Saturday 17 May 2014

Tesla's Rebirth

Tesla's Rebirth

by Alexander Putney

[Wireless] power would be transmitted by creating 'standing waves' in the earth by charging the earth with a giant electrical oscillator that would make the earth vibrate electrically in the same way a bell vibrates mechanically when it is struck with a hammer...
- Nikola Tesla, 1932

We are automata entirely controlled by the forces of the medium being tossed about like corks on the surface of the water, but mistaking the resultant of the impulses from the outside for free will...
A very sensitive and observant being, with his highly developed mechanism all intact, and acting with precision in obedience to the changing conditions of the environment, is endowed with a transcending mechanical sense, enabling him to evade perils too subtle to be directly perceived.
- Tesla, 1919

Exactly what does Dr. Tesla mean? What imperceptible force so directs consciousness? Infrasound. Focused low-frequency sound cancels the force of gravity (De Aquino, 2000), known to the ancients as the syllable 'Om'. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a thoughtful scientist who did not rely on belief, but on his knowledge of universal laws. His dialogs with Swami Vivekananda provided a Sanskrit cosmological framework that merged seamlessly with his pragmatic scientific understandings of the electrical nature of the soul and the universe - simultaneously the perceiver and the perceived.

Tesla describes the matter/energy relationship in Sanskrit terms in an article entitled 'Man's Greatest Achievement', posthumous published (O'Neil, 1944):

Long ago... [humankind] recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.

According to Swami Nikhilananda, "Nikola Tesla, the great scientist who specialized in the field of electricity, was much impressed to hear from the Swami his explanation of the Samkhya cosmogony and the theory of cycles given by the Hindus. He was particularly struck by the resemblance between the Samkhya theory of matter and energy and that of modern physics" (Nikhilananda, 1973). Swami Vivekananda himself remarked on his meetings with Tesla, in a letter to a friend dated February 13th, 1896 (Burke, 1985):

"Mr. Tesla was charmed to hear about the Vedantic Prana and Akasha and the Kalpas, which according to him are the only theories modern science can entertain... Mr. Tesla thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go see him next week to get this mathematical demonstration."

How was Tesla applying the principles of the Vedanta to achieve his results? His extensive use of copper to conduct electricity is highly reminiscent of ayurvedic techniques of water cleansing still used today in Tibet, Nepal and India. Copper vessels are used to store water in sacred places, thereby accumulating energy by resonant coupling to pulsating stone altars and temples. Very simply made ayurvedic well water systems include resonant stone construction and a submerged copper tube filled with resonant oils that transfer high vibratory characteristics through the copper to the water.

These advanced energetic water systems create a completely antibacterial environment , achieving natural results far beyond the capability of industrial chemical water treatment. Resonant Sanskrit technologies are sophisticated examples of wireless power transmission and storage. The wireless concept was announced to the scientific world in Nikola Tesla's 1904 paper on 'The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires' .

In June of 2007 MIT scientists announced research funded by the Army Research Office, claiming Tesla's century-old discovery as their own, cleverly named 'WiTricity'. Continuing the obfuscation of knowledge by hiding the theft of Tesla's inventions, the military and mass media feeds out the falsehood that "WiTricity is rooted in such well-known laws of physics that it makes one wonder why no one thought of it before." The absurdity of this disinformation is revealed by any search engine result for 'tesla coil' - the copper wireless power device is so simple that many people have been reproducing Tesla Coils for decades now, yet commercialization was vehemently blocked.

The contradictory safety information on 'non-radiative' magnetic fields presented by MIT is another obvious discrepancy that should be questioned. The MIT graduates tell us the microwave transmitters "interact so weakly with biological systems" that they are safe to be in each and every room of the house. Are we to believe that prolonged exposure to weak radiation is perfectly safe, not carcinogenic? If radiation is unsafe, does that mean a 'non-radiative field' is safe? In fact, it is the frequency that determines safety, not the type of field - high-frequency microwave oscillations disrupt living systems while low frequencies enhance vitality. As early as 1994, researchers Lai and Singh reported that high-frequency emitters cause cancer by breaking apart DNA, with prolonged exposure causing death. In a leaked memo Motorola executive Norm Sandler assures that the lethal microwaves of Motorola products will not hinder sales, stating confidently: "we have sufficiently war-gamed the Lai-Singh issue" (Cribb, Hamilton). Motorola executives used CIA terminology to identify customers as adversaries in a game of slow death?

Wi-tricity is neither new nor safe to use. Microwave-heated water significantly increases aging by destroying the DNA of plants and animals alike, while microwave-heated blood kills transfusion patients. Used in medical devices, web/phone networks or ovens, microwave systems slowly and invisibly kill their users, having already sent cancer-rates soaring to become the second leading cause of death in the US (after heart disease, the #1 media-driven cause of death). Ayurvedic pyramids are resonant networks enhancing human health and consciousness by amplifying natural long-waves, as implicated in the eccentric claims of Tesla's later years regarding the viability of electrical atmospheric stimulation.

From his conception of infrasound standing waves Nikola envisioned the higher quantum states of the resonating atmospheric medium, eventually leading him to the hypothesis that nighttime could be eliminated on our planet by the generation of a glowing plasma canopy shielding earth from harmful solar radiation. Might this process be related to 'noctiluminescent' clouds? The converging predictions of Nikola Tesla and the native American indigenous wisdom of the Apache, Hopi, Sioux, Maya and other ancient cultures exactly describe this scenario of red auroras enveloping the skies worldwide in the prophecy of the Red Dawn. This sacred Sanskrit and Mayan wisdom must be taken to heart, for the Mayan culture has accurately charted all major solar events from before their time until today!

While there has been no suggestion that Tesla took up Sanskrit meditation or yogic practices, one of his meditative habits was recorded in portrait photographs of Tesla reading calmly amidst giant crackling arcs of lightening in his Colorado Springs laboratory. The rhythmic low-frequency oscillations of his inventions may have enhanced Tesla's state of awareness by synchronizing thought-wave patterns.

Sanskrit meditation techniques involving tri-frequency entrainment have been rediscovered and used by this author for inner searching that has recently lead to the question of reincarnation, an intriguing possibility that resurfaced when reading the material of trance medium Edgar Cayce. Several advanced teachings on reincarnation emphasize that successive incarnations of a particular spirit tend toward a similarity in talents, inclinations and physical characteristics including facial features, asymmetries and birthmarks. While I dismissed the idea of a karmic relationship between Cayce and myself for lack of resemblance, esoteric researcher and author David Wilcock presents a strong case for being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce - demonstrating quite a remarkable likeness and life-path.

Looking at facial features with a new sensitivity, I opened my mind to any information that might help me unveil previous lives. My curiosity reflected an instinctive feeling that an explanation for the mysterious origin of my surging knowledge of quantum physics may involve a past life connection. I had grown up ignorant of advanced mathematics, enjoying only the visual geometry involved in calculations, yet there I was - an artist at age twenty-five, having stumbled upon the Unified Field Theory and intuitively applied it to a global map in a handful of months! What could possibly account for this sudden psychic reception?

Perhaps everything that was becoming clear to me during this period of revelation in my life was the floodwater of stored memories, both traumatically harsh and ecstatically insightful, from an intense past life in science or math...

 The state of creative rapture Tesla achieved is one I have also learned to develop; a solace from the confusion of the industrial world Tesla helped to create.

When asked for his opinion on the theories of contemporary Albert Einstein, Tesla gave a scathing analysis of Relativity theory, calling it a "magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king" (Time, 1935). Tesla's own theorem went unpublished, yet his inventions displayed a beautiful simplicity that reflected the natural order: "My explanations of natural phenomena are not so involved as his. They are simpler, and... will throw light on many puzzling phenomena of the cosmos" (Time, 1931).

The profound cognitions that on occasion drove Nikola to the point of breakdown became the fuel for long hours of work in pursuit of a technological means for the advancement of world peace. I have carried a heavy weight of knowledge, and felt a strong obligation to humanity at seeing the state of needless suffering in our world - an obligation for which I could not account whatsoever until I read of the life of Nikola Tesla. When pouring over Nikola's writings and patents I felt both elated and deeply comforted by their confirmation that ayurvedic technologies solve the problem of human suffering.

Far more suggestive of karmic ties than mere physical resemblance is the continuance of Nikola Tesla's research in my completion of his unpublished theorem of terrestrial infrasound standing waves. Perfectly describing the global resonance maps I visualized in 2003, Tesla explains their structure to the New York Press in 1913:

The earth is a conductor of electricity, and as such has its own electrical period of vibration... this is the interval the current requires in passing to, and returning from, the diametrically opposite point of the globe. Now, the wonderful fact is, that notwithstanding its immense size, the earth responds to a great number of vibrations and can be resonantly excited just like a wire of limited dimensions. When this takes place there are formed on its surface stationary parallel circles of equal electrical activity, which can be revealed by properly attuned [infrasound] instruments.

Imagine that a transmitter capable of exciting the earth were placed at one of the Poles. Then the crests and hollows of the stationary waves would be in parallel circles with their planes at right angles to the axis of the earth... The best plan would be to place three transmitters at properly chosen points on the globe so as to establish three non-interferable systems of stationary waves at right angles to one another. If this were done, innumerable results of the greatest practical value could be realized.

Mapping of the infrasound field stimulated by the Orion pyramids of Giza, Egypt reveals the resonant birthplace locations of both Tesla and myself. Nikola Tesla was born at the stroke of midnight on July 9-10, 1856, in Smiljan, Croatia (encircled above). Smiljan (44.565°N 15.293°E) is a small town located precisely 1,327 miles from the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, a distance that is 5.33% of the earth's mean circumference. This is a resonant distance reflecting the values of Fibonacci #353 /2 (2649... /2 = 1325...) and F#131 /2 (1066... /2 = 533...) . The unlimited energy available at these sacred intervals enhances consciousness, free will and awareness throughout the reincarnation process.

Tesla's Rebirth 
(Free eBook, 75 pgs. - 8.4mb PDF)

With 67 color photographs, including several remastered archival images.
Discover the Sanskrit Altantean application of terrestrial standing waves.

Learn about Tesla electrotherapy - the bioelectrical cure for all disease?
What is the karmic connection between Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci?
Read the transcript of Alex's aura reading, with past life details.

Copyright 2007-2014 Alexander Putney

EXCERPT via Human Resonance @

For more information about Nikola Tesla see
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1 comment:

  1. You probably want to contact me. Hope u still monitor this site.

    Best regards,



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