Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of

Apricots growing on a
tree. Via: igor.stevanovic | Shutterstock
by Daud Scott
The phrase ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ could not hit any harder, especially when it comes to the present discussion related to cancer and our present state of nutrition and health. I do understand that venturing into this discussion may be touchy due to the fact that we have only allowed medical doctors to dictate the present cases, acceptable cures and latest treatments regarding cancer; while the everyday citizen without a medical degree has succumbed to it and the fact that they wake up one day and discover they (we) have cancer in some form or another. As a nutritionist I feel that it is my duty to open up the discussion to everyone here; discussing healing through nutrition hasn’t been made illegal (yet).
I unequivocally stand by the belief that many types of cancer can be cured with food and earth elements, as well as cure many other types of illnesses that exist out there today. What I don’t want you to take away from this is the idea that I am encouraging you to leave your present treatment or your oncologist if you are currently battling cancer. Even with this however, I do feel it is important to highlight one of the greatest cover-ups in the history of cancer treatment that happens to be related to a little known (to the greater public) anti-cancer remedy and treatment known as Laetrile, which is also known as vitamin B17.
One of the greatest concentrated sources of vitamin B17 can be found in the seed of fruit that many of us may have taken for granted: the apricot. The actual seed is found beneath the hard pit of the apricot. The anti-cancer agent found in the actual Laetrile B17 vitamin is known as amygdalin.

Question:“If B17 is so powerful and helpful towards cancer elimination then why is it not prescribed by modern Physicians as a treatment?”
Simple Answer:“A control for cancer is known, and it comes from nature, but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patented, and therefore is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry.”
— G. Edward Griffin.
So once again the lives of many are held hostage at the cost of patents, certain doctor’s incomes and a possible sizable reduction of chemotherapy centers; that would thus reduce profits for the pharmaceutical industry. What makes vitamin B17 so powerful is the fact that it is comprised of glucose and hydrogen cyanide. The way it actively destroys cancer cells is by the glucose ‘injecting’ itself into the cancer cell. Then the cyanide and benzaldahyde from the glucose create a targeted poison that kills the cancer cell.
This natural form of chemotherapy was (and still is) considered controversial. Many medical professionals claim B17 is toxic. Well, the last time I checked, having cancer (in any form) is toxic in itself and causes death daily. The only thing B17 is toxic to is cancer cells and a corrupt government.
Here’s Where The Cover-Up Comes In
Although it was not approved for treatment by the FDA, doctors like John A. Richardson M.D. began using it “illegally” to treat patients at his clinic in San Francisco, and it was working remarkably better than orthodox treatments. His success with laetrile is documented in Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N. However the team was later was forced to downplay the overall benefits of B-7 when held up against conventional cancer treatments. The FDA then came out hard in its attack on Laetrile.
The FDA considers Laetrile an unapproved form of treatment and ‘illegal’ for a practitioner to administer, therefore you cannot buy Laetrile in the US, though you can buy B17 / amygdalin in supplement form. You can also gather the seed of the apricot and consume them at your discretion either as an anti-cancer agent or even in the midst of battling cancer (as reported by those who defeated cancer using B17).

apricot cut in half to expose its kernel. The seeds are found inside the
kernel. Via: Anna Kucherova | Shutterstock
“What would happen if everyone in the world ate right, and in addition to this knew about the healing effects of B-17?”
This question I’m sure is one that many of those attacking the documented benefits of B17 couldn’t bear to answer. Outraged by the B17 cover-up by the FDA and the AMA, for a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977 studies were conducted by Sloan-Kettering on the anti-cancer benefits of B17 to which it was concluded that:
inhibited the growth of tumors.
stopped the spreading (metastasizing) of cancer in mice.
relieved pain related to cancer.
acted as a cancer preventative.
improved general health of the cancer patient.
One of the researchers on that panel, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura was asked:“Do you stick by your belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer?” He replied famously, “I stick.” But then later Sloan-Kettering came out and fired one of its top spokesman on the subject, Ralph Moss for reporting on the findings. This passive-aggressive type of behavior when it comes to natural cures for cancer only hurts the general public at large.
But while it is one thing to hear about clinical trials of B17 and how it eliminates cancer cells, it is totally different when actual, real life people have cured themselves of cancer and are living to talk about it. These are people who have fought back against the system, took control of their destiny and listened to their own bodies. To read one such story, that of Christopher Wark, click here.
Legacy Of Dr. Max Gerson

apricot seeds. Via: JIANG HONGYAN | Shutterstock
Proactive In Our Fight Against Getting Cancer
The best medicine is preventative medicine. I don’t have to read off a long list of statistics. If you’re an American, on the standard American diet or even an immigrant who has accepted the standard diet of present society, if you exercise very little and engage in other harmful bodily choices, then cancer is running after you: that’s a statistical fact. There are some instances when no matter what you do, cancer will find you. Even if this is the case, it is no excuse to not be proactive and get an early start of ridding even the slightest possibility of getting cancer in any form.
As powerful as B17 is, there are also many other natural foods that have been shown to be helpful in warding off cancer. Consuming black seed (Nigella sativa), aloe gel, aloe juice, ginger, chia, cumin, flax, large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables, turmeric, goji berries, food mushrooms (white button, shitake, etc), Swiss chard, chili peppers, spirulina, wheatgrass, and sumac are all beneficial — as is regular periodic fasting. And many other plant based spices and foods have been shown to be helpful in the fight to keep cancer at bay. Eating is one thing, how we live and think is another. Meditate daily. Don’t smoke cigarettes..
All we truly have in this world is the present moment. In this present moment, let us learn about suppressed natural treatments for not only ailments related to cancer, but on many other diseases as well. Why isn’t nutrition taught consistently in medical school? It is something to think about. It is never too late to change. It is not too late to take the power back. Here’s to your health.
David (Daud) K. Scott is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and is presently pursing his licensed naturopathic doctorate degree. He began his path to conscious nutrition while studying for a BA in Sociology at Hampton University. After bouts of body pain, distress and periods of consistent fatigue, David took it upon himself to address his own food choices. Having learned how to heal himself, David wanted to share his knowledge and Natures First Path, a practice devoted to educating people on mindful, holistic nutrition was born. He has practiced in New York City, Hampton, Virginia, San Diego, California and most recently, Los Angeles, California. Find out more about Daud and his work at
For more information about laetrile see
For more information about curing cancers see
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From the New Illuminati –
Read about the history of the AMA and you'll begin to understand why no cures are allowed. Greed is the all important factor. It's always about profit over people.
ReplyDeleteAye - as far as we're concerned they're all docturds until proven otherwise, individually. Avoid all docturds like the moneygrubbing plague they are!
DeleteI bought quite a few apricot pits a number of years ago.... still have a lot to use up. The label states they expired in 2012, however I still eat them. They are in a bag, in the dark, in a fridge. Does anyone know off hand, the real shelf life of these fabulous pits?????
ReplyDeleteEven with excellent storage kernels often begin to become rancid after 12 months or less. However, some stored in sealed, cool, very dry conditions have remained viable for thousands of years.