The Occult Power in Individualism vs the Group Mind
Individuality is a key component
in the magic of creative expression
by Sonia
is a series of concepts and ideas. To define it as such offers
new meaning and new perceptions. A “concept” is defined as:
Merriam Dictionary: something conceived in the mind
(2): an
abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances
What we experience as
reality are these concepts and ideas crystalized into form. They are adjustable
and alterable making reality a pliable experience. Endless expressions of
reality are played out both on an individual and on a collective level. We
become emotionally bonded to these experiences.
There is an occult source of
power accessible to the individual. On the collective platform this degree of
individual power is down played and overridden by a hive and borg mind program.
There is tremendous misrepresentation in the promotion of collective or group
power. There is no doubt that there is power in numbers but the fact is that a
single individual who is fully invested in his or her power has the capacity to
have an even greater impact than a group. Although this is disregarded, the
fact remains that groups can collectively function in a lesser vibration than
that of a single being.
How is that possible? It’s
very possible when the individuals of a group are diminished in their
individual level of power. The word “Power” says it all; we are speaking of the
electromagnetic frequency (emf) output; the level of vibrational output. This
inner power emits a vibration or frequency, which is contingent on the degree
to which we are aligned with the more expansive aspect of who we are. . How
deeply rooted are we in disabling beliefs and programs.
Much of the “oneness”
movement has encouraged and supported limiting interpretations and limiting
programs. It is crucial to understand that for thousands of years we have been
programmed to operate in a group capacity in support of the weakened state that
we as humans now exist in. When “super-natural beings” became human, over time
the powers once held gradually became weakened or lessened and eventually
became a forgotten memory. Operating as a group then became essential both
physically and mentally. Group function has less to do with our overall
“oneness” in creation.
We are filled with reasons
and validations for certain actions and beliefs held. This does not mean that
groups should be abandoned but instead they are strengthened by individuals
standing in their own power and not solely dependent on the power of the group.
The group mind formula often reduces individual strength and creativity as the
individual conforms to the beliefs and guidelines of the group. We see this in
our societies, in religious and spiritual group, support groups etc.
For this reason many
companies are cautious of hiring entrepreneurs or previous business owners.
Individualists are not sought but instead the objective has been to seek out
those to who will easily meld into group structures. They want team players
because individuals break down structures especially oppressive power
structures. Individualists are leaders and are driven by this hidden power that
they themselves are even unaware of. This power is the source cracking through
the human matrix. Individual expression is significant as it allows a diverse
range of experiences. Individuality is a key component in the magic of creative
This borg or one mind
programming is reinforced by the usual suspects; educational systems, religious
systems, corporate systems, spiritual beliefs, new age movement and
governmental systems. We are grouped and categorized in every component of our
world. Individuality dismantles systems. We find that even in the most
incredible scientific break throughs by prominent figures in both the
scientific and spiritual community, core game constructs are not discussed. It
is somehow trivialized by focusing only on the science or certain areas of
spirituality, the two being cohesively joined.
Much like the Matryoshka
dolls aka Russian nesting dolls; one inside the other; reality is a series of
illusions happening in layers. These illusions are experienced according to the
level of understanding that we are operating from. It’s all adjustable
according to alterations in our beliefs. Everything can be overridden or
rewritten. Perhaps we should ask the question of who is dreaming the dreamer,
because in order for these potentials and concepts to be experienced there must
be a dreamer.
There are stratums of rulers,
dreamers’ and gods who are only rulers and gods when we are unaware of our
potentials beyond the current construct of the human experience. There is
tremendous vulnerability in the easy access to programming the human
experience. The general human program can be easily reengineered. Throughout
history it has been recorded the many groups and civilizations offering blood
debt to the gods or of human sacrifice in order to avoid angering the gods. We
are programmed to believe that our life is a debt to the gods which must
therefore be paid by “death”. For only a “god” or one who is worthy may have
life in abundance.
The human program is one of debt
and sacrifice. In the Lord’s Prayer we are reminded “And
forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” The entire Lord’s Prayer is quite interesting as the subservient
nature of man is expressed. The realization of the lesser nature or weakened
nature of man is made clear “lead us not into temptation but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.'
The evidence of an overseer
or Supreme Being has been established in the human psyche for a very long time.
Fear of this supreme power is further driven home by deep levels of
conditioning and warning not to push the envelope less we suffer the wrath of
god; and be struck down by the hand of god. Who are these subjugators one
should ask…should you spend time trying to figure it out? Not really. The point
being made here is to encourage deeper levels of questioning, and to become
aware of beliefs that do not add up. This is about stepping beyond old
restricted beliefs that serve as cages around our mind, concepts which hold us
hostage from our individual power.
We have been told to fear
and to worship “god” for thousands of years. A supreme deity represented in
various ways in many cultures. Do these forces exist? Sure they do, everything
exists, but all things require our engagement supported by specifically primed
belief systems. There are specific constructs adhering to specific rules for
different reality paradigms. So it is in the human playing field. We engage in
the experiencing of reality based on a set of rules and guidelines relevant to
our awareness.
We are individual conduits
for a source of power that has no beginning or end. We have been conditioned to
be afraid of engaging with that power on an individual level. Sure we are
encouraged to go in search of abundance and to create the life we want, and to
seek a spiritual connection but it stops there. Everything that follows seems
to navigate us to a collective experience that is generally about changing the
world, creating a new paradigm or collective ascension. This is not to say that
these are not valid but it conjures up a sense that unless we are creating a
new paradigm from a group mind model then change will not be possible. This is
a truth when this is the foundation of beliefs. When the belief is deeply
rooted in the base collective human program then the collective model becomes
the only way.
The great masters whom we so
readily reference traveled through their own evolution without attachment to a
collective evolution. As long as we continue to deteriorate and to age and die
it is evident that we are deficient in the kind of knowledge necessary for
profound individual transformation. We must give the ok; we must give ourselves
permission to be whole individually so that we may freely express this power
without fear. This power is who we are beyond the smoke and mirrors of physical
There are many levels of the
playing field and many options for reality along with many players. There is a
power that moves through us and through all things and we also move through it.
That power is all all things at once and this we see in our current understanding
of the movement and expression of wave and particles. We seek a higher power
than ourselves. We choose to view this as mystical by our spiritual
interpretations which most often produce tremendous limitations. We experience
guilt in seeing ourselves as the very source we seek.
Our current understanding of
this human experience is indeed a lesser expression of a grander force. However
we are this omnipresence which animates all levels of reality and all
potentials. It is this power, this magic sought by many secret societies,
especially those who are in positions of high levels of understanding. The
general collective are however redirected and encouraged to locate this power
externally and to surrender their power completely. We surrender our memory,
our will and our curiosity to savvy game players both in and outside of our
designated realm as humans.
Is this farfetched? Perhaps
for some it might be. Curiosity never killed the cat! It is the lack of
curiosity a carrier of knowledge...this is what will destroy the cat! Life is
not just about the flesh and blood you, but it encompasses our vast and endless
journey, discovering more of what we can be. There is no end to this discovery,
only temporary lapses in memory as necessary.
The journey is about
everything! It is the great dance between ruler and subject, oppressor and
oppressed. As we evolve our understanding our perception changes and the ruler
and the oppressor disappears and what we are left with are new insights to
create something new. So celebrate it all because you cannot lose and neither
can you fail. We are playing a game of cat and mouse only to discover that we
are both. What an incredible adventure! You are the “ONE” that you’ve been
waiting for.

From Sonia Barrett
For more information about the hive mind see
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ReplyDeleteAlways have I thought we are making the world around us according to our aims and objectives for others including other creatures because, reality is an inversion of our imagination and my reality is an inversion of my imagination and we can all learn to master our reality and if you don't someone else will master yours and make you believe in theirs.