Friday 17 October 2014

Black holes do NOT exist and the Big Bang Theory is wrong, claims scientist - and she has the maths to prove it

Black holes do NOT exist and the Big Bang Theory is wrong, claims scientist - and she has the maths to prove it

 A scientist from University of North Carolina states she has mathematical proof that black holes (illustrated) can't exist. She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity. Previously, scientists thought stars  larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes as they died

 A nonexistent black hole - like all portrayals, merely an artist's 'impression'


  • Scientist claims she has mathematical proof black holes cannot exist
  • She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity
  • Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton said she is still in 'shock' from the find
  • Previously, scientists thought stars much larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes when they died
  • During this process they release a type of radiation called Hawking radiation
  • But new research claims the star would lose too much mass and wouldn't be able to form a black hole
  • If true, the theory that the universe began as a singularity, followed by the Big Bang, could also be wrong

When a huge star many times the mass of the sun comes to the end of its life it collapses in on itself and forms a singularity - creating a black hole where gravity is so strong that not even light itself can escape.

At least, that’s what we thought.

A scientist has sensationally said that it is impossible for black holes to exist - and she even has mathematical proof to back up her claims. If true, her research could force physicists to scrap their theories of how the universe began.

A scientist from University of North Carolina states she has mathematical proof that black holes (illustrated) can't exist. She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity. Previously, scientists thought stars larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes as they died

The research was conducted by Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Scientists.

 She claims that as a star dies, it releases a type of radiation known as Hawking radiation - predicted by Professor Stephen Hawking.

However in this process, Professor Mersini-Houghton believes the star also sheds mass, so much so that it no longer has the density to become a black hole.

Before the black hole can form, she said, the dying star swells and explodes.

The singularity as predicted never forms, and neither does the event horizon - the boundary of the black hole where not even light can escape.

‘I’m still not over the shock,’ said Professor Mersini-Houghton.

‘We’ve been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about.’

Experimental evidence may one day provide physical proof as to whether or not black holes exist in the universe. 

But for now, Mersini-Houghton says the mathematics are conclusive. 

What’s more, the research could apparently even call into question the veracity of the Big Bang theory. 

Most physicists think the universe originated from a singularity that began expanding with the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago.

If it is impossible for singularities to exist, however, as partially predicted by Professor Mersini-Houghton, then that theory would also be brought into question.

THIS is what a [non-existent] black hole looks like




One of the biggest unanswered questions about black holes is the so-called information paradox.

Under current theories for black holes it is thought that nothing can escape from the event horizon around a black hole - not even light itself.

Inside the black hole is thought to be a singularity where matter is crushed to an infinitesimally small point as predicted by Einstein's theory of gravity.

However, a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear.

This creates a paradox; how can a black hole make matter and information 'disappear'? 

Professor Mersini-Houghton's new theory manages to explain why this might be so - namely because black holes as we know them cannot exist.

During the collapse process stars release a type of radiation called Hawking radiation (shown). But Professor Mersini-Houghton claims this process means the star loses too much mass and can't form a black hole. And this also apparently means the Big Bang theory, that the universe began as a singularity, may not be correct

During the collapse process stars release a type of radiation called Hawking radiation (shown). But Professor Mersini-Houghton claims this process means the star loses too much mass and can't form a black hole. And this also apparently means the Big Bang theory, that the universe began as a singularity, may not be correct




Earlier this year Professor Stephen Hawking shocked physicists by saying 'there are no black holes'.

In a paper published online, Professor Hawking instead argues there are 'grey holes'

'The absence of event horizons means that there are no black holes - in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity,' he says in the paper, called Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting For Black Holes.

He says that the idea of an event horizon, from which light cannot escape, is flawed.

He suggests that instead light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole’s core will be held as though stuck on a treadmill and that they can slowly shrink by spewing out radiation.  

One of the reasons black holes are so bizarre is that they pit two fundamental theories of the universe against each other.

Namely, Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes. But a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear.

Efforts to combine these two theories proved problematic, and has become known as the black hole information paradox - how can matter permanently disappear in a black hole as predicted?

Professor Mersini-Houghton’s new theory does manage to mathematically combine the two fundamental theories, but with unwanted effects for people expecting black holes to exist.

‘Physicists have been trying to merge these two theories - Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics - for decades, but this scenario brings these two theories together, into harmony,’ said Professor Mersini-Houghton.

‘And that’s a big deal.’

From the Daily Mail @

For more evidence that black holes don’t exist (more ways to disprove a double negative) see  
For more evidence that there was NO 'Big Bang' see
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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  1. This idea or concept which I am going to try and put into words is difficult for me to explain. So please have patience and try to visualize what I'm about to attempt to explain.The current Big Bang theory suggests an expanding universe and the further we look out, then the more of the distant past we see.They say, that the universe was more compact during earlier times of the expansion. However, and this is a very big however, the further out we look is an ever expanding sphere of a universe which should become smaller and more crowded??

    So what they're saying is, the bigger/more of the universe we see, the smaller the universe becomes.That absolutely, does not make any sense to me – a real oxymoron.

    The Big Bang theory is based on red shift which the scientific community has determined that it is a Doppler shift.

    Let us not forget that 100 years ago, because water was the medium of waves and water and the ether was the medium to convey light in a vacuum.

    1. Red shift isn't a measure of universal expansion and the hubble constant isn't an echo of the nonexistent 'Big Bang'. The cosmos is infinite in space and time. We live in a multiverse of fluid fractal holograms. See Infinite Cosmos of Light and Life @ - and note that since it was written it's been demonstrated that the so-called 'universal' background radiation isn't universal, but largely confined to the ecliptic - it's the plasma current flowing outward from the Sun, not cosmic background radiation!


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