MardiGrass XV
Cannabis Law Reform Rally
Saturday 5th of May
Sunday 6th of May
Last Update: April 15, 2007 6:25 PM |
Prohibition will end
when the leaders of this country can see the real world around them,
instead of the imaginary one that fits their ideology.
Want to be a Ganga Faerie at MardiGrass?
Ganga Faeries meeting for rehearsal on Saturday at the Dance Studio, Community Centre, from 11am till 1pm Ganga Faeries preparing for Rally – Sunday from 12noon at Dance Studio
6th April 2007
BluesFest Welcome: NSW Police Winnebago seen 200 metres from Byron Bay Police station doing saliva testing. Obviously, its going to move around ...
Do it before APRIL 16th!
The Federal Government has passed extraordinary legislation that will
close the rolls for new voters at 8pm, on the very night the election is
officially called. In the last election, 83,000 first-time voters
enrolled in the first week after the election was called. Hundreds of
thousands more registered at their new address. But this time they won't
get that chance - unless we act urgently.
That's why whether you're enroled to vote or not, there's a crucial role
for you to play right now. Click on the link below to demand this law be
revoked, and help friends and family enrol correctly in the next two
weeks - before new changes and extra red tape come into effect on April
16 making it even harder!
Once every thousand years,
there is a
'007 MardiGrass!
"From Nimbin With Love!"
"Live and Let Grow!"
"On HEMP Embassy Secret Service"
"The Man with the Golden Ganja"
"Doctor Know!"
"Cannabis Royale!"
at a MardiGrass near you.
Click 007 MardiGrass for the 2007 Main Page
Click 007 MardiGrass Program for what's on this year!
Police and Saliva Tests

Updated April 3rd
MardiGrass 007 Driver Arrivers Advice
Greater numbers are the best response to intimidation.
Don't encourage the official fear exploiters..
Come to MardiGrass
Drug abuse as a criminal offence is a waste of public money and law enforcement resources.
I have this idea that people think that without such measures there would be a plague of drug users, but I don’t think this would be so.
Since the dawn of time, humans have taken things to alter their mental state, and civilisation did not wither, but went from peak to peak.
Only a small percentage of the population have this predisposition to substance use, and I think it a fairly stable percentage. We should accept that not all people have the capacity to be drug free, and treat the problem on the realistic basis that few break the patterns of substance abuse, but the ones that don't will not bring about the downfall of civilisation either.
Having a friend or relative who has done this, is not that unusual any more, no matter what one’s circumstances. I appreciate the tragedy of wasted lives, but don’t see the imprisonment of users as a useful response. That’s getting stuck in the anger and denial part of moving on from it all.
It would be better to avoid hysteria, accept the situation as it really is, and deal with it in a medically appropriate fashion, without expecting a dramatic change to ensue, because it won’t. Not for worse or better.
Taking an totally intolerant position is not only futile, but destructively punitive in furthering the misery attached for those involved, and its not only “lowlifes”, it could easily be someone you’ve known or loved, a real person rather than an imagined stereotype.
Does anyone seriously imagine that all the harassment, fines and imprisonment have any effect on the number of drug abusers in a given population? Is punitive treatment a rational response, or an emotional one, something like isolating lepers for fear of contagion?
The jails aren’t even drug free.
If an addict commits a property or violent crime, that is already covered by criminal law. Just as alcoholics who drive while disqualified or rob liquor stores, go to jail, so should addicts who commit crimes, always with the avenue of rehabilitation, but not necessarily a lesser sentence. It is the criminalisation of mere users that is not rational.
I don’t think the present drug laws make good sense in the world we have today. They might have once, briefly, in our attempts to come to grips with the problem, but we should have moved on from that by now, not stubbornly stuck to the familiar for familiarities sake.
We need to concentrate on medical approaches, but without expecting unrealistic outcomes. There is no magic “cure”.
Pro Cannabis Demonstrations in Spain
Click on image above for larger version.
Amigos de Maria - Vitoria has initiated the first Internet Pharmacy for therapeutical cannabis in Spain. This non-profit initiative facilitates the contact between patients and growers through the Internet. Its sole purpose is to improve the quality of life of patients who wish to benefit from the advantages offered by THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
For this initiative, Amigos de Maria has recieved the support of the regional government of the Basque Country and various political parties. See
Although it operates on the Internet, the administration of the pharmacy is based in Álava, and more concretely in the seat of Amigos de María-Mariaren Lagunak in Vitoria-Gasteiz, which is actively collaborating with various Spanish associations who are working in favour of cannabis legalisation. The new "Cannabis Pharmacy" seeks to facilitate information to patients on the therapeutic use of cannabis and promote the cultivation for personal use by those who can use the plant as a natural medicine.
The pharmacy will maintain of a list of patients and another of cannabis growers who will donate part of their harvest essentially for the purpose of pain control. It will establish contact between both groups. It will not directly administer stocks of cannabis, nor facilitate the transport of it. The sole purpose is to allow the exchange of information that will help patients with cancer, aids, glaucoma, asthma of MS, among many other pathologies, to improve their situation when using cannabis under medical control.
The continuous supervision by experts is one of the characteristics that mark the initiative in Alava. Paco, spokesperson of Amigos de María, explains that the organisation has installed various mechanisms to avoid possible manipulation. “Firstly, we carry out interviews with the people who are interested, in order to confirm that they are patients who fulfill the requirements to enter the programme. They undergo a medical test by a doctor, who establishes the dosis they are entitled to, and the way of administration”, he notes.
There are also procedures to avoid that someone can obtain economic benefits from the initiative. “The growers donate part of their harvest for free, we will make sure that absolutely no sale of cannabis takes place. Altruism is the fundamental element of this programme and we are going to defend it with all means", says Paco.
Every week, two to three persons contact the seat of Amigos de María, in the old town of Vitoria, in search of cannabis to relieve their pains. Most of them want information, as they have already purchased their doses of cannabis on the black market, to a price of 3 euro/gramme. “The other day, an old lady calls us to ask our help, as her sister who is suffering from cancer had swallowed a too large bud of cannabis and she was afraid to call the police. She did not know that what she was doing was not illegal and that the effect of a too high dose of cannabis can easily be reduced with some sugar. We do not wish to accept this state of desinformation and panic" explains Paco.
A visit to the seat of Amigos de María does not guarantee a free use of cannabis. “The other day our doctor recommended someone who suffers from glaucoma not to use cannabis, as the disease was too advanced as was his age, a serious impediment to cannabis consumption", says the spokesperson of the organisation. “We are not afraid as we are convinced that what we are doing is good and helps people. A law is only a good law if it is a just law, and this is not the case today".
Rally, MAY 5 and 6, 2007. Ganja Faeries, Big Joint, local musicians, performers, street theatre atmosphere, live web-cam feed, Industrial Hemp Displays, Medicinal Cannabis Information, Hemp Seed Oil Nutrition, HempChoices discussion at the Town Hall and at Peace Park the annual MardiGrass Hemp Olympix.
This year, as well as the Gold Medals for the Grower’s Ironperson Event plus the Bong Throw & Yell and the Joint Rolling Contest, there will be a new Hemp Olympix Gold Medal Event.
24 fully certified and professionally trained Orthodox Hemp Jelly Wrestlers, 10 barrels of extra strong Hemp Jelly made in Nimbin by real Hippies
Lights – Camera – Action
Stages are: Orthodox Wrestling, Pole Straddle and Dump the Loser
Plus a Live Band – (Third Eye Screamers)
The Hemp Jelly will be green with a good skunk & mango flavour. Agar-agar or sea weed will be mixed with food colouring, flavouring, perfume, texture enhancer, sparkles, flowers, herbs and water. This recipe has all the ingredients for lots of excitement. All the wrestlers’ costumes will be made of hemp blend fabric. The tournament will be in a large vat, holding more than a ton, of Hemp Jelly about knee deep.
Some of the contenders for the Gold Medal will be Dreadlock Headlock, Gumboot, Jelly Belly Sally, The Masked Assassin, Judge Custody, Dark Horse, Stinky the Lizard, Hempy the Clown, The Weed Inspector, Julia Jellard or maybe The Profit Mahoward could take it out with an upset victory. The winner of this new event will have the honour of becoming the first Hemp Olympix Gold Medallist and World Champion Hemp Jelly Wrestler.
All entrants will sign a disclaimer before the tournament begins on Saturday May 5th in Peace Park.
Entry forms will be accepted until April 1st 2007 !!!
Major sponsors at this stage include: Nimbin Television - Church of the Holy Smoke - Intergalactic Blues Mafia – StickyPoint Magazine - Nimbin HempJobs - Nimbin Gourmet - Nimbin Museum - Nimbin HEMP BAR - Nimbin HEMP Embassy NIMBIN MardiGrass – HEMP JELLY Wrestling
Will the forces of Hemp overcome the forces of evil?
Who will be the first World Champion Hemp Jelly Wrestler?
MardiGrass 007 – Jelly Finger.
And see
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