Nixon’s Chief Advisor Confesses:
Real Reason for Drug War was to Criminalize Blacks &

John Daniel Ehrlichman was counsel and domestic policy chief to President Richard Nixon. He was a key figure in events leading to the Watergate first break-in and the ensuing Watergate scandal, for which he was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury and served a year and a half in prison.
Aside from the conspiracy of Watergate, which when compared to today’s politicians seems like schoolyard pranks, Ehrlichman, while serving under Nixon, was part of a much larger, and far more detrimental conspiracy that is still playing out today — the war on drugs.
In a new report, in Harper’s Magazine, written by Dan Baum, Ehrlichman comes clean on the real reason behind the war on drugs — to criminalize blacks and hippies.
According to Baum, he tracked down Ehrlichman in 1994 at his engineering firm in Atlanta, Georgia.
“You want to know what this was really all about?” Ehrlichman bluntly asked Baum of the war on drugs. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
According to Baum, that was the end of the conversation, “he looked at his watch, handed me a signed copy of his steamy spy novel, The Company, and led me to the door,” recalls Baum.
What has ruined millions of lives and ended countless others, has been nothing more than a political play to remove the party’s opposition.
We’ve seen police departments turn from Andy Griffith to storm troopers armed with MRAPs tearing down entire houses, throwing grenades into the cribs of babies, and stripping the rights away from hundreds of millions of people — for what?
Epileptic children across the country continue to suffer and die because cops will lock their parents a cage for attempting to treat them with cannabis and they do so only because they believe in some fraud idea concocted decades ago by corrupt fat cats in D.C. looking to silence their opposition.
Thanks to the black market trade of drugs, pushed into dark alleys, by a system of oppression and prohibition, drug peddling violent gangs now plague places like Chicago, New York, and Detroit.
Democrats blame guns for the violence while Republicans blame gun control. Meanwhile, both sides are missing the giant pink elephant in the living room.
At the center of this tragic violence plaguing American streets is a giant Leviathan which lays waste to all lives it comes across, it’s called the American Drug War.
America has the largest prison population in the world. It is estimated that victimless crime constitutes 86% of the federal prison population. That means the only reason that these individuals are incarcerated is because the state deemed their non-violent personal choices, “illegal.” The majority of that 86% is for illegal drugs only.
Most of the people who are thrown in prison are non-violent. However, when they are locked in cages with society’s worst and treated like cattle in a factory farm, they come out forever changed. America is breeding a torturous and violent environment, and they have the audacity to call this the “justice system.”
As former Congressman Ron Paul pointed out prior to the revelation admitted by Ehrlichman;
peope] are tried and imprisoned disproportionately. They suffer the consequence
of the death penalty disproportionately. Rich white people don’t get the death
penalty very often. And most of these are victimless crimes. Sometimes people
can use drugs and get arrested three times and never committed a violent act
and they can go to prison for life. I think there’s discrimination in the
system, but you have to address the drug war. I would say the judicial system
is probably one of the worst places where prejudice and discrimination still
exists in this country.
A potentially paradigm-shifting movement of love and peace was effectively neutered by the political and warmongering aspirations of a few corrupt politicians.
Thanks to the unquestioning order followers, carrying out the immoral orders of their oligarchs on high, generations of lies have been perpetuated and millions throughout the world have suffered.
The War on Drugs takes good people and turns them into criminals every single minute of every single day. The system is setup in such a way that it fans the flames of violent crime by essentially building a factory that turns out violent criminals.
The system knows this too!
When drugs are legalized, gang violence drops — drastically. Not only does it have a huge effect on the localized gangs in America, but the legalization of drugs is crippling to the violent foreign drug cartels too.
Until Americans educate themselves on the cause of this violence, uninformed and corrupt lawmakers will continue to focus on controlling the symptoms.
We will see more senseless killings and more innocent lives stripped of opportunity by getting entangled in the system.
The solution is staring us in the face. End the war on drugs.
No one is claiming that it will be easy, but the science is there to support this move. Now all we need is for the masses to understand that prohibition is immoral and causes far more problems than it ostensibly prevents. Please share this article with your friends and family so that they may know the history of this unethical and vile — war on people.

From The Free
Thought Project @
For more information about the spurious ‘war on drugs’ see
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From the New Illuminati –
The war was NOT against the alleged opposition to the Nixon administration. The lawyers simply found out that they could make tons of funny money if they keep drugs illegal. The money system perpetuates the US vs THEM mentality... It's a war against ALL under the rules of the price system. Man made crimes are a money making venture, and the prison population in America and elsewhere is a clear demonstration of that... There isn't any justice for anyone under the rules of any kind of money making scam that is based in Alice's Wonderland. The bogus war on drugs will be ongoing as long as people continue to make funny money.
ReplyDeleteIt may well APPEAR to be about mammoney to most lawyers and (other) peons, but it's really abut something far more primal - the primacy of power. The price system is a symptom of psychopathy, not the cause.
DeleteOh really.... A scarcity determined commodity valuations (MONEY) doesn't create psychopathy? How many people kill themselves and others each year for the myth of monies value?
DeleteHow many crimes against man and nature are a result of our collective adherence to an INSANE price system?
We do go to war to make money don't we? The cause of roughly 95% of all insanity is related to our willingness to align ourselves with the idea that there's not enough to go around.
The price system assures us ALL that there will never be enough to go around, and what is the result of this socially accepted belief? INSANITY!
Essentially repeating the same statement doesn't actually entail having a discussion. An AI commenting robot should know this...
DeleteI'm only repeating the FACTS, Illuminator.... Or would you prefer that I keep REPEATING the same tired out political slogans based entirely on fictions?