Vibrational Medicine

Nicola Tesla once said, "If you want to
find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and
vibration." The only thing that has changed from his time to
ours is the illusion of linear time.
Energy, can be neither created or destroyed. Everything
is energy. Energy follows thought (intent).
Thought becomes
belief. Belief becomes Reality,
(perceived) and Reality,
manifests as Destiny...
which can be found in the dictionary between
destination; & destitute.
Now that we're all on the same wavelength, we can
proceed into the realms of vibrational medicine.
Consider that we exist in a spherical energetic
environment; in that we are constantly awash in energetic impulses of many
kinds, emanating from all directions; all the time. Increasingly most of this 'electromagnetic
soup' is manmade, and as we are
discovering, it is toxifying our very environment.
Being that we are entities of light and energy it
just makes sense that we should endeavor to protect ourselves from these
emanations when we can, and to heal the damage they do when we must. I think the first thing we need to
acknowledge is that all this isn't necessarily something outside of
creation. It is the frequency of
resonant vibration that accounts for creation itself. Allow me to explain as I have come to understand
When you have an instrument, say a Harp which
produces varied frequency vibrations by plucking the strings, each individual
string resonates at a specific frequency, or tone. Same as with piano, or tuning fork. As
any musician will tell you, regular preventative maintenance is required if you
wish for the resonance to be pure, and true.
If left unattended for long duration, a layer of dust will accumulate,
becoming stronger with time, until at last it is more akin to rust. Without being cleaned first, this string will
not resonate true and pure...but instead will have a discernible, discordant distortion
to the sound. This distortion becomes
critical when we stop to consider that we're going to base our choices and
decisions on what we think the universe is showing us. Kind of makes a good case for zero distortion
reception, which is probably not even attainable in this here and now, probably
more of an evolutionary goal.

As energetic beings we are very much like that
harp, piano or violin string, in that without regular maintenance we too will
start experiencing various distortions in our lives and the way we choose to
perceive this rapidly evolving paradigm.
Each of us is a distinct, sovereign energetic entity, not unlike
the various parts necessary to create a symphony. In this regard, we are a standing wave
resonance, no different than a tuning fork tuned to a specific
vibration. Ever take an immediate and
pronounced like or dislike to someone?
We all have; and it happens every
time someone with either resonant, or discordant vibration is in proximity to
us. Each tuned tuning fork, (or human)
is a standing wave resonance.
When two, or more of these standing wave resonances
come into proximity some mighty interesting things begin to happen. As these resonant vibrations meet, they
create overlapping wave pattern interference, or overtone. The key element to this overtone is that
while it has elements of each of the merging resonances, it is within
itself, a whole new resonance vibration.
This is known as resonance causation...and as such, it is sometimes
wrongly thought to be creation, but nay...this overtone resonance causation, is
the attractor, which then pulls creation out of the ethers, as it
Energy beings, yes, in every sense of the
word...straight from the factory (source) with twelve spinning energy
vortexes called chakras, and a twelve layered, multi colored, self healing
energy field; designed to keep the good stuff in & the cruddy stuff out.*
Our auras each have a primary, and secondary color, each of which resonates to
specific frequency vibrations, just as the twelve chakras each resonate to a
specific color, sound, tone, mantra, mineral or aroma. When we start to integrate the energetic
dynamics necessary for us to even exist here, now in this "place"
we truly begin to see what Tesla was talking about. We are timeless, ageless expressions of the
source; experiencing itself in human form, for a little while. It just makes a sort of immaculate sense that
beings of light and energy will respond to vibrational healing modalities much
quicker and more naturally than those offered by big pharma and the symptom
treating charade that passes itself off as health care in this country. Maybe that's why they push to outlaw
everything natural, sweet and true.

Vibrational medicine then, by description is a
non-toxic, non-invasive, no-touch modality which by it's proximity, or
projection can affect highly positive and immediate beneficial change to one's
existing energetic state. We call that change, healing; and It can be as simple a thing as a kind word
over the phone at the end of a long day.
The reason that vibrational medicine works so well
is related to something called entrainment, which simply put is
the fact that almost always, a lower (negative) frequency resonance
response will seek to match with higher (positive) frequency resonance
response; keeping in mind that within this context positive & negative
relate only to polarity. It has nothing
whatsoever to do with good, bad, right, wrong, or any such notions. Energy is pure, we taint it with our intent
and fear, and then pass that on to others, never giving it a second thought.
There are so many different types of alternative
healing practitioners who utilize vibrational medicine in one form or another;
that to mention any could risk slighting many, so I will just say, experiment,
find out what works for you. That's the
real nice thing about vibrational medicine, instant results speak for
themselves. Within the cadre of
practitioners who work under the collective if not misleading banner of "Energy
Healers" you will find those who work with the movement, balance &
entrainment of energy; as well as those who also employ the application of Light,
Color, Sound, Aroma, and Crystal Resonance. This is the all natural, all pure spherical
healing environment of vibrational medicine. Restoring the human
instrument to manufacturer's specifications.
Allow me to use personal experience as an example of the powerful influence color has in our everyday lives. A number of years back I was visiting my new granddaughter in Alaska for the very first time. On this particular day we were headed out to picnic on the Kenai peninsula, and my daughter was trying to reign in her feisty and reluctant 3 year old daughter...who has a beautiful head full of the reddest hair you ever saw. The closer to departure time, the more resistant my granddaughter became; to the point I realized she was in severe discomfort...which can be almost anything to a 3-yr. old.
When I took a more detailed look at what was
playing out in front of me, it became so clear.
Mom had put the child in a hot pink sweater, over a red sweatshirt, and
orange ski pants. The kid was shrieking
and fighting as if someone was skinning her alive instead of just trying to
brush her teeth. I still have the home
video~ (great leverage). When I
got my daughters attention, I told her to tie back that garden of red hair on
the kid, strip her down, and re-dress her with blues and earth-tones (complimentary
colors) and she would see a whole new kid in 10 minutes. I was wrong.
In five minutes my now re-dressed granddaughter came running into
my lap, and said, "Thank you Grampa.". She had been suffering from something called
color overexposure; which is quickly reversed by the application of those
complimentary colors, which reside exactly opposite each other on the color
wheel. Vibrational medicine.
Now let’s look a bit deeper into the words we use, for as we know words, and the meaning we assign them are also components of vibrational medicine...and as is often the case, the very need for it as well. When we use the word healing it is not to be construed as to be synonymous with curing. Two different, yet not mutually excluded things. Healing seeks to remedy a current distortion in the flow of energy in such a way that teaches the healed how to perform the same function the fullness of time, illusionary linear time. When one learns such techniques of self-healing, it can lead to self-curing, which I think, is the whole point. Doing this; they also partake in the grander universal dance of energy; as their act of self-healing then inspires still more to do likewise; like a ripple flowing across time itself. Vibrational medicine.
Now let’s look a bit deeper into the words we use, for as we know words, and the meaning we assign them are also components of vibrational medicine...and as is often the case, the very need for it as well. When we use the word healing it is not to be construed as to be synonymous with curing. Two different, yet not mutually excluded things. Healing seeks to remedy a current distortion in the flow of energy in such a way that teaches the healed how to perform the same function the fullness of time, illusionary linear time. When one learns such techniques of self-healing, it can lead to self-curing, which I think, is the whole point. Doing this; they also partake in the grander universal dance of energy; as their act of self-healing then inspires still more to do likewise; like a ripple flowing across time itself. Vibrational medicine.

I hear Tesla's voice echoing down thru history every day along with the fading echoes of the love generation who tried to get us to all turn back to the natural, pure state of being; before their voices were smothered out by the same corporate greed which today force feeds you Monsanto food-like-products and seeks to deny you your connection and access to the natural, pure world around you. Distortion. A distortion which will continue to grow to the point of system failure if allowed to. We're allowing it.
How the hell do we apply enough vibrational medicine to entrain this massive distortion in the flow of the life force upon this planet? Simple, Love! Always the best answer. We have been entrained downward into the morass of fear, need, punishment & reward. We need to start singing a better tune, in a much higher octave, and pretty damn soon too; if we are going to have time to heal all that is wrong within the flow of things. Over the years many of us have always used staying in the flow as a kind of spiritual compass; but these days it's raining debris up in here, and the flow ain't as serene as it always used to seem.

Now, how about
something like this. What if everyone
who wanted to heal all this distorted energy, all began chanting as a way of
re-programming the flow, not to mention the planetary grid! If everyone were to do this, while holding
the proper intent at the correct frequency response, I wonder what we might
accomplish. Here is how that would look. Each person would simply find a chant of some
sort, from whatever source, that made them feel connected to the source. Then each person would chant their chant, (or
chants) out loud just as often as they felt an offering to help
raise the collective energy of all.
Vibrational medicine. And what
would something like that sound like? So
glad you asked, as it reminds me to have you watch the videos below.
Now, not everyone will vibe to the chanting on the video.
To those not ready for such
frequency resonance, it will be as a discordant, irritating sound.
Either way, you will not have to
wait long before you understand how it makes you feel.
The video is vibrational medicine!
Although the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra chant heard
is widely believed to be sung by the Dalai Lama, this is incorrect;
is widely believed to be sung by the Dalai Lama, this is incorrect;
as the voice singing this chant belongs to
celebrated Dutch chant master, Hein Braat.
Until Next Time ~ Be Good to Each Other!

From Augurey Express

For more information about resonance see
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through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section
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From the New Illuminati –
very interesting article on this relativelly little known field of medicine