillaceous sand, which separated the eleventh bed from the twelfth, they found stumps of columns and fragments of stone half wrought, and the stone was exactly similar to that of the quarry: they found moreover coins, handles of hammers, and other tools or fragments of tools in wood. But that which principally commanded their attention, was a board about one inch thick and seven or eight feet long; it was broken into many pieces, of which none were missing, and it was possible to join them again one to another, and to restore to the board or plate its original form, which was that of the boards of the same kind used by the masons and quarry men: it was worn in the same manner, rounded and waving upon the edges." Count Bournon, continuing his description, stated: "The stones which were completely or partly wrought, had not at all changed in their nature, but the fragments of the board, and the instruments, and pieces of instruments of wood, had been changed into agate, which was very fine and agreeably colored. Here then, we have the traces of a work executed by the hand of man, placed at a depth of fifty feet, and covered with eleven beds of compact limestone: everything tended to prove that this work had been executed upon the spot where the traces existed. The presence of man had then preceded the formation of this stone.
Source: FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY, The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, published by Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, Inc. There is no better source for additional information and study on this subject than Forbidden Archeology. This remarkable collection of research and analysis is an important work of thorough-going scholarship and intellectual adventure. |
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