Extraordinary Solar System Anomalies

by Joe Szosak
Anomalous objects tracing back to our ancient past are not exclusive to Mars. Strange, unexplained discoveries have been made in recent years throughout our Solar System. Mars by far shows the best potential for having supported an ancient civilization in the distant past. Based on the demonstrated evidence there is a strong probability that advanced life on Mars was a precursor to life here on Earth.
However, growing evidence from elsewhere - on neighboring planets such as Mercury, Venus and Saturn, and even our own Moon - points to other intelligent life as also having existed in the distant past. It is quite possible that we on Earth are the final civilization to be living in our Solar System.
In March 1996 it was announced for the first time that artificial structures had been discovered on the Moon. The briefing was given by former NASA scientists, engineers and other researchers, under the title "The Mars Mission", a grassroots space research and policy group of specialists and citizens. They stated that they were acting independently of NASA, and that their briefing had not been sanctioned by the space agency.
At the briefing in the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. it was stated that, in addition to NASA, the Soviet Union had photographic evidence proving the presence of ancient ruins on the Moon. Video films and photos made by U.S. astronauts during the Apollo program were shown at the briefing. Representatives of the media were extremely surprised as to why the materials had not been revealed to the public earlier. It was indicated that this was due to censorship by NASA and the U.S. government.
These official mission films, analyzed using scientific techniques and computer technologies unavailable to NASA 30 years ago (when the original photographs were taken), now provide compelling evidence for the presence of ancient artificial structures on the Moon.
The former manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the manned Apollo Lunar Program, Ken Johnston, has released a number of sensational statements. The specialist said that U.S. astronauts found ancient ruins of artificial origin when they landed on the Moon. He said that the U.S. government had been keeping this information a secret for 40 years.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11) in a July 21, 1969 transmission described that several alien spacecraft were located around a nearby crater on the lunar surface. Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon (Apollo 11), described an encounter with an alien Moon city or space station and the presence of many spaceships that were far superior in size and technology to ours in his 1969 lunar expedition. According to Armstrong the extraterrestrials have an established base on the Moon and wanted us to leave and stay off the Moon. Have you ever wondered why the Moon landings stopped and why we haven't tried building a Moon base? After all it seems a better and easier idea than constructing a floating (orbiting) Earth space station.
Well it appears that the final straw for NASA and the U.S. government was the Apollo 17 mission. In December of 1972 Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent about 75 hours on the lunar surface in the Taurus-Littrow Valley. During their moonwalk they discovered, among many other anomalous artifacts, the severed head of a robot (see photos below). As Cernan put it, even though he was seeing it with his own eyes, he still couldn't quite bring himself to believe it. He dubbed the entire valley "one mysterious looking place". Interestingly enough Cernan and Schmitt were the last astronauts to set foot on the Moon. There were no further Moon landings after Apollo 17. After this discovery isn't it understandable why?
The list of expert testimonials is endless. I describe them in detail in my books. These are not just some geeks reading science fiction books with an over zealous imagination. They are veteran military and Air Force personnel along with astronauts, cosmonauts, scientists, intelligence officials from the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and experienced NASA/ESA employees associated with interplanetary missions. And even NASA photo technicians who describe how it is a dedicated job to airbrush anomalous structures and UFOs from Mars and Moon photos before releasing them to the public. More and more highly reputable sources are now coming forward to help expose the truth.
There is hard visual evidence that there are artificial constructions and areas on the Moon's surface that are being intentionally obscured from view due to image tampering by NASA and the U.S. Navy. Some of these structures have slipped through the censors net and are clearly visible on photographs taken by the Apollo missions and the Clementine satellite. It is only a matter of time now before the public at large finds out that the remnants of an ancient civilization, considerably more advanced than our own, have been discovered on the Moon.
The connection between lost ancient civilizations elsewhere in our Solar System and technology on Earth is this: if many of these structures are artificial by design then the intelligence that built them and which lived on or visited them could very well have been affiliated with Earth's development in antiquity. Simply witness the uncanny resemblance of Martian structures and monuments to those here on Earth.
The distance between planets within our Solar System is very small compared to distances on the galactic scale. Once it is finally revealed that intelligent life did at one time exist elsewhere in our Solar System, humanoid or otherwise, then we must ask what happened to make these civilizations disappear almost without a trace? What catastrophic event devastated the entire Martian landscape? Why the need to cover-up, lie and purposely mislead the public for decades into believing that there was no life on Mars or within our Solar System? If the culture was advanced it is safe to assume that they had knowledge of or access to space travel. Therefore they could have possibly made a short interplanetary journey to Earth to re-colonize their species here.
As hard as it is to believe, humanoid life on Earth could actually have originated on Mars, or somewhere else in our Solar System. Our ancient history, or earliest beginnings, could be traced to a mass migration from within our own Solar System.
The mysterious "Face" on Mars, glass tube tunnels, forests, vegetation, monoliths, pyramids, scattered ancient artifacts, city complexes, massive towers, and crashed spacecraft are only a few of the hundreds of anomalies we have seen on the surface of Mars that cry out for further investigation. The same applies to unexplained structures on other planets in our Solar System. To dismiss their existence is totally irresponsible on behalf of NASA, the scientific community, and any government agency which has final approval for funding space exploration. Perhaps they are natural phenomena. But we won't be certain until they are thoroughly and objectively investigated.
Unfortunately we don't have a roving correspondent traveling throughout our Solar System who is able to report all the action to us. All we can rely on for now are the images (in many cases tampered) released from NASA and ESA, along with statements and testimonies from scientists, astronauts, and researchers associated with interplanetary missions and projects to render an opinion.
With all of the references in Hollywood films and science fiction to "little green men" from Mars the chilling truth may be that we are the real Martians!
Mainstream science would have us believe that Mars and other planets in our Solar System are completely void of life, past and present. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Based on the conclusive evidence I present these planets could very well hold the secrets to humanity's origins...
![]() ![]() ![]() | Our Moon has always been considered desolate and dead. The image on the left is taken directly from the 1994 Navy Clementine military official science data and shown above at standard official resolution demonstrating two massive left and right towering objects in the terrain. Although blur and smudge tampering applications have completely covered up these objects so that no specific details of their true structure can actually be seen, that doesn't mean that there isn't plenty here to interpret and learn from. We can tell that these are most likely massive, very tall vertical towering structures that dwarf by far anything else in the terrain around it. The objects wider base footprint tapering to a narrower form as it rises to a more slender top is typical of a very tall skyscraper building here on Earth. However, these on the Moon are much more massive and far taller than anything on Earth, no doubt enabled by the Moon's much lower gravity. The middle image is another taken from the Clementine satellite. Note that the obscured angular image is still partially visible. Attempts to conceal the towers have not always been successful. As can be seen by the bottom photograph a massive tower is clearly visible on the NASA image enhanced using modern image processing technology. |
![]() | This image from the Moon was taken by the Lunar Orbiter. It shows dozens of pointed spires in varying heights scattered across the surface. According to mainstream science our Moon is supposedly a lifeless body of dust, so what are these odd structures? Could these be trees, vegetation, natural geological formations or are they something else? |
![]() | The image of this pyramid on the Moon was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in December 2008. How can nature create such architectural perfection? What is the purpose of this structure? Is it related to similar pyramid constructions found on Earth and Mars? |
![]() | Detailed analysis of photographs released by NASA has revealed evidence of what appear to be ruins and artificial constructions of various types on the Moon. Photographs taken from Apollo spacecraft in lunar orbit show rectangular and square shaped objects in Aristoteles Crater (photo on left). These structures are most definitely not of natural origin. |
![]() | The Aristarchus Crater enigma is one of numerous so-called transient lunar phenomena (TLP). It is the brightest spot on the Moon as seen from Earth, which changes color, sometimes producing a red or bluish glow, and appears to emit gas. In 1958 Aristarchus Crater's strange phenomena were observed by Russian astronomer Nikolai Kozyrev. They were also reported by the crew of Apollo 11. The nature of the crater phenomena has given credence to a theory that there could be some sort of a power device, possibly a fusion reactor, in the crater. On any photo published by NASA except for a Clementine image this object is shown as a bright white smudge with no definition. This structure appears to be supported by 5 or 6 arches. In the foreground is a road that leads to a brightly lit tunnel entrance. |
![]() | Another lunar enigma is located at Copernicus Crater. The site appears to resemble an ancient strip mine. As there is no wind or free flowing water on the Moon erosion of the lunar terrain cannot be involved in producing a landscape which resembles a vast mining operation, with debris and rock piles and angled terraces. The topography of the Copernicus Crater, such as ridges and ramps, resembles that of strip mines seen on Earth. |
![]() ![]() | This lunar image is another view from Copernicus Crater (NASA image PIA00094). Top photo shows a bright object resembling a tower seen highlighted off in the distance. The bottom photo is an enlargement and it shows that this object is hundreds, if not thousands, of feet in height and that it is clearly independently glowing. |
![]() | How does NASA explain this? This white structure located in Copernicus Crater seems to have an evident artificial architecture. A horizontal half-circle shape (with a shadow on a part) terminating at the front with a curved plan (on the right) toward the left side. An overhanging 'head' is located at the center of the structure. On the left of the object there is a T-like building, with a spherical object above. Lunar location for this anomaly is Eastern Oceanus Procellarum, Mare Insularum. |
![]() | There are many more unexplained lunar anomalies. For example, in the upper part of Rima Hadley (photo on left), not far from the place where Apollo 15 landed, a construction surrounded by a tall D-shaped wall was discovered. As is evident in this photo the structure has been deliberately obscured by airbrushing it - yet another case of blatant image tampering. What is hidden behind this smudging? |
![]() | This image from the Lunar Orbiter shows a long streak or ribbon rising from the lunar surface. Could this be smoke rising from a campfire on the Moon? A smoke trail from a comet or asteroid would not end/start so abruptly in space. There would be a fading out effect present. This image shows a definite start/stop point where this streak ends or begins in space. Whatever this mysterious object is, it extends several miles into space and doesn't have an Earthly equivalent. |
![]() | Apollo 8 was the first manned spaceflight to leave Earth orbit; the first to be captured by and escape from the gravitational field of another celestial body; and the first voyage to return to planet Earth from another celestial body - Earth's Moon. This December 1968 transcript (shown on left) references a conversation between Apollo 8 astronauts Commander Frank Borman (CDR), Command Module Pilot James Lovell (CMP), and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders (LMP). They describe bonfires spotted on the lunar surface during Day 4 of their mission. It is doubtful that astronauts, in the midst of a critical mission, would joke about something like this. The fact that the transcript was classified for more than 40 years hints that NASA certainly took this conversation very seriously. |
![]() | Apollo 14 was the eighth manned mission in the Apollo program, and the third to land on the Moon. This Apollo 14 transcript (shown on left) describes mining activities observed on the Moon. Command Module Pilot Stuart Roosa (CMP) mentions this during Day 4 of their February 1971 mission. The astronauts believe they see someone mining on the Moon! |
![]() ![]() | This bizarre lunar object (NASA image AS8-12-2209) was taken by Apollo 8. The bottom photo is a higher resolution version. What could it be - a giant spider, wiring harness, rope or lunar vegetation? |
![]() | Apollo 10 astronauts took this photo (AS10-32-4822) of a one-mile long object called 'Castle', which casts a distinct shadow on the lunar surface. The object seems to consist of several cylindrical units and a large connecting unit. |
![]() | This Apollo 10 image AS10-32-4822 shows a square crater on the lunar surface. Since when does Mother Nature carve out square craters? This crater area contains peculiar scored straight lines along the surface. |
![]() | Luna 9 was an unmanned space probe of the Soviet Union's Luna program. On February 3, 1966 Luna 9 became the first spacecraft to achieve a soft landing on any planetary body other than Earth and to transmit photographic data back to Earth from the Moon. Photo on the left is from the Luna 9 probe. It shows what appears to be a large craft or vehicle whose shape resembles that of an ocean going ship on Earth, coming to a point at one end and having an elevated section on top. A cable or tube appears to extend from the rear of the object toward the surface. Contact with Luna 9 was lost on February 6, 1966 just three days after landing. |
![]() ![]() | Luna 13, also known as Lunik 13, was another Soviet probe in the Luna program. It accomplished a soft lunar landing on December 24, 1966 in the region of Oceanus Procellarum. This intriguing photo was taken before its onboard batteries went dead and transmission stopped on December 28, 1966. The image displays some type of circular disk with a thin axle running through the center and the object is partially buried in the soil. The unknown object was not part of the space probe. Bottom photo is an enlargement. |
![]() | This Apollo 16 image is from King Crater on the Moon. Note the unusual structure highlighted inside the red frame. It appears to have a round top or roof. |
![]() | This Lunar Orbiter image is from Zeeman Crater on the far side of the Moon. The strange structure shown here has some kind of rectangular opening and is obviously not a natural formation. It appears more like a subterranean entrance. The rectangular opening is 5 miles wide, and one mile high. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | A multi-level lunar structure with openings is highlighted in the top photo on left. It is enlarged in the bottom two photos and is clearly not part of the natural landscape surrounding it, sitting all alone in the middle of a crater-filled surface. |
![]() | This lunar anomaly (NASA image LO-5-125-H2A) reveals a tower and several other geometric structures. Is this a natural geological formation or something artificial? |
![]() | This image is from the Lunar Orbiter. It shows an unusual structure that resembles a fortress sitting high atop a hill. The many sharp 90-degree shapes, walls, and steps make it highly unlikely that it is a natural geological formation. |
![]() | This lunar anomaly shows some type of artificial structures. Could nature form such straight vertical walls with openings (doors or windows)? Some of these buildings also appear to have sloped walls and roofs. Anyone with a shred of common sense would admit that these structures cannot possibly be natural formations. |
![]() ![]() | This lunar anomaly is tucked away neatly inside of a crater. The only official NASA description for this Apollo 11 image AS11-41-6156 is "view of area west of Crater 308 from lunar orbit". The pink circled section is enlarged in the bottom photo and reveals a square structure (perhaps a walled compound) with at least two buildings or objects inside. |
![]() | This Apollo 11 lunar image shows a series of buildings situated on either side of a roadway. Note the shadows cast by these buildings indicating (a) that they are definitely vertical structures and, (b) they are all very similar in design. |
![]() ![]() | Top photo on left is official NASA image from the Moon. Bottom photo is the same photo except that the anomalous objects have been highlighted in color for clarity. Surely these objects cannot be natural rock formations. |
![]() | Top photo is another official NASA image from the lunar surface. Bottom photo is the same photo except that the anomalous object has been highlighted in color for clarity. The unusual object looks almost spherical in shape and highly polished. It certainly is not part of the surrounding terrain and looks very much artificial in design. |
![]() | The skeptics are hard pressed to call this object a "trick of light" or "just a typical rock". In this Apollo 16 image you can see a round cylindrical object partially buried with a serrated but symmetrical edge. It resembles gear teeth on a shaft. In order for it to be buried so deeply in the soil it must be quite old. A piece of an Earth probe falling to the lunar surface would only have happened in the last 50 years and therefore clearly visible lying on top of the surface. |
![]() | This Apollo 17 image AS17-137-20993HR shows a round object resembling a ring. Once again it is partially buried (probably one-third of the object depth) indicating that it has been there for a long time. It is very unlikely that nature can create perfectly round objects having a hole in the center. |
![]() | This image is a screen capture from an Apollo 17 video taken December 12, 1972 from Tsiolkovskiy Crater on the Moon's far side. It is a 4-minute clip with the astronaut giving a narration but no mention of the strange object located inside the crater is made. You can hear bits of a second conversation in the background, most likely talking on the other secured channel. Halfway through the video the background speaker makes some exclamation of surprise. |
![]() | This image shows Reiner Crater on the Moon located just under the four lines of text. The white blurred object to the left of the crater is called Reiner Gamma. On the long tail section extending up from Reiner Gamma is a black square that has been shown for many years as a lunar anomaly on the 1994 Clementine space probe images. |
![]() | This Clementine space probe image is from the lunar impact crater Tycho. The mysterious object in this photo looks to be symmetrical with two "nodes" and curved arms extending out from the central body. There appears to be some underlying support just to the left of the right-hand curved "arm", but the central spherical "node" looks to be located above the ground, judging by the shadow beneath it. What process could account for this object forming naturally? |
![]() ![]() | Other than the fact that this looks like a baseball just knocked out a bird, the markings and shape of the objects in the bottom image are intriguing. This photo is from Apollo 16. The bottom image is an enlargement of the unknown round object shown in the top photo highlighted by the lower black arrow. |
![]() | This Apollo 16 image shows a rock that resembles a slab of concrete. Could such a flat piece of rock be formed naturally and positioned upright all alone? There are no other rocks similar to it located anywhere nearby. |
![]() ![]() | Mercury is only 48 million miles from Earth, compared to Mars which is 35 million miles away - both virtual planetary neighbors. Several large mysterious objects were photographed by Messenger Orbiter during its Mercury flyby between January 2008-09. The top photo looks like a spacecraft sitting inside of a crater. The bottom photo shows more detail including the object's aerodynamic shape, perhaps even the windshield and tailwing. Whatever this object is, it isn't natural. Something this large just doesn't take up residence in the middle of an impact crater. It obviously located itself sometime after the crater's formation. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | Another Mercury anomaly is a complex structure with a giant spiral tower and bunker (top photo). The spiral tower is a complete mystery and must be miles high. It is not smoke rising from a volcano or anything on the surface because the structure remains rigid and intact and never changes its appearance or form over several minutes of photography. A billowing of smoke would change and continually move. The lower two photos show the symmetrical walls on the entrance. They appear as straight edges much like walls and a roof. These cannot be natural formations. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | On October 6, 2008 Messenger Orbiter provided these strange photos in its 2.4 mile flyby of Mercury. Middle photo shows two large objects inside of a 61-mile diameter crater - one almost white in color and the other (bottom right corner of image) is a grayish color. The bottom photo shows the grayish object enlarged. It looks very much like a spacecraft of some kind. |
![]() | This photo is from the Mariner 10 space probe in 1974 during its Mercury flyby. It shows a massive object inside of a crater and the shadows that are cast by the object. What is especially noteworthy is the symmetry and shape of the shadows. They appear very sharp and pointed, almost pyramidal in form. This is very rare in nature. This object could very well be some type of building. |
![]() | This photo is from NASA's Magellan space probe taken of the planet Venus. It shows what appears to be a multi-story structure. The central building has at least five levels - six if you count the small area in front. There are buildings with right angles everywhere - something that just doesn't occur in nature. There could be a stairway leading up the various levels of the main building and a protective wall running along the right side of the area, along a ridge. The upper left area is completely artificial consisting of pyramids, domes and buildings. The extreme foreground also holds a large symmetrical building which is partially obscured. Those aren't really shadows on the ground. Due to thick cloud cover, sunlight doesn't reach the ground on Venus so it's unknown what the source of this dark contrast is. |
![]() | This photo is NASA/JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) image PIA00102 from Eistla Regio on Venus. What is the possible explanation for the two totally flat rectangular surfaces on an otherwise hilly and mountainous terrain? What is hidden behind the intentional airbrushing/smudging in this picture? Is this another example of official NASA image tampering? |
![]() ![]() | Norman Bergrun was an engineer and photographic expert who worked for NASA almost 30 years. He and a group of others were responsible for forming what they called the Voyager program. In the late 1970s astronomers and NASA had discovered some anomalous things happening within the rings of Saturn. So they put together the Voyager program and sent Voyager One to the rings of Saturn in 1980. Pictures from Voyager One were sent back to NASA and scientists were astounded by what they saw. In 1986 Bergrun decided to blow the whistle and publish these photographs. He wrote a book titled Ring-makers of Saturn. He couldn't get his book published in the United States. American publishers wouldn't touch him, or even talk to him. He eventually had to go to Aberdeen, Scotland to get his book published. The top photo on left shows a close-up of a self-luminous orange dot, obviously artificial in construction, and under intelligent control because it moves around inside the rings of Saturn independently. It isn't known what this object is, but it is larger than our Moon. The bottom photo on left is from inside of the 'A' Ring of Saturn and the statistics on this anomaly will blow your mind. The object shown in this image is artificially constructed, according to Bergrun. NASA called it an electromagnetic vehicle. It is 2,000 miles long and over 450 miles in diameter! And here we see another self-luminous artificial object (large dot near bottom of same photo), about the size of our Moon that apparently moves about independently, wherever it chooses, under intelligent control. Consider for a moment the civilization and the technology that is capable of not only building something of this magnitude, but also of putting it into space and maneuvering it. What is the the purpose of these enormous objects? |
![]() | Enceladus is one of the moons of Saturn. It is covered mostly in fresh, clean ice and reflects almost all of the sunlight that strikes it. In fact it is the most reflective object in our entire Solar System. This massive structure was photographed by the Cassini space probe during its flyby of Enceladus on October 31, 2008. It resembles a large building or perhaps a spaceship. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Iapetus is the third largest moon of Saturn and is best known for a prominent equatorial ridge (hump) that stretches halfway around the moon. Top photo on left is original NASA/ESA image P1A06170 from Cassini space probe taken of Iapetus North Pole area. The second image down is the same photo except that the anomalous structures have been highlighted in color for clarity. Note the large number of buildings and geometric structures shown in blue. Most unusual, however, is the enormous statue or monument shown inside of yellow border. Third image down is an enlargement of the statue in original grayscale. Bottom image is the same photo except that the monument has been highlighted in color for clarity. Whatever this structure is, it is incredibly large and is undoubtedly artificial in design. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is also the only moon in our Solar System to have a fully developed, planet-like atmosphere. These images are from Saturn taken during a Cassini flyby in 2005. They reveal many more unusual large objects. These photos were taken from an altitude of 11 miles, therefore these objects must be huge. Top photo appears to be a spaceship or some kind of large vehicle. The middle photo shows another vehicle or structure just below it. The bottom photo reveals yet another unknown object. Titan is Saturn's largest moon. It is larger than the planet Mercury. And NASA still maintains that Saturn's 62 moons are uninhabitable. |
From Joe Szostak’s Rewriting Mankind’s Ancient Forgotten History @ http://jszostak.webs.com/Solar%20System%20Anomalies.html
For more solar system anomalies see Martian Forest Life & Biodiversity @ http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2010/12/martian-forest-life-biodiversity.html
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