The One People’s Public Trust
Your Frequently Asked Questions

it is no surprise. The
old game is over! A new social model has been enacted. And the global
community is embracing it with vigour. We are digesting life-changing
information at a rate of knots, and starting to re-claim our rights from our
former masters.
design, the OPPT provides a lawful framework through which a new social energy
can be expressed. Its foundations are aligned to the true essence of our Being,
and as a result we are forming new and creative bonds. We’re sharing
information, ideas, hopes, love and encouragement… even with total “strangers”.
new social model – compelled by such a positive, unified energy – can only be
wild and wonderful… and I believe it will be wildly successful.
there has been a great many questions raised since our first article was
published. First steps are being taken, the old structure is being challenged
and implications are crystallizing in our minds…. and there are some common
themes emerging. Here I will address the most common questions our readers are asking.
“The UCC is a mechanism of commercial regulation in the United States of America. What effect do the UCC filings have outside the United States?”
UCC is the Prime Commercial Registry on the planet. Its international, national
and state portals, branches and franchises under the UCC-preserved “Agent to
Principle is Principle to Agent” doctrine are all uniform. Notice by public
registration entered via any one of the system’s portals is deemed as notice to
the entire system. Basically, if you enter one portal you enter the whole
DC is an international portal for UCC filings, therefore “any and all domestic
and international equivalents” (as specified in the preamble) covers all the
corporations linked to the UCC… which is ultimately all corporations world-wide
when the interlinking of ownerships centred around the Bank of International
Settlements (BIS) are taken into account.
you read the following excerpts you will see the lodgement location is
Washington DC. You can also start to see how the filings cross-reference many
of the previous filings and pulls them into this one document “as if set forth
here in full”. This example demonstrates the interlinked nature of UCC filings.
It also shows the language that links in the whole corporate system into this
excerpt clearly shows how the BIS is named, then its underlying network
structure of corporations are gathered into the execution of sentence. The net
is thoroughly cast over the entire corporate system.
if you think that UCC is not used by corporations in other countries, think
again. Let’s look at Australia for example; these are UCC filing records of UCC
financing Statements registered on the Washington DC registry relate to the ANZ
Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac Bank and the US Federal Reserve Bank NY.
Records of UCC filings by international corporations are numerous in the
Washington DC Registry.
Uniform Commercial Code is recognized as law by its international regulatory
equivalents… many of which were modelled on the UCC. For example, the laws
relating to Personal Properties and Securities in Canada, New Zealand and
Australia were all directly modelled on Article 9 of the UCC.
the long-standing recognition offered to the UCC, the former governments of the
world could not claim the UCC process against them invalid or irrelevant
without (1) invalidating decades of their own commercial activity and (2)
demonstrating that – as slaves – we were not entitled to apply the same rules
to others that were consistently applied to us.
importantly, the terms of the One People’s Public Trust restores our natural
state of Being into law. The entity to which each Being on the planet is
primarily accountable is now their Creator. That relationship is now lawfully
ratified. And by definition, the Trust between you and the Creator is superior
to any Trust that may be created or imposed by another Being or Beings…
including the former Trust of government.
regardless of whether your government was corporatized or not, no Being can
lawfully stand between you and your Creator. No Being may impose a system of
control over you without your knowing consent. No Being can interfere with your
experience of free-will, or of Creation itself.
now, not ever.
any government – corporatized or otherwise – that imposes controls on your Being is unlawful. And by
extension, the corporations and banks that were facilitated by the Statutory
Laws of those governments are also invalid. They were part of the same system
of debt slavery. When government ceased to exist, so did its statutory
The global foreclosure of
banks, corporations and governments therefore remains unrebuttable and stands
with full lawful recognition in international law.
time, the One People will re-claim and reform the necessary functions of commerce.
But until we do, just remember: our former masters have no lawful position of
authority over us.
Know it. Feel it. Live it!
now share a lawfully binding Trust with your Creator; one which forbids any
interjection of another Being, not just as a rule – but because an unobstructed
relationship between Being and Creator is the
true nature of Creation.
speaking, until your Creator – as a party to the Trust – arrives on Earth to
make a specific claim on you, you are on your own recognisance to DO and BE as
you choose, as a sovereign Being of equal standing.
the CVAC (Creator’s Value Assest Centres) governance framework will assist us
do to that.
“How can I be bonded to the One People’s Public Trust without my express consent?”
filing with the UCC that remains unrebutted stands as law. Claims made via the
UCC – including the creation of Trusts – do not require expressed consent to
validate them, they require rebuttal to
invalidate them. UCC process requires that filings are publicly
disclosed, and if left unrebutted, the filings become law.
the same process used by (former) banks to foreclosure on mortgages; they made
a claim of default which – left unrebutted – allowed them to seek the remedies
of foreclosure and repossession against you.
this series of filings made by the OPPT stand unrebutted. So the Trust is
ratified and all Beings of the Creator are lawfully bonded to it. The only
difference this time is that the rules were used to foreclose the system, not
to protect the system.
how the system works.
please fear not! The terms of the One People’s Public Trust guarantee the
protection of your free will in perpetuity. So let’s talk about free will.
free and unimpeded will of every Being is explicitly protected by
the terms of the OPPT. You even have the right to continue working for your
former masters – provided you adhere to Universal and Common Law.
difference now is that all corporate entities have been lawfully foreclosed and
corporate debt erased. So if you choose to remain working for the slavery
system, you will do it knowingly, willingly and consentingly, and as an individual – without the protection of
personal indemnity previously granted under the system of corporate protocols.
There is no structure or statute to hide behind. You are operating as a Being,
in full liability of your own actions and creations.
is therefore unlawful for you to impede the free will of another Being. It is
unlawful for you to misrepresent yourself as a representative of a now-defunct
entity, or to pursue another Being for a debt that has been lawfully dissolved.
If you do, you should expect to be served a Courtesy Notice with the Terms and
Conditions under which any future interactions with that Being may occur. If
you continue to make false claims of authority or debt, you thereby demonstrate
your acceptance of their Terms and activate a personal contract between you and
that Being. And if their Terms include fees and charges for specific
interactions initiated by you, you can expect to be invoiced for your behaviour
Welcome to the world of full personal liability!
law, it is now every Being’s right to determine their own terms of engagement. You have the choice
to accept those terms, or to not engage with them. It’s entirely up to you.
will is now your right, and protecting the free will of others is now your
the OPPT, we each have the lawful means to preserve and protect our own free
will. With that in mind, any Being who tries to cling to the old paradigm of
debt, power, authority and control may find this transformation period very
challenging indeed!
A lot of people are saying on the internet that the OPPT isn’t lawful…
lot of people say a lot of things on the internet.
I noted
in my previous article, UCC law is the domain of large corporations.
Knowledge of UCC law is largely confined to high-end corporations, and only the
lawyers groomed in those corporations are given any practical exposure to it’s
Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf used to be one of them. She, and others who
assisted her with the Paradigm Report investigations and structuring of the OPPT
filings, have the requisite knowledge and experience to frame the filings in a
way that turned a regulatory mechanism of the former commercial/slavery system
back on its owners. And the result? The ‘True Bill’ UCC #2012114776 document
(shown above) was successfully filed, which in UCC law is the equivalent of a criminal indictment including execution of
filing can be obtained when you download all files from the
“legal commentators” online are currently making proclamations about the OPPT
filings based on an ‘outsider’ understanding of the UCC, presenting their
opinions as facts, and concluding that the filings can’t possibly stand as law.
So if anyone genuinely intends to rebut the validity of the UCC filings, they are encouraged to enter…
“… a duly verified rebuttal of the DECLARATION OF FACTS UCC # 2012127914, point by point, with specificity and particularity, by duly sworn declaration, with their full responsibility and liability, under penalty of perjury under governing law, or any law so long as it is identified, and signed by their wet ink signature”
In the absence of a rebuttal, the UCC filings stand as law.
How can the Trustees suggest that everything will just be provided for us? Surely someone has to work?
me tell you… I will be happy to contribute to an assistance network that
genuinely facilitates my experience of life.
will gladly support a system in which absolute transparency of process is
mandated. And enacted.
will gladly add the value of my Being to a framework that protects my free will
and respects the earth, air, land, space and sea.
will happily contribute what I love to DO and BE, so that other BEings can DO
and BE too!
I will gladly accept the support of the CVAC network in return for my
will revel sharing in the beauty and abundance of our planet.
I will knowingly and willingly accept my inherent responsibilities as a
custodian of the earth, air, land, space and sea.
I don’t think I’m the only one.
enactment of the OPPT enables a new energy to shape
our society… and it is manifesting
quickly! In the past few weeks, I have seen more Beings DOing and
BEing what they DO and BE than I’ve ever seen before! The energy around OPPT is
escalating… and unprecedented. And the introduction of the first CVACs will
only inject more energy into this rapidly growing shift.
those who worry that Anarchy will prevail… please consider this for a moment.
enactment of the OPPT does not create a lawless society. Common Law and
Universal Law still apply. Police and military forces have not been dissolved
by the OPPT, their mandates have been changed. A new framework of social
governance has been enacted.
it’s not just about the framework.
the pressure of extreme circumstances, human Beings consistently demonstrate
the best of human nature.
Give us a flood and we help others to mop up. Give us a hurricane and we help
others rebuild. Give us a slavery system and we unify – and set ourselves free.
are naturally a co-conscious community. THAT is human nature. But the potential
of how this consciousness could manifest in social change is still a big
challenge to many of us.
were trained from birth to compete with each other for resources (ie. get a
good job, earn more money than others, spend more money than others, consume
more than others, repeat). We were taught to be guarded, and to keep our truest
nature – and out bodies – “private” from other Beings. And we bombard ourselves
with images of war, violence, fear, confrontation, destruction and loss – all
under the guise of “The Evening News”. We teach our young to be afraid of real
people (“strangers”) and idealize illusory media figures (“celebrities”). ‘Our
cultures reinforced the virtues of security and predictability – the status quo
– and we are wary of the new and unknown.
course, instability was built into the old system! The system was deliberately
a shift in universal consciousness occurred in 2012 that woke many people up
with a jolt. We became acutely aware of the difference between our conditioning
and our true natures. We realize we don’t have to be afraid of each other and
that, left to our own devices, Humans are wonderful love-seeking Beings. We are
awake to the nature of our social and economic structures… and best of all, its
perpetrators are scrambling for cover from a barrage of global scrutiny.
a system of silent control and expectation pressing down on us, we can finally
breathe… reconnect with each other… re-assess our values… re-calibrate our
direction… re-claim our Being.
a system that protects both your free will and your right to equal enjoyment of
the Earth’s abundance, the motivators of greed and war are nullified. When
inclusiveness and natural justice inform our social policy, the mechanisms of
governance start working for ALL of us. And when absolute truth and
accountability are mandated, we finally start to see each other for what we are
– not hidden behind closed doors and not shrouded in corporate protocols – as we are.
is time to let our collective guard down and proudly start revealing – and
experiencing – our true natures.
Just BE and DO.
are already enough natural teachers among us to mentor the next generation. There are
enough natural carers to take care of the old and ill. Enough farmers to farm.
Enough handy Beings who love to build, paint and renovate. When left to our own
devises we will simply contribute what we DO and BE best.
unified consciousness at work!
the old system, many “jobs” were designed solely to generate or collect funds;
banking, gambling, collections and real estate industries come immediately to
mind. But when OPPT was ratified, all corporate debt was erased and we each
assumed lawful equity of the planet. Therefore the basis of these industries
was altered in a way that must precipitate wide-spread industrial reform.
have little need for a Collections industry since the cancellation of corporate
debt. Our requirements of ‘banking systems’ are now transactional processing
infrastructure. The Real Estate industry will become a mechanism of providing
housing to all. And Gambling – a huge problem in many developed nations – is
now a game of chance that can no longer cost a compulsive Being his home.
industries like Energy and Telecommunications will also be reformed to serve
the One People.
creation of the former ‘elite’, Energy companies do not aim to provide all
Beings with access to sustainable energy resources, and the Telecommunications
industries don’t aim to ensure all Beings have access to infrastructure.
Instead – by systemic design – we have been made to compete for resources. Demand always exceeds supply, and
the constant inflation of prices is the exclusionary result.
the more necessary a function is to our society’s core operation, the worse the
pay is for the Beings who perform it!
instead of choosing from a pre-selected list of ‘jobs’ that were designed to
make the slavery system operate better, your new role is to DO and BE.
who you are. Do what you love to do. We contribute our BEing to a network that
supports us in return.
are now unencumbered by the controlling and divisive constructs of the former
system. Energetically speaking, we are back at the ‘zero’ point… ready to start
over. We can BE as we are, the way the Creator intended.
sceptics are saying the OPPT is just a lovely philosophy, a ‘fantasy’ with no
lawful standing.
is not a pipedream. Pipe dreams are not typically “duly entered into Universal…
[and] International Law Ordinance”. Pipe dreams are able to be rebutted. Pipe
dreams don’t manifest this kind of energy. And they don’t mobilize a global
community. This is something much bigger.
OPPT lawfully enacts our birth right as sovereign Beings of Earth. It was always our right, but until now we were
told otherwise…. and our lives were monetized accordingly.
the Trustees found the system’s ‘reset’ button and pushed it. The new model has
started to manifest. The news is spreading. The energy is building. We have a
lawful mandate to close down a rigged system. We have industries to reform and
new support networks to devise and implement.
time to reclaim our right to BE…. and that is exactly what we’re going to DO.
Visit the new OPPT page on Wake Up World!
From Wake Up World @
And see The One People’s Trust @
For more information about freedom and the real law see
- See ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section
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