Saturday 18 October 2014

17+ People With Real Super Powers

17+ People With Real Super Powers

Have you ever dreamed about having super powers?...

We have found 17 examples of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities.  Perhaps we are evolving into a world of zero limits.

1. X-Ray Vision

Natasha Demkina is a Russian woman who claims to be able to see into peoples bodies. Just like an X-ray machine she is able to detect problems inside of people and diagnose them.

Natasha was a normal kid up until the age of ten according to her mother.  At that age her abilities began to manifest.

“I was at home with my mother and suddenly I had a vision. I could see inside my mother’s body and I started telling her about the organs I could see. Now, I have to switch from my regular vision to what I call medical vision. For a fraction of a second, I see a colorful picture inside the person and then I start to analyze it.” says Demkina

2. Magnetic Body

Liew Thow Lin is a man from Malaysia who can stick metal objects into his body.   Although scientists cannot detect anything going on with the magnetics of his body he is able to hold and balance a unique amount of metal objects on his skin.

3. Super Human Memory:

Daniel Temmet is able to memorize incredible amounts of information. For example he was able to recite Pi up to 22,514 digits in five hours and nine minutes on 14 March 2004.

Most Savants are not able to explain how they accomplish their amazing abilities but Daniel is different. He explains that in his mind every whole number up to 10,000 has its own unique texture, color, shape and feel. This has helped him to remember things visually much easier then the average person.

In his experience the visual image of 289 as very ugly, 333 is particularly attractive, and pi is beautiful. Perhaps this is how the frequency of numbers and numerology work with the logical world.

4. No Need for Sleeping:

Imagine what life would be like if you didn’t need to sleep?  I know we would miss out on a lot of fun dreams but what could we accomplish? Well Al Herpin was a man who knew what that was like.

Al Herpin claimed to have a rare type of insomnia where he didn’t need to sleep and at one point in his life had apparently been awake for over 10 years.  This attracted the attention of medical professionals who investigated further.

They found no bed, or sleeping place in Al Herpin’s home.  He claimed to go to work and then sit in his rocking chair reading until it was time to go to work the next day.  He was found to be in good health and also lived to the old age of 94.

5. Stomach of Steel:

Michel Lotito was known for his ability to eat non-digestable objects without any bad effects.  He was seen to consume glass, metal, rubber and other objects. Do not try this at home.

6. Super Language Abilities:

The average person on earth is estimated to only be able to speak 1.69 languages. Harold Williams, on the other hand was able to speak 58 different languages.

Harold was a normal kid until the age of 7 when he describes having an ‘Explosion in his brain’.  After that he learned latin, which is the root to many languages, and couldn’t get enough.

He spent his life traveling the world going region by region learning all the languages he could.

7. Eagle Vision (20x more acute than the rest of us):

Veronica Seider holds the world record for being able to see the smallest object without assistance from technology.

In 1972 the University of Stuttgart, in then West Germany, reported that one of their students; Veronica Seider had a visual acuity 20 times better than average person. For example she could identify people at a distance of more than a mile away (1.6 km).

The typical person would need a set of binoculars to be able to accurately accomplish that.

8. Sonar Vision (like Bats or Dolphins):

Ben Underwood is an extraordinary person with the ability to see using Human Echolocation. Ben lost his eyes to cancer and is completely blind.  However, using a series of clicking noises Ben is able to navigate the world around him.

Check out this awesome video about Ben transcending limitations and living a regular life.

9. High pain tolerance:

Now we have heard of people using meditation to ease the pains of child birth but Tim Cridland has decided to use his high tolerance for pain as a means of performance and entertainment.

“There is nothing abnormal about me physically. Everything I’ve done, I’ve trained myself to do. I’d say what I’m doing is demonstrating some kind of extreme examples of what you can do with your mind and combining that with your body. You could take the same techniques I use to overcome pain and use them in your own life to inspire you to persevere against the pains in life we all have to deal with.” Tim Cridland – Speaking in Faze Magazine

10. Communicating with Animals:

Kevin Richardson is a South African animal behaviorist who had been accepted into several lion prides and clans of hyenas.

He has broken almost every safety rule in the book and says he focuses more on intuition than traditional knowledge when it comes to his interactions with these wild animals.

Imagine a world where we all lived in harmony with the animals around us.

11. Sensory Abilities and the Recognition of Music

Arthur Lintgen is an american physicist who can look at phonograph records and recognize the song.  He says he is able to look at the grooves and recognize the song recorded.  He can also tell if the song is being played loud or quiet based on his ability to focus in on the little details of the records.

12. Human computer:

Shakuntala Devi was a woman born in India with the natural ability to calculate numbers beyond normal human abilities.  Even at the very young age of 6 and without formal training she was demonstrating her abilities to calculate and memorize in the University of Mysore.

She has been tested many times and has been able to do all of these calculations in her head.  For example when she was tested at The University of California Berkley where she was asked to accurately calculate the cube root of 61,629,875, and the seventh root of 170,859,375 she passed with flying colors.

13. Photographic Memory:

Stephen Wiltshire is a British architectural artist who can look at a landscape once and then draw it with perfect accuracy.

“He frequently draws entire cities from memory, based on double, brief helicopter rides. For example, he produced a detailed drawing of four square miles of London after a single helicopter ride above that city. His nineteen-foot-long drawing of 305 square miles of New York City is based on a single twenty-minute helicopter ride” - Wikipedia

14. Long Distance Running (100 miles, JUST FOR FUN):

There is a group of natives in northwestern Mexico called the Tarahumara People who are known for their ability to run very long distances. The Tarahumara word that they call themselves is RarĂ¡muri which means “runners on foot” or “those who run fast”.

They have reported to run 200 miles (320 km) in one session typically over a period of two days.

This isn’t the only case of people being able to run crazy long distances. There is a man named Dean Karnazes who ran 350 miles (560 km) in 80 hours and 44 minutes without sleep in 2005.

15. Iceman

Wim Hof is a man in his 50s who has pushed the limits of cold all over the world. In the past 35 years have faced all kinds of challenges and holds 20 guinness world records.

He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest in shorts, broke records by swimming under ice water, and ran half a marathon in the desert without drinking.

Wim uses a breathing meditation technique that makes it so he doesn’t feel the cold in the same way we do.  He claims it has enhanced his immune system  and that he doesn’t suffer any bad effects from this ice dips.

16. Super Human Reflexes

Isao Machii is a Japanese Iaido master who has the quickest reflexes in the world.  He holds many world records for his quick sword skills. Check out the video below to see him attempt to cut a shot BB in half.


17. The Indian Who Doesn't Need Food or Water to Survive

An Indian holy man has amazed a team of doctors by not eating or drinking anything for two weeks.

Prahlad Jani, 83, who says he has not had a bite to eat for 70 years, was put under constant surveillance to test his astonishing claims by a team of 30 military medical staff.

During a 15 day stay in a hospital in the city of Ahmedabad, India — he astounded doctors by not eating, drinking or going to the bathroom.

"We still do not know how he survives,' neurologist Sudhir Shah said at the end of the experiment. 'It is still a mystery what kind of phenomenon this is."

Prahlad Jani says he was blessed by a goddess at a young age, which gave him special powers.

During the observation, which ended last Thursday, the doctors took scans of Jani's organs, brain and blood vessels, and conducted tests on his heart, lungs and memory capacity.

"If Jani does not derive energy from food and water, he must be doing that from energy sources around him, sunlight being one,” Shah said. "As medical practitioners, we cannot shut our eyes to possibilities, to a source of energy other than calories." - Ref.

Prahlad Jani explains that he receives his nourishment from a substance that is produced from a hole in the roof of his mouth. This substance is called amrit or amrita in numerous yogic texts. Amrit is a Sanskrit word that literally means 'without death'.

More commonly amrit has been translated as the “divine nectar” or “drink of the gods”. Many advanced yogis and sun gazers also claim to have experienced the amrit substance, which is thought to be secreted by the pineal and pituitary glands when activated by advanced yoga practices. - Ref.

Perhaps the limits we think we have are just in our minds.

By Kirsten, The Spirit Science; | Bonus and videos by;

From Humans Are Free @

For more information about psychic powers see 

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