Let’s Practice “White Magic”

five years ago, things that seemed like miracles — things my mind couldn’t
explain — started happening around me. Patients were having “spontaneous”
remissions. Synchronicities were unfolding around me as if I had been swept up
in some current of magic. Spiritual superpowers were awakening within me,
bringing with them gifts and powers I didn’t know I had access to.
first I was fascinated — in awe — and I played with these spiritual
superpowers, which the yogis call “siddhis”.
My entire view of reality was shattered. Things that should have been
impossible were happening with regularity. At first, they were happening in
waves of what I called “quickenings.” These quickenings lasted about two weeks
and then a few months would pass before another quickening happened. Then,
after a very mystical experience in January 2014, the mystical events became my
new normal. I could no longer deny that reality was not as it seemed to my
scientific, rational, materialist mind.
I told Byron Katie about some of the events that were happening, she said,
“Lissa, they’ve always been happening. Only now you have the eyes to see and
the ears to hear.”
Spiritual Superpowers? Say What?
a while, I became quite enamored with these siddhis. My entire world
view had just been smashed! I suppose it was natural to get a bit excited. But
I also got scared. I didn’t trust myself. I wasn’t sure I had the wisdom or
maturity to know how to practice these siddhis with strong spiritual ethics.
How could I be sure that I wasn’t using these spiritual powers for personal
gain or to manipulate others? How could I discern whether my ego was grabbing
hold of these siddhis to puff itself up or get what it wanted?
magnetized other people with siddhis, and they all had different ideas about
what to do with these magical gifts. Some wanted to use our siddhis to make it
rain in California in the midst of the worst drought ever. Some wanted to
employ their siddhis to improve their golf game, or use metaphysical marketing
to sell a product.
was hesitant.
I pulled back. I quit playing, and I started working with a spiritual counselor
trained in transpersonal psychology. Many Buddhist traditions and yogic paths
teach that we should avoid the siddhis altogether, that they are a natural part
of the spiritual path but that they will distract you into a sort of spiritual
cul de sac. Was I supposed to go that route and just ignore the powers I had
spiritual counselor, as someone with access to many siddhis himself, has a
middle view on the siddhis. He believes that it’s appropriate to use them to
practice what he calls “white magic” or “Bodhisattva magic.” Many use their
siddhis for black magic — sorcery — or for what he calls “grey magic,” which is
well-intentioned but in service to the ego. White magic can be used to do God’s
work in the world, he believes. It can also be practiced to help wake up other
people who are still stuck in a materialist, rational world view that doesn’t
make room for miracles as the new normal.
have been working with him for two years in order to trust myself enough to
know when it’s appropriate to practice these siddhis and when it’s not.
The Anatomy of a Calling
new book The Anatomy of a Calling tells the story of many of these
that were happening a few years ago. (Watch the book trailer here). The book is filled with
“magic stories,” so it feels like I’m coming out of
the spiritual closet, and I’m a bit nervous about making all of this
public. Yet I felt called to share my story publicly, because I now
realize that most of the magic was not just The Universe showing off. It was
all quite purposeful, guiding me oh-so-directly towards my calling, so I can
fulfill what my soul is here on Earth to do. I genuinely believe you too will
be guided in the same way, once you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
more on finding your calling, please see my previous articles: 9 Practical Tips to Help You Find Your Calling and 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling.)
Let’s Tell Magic Stories Together
I think it’s important to share magic stories. Almost everyone I meet has at least one story of something that they can’t explain, a mystery story that feels like a miracle or at least something that violates conventional scientific understanding. Yet most people keep these stories a secret for fear that others will think they’ve lost their marbles. When I started telling my magic stories on stages in front of 3,000 people, I realized that people had a choice. They could decide I was crazy — or lying — or telling the truth. And if I was telling the truth, then perhaps “reality” is different than they taught me in medical school.
let’s tell our stories, merge with synchronicity and make ourselves
vessels for one of God’s holy ideas in the world. Let’s practice white
magic, in sacred service to what wants to be born on our planet this
year, offering ourselves up to the Divine to allow ourselves to be
conduits for miracles, not as a way to show off or get what our egos want, but
to commit deeply to our callings and let magic help us bring into being one of
God’s holy ideas.
it’s healing health care or saving the rainforest or stopping sexual
trafficking of women and children, this year, it’s
time for sacred activism. Many people are sensing that the troops are being
rallied. Many of us have been doing deep inner work for many years in order to
cleanse and purify us so that we can be aligned with white magic without it
turning into sorcery or grey magic. Now is the time to come together with clear
intentions and a pure heart, tuned to the frequency of miracles.
A White Magic Story
save my own magic stories for another time (or you can read them in my
book!)… but let me give you an example of another person’s magic story.
key feature of a white magic story is that magic is often used to help someone
in need. In UC-Berkeley psychology professor Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer’s book Extraordinary Knowing, she tells the story of one of her
clients, a neurosurgeon at her university who suffered from severe migraines.
When she asked him when his migraines started, he said they began when he
stopped teaching medical students and residents. Apparently, he loved teaching,
but he felt he had to stop. Why did he stop teaching, she wanted to know? He
hesitated. He didn’t want to tell her. But finally she coaxed it out of him.
students and residents all wanted to know why nobody ever died in his operating
room. How could he perform such risky brain surgeries without a high death
rate? He didn’t want to answer their question because he thought they would
laugh him out of the hospital. Turns out that as soon as he has the thought
that a patient needs surgery, he will sit at the bedside with the patient for
as long as it takes to see a white light appear over the patient’s head. When
it does, he knows it’s safe to operate. If the white light doesn’t appear, he
won’t do surgery. He almost never lost a patient.
the Universe can use us to do benevolent things in the world, if only we’re
attuned to the frequency of miracles and willing to let something mysterious
use us as Divine helpers in a world in need of more kindness, more love, more
Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

a school of thought in spiritual circles that ascribes to the idea that
everything that happens in our lives — the blissful things, the growth edge
things, the horrid things — all happens with purpose. This spiritual
teaching suggests that everything reflected in our lives is the result of our
conscious or unconscious desires, and that when things aren’t going our way,
it’s because the blueprint of the subconscious actually desires the very thing
we think we don’t want.
other words, we may believe that we want to meet the love of our life, or we
may hope to have the cancer cured, but if someone were to muscle test us or
read the subconscious mind intuitively, we would discover that at the level of
the subconscious, we’re actually terrified of falling in love because of a past
heartbreak, or the cancer is meeting some core need for rest, connection, or
freedom from a toxic job, for example.
and no. Those who promote this viewpoint are not suggesting that you
CONSCIOUSLY want a crappy love life or cancer or failure in your business.
They’re saying you
subconsciously want it, and because your subconscious is in charge
95% of the time, this subconscious
blueprint will sabotage the very thing your conscious mind wants to create.
They say that everything in your life, you create. The good, the bad, the ugly
— it’s all up to you.
Yeah! We Are Not Victims!
find myself simultaneously attracted to and challenged with this viewpoint. The good news is
that if this is true, and everything in our reality is the direct out-picturing
of our subconscious blueprint, then we are not victims! We are empowered! If we
are sick, or broke, or heartbroken, or grieving, or pained with unmet longing
for something we don’t yet have, then we should be able to simply change the
blueprint by reprogramming the conscious and subconscious mind, something we
are increasingly able to do through energy
psychology techniques.
witnessed and personally experienced seemingly miraculous outcomes from those
who employ these techniques towards cancer or money issues or the desire for a
dream to come true. So that seems kind of awesome. Heal the subconscious
blueprint, and voila! Your 3D reality shifts almost instantaneously. You meet
the love of your life. The cancer disappears. Your business takes off like a
rocket ship to superstardom.
But Hang on a Second…
this is the case, we should always be able to control outcomes in our lives and
get what we want.
The message is “You can have
the perfect life! Whatever you desire, you can have—as long as you do more. Try
harder. If you’re not getting everything you want, it’s all your fault—and you
can change it.”
then this sounds like yet another grasping strategy for how to get
what the ego wants, a spiritual spin on how to control the Universe. This
viewpoint also strikes me as cruel. If a mother loses her child, does this mean
she subconsciously wants to lose her baby? Or that her baby subconsciously has
a death wish? If a woman has stage 4 cancer but is fighting for her life with
every possible treatment, does that mean that, at least subconsciously, she has
lost the will to live? Does that mean that Syrian refugees
subconsciously wish to be tortured and forced to flee their homes, running for
their lives into a world that doesn’t want to welcome them and keep them safe?
Does that mean that the poverty-stricken are subconsciously stuck in scarcity
thinking? Such a viewpoint doesn’t feel benevolent or loving to me, not one
bit. And how can we claim to be spiritual if we’re not deeply rooted in
compassion, able to be with someone’s suffering as a source of comfort?
What If WE

if the Rolling Stones are right? Maybe we can’t always get what we want, but
somehow, we get what we need?
don’t know how these things work. I played around with these ideas in my
upcoming book The Anatomy of
a Calling: A Doctor’s Journey from the Head to the Heart and a Prescription for
Finding Your Life’s Purpose, which you can preorder here.
But I ask more questions these days than I dare to answer.
I can conclude is that when it comes to spiritual teachings like this, we need
to hold our viewpoints lightly. Be curious. Wonder. Be willing to participate
in the co-creation of reality. Stay humble. Remain open for awe. If things go
the way you wish, stumble into gratitude wholeheartedly. And if not, be
exquisitely tender with your heart. Find the gifts in the challenges without
blaming yourself or wallowing in a victim story, but also be kind and
acknowledge that it is hard to be human, and we’re all doing the best we can.
nothing else, practice compassion for all beings. Including yourself. BE love.
Close your eyes right now and feel it. You are loved. Everything in the universe
is conspiring to support you. Everything is going to be okay. . .
in miracles,

the author:

blogs at LissaRankin.com and also created two
online communities – HealHealthCareNow.com and OwningPink.com. She is also the
author of two other books, a speaker, a professional artist, an amateur ski
bum, and an avid hiker. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her
husband and daughter.
with Lissa on Facebook and
or visit LissaRankin.com.
The Anatomy of a
Calling: A Doctor’s Journey from the Head to
the Heart and a Prescription for Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Anatomy of a Calling, Lissa describes her entire spiritual journey for
the first time — beginning with what she calls her “perfect storm” of events —
and recounts the many transformative experiences that led to a profound
awakening of her soul. Through her father’s death, her daughter’s birth, career
victories and failures, and an ongoing struggle to identify as both a doctor
and a healer, Lissa discovers a powerful self-awareness.
she shares her story, she encourages you to find out where you are on your own
journey, offering inspiring guideposts and practices along the way. With
compelling lessons on trusting intuition, surrendering to love, and learning to
see adversity as an opportunity for soul growth, The
Anatomy of a Calling invites you to make a powerful shift in
consciousness and reach your highest destiny.
Lissa Rankin’s book “The Anatomy of a Calling” is
available here
on Amazon.
From Wake Up World @
and http://wakeup-world.com/2015/10/27/do-we-really-create-our-own-reality/
For more information about magic see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/magic
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