"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Amplifying Power: Generating Electricity from (Almost) Nothing

Amplifying Power:
Generating Electricity from (Almost) Nothing



Groundbreaking Discovery: Man Solves Tesla’s Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000%


Jim Murray has been electrifying the world for over 50 years. His lifetime of experience has produced dozens of patents, inventions and now a truly remarkable discovery that can fundamentally change the way that human beings use energy forever.

When he was just five years old, Jim tells the Free Thought Project that he had already developed an affinity for motors and electricity. This curiosity was piqued by his father’s model train sets which Jim spent hours tinkering with. His natural gift and childhood passion fostered the creation of his first electromagnet when he was only six years old.

Over the next several years, Jim allowed his intellectual curiosity to carry him into multiple fields. He studied and built rockets and radios when he was in grade school and by the time he entered high school had developed an interest in nuclear physics. This led Jim to the construction of a linear electron accelerator, which was entered in the New England Science Talent Search of 1964.  This entry won young Murray first place in school, city and state science competitions. Additionally, his project was displayed in the Boston Museum of Science.

It was not long after graduation that Jim began seriously examining the work of Nikola Tesla. He was fascinated by Tesla’s incredible claims concerning power generation and transmission, and he vowed to rediscover the great scientist’s undisclosed secrets. Jim’s efforts eventually led him to individuals like Otis T. Carr, who claimed to have known Tesla personally. They also gave him a greater understanding of several lost Tesla secrets.

During his professional life, Jim has conducted research and experimentation on a variety of different technological applications all of which eventually contributed to the development of his SERPS (Switched Energy Resonance Power Supply) device.  This highly specialized electronic circuit has the ability to “Magnify” the effective power applied to it by nearly 50 times. When Jim coupled his device with his friend Paul Babcock’s patented ultra fast 5 nanosecond switching technology, they achieved a 4790% increase in electrical power compared to the input. This type of performance, if commercialized, would cause the largest electric utility companies to shake in their boots.

Jim explains:

Electric power is supplied by a special transformer to energize a resistive load. The undissipated magnetic potential is then captured and stored temporarily, before being sent back to the source through the very same electrical load. This oscillating power has completely different properties than conventional electrical power, and actually reduces the total power required from the source.  The consequence of this energy dynamic is that the resistive load can be powered more than twice as efficiently, while the net power supplied by the line is reduced to a very small value. The implications of this technology for power conservation in the future are absolutely astonishing!

In the video below Jim gave The Free Thought Project an exclusive look at his groundbreaking new technology.

After watching this amazing innovation in action, it is hard to believe that Mr. Tesla reached this same technological plateau nearly one-hundred years ago, and still, there has been minuscule advancement, until very recently, in the industry of energy generation. One need only examine the contents of Tesla’s patents to understand why the famous scientist was being watched by the FBI. It is no secret that after Tesla’s death in 1943, government agents seized much of his private research.

Jim’s research has also been scrutinized by the FBI. He tells The Free Thought Project that he, too, has had a run-in with the FBI because of one of the projects he was working on.

“Back in 1966, not long after my father died, I returned from work one day to find a strange message waiting for me.

When Jim attempted to ascertain the source of the message he was given a note that said:

‘Take the Hudson-Manhattan subway to Newark, New Jersey, and arrive at 11 Centre Place, FBI Newark Headquarters, no later than 10:00 AM tomorrow morning. Ask to see Agent Harold Miller, he will be expecting you.”

Upon his arrival, agents began questioning Jim about his research. After informing them of his interest in Nikola Tesla’s work, Jim says:

“The agents looked at each other silently, then scribbled some additional notes, which were inserted into a file folder with my name on it. I later learned that once you become a person of interest, the FBI retains your file indefinitely!”

Thankfully Jim did not let this obvious scare tactic deter his research. Now, thanks to modern technological advancements and the tireless work of courageous men like Jim Murray, we can begin to understand the truly groundbreaking nature of Tesla’s original work.

The ramifications of the mass application of SERPS technology are nothing short of paradigm shifting. It is widely known that the “energy variable” is a primary factor in US policies. The pursuit of energy is no doubt a catalyst for many of the decisions politicians regularly make. However, most Americans are only aware of the research efforts which involve the utilization of coal, petroleum, nuclear power, wind and solar. These accepted avenues of exploration receive over 5 billion dollars in subsidies per year, while independent researchers like Jim are totally ignored.

The positive environmental impact of radical technologies like SERPS also cannot be understated. While lawmakers continue to pay lip service to the issue of global warming, this technology could drastically reduce the carbon footprint of the entire planet. Mountaintop coal removal is destroying entire swaths of land, oil sands developments are already slated to be the cause of up to the second fastest rate of deforestation, and hydraulic fracturing for oil & natural gas can require up to 15.8 million gallons of water per well.

In 2012, the total energy output from wind power alone in the US surpassed 60 gigawatts, enough capacity to power nearly 15 million homes. While renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro have been widely criticized as being inefficient to meet the nation’s energy demands, the obvious truth is that through the use of technologies like the SEPRS device, we can more than meet our energy needs.

So long as organizations exist that can legally ensure the suppression of emerging technologies, the best interests of the people will always run secondary to the interests of those who have controlling ownership in traditional power systems. The same systems which ensure cash flow to the elite and continue to destroy our planet in the process.

In addition to re-discovering Tesla’s technological secrets, Jim is also dedicated to revealing those secrets for the benefit of everyone. While he has independently secured funding for his technology already, Jim is also trying to secure funding to publish a book which will explain to everyone how it is done. If you would like to assist Jim you can donate to his Go Fund Me [see below].

Jim Murray – Dynaflux & SERPS


Jim Murray has largely stayed under the public radar for quite some time. He is a humble and witty man with some very unconventional ideas. He has worked along side Eric Dollard in the past and has had an avid interest in Nikola Tesla.

While Tesla may be most famous for his work with electricity, he was also very adept in the hard realm of mechanics. Sometimes conceptually and intuitively it’s easier to deal with mechanical forces than it is with electrical forces. And this is an area Jim Murray has excelled in.

Jim Murray has three prominent inventions that embody his life’s work and understanding. They are as follows:

1.    Dynaflux Alternator
2.    SERPS (Switched Energy Resonance Power Supply)
3.    Toroidal Rotating Transformer

Both of his alternators have the ability to function as generators or as motors.  His devices are of a special class of rotating electric machine making use of the principle of “reluctance”.

Reluctance motors and generators have been around for quite some time, but are generally speaking little known about. The thing about them that is unique when compared to AC and DC motor/generators is that the rotor does not have any windings and therefore does not have any current.

There are many different kinds of reluctance machines such as Asynchronous, Synchronous, Variable, Switched and Stepping. Now unless you have taken a motors course before these words may not mean much to you.

There are advantages and disadvantages to their design, but one unique thing about them is they dramatically reduce back-EMF due to their design.

Dyson for example uses reluctance motors in their vacuum cleaners to achieve speeds of up to 104,000 rpm!

See - no windings on central shaft rotor.

When Jim Murray presents his ideas he usually presents them as a story. Often a long winded one, like his life story in his video presentations or his written ones. He tries to lead the listener sequentially through his thought process that includes all the ups and downs. This can sadly become quite confusing because most people aren’t well versed in the concepts to begin with.

The most important thing to understand is that Power and Energy are two completely different things.

  • Energy is measured in joules as a finite quantity with no respect to time
  • Power is measured in joules per second with respect to time

Theoretically you can derive an almost infinite amount of power from a small amount of energy. It all depends on the time frame. However there is another aspect to this that Jim Murray introduces that is particularly novel.

In conventional electrical terms it is thought energy can be only used once, and that all the energy is contained within the magnetic and dielectric fields.

Jim Murray makes the point that energy can be used multiple times over giving more power than has traditionally been thought possible. This “extra” energy comes from a momentum like component in electricity that has been largely ignored in the scientific community.

“Maxwell thought that all the electrical energy was carried in the magnetic and electrical fields. 30 years later Einstein and De Haas found that there was addition energy that was carried by the current itself and not by the fields. (They decided not to correct this.)

In a normal situation the reactive power is defined as a form of restorative power in which the average value is zero. The problem with that is the current and voltages are usually out of phase by 90 degrees so that you cannot use it. What this devise allows you to do is create watts that go back and forth doing the same thing and the watts become reactive.” (source)

This understanding forms the crux of Jim Murray’s inventions.

Reactive Power:
This instantly confuses pretty much everyone listening to Jim Murray. Most people when they hear the terms “reactive power” think current and voltage that are out of phase as in the traditional sense. THIS IS NOT WHAT JIM MURRAY MEANS. When current and voltage are out of phase you get the units called a “var”. When they are in phase you get real power in kW.

The condition of reactance is created by the phenomena of reflection. In normal reactive power a portion of the current independent of voltage is reflected meaning it is sent back to the source.

In Jim Murray’s case however current AND voltage are reflected back to the source at the same time and are considered “reactive” however in this case they are both in phase and thus instead of being reactive “vars” they are considered reactive “kW”.

This ability for energy to reflect on the same line causes an increase of power without violating the law of conservation of energy! This is what he terms Energy Resonance, which is NOT the same as frequency resonance.

This is the principle behind the SERPS technology which really was initially developed by Tesla when creating his Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. Reflection is what creates a standing wave and this while a well known phenomenon has some unique effects in electrical terms.

The Dynaflux Alternator

dynaflux jim murray

While it is unclear to me if the Dynaflux makes use of “Energy Resonance” in the reflected way… it does something else to recycle energy. The alternator works on the principle of pulsing a large magnetic field and causing a rotor to spin based on geometry. The energy used to pulse the rotor is recovered/recaptured and then sent back to the input. This is very similar to the Bedini spike capture technology in principle. It is also what Paul Babcock is attempting to do with his motor.

The unique thing about the dynaflux is that it creates a rather interesting almost paradoxical case.

From the patent:

  • Overall Motor Efficiency=79.84%
  • “Apparent System Efficiency=2,606.296 watts/918.758 watts×100%=283.676%.

It’s the recovery of the energy used to spin the motor which creates this over-unity like condition.

Again energy can be recycled, more than thought possible leading to above 100% efficiency from a conventional point of view.

To reiterate, this is NOT free energy or a break in the law of conservation. This merely requires a paradigm change in what we think is possible to do with a finite quantity of energy. Eventually ALL the energy does get used up and released as heat, so this is NOT a perpetual motion machine. It can not be bootstrapped as one might think 100%+ efficiency implies.

The dynalfux or the SERPS will always require energy input, it’s just that they need less energy and can create more power. You can even send back more power than you are using, however you can not send back more energy than you are using.

Again the distinction between energy and power needs to be made crystal clear here.


Additional Info:





We Interviewed the Man Who Claims to Have Saved Nikola Tesla’s Secrets


In early November [2015], our friends at The Free Thought Project ran an article titled, “Groundbreaking Discovery: Man Solves Tesla’s Secret To Amplifying Power By Nearly 5,000%.” This piece generated a reasonable amount of traffic — and controversy.

TFTP interviewed Jim Murray, a man who claimed to have saved the secrets of Nikola Tesla’s technology. Murray is an engineer, inventor, and entrepreneur who has had a lifelong interest in science, radios, and rocket technology. According to TFTP:

It was not long after graduation that Jim began seriously examining the work of Nikola Tesla. He was fascinated by Tesla’s incredible claims concerning power generation and transmission, and he vowed to rediscover the great scientist’s undisclosed secrets. Jim’s efforts eventually led him to individuals like Otis T. Carr, who claimed to have known Tesla personally. They also gave him a greater understanding of several lost Tesla secrets.

During his professional life, Jim has conducted research and experimentation on a variety of different technological applications all of which eventually contributed to the development of his SERPS (Switched Energy Resonance Power Supply) device. This highly specialized electronic circuit has the ability to “Magnify” the effective power applied to it by nearly 50 times. When Jim coupled his device with his friend Paul Babcock’s patented ultra fast 5 nanosecond switching technology, they achieved a 4790% increase in electrical power compared to the input. This type of performance, if commercialized, would cause the largest electric utility companies to shake in their boots.

Once TFTP’s initial story broke, I reached out to their team to see if I could arrange an interview with Jim Murray regarding some of the questions supporters and critics were asking.

Jim agreed to do the interview, which you can see below:





In an update to the story, TFTP wrote:

The underground sewers of the interwebz drudged up an obituary of another man named ‘James Murray,’ who had recently died. The internet warriors claimed that since the man was from Oklahoma and had worked for an electric company, it had to be the same Jim Murray. Therefore, our website had published a ‘lie.’ Since we had set up a GoFundMe for Jim to raise money to publish his next book, it meant that our crowdfunding efforts were actually a scam and a ‘money grab.’

The obituary of James Murray did, indeed, cause quite a stir, and was one of the main reasons I personally wanted to speak with him. As my interview confirms, Jim Murray is alive and well. One consequence of this rumor was that a crowdfunding page in support of Jim Murray was taken down after the accusations of fraud spread across the Internet. The page had been launched by TFTP to support Jim Murray’s efforts to write a book about his experience and the technology.

“Instead of contacting me, and saying ‘Hey, are you really dead?’ They just unceremoniously took it down,” Murray said. “I’ll get the book done one way or another, it’s just that a few bucks would have helped.”

Murray also explained why some of Tesla’s ideas are not accepted by the current scientific establishment. The engineer previously gave TFTP a look at his new technology, but I wanted him to discuss the public and establishment’s reluctance to believe in alternative forms of power.

“Ultimately, what needs to be done is somebody has to put up enough money, and we’re talking millions, to really break through the restraints of the existing paradigm when it comes to understanding energy and nonlinear physics,” Murray told Anti-Media.

“The government doesn’t have any problem doing it themselves, but the vested interests don’t want the general public to get ahold of this because the resulting paradigm shift would be pretty excruciating, at least for those who are doing well with the current arrangement.” Murray also said he would not be surprised to find out “certain factions” of either the U.S. government or other governments are already working on this technology but “keeping a lid on it.”

Despite the first crowdfunding campaign’s removal, a second campaign has been launched. Jim Murray says he has independently secured funding for his technology and is now trying to obtain resources to publish a book that will explain to everyone how it works.

For the skeptics out there, I recommend watching my interview, as well as the interview with The Free Thought Project before drawing any conclusions. I will admit that personally, I am not 100% convinced, though that may only be because a lack of understanding. I would also like to add that Jim Murray seems open to communication. If you have questions for him, I recommend reaching out to him and asking for yourself.

Regardless of whether you think Murray is the new Tesla or another snake oil salesman trying to make a buck, it should be perfectly obvious that the world’s current energy practices are unsustainable. Alternative fuels and energy projects are rarely taken seriously. Instead, the world continues to march down an unsustainable path of environmental destruction and degradation; but this is not necessarily the will of the people.

This is the design of corporate and state power, which benefits by shackling the world to the current energy paradigm. If we wish to break free of these chains, we must continue to pursue knowledge and tread in areas deemed “crazy” or “conspiratorial” in order to sift through the lies in search of the truth. Only by being willing to challenge the status quo will we create new systems that honor the individual, respect the planet, and allow freedom and happiness to flourish.

For more information about ‘free energy’ technologies see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/free%20energy  
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Saturday, 30 January 2016

Rule Britannia: Magick in Service to The Crown

Rule Britannia:
Magick in Service to The Crown 

by L.C. Vincent

https://davidfoxmagic777.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/crowley.jpgIt was perhaps the high point for Germany in World War II.  France lay prostrate under the boot of the German war machine.  The only thing that stood between England and Germany was the Royal Air Force.  Or so it seemed.

We know what traditional history books tell us.  The Royal Air Force withstood the repeated savagery of the German Luftwaffe and Hitler grew increasingly restive with the idea of an amphibious assault.  

The reality, of course, is more complex.  The British utilized the forces of occult technology--of Magick--and it would not be the first time the English Crown had availed itself of the power of its most infamous magicians.

The British Crown, the shareholders of the Bank of England, overlapping with the Illuminati, are Satanists. It stands to reason their Intelligence services would use witchcraft to further their ends. The Lion's share of the world's evil originates from this source.

In 1986, book called "Lammas Night", strictly fictional of course, suggested that a group of witches and warlocks had gathered at sacred sites during England's most desperate hours to perform ceremonial magick, with the object of keeping Hitler from invading England by filling his head with confusion and trepidation over the amphibious assault known as "Operation Sea Lion."

Many people have congratulated the author, Katherine Kurtz, on her realistic portrayal of this "fictional" event.  She was applauded for creating vibrant and finely drawn characters.   The reason this "fictional" event had such a ring of truth is because such ceremonies actually did occur throughout England. 

According to author Gerald Suster, in his book "Hitler:  The Occult Messiah", quoting English magician Gerald Gardner, "Witches cast spells to stop Hitler from landing after France fell.  They met, raised the great cone of power, and directed the thought at Hitler's brain: 'You cannot cross the sea. You cannot cross the sea.  Not able to come.  Not able to come.' ... I am not saying they stopped Hitler.  All I say is that I saw a very interesting ceremony performed with the intention of putting a certain idea into his mind and this was repeated several time afterward; and though all the invasion barges were ready, the fact was that Hitler never even tried to come."  

Gardner may have been referring to the work of Dion Fortune, author of the book "The Magical Battle of Britain."   Fortune was the head of the Society of The Inner Light.  When Germany invaded and defeated Poland in a matter of days, Fortune, according to a review of this book, "... initiated a series of magical programmes designed to thwart the expansionist intentions of the Third Reich."



This was not the first time England used applied magick to turn the tides of history.  Perhaps the first recorded event is when England faced the Great Spanish Armada in 1588.

In 1579, King Philip II of Spain, at the urging of the Vatican, prepared to invade England. Unbeknownst to Philip II, however, The Queen of England, Elizabeth I, had employed two occult technicians (magicians) to continue and expand England's reign on the high seas.  These two magicians were Sir Edward Kelly and Dr. John Dee.

With the blessings and the facilities of the English Crown, Kelly and Dee performed numerous magickal workings, called skryings, which allowed Dee and Kelly direct communication with angelic beings.  This process of drawing magickal sigils and talismans was accomplished by using a "shewstone."  Through this stone, said to have been given to Dr. Dee by the angel Uriel, John Dee was able to construct an angelic language with its own alphabet, which he called Enochian. 

Through using this angelic symbolic language, Dee and Kelly, according to legend,  were able to construct and consecrate talismans specifically  designed to create a mighty storm to blast and sink the Spanish Armada, and scatter it into disarray.

Indeed, a mighty storm did sink or damage a large portion of the Spanish Armada before the remainder made its way back to Spain.  But what most historians and students of history do not know was that there were actually THREE attempts by Spain's Armada to engage the English Navy and invade England, and each time, a huge storm unexpectedly arose, sank and scattered a significant number of the invading Spanish fleet. 

Rumors persist that Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelly applied their Enochian ceremonial magick, and each time the forces of Nature arose at their command to save England from certain defeat.

Dr. Dee and Sir Edward Kelly traveled extensively for the crown, and Dr. Dee reported to Sir Francis Walsingham, Spymaster to Elizabeth the First.  Dee was also reputedly the original double O Seven (007), as Dee signed his reports to Walsingham with two circles, representing eyes, above which he drew the mathematical sign of the square root, which appeared to be the number 7, or together,  007! 

Yet there is even more to this story, for Aleister Crowley claimed, according to John Symmonds in his book, "The Great Beast",  that one of Crowley's past incarnations was Sir Edward Kelley, the skryer of the "shew stone" who helped Dr. Dee formulate the powerful Enochian magickal language.


Approximately four hundred years later, Ian Fleming, future author of James Bond  (007) who was in the employee of British Intelligence at the time,  and Aleister Crowley were summoned by Winston Churchill to formulate a magickal strategy against Hitler and Germany.    According to a March 4, 2008 article in the British newspaper, "The Telegraph", Crowley decided to construct an occult ceremonial ritual in the Ashdown forests.  This necessitated clearing a circle along with a path of trees leading to the circle.  Ritual ceremonies were conducted designed to lure Rudolph Hess to England by leaking word of these ceremonies to the Romanian Embassy, and thence to Germany.  

The purpose of these ceremonies were designed to convince Hess that there was a genuine Peace Party in Britain, led by the Duke of Hamilton, reputed leader of the Cliveden Set, a loose assemblage of upper class nobility supposedly sympathetic to an alliance between England and Germany.  It was into this strange milieu that Hess launched his solo peace mission. 

The result of this subterfuge was that England was able to flush out her Nazi sympathizers and neutralize them, while parading a captured Hess, the Number Two man of the Nazi Machine, as a military captive.  According to the article:  "The propitiousness of the 11th of May as a day for Hess to travel was carefully rehearsed into the rituals and Crowley made a genuine attempt to use them to ensnare their quarry by magic."

Apparently, the was not the first time that Aleister Crowley had been asked to contribute his unique talents to the English war effort.  According to author Gerald Suster, in his book, "The Legacy of the Beast",  Crowley was invited to meet the director of British Naval Intelligence at the very beginning of  WWII.  Suster states: 

"Crowley claimed that he advocated the use of two magickal signs which were to boost British morale and which were frequently used by Winston Churchill: the 'V' sign, which in magickal terms is the counter to the Swastika, and the 'Thumbs Up', the sign of the phallus and Victory, which was published in a pamphlet of Crowley poetry during the most desperate days of 1940 and whose use spread throughout the Nation."

Crafting these magickal signs for the masses to be used against Hitler and the Third Reich may not have been Crowley's only contributions to England's WWII war effort, as British Intelligence may also have used Crowley as Churchill's double on more than one occasion.  In "The Legacy of the Beast" opposite page 131, is a photograph of Crowley impersonating Winston Churchill.  The resemblance is extraordinary.



Yet for all his theatrics, without a doubt Aleister Crowley's greatest war time service to The English Crown occurred during World War I.  Crowley was in New York, America had not yet entered the war, and the war was not going well for England and her allies.  Various subterfuges had been tried and  failed to lure America into the conflict. 

Crowley decided to become a contributor to the English language German newspaper based in New York, called "The Fatherland" after convincing its editor, George Sylvester Viereck, that he (Crowley) was actually Irish and therefore a foe of England and friend of Germany.

Writing under various pen names,  Crowley wrote the article that may have actually resulted in the sinking  of  the British passenger liner, 'The Lusitania' by a German submarine, when he promoted, in the most extreme and hyperbolic ravings, his case for Germany to conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.  

In the book, "The Legend of Aleister Crowley" by P. R. Stephenson and Israel Regardie, they quote Crowley as stating:  " I advocated.... 'Unrestricted Submarine Warfare,' secretly calculating (rightly so, as time showed) that so outrageous a violation of all law and human decency would be the LAST STRAW and force America to come in on our side."

There was no doubt in Crowley's mind that his writing had been the deciding factor.  He had written an earlier article  in "The Fatherland"  called "The Future of the Submarine"  which described this new underwater warship as the future of ocean warfare.  Now, his article entitled "Unrestricted Submarine Warfare"  advocating the unrestrained use of such underwater warships, had been published in "The Fatherland" and undoubtedly read in Germany.  As Crowley wrote in his autobiography, "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley" upon meeting secretly with a member of the British Embassy in New York, he waved a copy of the article and eagerly proclaimed:   "The damned fools have printed it; and it's going to turn the trick."

On May  7, 1915, The Lusitania was struck by one torpedo from the German submarine U-20, and sank in 18 minutes, taking 1,198 of the 1,959 lives aboard with her.  Her sinking caused an international furor, and because of the substantial loss of American lives, played a pivotal role in the entry of the United States on the side of England and her allies. 

As a Satanist, the loss of life as a result of this act was of no consequence to Crowley, who had so passionately advocated and now celebrated the result of his magickal Will upon the Earth.   

The irony, of course, is that  "The Great Beast" may very well have succeeded in convincing the German Navy, with his printed tirade advocating Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, to commit the very act which would seal the fate of the German Nation and lead it to defeat in World War I.

 Aleister Crowley's monicker for Great Britain was "perfidious Albion."  It refers to the fact, according to Crowley, that the most common characteristic of the English upper class is betrayal, "double-dealing" and hypocrisy.  By this standard, what "the Crown" did to Germany would be par for their course of conduct. They are Satanists, after all.

L C Vincent

For more information about magic see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/magic
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