The "4" Flights of 9/11 - What about the Passengers? What happened to them?
by Phil Jayhan 9/11 - The Unidentified Murder Weapons (11:08) @ Most people are not aware that there are issues with the 4 groups of people who flew on the 4 flights of 9/11 from 3 locations. There are so many issues it would take a newsroom full of dedicated reporters a long time to sift through it all. There are problems with the boarding of passengers on 3 flights. And on the 4th flight we find 2 boardings, an unusual event to say the least. Two of the aircraft we are to believe didn't even take off on 9/11, as this is what registers in the BTS database for flights 11 & 77 on 911. Two of the aircraft that allegedly struck the towers, can be plausibly shown to be drones, calling into question both passenger and crew from those respective flights. (11 & 175) While flight 77 obviously didn't crash at the Pentagon from all evidence shown, and flight 77 is one of the 2 flight which BTS shows no departure time for. While flight 93 wasn't even a regular flight on 9/11, it was created in the last 2 hours before it flew. And as you will see are good reasons to believe Flight 93 was boarded twice at Newark. If this sounds confusing, it is because it was meant to be so. But I believe this article shows it is possible to make some simple sense out of the days events and tie them all together. ![]() What was alleged to have been Flight 11, crashing into the North Tower on 9/11/2001 at 8:46 AM. Notice the bright flash at the towers face just prior to impact. This was taken by the Naudet brothers, filming a documentary of 911. Below is a screen-shot of the BTS database, Bureau of Traffic Statistics. Oddly it shows that Flight 11, with no wheels off time, or departure time, showing that it never took off on 9/11. This exact same oddity is duplicated regarding the Flight 77, the other American Airlines flight on 9/11 which allegedly took off from Dulles. The BTS database shows that the 2 American airlines planes, flights 11 & 77, as having no wheels off time or departure times. This is actually a key to understanding 9/11 as well as the mystery of the planes & passengers. One mystery compounds into another creating a chain or sequence of events that become confusion. The largest blunder that 911 investigators have made is to be aware of this BTS discrepancy and then act as though it wasn't there. Nearly everyone who becomes aware of this BTS discrepancy, then go on to assume that these passengers somehow still ended up on flight 11. The passengers did disappear after all, did they not? And we were all told that they boarded and were on flight 11, right? We have Air Traffic controllers as eye witnesses saying that flight 11 was seen on radar, and followed all the way to the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex. We also then have the cell phone calls from the passengers themselves, to bolster this story, do we not? Thus the path of least resistance to the investigator of 911 is to assume that the BTS discrepancies regarding flight 11 & 77 is just a snafu or a glitch. Or perhaps, facing all of the obstacles above, the 911 investigator thinks it less difficult to shift focus into other areas of investigation, of which, thanks to the planners of 911, there is an abundance. Please see the rest of story below the chart below; BTS - Bureau of Traffic Statistics showing Flight 11 never departed from Boston Logan international Airport on 9/11/2001. ![]() The problem with nearly all 911 research regarding this issue of the BTS discrepancies of flights 11 & 77 is it all ends here, and no more questions are asked. If you ask the right question, you usually get the right answer. If you ask the wrong question, you usually get the wrong answer. If you ask no more questions at all, you will get no more answers. And thus, it is left there, with no more questions. So lets start asking some of the questions which have never been asked or pursued. Question # 1. Do we have any evidence that shows the passengers at the airport, boarding terminals or boarding the planes? Answer: No - Not on any of the "4 flights" of 911 [Is this not a huge red flag already? If such footage existed, and by all means if the governments story is true, there is indeed footage of all the passengers at the airports and boarding terminals. Yet not an inch of footage of this video has ever once been produced.] **The answer why there is no video of any of the passengers at any of the terminals or airports is because it simply does not exist and never did exist. Question # 2. How does a passenger purchase a ticket for a Flight which will not fly on 9/11? This is conceivably possible. Flights are canceled all the time and combined with other flights according to the dictates of the airlines and passenger loads any given day. Yet there are no records of any such occurrences on 9/11. The official story is set in stone. The people boarded Flight 11. They boarded AT Flight 11's gate. Question #3. How does a passenger fly on a flight which never takes off on 911? Now this is impossible. This is where the tougher questions are needed. The passengers all disappeared and that, seamlessly, on 911. This is beyond dispute. And yet they never could have boarded a flight that did not take off. They might have conceivably purchased tickets for these flights, but they could have never actually gotten onto flight 11, boarded and then taken off. Why? Because the BTS database is accurate and also definite. Flight 11 did not depart on 911. Unfortunately this presents a conundrum and a wall of confusion that none stepped over till now. Question # 4. Where did the passengers go, if not onto flight 11? Were they herded into rooms at the airports as some theorists have assumed? Were they tricked onto boarding another flight, which they thought was flight 11, a sort of 'patsy plane' if you will? These are all legitimate questions because we do after all have the collective disappearance of of 92 souls. They had to have gone somewhere, because they couldn't have gone nowhere. They didn't board or fly on flight 11. We have no reports of any disturbances at any of the airports, much less Boston Logan, which would likely happen if airport officials tried to sequester 92 people trying to board a flight inside an International airport with hundreds of witnesses all around, and yet they collectively disappeared. Not onto flight 11. And not sequestered at the airports. Then where? At this point we are running out of ground to walk on unless we pass over the most difficult bridge of all and ask the most unpleasant of all questions; Question # 5. Were any of the passengers on flight 11 or any of the 4 planes part of the conspiracy of 9/11? As an investigator, all things need to be considered. Regardless of peoples emotions, and all lines need to be investigated. The fact that there were no disruptions at any of the airports, indicates that the passengers disappeared seamlessly. Without struggle. Without commotion. Without notice. And without video surveillance. The fact the government has not produced a single video showing any of the passengers is likely because if they did so, it would prove upon analysis that the passengers were in a part of the airport they never should have been on 9/11. This is why the government cannot produce the video of any of the passengers on 911 at the airports, with the possible exception of Flight 93 which we will touch on later. The fact that the passengers disappeared seamlessly would indicate that they were willing participants by and large. It is plausible to believe that some passengers were just regular people, and randomly chosen for death & disappearance on 9/11. The planners after all were doing as much for 3000 people at the World trade Center. A few more is nothing to them. But it is not plausible to believe this is the case for all of the passengers. This item is what I believe is an issue which cannot be answered without more data. Whether or not regular passengers were chosen and incorporated into these flights, or whether or not they were all in one way or another part of the conspiracy. Perhaps it is a mixture of real passengers and conspirators. It is beyond the scope of this article to deal with all of the passengers and possible connections to 911 planning, although there is a mountain of supporting evidence, when there should be none. And for at least 3 of the planes passengers in question, their disappearance at the airports deserve further investigation, for we know that the 3 groups of people from flights 11, 175 and 77 were not passengers on their respective flights. The fact that the passengers from these 3 groups, at 2 airports disappeared so seamlessly is indicative that they were possibly willing participants. Combined with the lack of video the government has released showing any of the passengers at any of the 3 airports, it surely isn't implausible to believe that they are in a position where they cannot produce the video without incriminating themselves. My belief is that they do have video of the 3 groups of people at the 2 airports (93 is not included here) but cannot release it because it will show the passengers in a part of the airport they were never supposed to have been. Which would of curse help citizen investigators come closer to determining how 911 was operationally pulled off regarding the passengers and 4 planes. Why else would they withhold it? It should be noted that all of the above, regarding Flight 11 was also repeated at Dulles International Airport. Done twice at 2 airports. The 2 flights which the BTS shows as never having taken off, flight 11 & 77, the two American airlines planes. One from Boston, one from Dulles. The passengers for the other ghost flight, 77, the flight which the BTS shows as never having taken off, by and large mirror what is described above with flight 11. All of the passengers of flight 77 disappeared, seamlessly, yet they didn't get onto or take off on flight 77, because the BTS shows it as never having taken off on 9/11. And likewise, no reports of commotion or disruptions at Dulles, as one would expect if an entire plane-load of passengers were being redirected against their wills, in a public International airport. I emphasize, that they disappeared seamlessly. Without notice. Without commotion, & as the passengers on the other ghost flight of 911, flight 11 at Boston Logan, without video surveillance. This constitutes our 2nd conundrum regarding the passengers and the 4 flights on 9/11. 2 groups of people, one from flight 11 at Boston and one from flight 77 at Dulles would both seamlessly disappear under similar circumstances. And both groups of people would never board either of the flights, 11 or 77. Because the BTS database tells us this flight never departed. Let the conundrum remain for now, and don't ignore it, because in it lies part of the solution to understanding how they operationally pulled off at least one layer of 911. We encounter our third conundrum with the photographic evidence of flight 175. Even from a casual observance of all the evidence of pictures and video we have of flight 175, it is quite obvious it was not a commercial airliner, much less flight 175 which had passengers on board. Thus if commercial flight 175 did not hit the South Tower as we were all told, our third conundrum now becomes what happened to those passengers on flight 175? A third group of missing people. If they were not aboard that plane, and all evidence tells us they weren't, then where did the passengers from flight 175 go to? Were the planes switched in mid-air? Taken over by remote control and flown into the towers? Where o where did this third group of people, the passengers from flight 175 disappear to? Is anyone starting to see a pattern here? One group after another of the 4 groups of people on 911 have all sorts of difficulties with their stories and the story of their disappearance. As we move along to Flight 93 we will find even more issues. Though not quite the same, and as a matter of fact, we will get a glimpse of the key to understanding this mysteries outlined above. Something nobody was ever intended to read or see. It is simply an unintended consequence of 9/11 and something the planners of 911 couldn't ever plan for or forsee. Flight 93 was boarded twice. By two groups of people at two separate locations at Newark Airport. We know this because of two credible eye-witnesses. This is also more then likely the reason why flight 93 was 41 minutes late in taking off on 9/11. We were never supposed to know or learn of this 2nd boarding for flight 93, this was one of those things they couldn't forsee. After closing it's door at the terminal, Flight 93 reopened the door to the plane, to allow Mark Bingham aboard. Mark Bingham has for all intents and purposes totally messed up and missed his plane. They literally re-opened the door to the airplane at the terminal jet-bridge and allowed him onto the plane. Quote:
After pulling away from the gate, flight 93 goes around the corner to pick up another 'charter' for the days flight, a second group of people. This was never reported on. Nor were you ever intended to so much as get a glimpse of this 2nd boarding. It happened as the result of a planning snafu. Quote:
Triton Clayton White saw something he wasn't supposed to see, because the planners of 911 did not take into consideration the possibility of charter flights offloading on the same tarmac they were to pick up this 2nd group of people with Flight 93. Triton Clayton White (New York Giant Football player) saw FLIGHT 93 being boarded on the Tarmac at Newark, which is another separate boarding then when they picked people up at the terminal using a jet-bridge. That self same terminal at Newark, to this day, has a flag at it, where the hero's of 9/11 boarded their fateful flight. Make no mistake about it, the first group of people boarded at the terminal, and a 2nd group of people boarded on the Tarmac. All onto flight 93, and all of this at Newark on 9/11. But who is this 2nd group of people being boarded onto flight 93, and why the cloak and dagger boarding of a 2nd group of passengers onto Flight 93 on the tarmac, AFTER the boarding at the terminal? This presents us with our 4th conundrum. There appears to be incredibly serious issues with each of the flights, their boardings, their departures, identities, destinations, and now this? STATUS: NO DEPARTURE: NO BOARDING: On flight 11, we have passengers which boarded and disappeared onto a plane which never took off and which video evidence plausibly shows to be a military drone. STATUS: DEPARTURE & BOARDING: On flight 175, we have a different issue, as the plane which struck the towers was not commercial flight 175, with those passengers aboard, and also all sorts of plausible evidence that shows this plane to be a military drone as well. STATUS: NO DEPARTURE: NO BOARDING: On flight 77, we have passengers which allegedly board and depart on a flight which never departed that day, according to BTS. STATUS: DEPARTURE & TWO BOARDINGS: On flight 93, we have an unusual late passenger being let on the plane after missing it, as well as a second boarding on the tarmac after its first initial boarding at the terminal using a jet-bridge. This is as far as my research has gone, sorry I cannot supply any answers or solutions beyond this, but feel free to chime in with your own research and ideas. Psyche. Just kidding. Actually, if your still with me, we are nearly done with wrapping up all the loose ends and tying it all together and seeing what happened on 911 as well as the most plausible explanation to all of the mysteries regarding the passengers and flights. From here out, it is actually very simple. At Boston they did a variation of the disappearing coin trick, with an additional coin thrown in, Delta flight 1989, as we will see, and at Dulles, they used the disappearing deck trick. Simply put, the passengers of flight 77 at Dulles are the same group of people who we see on the SECOND BOARDING AT NEWARK AIRPORT. The passengers at Dulles caught an earlier flight which took them to Newark where they were to rendevouz with Flight 93, and did so successfully. Howbeit, there is a witness to this deception, Triton Clayton White, the New york Giant who saw Flight 93 boarding ON THE TARMAC. After its FIRST BOARDING AT THE TERMINAL. At Boston Logan International Airport, they used a similar deception. Here, the passengers from both flights 11 & 175 are combined into one flight. It would eventually become delta flight 1989 and land at Cleveland International Airport... While flight 93, now having also the passengers from flight 77 from the 2nd boarding at Newark, will head to the same destination; Cleveland International Airport. Stuart Air Force Base Mystery - Explained Above Stuart air force base we are told that flight 11 and 175 nearly collided they got so close. We were also given snippets of this through air traffic control tapes. The explanation for this is as plausible as it is logical. This is where the 2 military drones which were to strike to world trade centers took off from. They would replace the flight path of Flight 175 as well as the path of flight 11, which up to this point was provided for by an electronic warfare plane which was one of "4" such aircraft in the air for the War games which were taking place on 9/11/2001. Sometime shortly after this, Flight 175 NOW HAVING BEEN REPLACED BY A MILITARY DRONE ON RADAR will change its transponder to Delta 1989, and make an emergency landing at Cleveland, with reports of a bomb aboard. This plane would contain roughly 200 people, and not only is it plausible that these people were the people from flights 11 & 175, it is highly probable and likely. Another plane, Flight 93, would also land at Cleveland airport. This was confirmed by both the Mayor of Cleveland, and United Airlines who publicly acknowledged on 911 and confirmed flight 93 landed in Cleveland. Flight 93 would end up being sequestered at one end of the airport, at the NASA Glenn hangar, while the other flight containing the other passengers from 11 & 175, now designated as Delta 1989, would be sequestered at the other end of the airport, at the I-X Exposition center. The two flights, Delta 1989 and United flight 93 had roughly 260 some people between them, the same number as the "4" flights, 11, 175, 77 & 93. The Cleveland Airport Mystery - Explained The following is from Woodybox, a diligent 911 researcher. In a nutshell he explains why it was 2 separate aircraft which landed at Cleveland. In my above article, the reason why is obvious. Quote:
For the full complete story that this was taken out from by Woody is here below, full & complete. Just press the spoiler button to see it all. ![]() ![]() ![]() Not only does this explain the mystery of what happened to the passengers from the 4 planes, it also gives a plausible explanation for just about every other mystery regarding the 4 flights that day. The passengers from all 4 flights, 11, 175, 77 and 93 all ended up at Cleveland Airport, and not coincidently, in the same planes were were told made emergency landings because of reports of a "bomb" aboard. Delta 1989 & Flight 93. e.g. Delta 1989 was the bomb aboard "story" and also gave plausible and good reasons why Cleveland International airport could be closed & evacuated, so that total & complete control could be taken for these 'special passengers' from Delta 1989 & flight 93. Quote:
This plausibly explains the following;
And it also gives an incredibly plausible explanation for the sequence of events regarding the passengers of the 4 planes and the mysteries surrounding them. All of the passengers, from 4 groups, and 3 locations, ended up in 1 central location, Cleveland International Airport. They had seamlessly & successfully disappeared. What happened after Cleveland is anyone's guess. All air traffic was closed. If any planes flew, it is doubtful there was recordings of them, especially if they contained the passengers from any of these 4 flights. All that lied ahead of them at this point is their new lives and new identities. And as pointed out earlier, it is possible some real passengers were added to the planes, but this is beyond the scope of my research and beyond the scope of this article. There is what I believe happened to the passengers. For the first time in 9 years I believe we have come as close as we can without a full fledged honest open inquiry into the crimes of 911 in understanding all the mysteries of the missing passengers & planes. Perhaps you believe the passengers were all real, and then eliminated afterward. Regardless of your viewpoint on this issue, I believe I have outlined the most plausible explanation as to what occurred on 9/11 regarding the 4 planes and passengers. Adapt this scenario as neccessary as it meets your knowledge of the events of 911. I hope this helps many come to a better understanding of that days crimes and how they performed those crimes. Cheers- Phil Jayhan __________________ Phil Jayhan 9/11 Blog | Phil Jayhan v666 Blog | Frederick Bastiats Audio of "The Law" "In disquisitions of every kind there are certain primary truths, or first principles, upon which all subsequent reasoning must depend." --Alexander Hamilton |
Truly a Bizarre Passenger list for Flight 77 that Crashed into the Pentagon
By My23rdwish
We are told that there were 64 passengers were on board Flight 77. We count 59, including 6 crew members. We presume they mean 59 passengers and crew, plus 5 Hijackers Patsies. There is no Arab name on the list of victims as reported by the media (see Passenger Links below).
The capacity of Flight 77 was 239 passengers, and with 53 passengers aboard, that is an occupancy rate of 23%. We have flown a great deal in Europe and North America, and never at any time in the last decade have we flown a trans-continental flight that was 3/4 empty (this is of course pre-9/11). The numbers appear out-of-whack, thankfully. And so, a lingering question is why the passenger loads on the four planes hijacked in US skies are being described by industry officials as “very, very low.”
Many investigators suspect the terrorists at the very least shopped for flights with low passenger loads, making it easier for them — presumably armed only with knives and box cutters — to prevent passenger uprisings. …
“They wanted the numbers to be on their side.”
And they were: staggeringly so. CNN
Three of the transcontinental flights departed for the West Coast with at least two thirds of the seats empty. Only 37 of the 182 seats were occupied — including four by hijackers, at least two in first class — as United Airlines’ Flight 93 left Newark for San Francisco. Through July, airlines in the United States reported flights on average were 71 percent capacity this year.
There is no evidence that the hijackers actually “shopped for flights” at all. In some cases we are told that they simply purchased their tickets over the Internet.
But this is truly a bizarre passenger list. Well, if you look at the occupations of the passengers of Flight 77, you get a strange feeling that something is wrong with this picture:
For a random collection of passengers, this is a very impressive manifest. We use the results of Killtown’s work on the passenger list, which was drawn from the canonical sources of 9/11 victims biographical information on the Internet: the numbers in square brackets are the numbers in Killtown’s listing .
- a senior scientist with the US Navy, retired Army. [12] A third-generation physicist whose work at the Navy was so classified that his family knew very little about what he did each day. They don’t even know exactly why he was headed to Los Angeles on the doomed American Airlines Flight 77.
- a Boeing engineer in Integrated Defense Systems; he served in the US Air Force for four years, and for the National Security Agency for 14 years. [36]
- a director of program management at Raytheon, US Army (ret.) [28] who helped develop and build anti-radar technology for electronic warfare. Raytheon‘s website notes that they are leaders in every phase of the Precision Strike kill chain; are the world’s leading organization at Missile Defense; provides state-of-the-art technology to detect, protect and respond to terrorism and provide Homeland Defense; and that their technology forms the eyes, ears and brains of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems, from the Predator to the Global Hawk.
- a retired naval aviator who worked for Veridian Corp., a defense contractor, who was working with military aircraft and weapons systems [56] A Navy test pilot who worked on the development of the F18. “He had done a number of black programs — which means top-secret,” said his son. “We were given no details.”
- an electrical engineer with defense contractor BAE Systems. [41] largest technical support supplier to the US Navy. BAE Systems is an industry leader in flight control systems, which are present on nearly every US military aircraft. BAE electronic warfare systems such as their jamming system are vital to the US Navy operations.
- 2 Boeing propulsion engineers: a lead Propulsion Engineer and a Project Manager with Boeing Satellite Systems, [32] and a lead engineer for Boeing Satellite Systems. [40]
- a software architect with Lockheed Martin Corp., US Army (ret.). [42] A manager in the systems and software architecture department.
- a Vice President for software development, EMSolutions and retired Lieutenant Commander, Navy. [18] He spent 20 years in the US Navy, where he developed high capacity signal processors, multi-processor application software and innovative signal processing algorithms. EMSolutions maintains a facility security clearance, and has contracts with Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and BAE Systems.
- a technical group manager at Xon Tech, a defense-related research and development firm [46] He previously worked as an engineer at the Naval Research Lab. Also a technical manager of Xon Tech [53].
- a retired Navy Rear Admiral, former Navy pilot, and retired American Airlines pilot. [24]
- a senior executive at the Defense Department. [29] A budget analyst/director of the programming and fiscal economics division who worked at the Pentagon.
- a former Navy electronics technician worked as a Department of Defense contractor with Vrendenburg Co. in Washington [57]
- managing partner and co-founder of Stratin Consulting. and retired Marine Corps Lieutenant and Vietnam War veteran [26]
- a lawyer who had worked with the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. [49]
- and of course, there was Barbara Olson, attorney, CNN Commentator and wife of the United States Solicitor General. [39]
Especially astounding in this bizarre passenger list is the preponderance of Navy personnel amongst the 4 armed services, and the tilt toward propulsion and guidance systems amongst all of the possible secret technologies. It’s almost as if someone put this list together thinking that Navy personnel were expendable – or needed to be expended.
This looks like a charter flight for the military-industrial complex; it’s almost as if this plane should have taken off from the Pentagon, rather than supposedly crashing into it.
For a complete breakdown of the passenger list with pictures,names,ages and backgrounds click here:
Article Source:
- Passengers
Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77 by Thomas R Olmsted, M.D.
- No Arabs on Flight 77: Part II -The Passengers
I know what happened to flight 77
Passenger Links:
- Boston Globe
- September 11 Victims
- September 11, 2001: Gay Victims & Heroes
Remembering September 11, 2001
- Defend America
Global Hawk - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Khashoggi, Part 35: Fear and Loathing at the NSA
Michael Hayden 9/11 connection NSA
Flight 77 Black Boxes - 9/11 Review
Something smells in the air - Flight data + tail number oddities 9/11
9/11 flight transcipt oddities, maps and radar
Airgames 9/11 - plane swapping- maps ATC controllers and radar Wargames
Mitre Corp., Warren Buffet, Global Hawk, and September 11 2001
The Secret Hijacking WoodyBox
9/11 archives news flight articles 93 wargames drills
Northern Command
Khashoggi, Part 35: Fear and Loathing at the NSA
Michael Hayden 9/11 connection NSA
Flight 77 Black Boxes - 9/11 Review
Something smells in the air - Flight data + tail number oddities 9/11
9/11 flight transcipt oddities, maps and radar
Airgames 9/11 - plane swapping- maps ATC controllers and radar Wargames
Mitre Corp., Warren Buffet, Global Hawk, and September 11 2001
The Secret Hijacking WoodyBox
9/11 archives news flight articles 93 wargames drills
Northern Command
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From the New Illuminati –
The United States Corporation and the events surrounding 9-11
ReplyDeleteMany people who reside within the US are unaware that there are really two united states of America's. There's the united states of America which we declared as a free and independent country through our Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War, and operates under the jurisdiction of the common law, or constitutional law, and then there's the other United States, a for profit Corporation which operates under the jurisdiction of admiralty/statutory/maritime law, and is a for profit Corporation.
Any Corporation is in business to make a profit and the United States Corporation is no different, it must continue to grow in order to make profits, hence we observe the expansion of government and the methods used for making profits, such as war, etc.... If we look at the FACTS surrounding the staged event of 9-11, we realize that this specific event was another example of a money making venture instigated by elements within the US Corp to make profits for the private international owners of the US Corp.
Now, we may be wise to ask ourselves who our owners are, and how we can become sovereigns once again. The primary owners of the US corp are a part of the international banking fraternities, they are the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's of the world, they own every central bank
including our Federal Reserve system, they also own and or control, education, media, energy, most lands and resources etc... throughout the Corporate US.
They own us through our Birth Certificates, and social security numbers. You can gain a superior claim over your strawman/ dummy corporation/ DEBTOR name in all CAPS Lettering/ by filing a UCC-1 financing statement and through a security agreement filed to your Secretary Of State. Also you can trademark and or Copyright your own all CAPS name through the common law.
Research this info, and get our country back to the jurisdiction of the common law upon which this country was founded.
ReplyDeleteMany people who reside within the US are unaware that there are really two united states of America's. There's the united states of America which we declared as a free and independent country through our Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War, and operates under the jurisdiction of the common law, or constitutional law, and then there's the other United States, a for profit Corporation which operates under the jurisdiction of admiralty/statutory/maritime law, and is a for profit Corporation.
Any Corporation is in business to make a profit and the United States Corporation is no different, it must continue to grow in order to make profits, hence we observe the expansion of government and the methods used for making profits, such as war, etc.... If we look at the FACTS surrounding the staged event of 9-11, we realize that this specific event was another example of a money making venture instigated by elements within the US Corp to make profits for the private international owners of the US Corp.
Now, we may be wise to ask ourselves who our owners are, and how we can become sovereigns once again. The primary owners of the US corp are a part of the international banking fraternities, they are the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's of the world, they own every central bank
including our Federal Reserve system, they also own and or control, education, media, energy, most lands and resources etc... throughout the Corporate US.
They own us through our Birth Certificates, and social security numbers. You can gain a superior claim over your strawman/ dummy corporation/ DEBTOR name in all CAPS Lettering/ by filing a UCC-1 financing statement and through a security agreement filed to your Secretary Of State. Also you can trademark and or Copyright your own all CAPS name through the common law.
Research this info, and get our country back to the jurisdiction of our Constitutional Republic based upon a common law system upon which this country was founded.
This genuine Constitutional- Republican system based on sound money would be second best behind the realities of any non-political, non-monetary form of harmonious reality which everyone seemingly refuses to consider.