Mars monument 'proof of life'

Structure circled on red planet: NASA
THIS mysterious monument could be proof there was once life on Mars. The rectangular structure — measuring five metres across — was photographed by a super high resolution camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
The giant monolith juts out of the planet's surface casting a huge shadow below.
Its emergence on website Lunar Explorer Italia has got space buffs speculating if it could have been constructed by creatures once living on the red planet.
The monument resembles the black monolith seen in Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the movie the structure is believed to be a key to man's evolution.
And astonishingly Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, revealed a similar monolith was detected on Mars' moon Phobos. He insisted: "We should visit the moons of Mars.
"There's a monolith there - a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours.
"When people find out about that they are going to say, 'Who put that there? Who put that there?'"
But scientists at the University of Arizona have cast doubt on the discovery saying the huge object is a “boulder”.
A spokesman for the university’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory said: “It would be unwise to refer to it as a ‘monolith’ or ‘structure’ because that implies something artificial, like it was put there by someone for example.
“In reality it's more likely that this boulder has been created by breaking away from the bedrock to create a rectangular-shaped feature.”
From The Sun @
Spidery black objects on Mars surface raise speculation
Scientists are trying to identify the strange black
spidery objects in these images. (Michael Benson/NASA/JPL/University
Strange black objects seen from 200 miles above the surface of Mars are generating interest and speculation that the unidentified objects could be anything from geysers to sunbathing colonies of microorganisms.
NPR presents several photos of the objects, including one taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Jan. 27, 2010, that appears to show "little black flecks dotting the ridges, mostly on the sunny side, like sunbathing spiders sitting in rows."
The objects were first spotted in 1998. Interestingly, they appear when the surface of Mars begins to warm, showing up in the same location most of the time. And then when the Martian winter approaches, they disappear with the same precise regularity. The images have been brought into greater detail by Michael Benson in his book "Planetfall: New Solar System Visions."
Most scientists, including teams from the U.S. Geological Survey, Hungary and the European Space Agency, have their own theories, but the leading explanation is that the objects are geysers of CO2 exploding from underneath the planet's surface.
"If you were there, you'd be standing on a slab of carbon dioxide ice," Phil Christensen of Arizona State University told NPR. "All around you, roaring jets of carbon dioxide gas are throwing sand and dust a couple hundred feet into the air. The ground below would be rumbling. You'd feel it in your space boots."
And while the geyser theory is the most popular explanation, it has yet to be verified.
In the meantime, there are some interesting alternative theories, including one from a group of Hungarian scientists, who have speculated that the objects are actually colonies of photosynthetic Martian microorganisms that emerge each year to sunbathe in the warm weather.
What the objects may look like up close. (Artist rendering
by Ron Miller/JPL/Arizona State University)
Martian Biodiversity
By Joseph
P. Skipper

The above first image evidence is not something that I would normally report on simply because I doubt that very many would be able to distinguish this from geological terrain. This type of evidence is common in the Mars distant obfuscated satellite imaging. I pass over reporting on evidence like this often because I suspect many would see this as just too inconclusive. Yet it is biological life and it is included in this report because it is present in this strip and it demonstrates yet another example of a different looking Mars forest life bio-diversity.
section of evidence comes from the mid-upper area of the original strip.
Nothing that you are looking at in this larger than my normal size image is
geological rock and soil terrain but rather a forest of flourishing densely
packed life. More specifically the darker material is some kind of finer
smaller textured and pattern biological life engulfing this terrain area.
Unfortunately, the massed individual objects in the darker material are too
small and the resolution too poor to allow determining any more about it than
there is the larger more course light reflective evidence you see above. It may
be a different life form erupting out of this biological sea of life via spout
or plume activity on top of the finer texture evidence to establish its own
presence like a collection of individual islands in this area. On the other
hand, it may simply be the same darker fine textured life but seen as a
permanent spout/plume/bloom function making a transition to another stage of
development. We just don't know and, as is often the case, the visual evidence
often raises more questions than it answers.
though that this is not Earth but another world with its own unique
evolutionary paths. As you will come to know in this evidence record, some of
those paths are very unique and unknown to us. Often they take the form of
spouts/plumes or blooms that may be temporary or even semi-permanent to
permanent in nature establishing different looking structures. In any case, so
much for that, let's move on now in the following images to the principle
evidence and reason for this report.

Now we come to the above second image and the main reason for this reporting from just this one image strip. This evidence comes from lower down near the bottom in the original strip from an terrain area made up of parallel bands of material. Such bands are often seen in the South Polar Region where this particular evidence comes from. The view of these bands is most often distant with too poor resolution. That in turn leads scientists to the "assumption" that the strange bands are always geological rock and soil terrain material effected into these bands in some unknown way.
course, they never consider that this effect may be function of life. Why not?
Because the instrument science data tells them that the Mars atmosphere is made
up primarily of 95+% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) many times over lethal to larger life
forms as we know them to exist here on Earth. Also because the same data tells
them that the planet is super dry and hard frozen. They appear to accept this
without question and this basic fundamental data in turn goes into their
computer models that of course in turn returns results that reinforce these geological
conclusions. Garbage in and garbage out.
once it begins to dawn on the viewers of this evidence record that Mars terrain
is too often mistakenly identified as geology when it is actually super dense
vast areas of polyps/algae/mold growth, that "data" and what
constitutes and forms these bands obviously needs to be reconsidered by open
minds. Unless I've missed my guess, I suspect these bands of biological life
are dictated by mild but long term effect atmospheric pressure and magnetic
bands in combination with ground nutrient and moisture conditions.
when it comes to biological life evidence in this distant satellite obfuscated
poor imaging, the method of taking photos of the planet surface, at least as
publicly presented to us, is itself a problem. The narrow-angle closer imaging
takes a swath out of the evidence that is too narrow relative to the vast area
of bio-life evidence coverage of the terrain. These evidence areas are old
growth that may have existed in these terrain areas not just for centuries but
for thousands of years, if not longer, and their coverage of vast areas is
complete, solid, and densely packed.
means that the growth fills the narrow-angle image view from edge to edge
without break (like taking a too close picture of a too large section of carpet
of continuous repeat sameness) and so the image swath rarely reveals the edges
of the evidence fields where the growth may be struggling in poorer conditions
and/or competing with other different growth thereby revealing variations in
the growth in order to reveal that it is in fact living growth. Likewise, the
more distant wide-angle imaging giving a much larger regional area view is
characterized by too much distance and poor resolution that just will not
reveal enough detail on such evidence unless it is colossal in size individual
objects like the 12-mile across head monument I have reported on.
it is very rare to find an image strip that will reveal an entire bio-life
evidence field and from an identifiable distance and from boundary edge to
boundary edge. It is even rarer to find one of conventional tree evidence we
might be familiar with the visuals of here on Earth and be able to more readily
recognize because the automated tampering programming also does a better job of
recognizing this and eliminating it. Yet, that is what is happening with the
above second image taken from one side edge of the original strip to the other.
we have here in the above larger second image view is a lengthy but relatively
narrow band of conventional woody tree forest mini-ecosystem evidence squeezed,
trapped, bounded, and isolated within the greater parallel terrain bands
configuration that the automated obfuscation tactics have failed to recognize
and eliminate. It is bounded on the upper right by larger band of what appears
to be algae biological growth evidence and on the lower left by a larger band
of different unknown biological life evidence characterized by many large dark
spot areas. If this relatively isolated conventional tree forest were here on
Earth, it would be termed a forest "fragment" as a result of its
smaller size and isolation factor.
that I have also pointed out some suspicious looking anomalous objects with
white arrows. The one on the lower right is a slightly elevated unidentified
object in a clearing in the trees. The clearing in this otherwise heavy growth
suggest artificial maintenance maintaining this space but isn't conclusive in
this regard. The upper middle also slightly elevated object appears to be
slightly pointed on both ends suggesting possibly a slightly pointed,
elliptical or round craft of some kind but again isn't conclusive in this
regard. The object on the upper left appears to be some sort of relatively tall
strange looking unidentified dark object the lower part of which is hidden
behind a wall or natural rock feature mostly hidden by the vegetation but which
appears to be casting a dark shadow to its left on the ground in a cleared area
of the vegetation behind the obscuring wall feature.

The above third image with its 150% zoom factor is included to make sure that a significant amount of the vegetation tree evidence can be seen at its best as compared to the second image above and the fourth image below with its 200% closer but also more blurry view. Note that all three anomalous objects are included in this slightly closer view but the resolution and detail just isn't quite good enough for this material to get beyond being merely suggestive and crossing over into real solid evidence.
when I identify this as conventional tree forest evidence, I am referring to
the visual recognizability factor of it being in general individual object hard
or soft wood tree vegetation life of some
kind comparable to what we are visually familiar with here on Earth and not
colony life such as polyps, algae or mold that are also so prevalent on Mars.
This is very important. Why? Because vegetation that we are familiar with here
on Earth has definite limits as to how much cold it can stand. Too much cold
disrupts its cellular structure resulting in death. That means that
conventional vegetation we might be familiar with here on Earth cannot exist in
the extreme cold the science instrument data says is present at times on Mars
and specifically in the South Polar Region right where this evidence is
if the above visual evidence strongly suggests conventional tree forest
vegetation on Mars and that evidence is not struggling but dense and
flourishing, this has all kinds of implications for the correctness and
accuracy of the Mars science instrument temperature data. Obviously the
temperature clearly isn't that cold. Same but to a lesser extent with the science
instrument Carbon Dioxide data. To give you a good idea of just what a dense
old growth tree forest canopy looks like with boundary edges, visit my Report
#100 and specifically Part-1 with its Earth tree forest canopy fragment
evidence for direct comparison with the tree forest evidence you see here on
tree forest can function in stronger Carbon Dioxide conditions but also
remember that when this happens the resulting extensive tree forests, assuming
they function similar to that on Earth, also pump a lot of Oxygen back into the
atmosphere. In fact, remember that the presence of conventional tree forests
(as shown elsewhere in this website's evidence record) flourishing and doing
well and on a vast scale on Mars would clearly reinforce this concept and
logically suggests the presence of a balance between Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
in the atmosphere likely favorable to life as we know it here on Earth. That
consideration in turn logically has all sorts of implications for the
correctness and accuracy of the official science instrument data that Mars has
primarily a 95+% Carbon Dioxide atmosphere.
above fourth image is a 200% zoom factor closer view of a section of the Mars
vegetation forest evidence. I have not imaged the bands of algae growth
evidence or other growth on either side of this band of tree evidence because
the main thrust of this report is the conventional vegetation woody forest tree
evidence. This view is just beginning to get a little too blurry but it is
still informative as to being able to identify this as mostly conventional
woody tree forest fragment evidence.

Courtesy: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biology, D. H. Janzen, Professor
Now in the above fifth image I want you to compare the Mars vegetation forest fragment evidence in the previous 2–4 images to this similar looking Earth based hardwood forest fragment evidence. This Earth evidence comes as a more oblique closer aerial view without obfuscation tactics and resolution problems present in it and so the view of detail making up the forest canopy upper surface is of course better than in the much greater distant and resolution compromised Mars satellite imaging lacking in such subtle detail.
the non-forest areas in the Earth image represented by the smoother more light
reflective surfaces are more open grasslands as compared to the Mars vegetation
forest fragment being hemmed to a narrow band by smoother surfaced more light
reflective colony growth less familiar to and recognizable by the Earth human
eye. I've taken the original color out of the Earth image and introduced new
color to better match the Mars evidence for better comparison but have made no
other changes in it.
you want to see the original Earth forest fragment in its original color, just
click on the above link under the Earth image to access it. However, just be
prepared to see the scene there through a bluish tint filter that tends to
cause a slight haze effect that tends to diminish fine detail slightly.
Otherwise, you will be able to verify there that I've done nothing else to the
Earth evidence other than the color change.
of the time in the MGS MOC Mars satellite narrow-angle imaging, conventional
tree forest fragment evidence and especially tree evidence on a scale
reasonably large enough to be identifiable complete with identifiable boundary
edges, is too heavily obscured. But, once in a rare while something escapes the
obfuscation and a little truth peaks through. We are fortunate that this is
what has happened here with this narrow strip of Mars tree forest evidence
confined into a narrow band bracketed by other larger bands of mostly colony
life evidence that is harder to differentiate from natural geological terrain.
This is no doubt what confused the automated tampering software into it not
recognizing this forest fragment evidence as a candidate for its heavier
never forget that this terrain area is right in an South Polar Region area mid
way out from the Cap right where it is suppose to be so hard freezing cold at
times according to the official science data and all the implications that come
with that. It is in a broad regional area characterized primarily by lower and
level terrain with many different forms of strange looking colony biological
life flourishing rather than woody tree forests, even in fragments. It probably
continues to survive as a forest fragment in this otherwise isolated band
location because it is in slightly elevated dryer ground conditions that are a
little more favorable to its growth in this limited spot and not quite as
favorable to colony life growth that probably requires more ground moisture
primary reason I'm showing you this Mars conventional woody tree forest type
evidence is to demonstrate once again that such more easily identified evidence
does exist in absolute terms on Mars compared to the stranger and also
prevalent Mars biological life evidence. This includes in locations that limit
its growth and spread as exampled here as compared to other South Polar Region
areas that are more elevated and more favorable to and result in vast massive
old growth woody tree regional forests rather than colony life presence.
if the temperature in this South Polar Region area ever fell even remotely
anywhere near the –180 F. to –220 F. freezing cold extremes as indicated by the
official statistics during any one relatively recent season, this evidence that
takes so many years to grow to this stage of maturity simply could not exist.
That it does exist at all and in this mature form is very telling evidence of
the true Mars environmental conditions.
the visual evidence speaks for itself but are any scientists or academics
really paying any attention? Are any of these so well educated people out there
questioning their basic assumptions and belief systems yet? Is it beginning to
dawn on you that you've trusted where you shouldn't have? You biologists and
botanists out there, you know what you are obviously looking at here on Mars
right off the end of your nose on your computer screen. Get some courage and
step up!
science is suppose to be all about questioning not just the evidence presented
here but that which you have historically been fed bits and pieces over the
years, decades and generations by sources you've trusted too much. Historically
well accepted consensus information does not make the information true, it only
indicates a psychological state of mind in a population that tends to dictate
behavior. At one point in the Earth past, the educated consensus opinion of the
time that held sway for so many centuries was that the Earth was flat and that
of course was far from the truth. Yet, it continued to hold on for generations
after the undermining obvious truth was revealed. Is that they way it is going
to be when it comes to space exploration? Surely we've come further than that.
National Security considerations have been taking advantage of you and your
well educated and thoroughly entrenched and conditioned naiveté for decades and
you might as well begin to wake up to it and deal with it. Beginning to do so
now is better than later! Remember, once the hammer drops and the tide turns
driven by these growing and you can count on them being relentless evidence
revelations, the window of opportunity for saving face will have sailed on by
never to return.
This link takes you to the official E08-01722 narrow-angle strip that is the sole source of the evidence presented here in Report #118. The evidence is drawn from the fourth listed slower loading but higher detail straight .GIF strip without any form of manipulation of the strip. The tree evidence is just above the bottom of the strip where sections of multiple bands are to be found. The tree evidence is nestled within those bands.
This link takes you to the official E08-01722 narrow-angle strip that is the sole source of the evidence presented here in Report #118. The evidence is drawn from the fourth listed slower loading but higher detail straight .GIF strip without any form of manipulation of the strip. The tree evidence is just above the bottom of the strip where sections of multiple bands are to be found. The tree evidence is nestled within those bands.
Joseph P. Skipper, Investigator
From Mars Anomaly Research @
Life On Mars 2012: Evidence From NASA Rover
(Strange Mars
Structures, 7:14)
For more information about Martian enigmas see
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