Wednesday 20 January 2016

How do You Know What You Believe?

How do You Know What You Believe?
Epistemologically, What Do We ‘Know’?

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What we know as truth is largely determined by the opinions of our peers, and not actual scientific evidence like you would think. We so desperately strive to fit in and feel loved in a society that we surrender common sense and intuition; we bandwagon the group mind.  We give up common sense for reassurance.  We trust the experts.  We see what we’ve been taught to see.  We know what we’re taught to know.  A cultural hypnosis dissuades us from finding the Universal Truth.  We believe things because everyone else believes them, not because we know them to be true personally.

What do we really know? What is the truth? How do we separate what we truly know and what we think we truly know? Can we rely on the supposed facts purported by the experts – whose factual volatility is proven time after time- or should we use grammar, logic, and rhetoric, utilizing the trivium and the seven liberal arts , to decide for ourselves what is true and what is not.  The latter of which has the advantage of making logical sense personally, and resonating with your own intuition based upon all the information gathered.  Instead of making up one’s mind by analyzing a small preselected portion of information that is propagated and spoon fed by the pyramid-scheme ran construct of popular culture, we can reclaim faith in our own intuition.

“Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world.”
– Linus Pauling

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Most self determined “facts” are not formed from personal development but rely on the popular ideologies of the collective unconscious. This is a subconscious phenomenon.  It is said our mind spends 95% of its time in this subconscious state.

We don’t know what we don’t know, but what we don’t know may present itself as we loosen our grip on what we think we know.
– Robert Mann

Whether we care what people think of us or not, our worldview is shaped by the opinions of others–mostly authoritative figures — who declare these popular opinions sacrosanct truth that can’t be criticized.  Aberration from these principles leads to outcast and ridicule. Look what happened to Socrates.  He was killed for asking the hard questions, the really heretical kind, like “What if all you guys are wrong?”

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Mind controlling philosophers of the early centuries developed a system of control based upon their education and the population’s lack there of.  They taught that the authoritative opinions prevailed over the powers of reason based upon evidence and logic. These brain wielders were labeled sophists. Often times their wit and charm would outperform their opponents in dialect. Easy it is to manipulate others using this system, but only to those less cognizant, ignorant, and miss-informed. There’s a reason they don’t teach the liberal arts in school. How else would they control your mind?

Epistemology: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.
-      google

There is a reason why talking about mind control in public is taboo.  “They” wouldn’t have it any other way.  If you talk about mind control, like myself and many of my friends, you immediately sound bat-shit crazy.  Well isn’t that the whole point?

If you are willing to accept that you have been the victim of mind control to a certain extent (I sure have), it’s easier to question the popular opinion and the advice of the expert.  Let’s face it, we’ve all been subjected to a massive amount of propaganda through the mass media and other less exoteric methods of shaping human opinion like subliminal messaging, and neuro linguistic programming (NLP).

Neil Kramer is a writer, philosopher, and teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, shamanism, and ancient mystical disciplines. He has made a lifelong study of philosophy, indigenous wisdom traditions, inner alchemy, occultism, and esoteric world history.

He shares his path of transformation in writings and interviews, and travels the world giving seminars, workshops and teachings. He has spoken at numerous international conferences on the nature of human consciousness and is a frequent guest on popular media networks.  Neil is a renowned figure in the consciousness and alternative communities, recognized for his message of empowerment, lucidity, and spiritual insight.

‘Waking Up’ is the sequel to the 2012 video presentation ‘The Construct’ Where Neil Kramer took us on a journey through where he described as being a matrix of distraction and disinformation which diverts our gaze away from the ‘Organic Signal’ that encompasses us.

In this second installment Neil covers various topics which he has studied over the years. Neil explains how Today’s popular culture and social/political mainstream themes have little to contribute and as you will see in this video actually aid to pollute the human family. He highlights how one must rise above the noise and distractions in order to reach an ‘Awakened’ state.

Bernhard Guenther has had a lifelong interest in exploring the mysteries and hidden knowledge surrounding our planet and humanity’s origins, questioning the roots of what constitutes “reality”, and how social (and spiritual) conditioning impacts upon our collective search for the truth in all aspects of life.

Humberto Braga is a talented producer of the visual arts as well as a prolific natural philosopher. More impressive than his awards in his profession, are his down to earth perspectives and ability to transcend the established zeitgeist, permeating the collective unconscious, and initiating the greater self work in ourselves.

This video below, made by these two friends, explores the essentials of self-knowledge as a fundamental means to establish true and lasting change in the world, as well as providing insights into the traps towards awakening.

When breaking beyond conventional limitations, people will always try to mock, guilt, and shame you for being the bearer of new knowledge and uncomfortable realizations. They will distort your expanded perception through their tiny lens. They will try to make it seem as though you are wrong for being who you are and they’ll try to make you feel small. Your playing small does not serve your greater purpose. There is nothing enlightened about limiting your path in life to comfort the illusions of others. Those who seek Objective Truth are bringers of light in to a very uncomfortable darkness, and it will seek to stop you in any way it can. We must not give in to the darkness that tells us to dim ourselves. Every courageous step toward Objective Truth is what liberates others to do the very same. This is the battle to awaken and we must not lose sight of this objective.
— Humberto Braga

Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition sheds light into the nature of love, relationships, the “New Age” movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it all relates to the topics of “conspiracy theories”, psychopathy, and the importance of holistic self-work.

The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium:  Kevin Cole takes us through the difference.

Gene’s story is one of good fortune. Early in adolescence he was given the tools to recognize and to pursue the Philosophic Life, which he undertook to do, not as a vocation but as a serious hobbyist. This is part of what the talk is about, defining those tools and following time-tested ways of applying them.

In conclusion:

We must transcend the belief system that has been passed as science, medicine, and official knowledge. We must move past the zeitgeist of common thought, expressing ourselves freely, unrestricted from societal taboos and political correctness.  We must practice what we preach and reawaken even if we think we are already “woken up”.  We must challenge our own biases, and give way to evidence and common sense over appeal to authority fallacies and scientific dogma.

Much of what we’ve been taught to believe as fact so viscerally resists common sense, but most just accept it.  Although many blindly accept what they are taught, there exists an expanding collective movement of like minds, and an ever evolving effort to free humanity from the veil of deception, and initiating the lesser and the greater work in ourselves and others.

From √ø∑Dubs Sacred Geometry and Natural Philosophy @

For more information about mind control see
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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  1. "How do you know what you believe?" Beliefs have nothing to do with what you know. Beliefs are like assumptions, you assume to know reality based on fairytale opinions. You only know what you know about reality through our discoveries in nature (causes and effects) that are known through a close agreement of a series of observations of the same phenomenon. Beliefs are within the realm of Alice and REALITY is what it IS.

  2. After I reached a certain point in the awakening, I looked back at some previous personal behavior and was appalled. I realized that my mind and thus behavior had been shaped by popular culture. I learned that there are institutions dedicated to social engineering, and "think tanks", such as the Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt School, and the Fabian Society (of which both Aldous Huxley and George Orwell were members). This is what these institutions work on, day in and day out, shaping culture for social control. We can observe how the transgender issue is being pushed in popular culture. According to the 2014 Center for Disease Control studies, heterosexuals make up 97.3% of the populace, yet we are bombarded with the transgender agenda. The transgender agenda is even being pushed to children in kindergarten, although studies show that a human knows their gender by the age of three. Google:transgender and transhumanism, and observe how these 2 agendas intersect.
    One aspect of waking up, is one is suddenly aware of being surrounded by what are often called "sheep". And this is exactly how the "current" psychopathic controllers
    think of us. A herd, or mass, of sheep to be corralled and psychologically and socially shaped, engineered.
    Although we often become frustrated in attempts to wake up the flock, let us remember at one time, we slept as well. This awareness helps to keep me from becoming angry with the "hard-heads", who refuse to listen. I once read an (advertising) study that said a person must hear something repeatedly before, up to 20 times before acceptance. We certainly have our work cut out for us! Much love and strength to all helping to get the truth out!
    Yet another excellent article from the New Illuminati! You guys are on fire!
    2014 National Health-Sexual Orientation

  3. Who are you, FYM and why are you spying on me?


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