How to By-Pass Your Reptilian Brain and Restore Your
Creative Power
my last article The
Law of Attraction and The Power of Your Mind, the subsequent information intends to further
expand into the application of the necessary skill of discernment in order to
manifest your desired reality.
To recap:
Your mind is a sophisticated broadcasting system. We emit and absorb
frequencies according to the frequencies (thoughts and belief systems) that we
hold in our mind. In order to reset our innate power of creation, we must get
our mind right by consciously applying discernment
to every frequency (thought or emotion) that we emit and absorb. In other
words, choosing to accept or reject
frequencies is the first step in re-setting your broadcast system (your mind).
It is how we begin to attune ourselves to source energy, our higher self, our
life’s purpose, happiness, love, our true potential, etc.

now it’s time to elaborate on the implementation of discernment, here it is:
is the state of being OBJECTIVE. In order to discern (or filter if that makes more sense
to you) a situation (frequency) that you have manifested into your current
reality, you must be able to detach yourself from it before compulsively (reptilian brain response)
reacting to it. Being ‘impulsive’ is to react without forethought.

This will be easier to apply if you can give yourself a minute to comprehend and really soak in the following aspects about the functioning of your brain:
have 3 independent yet interconnected sections in our brain:
The Reptilian section 2) The Limbic section & 3) The Neo-cortex
section. Each section has its purpose.
Reptilian section (1) is the instant (no discernment) ‘survival mode’
response section of the brain. It is the oldest in terms of our human
evolution, ‘The Old Brain’, The Reptilian Brain.
Limbic section (2) is the section of the brain that first emerged in
Mammals. It generates our feelings and emotions in regard to our current
Neo-cortex section (3) is the Neo-Mammalian section of the brain, the
evolved section of higher order thinking (side
note…I wonder if Keanu Reeve’s character’s name ‘Neo’ in The Matrix movie
was derived from the understanding of the neo-cortex section of the human
mind?…). It has infinite
abilities. It is the evolved conscious section
of our brain which is most in line with source, with our higher self, our true
unlimited potential. It generates creation, manifestation, imagination,
awareness, development, logical thinking, objectivity, empathy and most
importantly: consciousness. ‘The New Brain’
section has its necessary purpose, for now anyway (I foresee the reptilian section going into stand-by mode once we
attune ourselves to our manifestation power; The Neo-cortex section of our
brain. In my intuitive opinion, I think every human today has the
potential to eventually evolve through conscious effort which will eventually
become automatic into a higher functioning brain capacity based in infinite
love and respect which will see the evolutionary decline of the reptilian
section of the mind).

By applying detachment to any situation through delayed reaction; aka objectivity (discernment filter), you can begin to re-create your reality because you allow yourself to properly use your mind to its full manifestation power. You make life happen for you according to your desires, instead of reacting to life happening to you. You take your power back.
few things to consider: the vast majority of advertising campaigns, media
content and political propaganda these days are targeting the reptilian
response section of the brain in the masses, hence creating a de-evolution of a
collectively manifested reality. Those who acquiesce to reptilian brain
targeted triggers, perpetuate ‘survival’ mode for themselves and lose the
innate gift we all hold to create a life of unlimited abundance.
may find yourself asking ‘why?’ Why is our current reality based in low
vibrational reptilian brain frequencies if the knowledge about the amazing
creative power of the Limbic and Neo-Cortex sections of the brain is already
out there? Well, had you heard about it until now? Were you taught this
basic knowledge from Day 1 of your human experience here on Earth? Was it
part of the imposed curriculum when you were attending school? Do we openly
discuss this with our friends and family? Do we talk about this basic concept
in mainstream media? No. We’ve been collectively oppressed to operate within
the reptilian section of the brain.
yourself about religious stories that depicted the reptilian brain influence
and the importance of over-coming it in order to achieve high vibration
manifestation (love, abundance, etc.). Ask yourself about the reptilian
statues and symbolism that are ‘proudly’ displayed on our current government
buildings. Ask yourself about military conflicts and the reptilian based
authority that persuades masses into low frequency acquiescence and
perpetuation of such low frequency manifestations. Consider which part of your
brain is being triggered when you see an advertisement or a TV Show or a news
program. Our current world is controlled by reptilian brain dominated
authority. It’s in your face y’all!

goes a little something like this. (*Hypothetical situation*) You
are walking through the mall and a billboard with a sexually attractive model
promoting whatever product ‘catches’ (*triggers*) your attention, and it’s on
‘sale!’ You instantly feel distracted, compelled to break stride, walk in and
consider purchasing this product. That is how that scenario usually goes…
insert discernment into that scenario: You are walking through the mall with
purpose, you are feeling good, and *oops* that advertisement catches your eye
for a second. The conscious
individual goes through a mind process something like this: “Ok.
Something within me attracted that low vibration manifestation, I
understand that my reptilian brain is being targeted, no thank you, cancel that
frequency, replace with high vibrational thought or good feeling emotion, done,
continue moving forward.” It’s a conscious process that will require
constant effort at first, but it will become automatic over time once you
persistently apply it to the point that you re-program your neuron pathways in
a way that utilizes the full potential of your mind.

perception needs to be shifted into the (2) and (3) section of the brain.
Nothing is ‘bad’ unless you invite it to continue to be ‘bad’.
Anything that ‘pops’ up into your reality that makes you feel bad
(remember your emotions are your compass), they are simply the smack across
your face you need to snap back into alignment and emit the frequency of what
you want which was provided to you through that experience that you attracted
to begin with.
Einstein said: “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that
created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”
From Collective Evolution @
For more information about conscious awareness see
- See ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section
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