Native Elders Reveal Centuries of Extraterrestrial Contact

For ten
days in June, the Yankton Sioux Reservation on the windswept high plains of
South Dakota
was a gathering place for indigenous tribal leaders from around the globe and
hundreds of Native and Euro-American listeners.
The occasion was the Star Knowledge Conference and Sun Dance, convoked by
Lakota (Sioux) spiritual leader Standing Elk in response to a vision.
The vision showed that Native American spiritual knowledge about the Star
Nations was to be shared. This Conference also fulfilled ancient Hopi and
Lakota prophecies.

Spiritual shamans from the Plains tribes (Lakota, Oglala,
Dakota, Blackfoot, Nakota) were joined by spokespersons from the Eastern
(Iroquois, Oneida, Seneca and Choctaw) and Southwest (Hopi, Yaqui and Mayan)
In addition, the chief Maori shaman came from New Zealand at the southern end
of the world, as well as a professional formally residing in the land of the
Saami people from the part of Scandinavia above the Arctic Circle.
They came because they had seen signs now occurring which had been predicted by
ancient prophecies. These signs signified to them that the time had come to
speak openly about their most closely-held oral traditions.
These traditions include their origin from the stars, the influence of Star
People visitors on the formation of their culture and their spiritual beliefs
and ceremonies, and the imminent return of the Star Nations.
Unprecedented as this gathering was, further precedent was set when Standing
Elk, in a published announcement with apology to all Elders, declared that this
sacred knowledge “is to be shared with our brothers of the four directions”,
(the entire non-Native world). Additionally, he invited world-famous
Euro/American experts on the Star Visitors to also speak at this gathering of
Among those speaking were such notables as former NATO intelligence Sgt.-Major
Bob Dean, Harvard Professor John Mack, MD, author Whitley Strieber, CSETI
assistant director Martin Keller, former acting Finnish Surgeon-General Rauni
Kilde, MD, Professor Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., ET research psychologist Richard
Boylan, Ph.D., Professor Courtney Brown, Ph.D., Italian stigmatic-experiencer
Giorgio Bongiovanni, German researcher Michael Hesemann, former CIA paranormal
operatives Dea Martin and Derrel Sims, contactees Marilyn Carlson and Randolph
Winters, and others.

This report is a summary of the Star Knowledge Conference. As such, it will
necessarily not cover every topic or every speaker. Furthermore, because Native
speakers have not presented their messages publicly before, while the
Euro-American experts have been widely reported, this report will focus on the
Native revelations.
Standing Elk, Lakota Keeper of the Six-Pointed Star Nation Altar, in his
opening remarks noted that Medicine Men have the ability to communicate with
the spiritual entities of Mother Earth, such as the Eagle, the Deer, the Coyote
and the Star Nations.
“The Star Nations were the most crucial of all entities, because the thought of
other races . communicating with the grassroots [indigenous] people would
create a major threat to the religious systems, the economy and educational
system of any government. The greatest fear in the governmental structures was
the knowledge that all forms of `Star Governments’ had no monetary systems
within their governing structures.
“Their system was based on the mental, spiritual and universal laws with which
they were too mentally and spiritually intelligent to break. The collapse of
the monetary system within the United States Government and the Religious
Denominations became a National Security issue, and so it became an easier task
to make the Lakota/Dakota belief system illegal to participate [in] and
Standing Elk added that “The Lakota/Dakota Medicine Men are now being
instructed to share spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations, because of the contamination
of Mother Earth and the pollution of the air.”
He spoke of as a child witnessing UFOs flying down the nearby Missouri River
valley, green balls of light four times larger than a school auditorium.
Through portholes on the sides of these ships he could see shadows of persons
During one encounter he met a seven-foot-tall man in white clothes who appeared
like a middle-aged Caucasian. The room was filled with light. It contained
computer-like machines which operated on light and “the law of thought”.
Standing Elk talked about meeting another Sioux Medicine Man who confirmed that
there are Star Visitors. Some are like ants, with big, black eyes and long
fingers and toes. Some live out in the cosmos and some on the other side of the
Sioux legends relate that they came from the Pleiades, with others coming from
the Sirius and Orion systems. He related about having visitations in the sweat
lodge from the “Gray” Zetas, who bear messages and provide answers to
Standing Elk talked about being visited by a five-foot-tall, orange-skinned
Star Visitor with large eyes. He also mentioned blue and green Star People, and
“a hundred other races you don’t know about.” He asserted that “the way of the
Stars is in every culture.”
Moving to a religious theme, he said that Jesus was a Star Man. Standing Elk
noted that the symbols found on the wreckage of the Roswell UFO crash each had
two meanings: a universal law and a spiritual law.
During a subsequent presentation he presented interpretations of these various
Star Visitor symbols which he had received from Star People who manifested
during sweat lodge ceremonies.
The next speaker, Oglala spiritual advisor Floyd Hand, continued the religious
theme, speaking about the Avatars (world religious teachers), such as Jesus,
Buddha, Mohammed, and White Buffalo Calf Woman, (the Star Person who gave the
Sioux their spiritual history, health practices, and ceremonies).
“The Avatars are Star People”. He said that seven different galaxies are
represented on the Earth. “Each Native American tribe has its ET race [of
origination counterpart]”.
The Star People will return in the latter part of the 1990s. Changes will
happen as their time draws near. The first sign is floods, fires and
earthquakes. There will be a world Great Drought in 1997-1999. Many will
starve. There will be destruction of electrical and sewer lines, loss of cities
and many lives.
In 1998 White Buffalo Calf Woman is coming back to Turtle Island (the U.S.).
There are Four Omens.

The First Omen was the recent birth of a white buffalo calf on a White ranch,
whose hide eventually turned the other colors of the Four Nations (yellow, red
and black). The Second Omen was the birth of another white buffalo calf to a
Sioux rancher, but it died.
“We have no right to destroy four-leggeds and winged creatures for our
The Third Omen was a third white calf, but no one is listening despite human
suffering and death.
The Fourth Omen will be the Star People coming and visiting in Santa Fe, New
Mexico. Floyd Hand urged people to get away from urban hubbub and sharpen their
senses. He added, “Start putting in a garden, put away food; it’s going to be
hard. There will be a new government.” Hand sees the end of the current “world”
on January 21, 2021.
Elder Paula Underwood gave an Iroquois perspective on off-planet lifeforms. She
described the many appearance-forms of the extraterrestrials.
In answer to the question of whether we can form community with them, she
replied that “all who walk on two legs are our brothers and sisters. We come
from the unity of the Universe.” Underwood told of an Iroquois oral tradition
of a Star Nations telepathic message to the Iroquois:
“We are Coming.” The Iroquois Elders thought-responded, “Don’t come; we are not
prepared.” The Star Visitors replied, “Prepare yourself.”
Lakota Elder Harry Charger discussed the oral tradition of the Sioux peoples.
There have been many Star People visitations with the Sioux during sweat lodge
ceremonies. Charger said that 50% of what we see of Star Visitor appearances
are mental projections from the Visitors.
He said that the Star Nations are concerned about our destruction of the
planet. He told of, as a boy, being instructed by his grandmother to make a
ball that didn’t bounce. Later the village grandmothers gathered to try out
tossing this gentle-landing ball he made.
They smiled with satisfaction as it soft-landed. Years later he realized the
point: that the soft-lander ball was a ritual reenactment of a space vehicle
which had touched down on the Lakota lands.
The Lakota Elder told the Sioux spiritual origin legend. Two Lakota scouts were
out away from the tribe when a young, beautiful, pale-white luminous woman
appeared to them, White Buffalo Calf Woman.
She gave them important instructions about their origin, and spiritual
teachings and ceremonies to bring back to their people. One scout had lustful
thoughts for the woman and sought to approach her erotically. He perished.
The other scout had paid respectful attention and brought back her teachings to
the people, who have been sustained by them. Charger said that each of us faces
the same choice: how will each of us react to the return of the Star People’s
Finnish physician Rauni-Leena Kilde spoke of the Star Nations experience among
the Saami (Arctic Circle indigenous dwellers) people she was raised with above
the Arctic Circle and in Scandinavia.
[Airman Charles Hall revealed that the Saami are drescendants of immigrants
from Barnard’s Star.] Her first remembered contact was when she was in a severe
car crash.
As she laid there mortally injured, a small Star Visitor was at her side
working on healing her injured liver. Later the hospital staff could not
understand how she survived the crash.
Later she remembered Star Visitor contacts as a child living among the Saami.
She reported that there is a change of attitude in Scandinavia and the European
Union about cosmic contacts.
She hears positive reactions to Star Visitor encounters. In Scandinavia the
so-called “Grey aliens” [Zetas] are rare. Most common there are the small,
short, wrinkled “Dwarf” Star Visitors. Her country borders Russia, whose
cosmonauts were threatened with death if they talked openly about UFO
Steve Red Buffalo (Lakota) gave a talk about the Star People coming down from
the Pleiades. The Sioux trace their origin to that Seven Sisters constellation.
The Pleiades have a connection with the chanupa, the sacred pipe, which
symbolizes the union of the Earth (stone bowl) with the Sky (hollow stem
through which smoke is drawn and sent heavenward.)
Dakota spiritual leader Chanupa Wambdi Wicasa (Deer Man) startled those
listening by stating that the current Pope, John Paul II, is a Pipe Carrier (a
Native-American spirituality tradition- keeper). The Pope fasted and entered
into a sweat lodge ceremony with the Dakota while visiting in Canada, and
congratulated the Dakota for keeping their traditions and ceremonies.
Deer Man interpreted a recent Crop Circle design as containing a highly
relevant message. This Crop Circle consisted of five concentric circles. The
first four circles are like orbit paths around a central sun, with a
planet-like “bead” imbedded in each orbit circle except the third one. The
outermost ring is a chain of densely-packed “beads” of varying sizes.
The entire Crop Circle is the Circle of Life. The four inner circles are the
traditional Four Nations of humanity: white, yellow, red and black. The
smallest circle near the nucleus is the White Race. Spirit gave the White Race
responsibility for Fire. The White Man forgot his responsibility, and so
created the nuclear bomb.
The White Race’s elliptical orbit indicates that it is out of balance. The
second orbit is the Black Race, which has the responsibility for Water. They
have forgotten their responsibility. As a result, the waters are contaminated,
and this causes cancer. The third orbit is the Red Race, whose “planet-bead” is
The Red Race has responsibility for the Earth. Their “bead” is missing because
the Red Nation still walks with the Tunkashilas (Grandfathers, spiritual
guides). The fourth orbit is the Yellow Race, whose responsibility is the air.
But Asian-sponsored factories pollute the air.
Deer Man commented that “we have brought these imbalances on ourselves. The Red
Race has responsibility for the land, but cannot do so because of herbicides,
acid rain and underground nuclear testing.” Spirit told Deer Man that the other
races were to follow the Red Way of Life too, but have lost it.
The outermost circle is the Star Nations.
“The Star Nations are here to help us.”
The Earth was out of balance, and is rebalancing its tilt.
“We have to help the Earth come back into balance. Time as you know it is
coming to an end, sooner than you think. There will not be cars or TVs.”
He said that the Grandfathers taught him that we are coming to the end of
the Fourth World. We are about to enter the Fifth World. [This concurs with
similar Hopi prophecies.]
“It will take Nine Worlds before we get to the Spirit World.”
The adopted son of Grandfather Titus, Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy Tablets, Roy
Little Sun, was scheduled to speak on behalf of his grandfather. Because of
difficulties, he designated Eric Skywalker to speak in his stead. He told of a
Solar System planetary alignment sequence moving into place which is powerful
for the Earth. The outer planets line up with the planets near Earth.
“The power of the heavens steps down to the Earth. The New Moon [June
16-Conference conclusion] is an opening of a gate of Star Knowledge.” Eric said
that the Star Knowledge Conference is like a Medicine Wheel.
Conference participants will radiate out to spread the information to others:
“taking the teachings of the Star People and applying them to human
Norbert Running, a Lakota Medicine Man, was one of the first to participate in
the revived Sun Dance of modern times. He chastised latter-day Native American
“neo-traditionalists” as contaminated by Christian missionaries, believing in
devils, and making up bureaucratic religion rules.
Norbert Running said that most Indians on the reservations believe in the
Natural Way of spirituality. He urged everyone to “cultivate Spirit Guides to
help you in the life path.”
He learned most of what he knows in the Yuwipi, Spirit Calling-In, ceremony. He
told of legendary Sioux Elder Black Elk having a prophetic vision of racial
unity, a rainbow lodge with the Four Nations together. He also spoke of the
Hopi prophecy of Red and White brothers working together.
The chief Spiritual Elder of all the Maori people of Aotearoa (New Zealand),
Mac Wiremu Ruka, accepted Standing Elk’s invitation to share the ancient truths
and prophecies of his people.
Since age three, Elder Ruka had been taught the genealogies, secrets and
incantations of the cosmic and Earth realms. A special star alignment in 1988
told the old Maori Grandmothers that the time had arrived to bring out publicly
the Old Stories which had been kept hidden for centuries, and that Elder Ruka
was the one designated to speak.
The Maori Elder related accounts of the star origin of his people. In a moving
candle-lit ritual, he created a twelve-woman ceremonial circle at the
Conference to speak for Spirit and set the proper vibration for creating such
Choctaw Medicine Man Panther (Preston Scott) told of how he was designated to
follow the path of the heyoka (sacred trickster). One day as a boy he was being
walked to school by his mother. A dark storming cloud came up from the west.
His mother told him to run to his grandfather’s house.
He made it as far as his grandfather’s yard when a lightning bolt struck so
close to him that the heat and energy flipped him over. He landed on his feet
still running and went up on his grandfather’s porch. Being struck by lightning
is Spirit designation as heyoka.
As an adult, Panther was climbing a hill one day and received a vision of three
Grandfathers. He was told that he was going to go north to the Lakota land,
where they would give him a foundation of spiritual knowledge to take back to
his people, because the Choctaw had lost their spiritual ways. Now he is seeing
spirituality rising among the Choctaw.
An inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony for a Sun Dancer was led by Panther on the
night of June 15. As we prayed inside the totally-dark lodge, there appeared
two rectangular-shaped lights, about the size of bricks, dancing near the upper
east wall. Panther commented that there were six spirits inside the lodge.
After the lodge, we learned from others waiting outside that, during the sweat
lodge, a high UFO went across the sky. At first it looked like a satellite, but
then it stopped and gyrated in geometric patterns of flight.
Eagle Pipe Man (Galen Drapeau), a Lakota Medicine Man, is a carrier of the Elk
medicine bundle. His spiritual path was deepened when he almost died during
brain surgery, and had an out-of-body-experience where he met an old Indian
medicine man adjusting energy particles coming out of people’s bodies.
Eagle Pipe Man told of seeing UFOs flying over Bear Butte, a volcanic peak in
the Black Hills and the sacred heart of the Sioux Nation.
Then he spoke about the Star Nation Altars. These are sacred ritual-object
altars kept by certain designated spiritual leaders as shrines where knowledge
of the Star People is gathered, kept and honored. The Lakota Elder said that
Star Nation Altars send a blue light up to the heavens, which the Star People
can see as a beacon.
He told of doing a ceremony for a woman, during which a Star Elder came in and
landed nearby. The Star Visitor was tall, gray, and had large eyes. Eagle Pipe
Man did the Calling-In Song, and the tunkashilas (Grandfather Spirits) came in,
went over and held the Star Elder.
The Star Elder told them some things: Mother Earth is dying; their (the Star
Elder’s) planet is dead, lifeless. He is telling Holy Bull this because the
Native Americans have the Spirit. Mother Earth will clean the ozone.
Eagle Pipe Man had an advising Dream one year ago to go to a spiritual
gathering where sacred bundles and pipes were placed together. That Dream was
fulfilled on June 23rd at Greengrass, South Dakota.
In an unprecedented joining, the three sacred bundles of the Sioux (the pipe),
the Cheyenne (arrows) and the Arapaho (sacred hat) were brought together. This
fulfills a prophecy about the beginning of the Thousand Years of Peace.
Rod Shenandoah, a Blackfoot-Oneida medicine man, in a side lecture during the
Sun Dance ceremonies, talked about the visitations from the Star People which
he, Wallace Black Elk, and many other medicine persons, chiefs and other Native
Americans have experienced.
He pointed out that “Indians consider themselves privileged” when such Star
Nation contacts occur. They consider such visits to be sacred events. Wallace
Black Elk had a visit by Star Visitors while he was in isolation on a spiritual
hanblechia (fast and Vision Quest).
In a final teaching round adjacent to the Sun Dance, Standing Elk said that the
Star People are here to teach, to foster spiritual growth, and to prepare us
for dealing with the challenging Earth Changes coming up in the next several
years. The Star People are included as honored Elders in the Native American
key reverential saying, “Mitakuye oyasin!” (All [are] my relations).
Standing Elk spoke of the Star Visitors communicating telepathically with
Indians, and that the original Spiritual Language of the Sioux [different from
conversational Lakota] is a language of a few cryptic key words, designed to
stimulate, and be supplemented by, full additional telepathic communication.
The same Star People who visit the Sioux also visit the Hopi Indians.
He said that the Star People and the Indians have the same DNA. Standing Elk
noted that there is Big News coming, “fast changes, but they are slow in
arriving.” He also commented that the Star People are also aware of the Law of
Arvol Looking Horse, the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo
Calf Pipe for the Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation, had called for a World Peace and
Prayer Day on June 21, Summer Solstice. This was in response to prophecies
shared by spiritual leaders and Elders at the United Nations, that it is time
to begin global healing by working towards world peace and harmony.
While Looking Horse, the other Sacred Bundle Keepers, and many others gathered
at Grey Horn Butte (Devil’s Tower National Monument), Standing Elk and those
participating in the Sun Dance on the Yankton Sioux Reservation held an
observance in support.
As representatives of the Four Nations stood in the Four Directions doorways of
the Sun Dance, and the gathered dancers and participants prayed, high above the
central Sun Dance pole a thin hollow circle of cirrus cloud formed around the
sun, refracting within itself a perfectly circular rainbow.
Although the wind was up from the west, and other scattered clouds blew by, the
circular rainbow remained perfect and immobile for over an hour, as witnessed
by all the participants.
In the Bible the rainbow is described as a sign of peaceful favor from the one
the Indians know as the Great Spirit. Perhaps Tunkashila was indicating that we
can approach the end of the Fourth World and our emergence into the Fifth World
with hope.
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