Monday 21 November 2016

Amazing, indigenous, all-natural cures from around the world

Amazing, indigenous, all-natural cures from around the world

Natural cures


Before World War II, very few Americans suffered from cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, osteoporosis, food allergies, psoriasis, eczema, autism, Asperger's syndrome or even fibromyalgia. There were no processed foods, no genetically modified organisms, no chemical pesticides, no toxic vaccines loaded with mercury and aluminum, no over-the-counter medications loaded with artificial food dyes and heavy metal toxins, no artificial sweeteners, no fluoride in the tap water, no leaking nuclear reactors, and of course, there were no insidious oncologists giving people lethal chemical drugs (chemotherapy) to fight off cell disorder (cancer) that's caused by chemical consumption in the first place.

None of that was going on, because the American Medical Association had yet to figure out that if all mainstream medicine was simply made of chemicals, everybody who got sick would stay sick, and the medicine industry would become one of the biggest money makers in the history of the world.

Yes, that was the time of amazing indigenous medicine, when natural healers were doing wonders for sick folks using natural remedies. And when people did get sick, they took medicine that had worked for millennia, not some lab-concocted chemicals that crooked science journals swore would work. The Chinese and the American Indians didn't get lucky; they used food as medicine, and it worked.

Have you had enough of medicine that's so poisonous that they have to inform you about side effects more dangerous than the condition being "treated?" Are you sick of paying an arm and a leg for symptom-cover-up chemicals that make you fat, dumb, sicker and closer to death? So is everybody else. Join the club. End the insanity. Try the top 10 amazing, indigenous, all-natural cures from around the world, and never suffer another side effect, never perpetuate illness, and never, ever eat cancer again.

All-natural, indigenous cures from around the world

#1. Hemp Seed Oil: Ready for the most complete amino acid profile in the world? Hemp seed oil has a 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids that best supports heart health and promotes proper cardiovascular function, thus preventing degenerative diseases. The oil even has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect against the aging process! The oil from the seeds also contains essential fatty acids (mercury-free) that are crucial for brain and eye health, especially during the first years of life.

#2. Cannabidiol (CBD): Made from the roots and stems of the cannabis plant, cannabidiol yields none of the psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that marijuana contains. Also known as the "ultimate preventative medicine," "the miracle herb," and even referred to as "the forbidden medicine," CBD is a medical wonder, having anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, including the support of mitochondrial function at the cellular level.

#3. Oil of oregano: Pharmaceutical companies wish they could patent it. Produced from the perennial herb oregano, the oil is loaded with antioxidants that annihilate the free radicals that cause cancer. One of the most potent remedies in the world, oregano oil beats down viruses and knocks back allergies to pollen.

#4. Chlorella: Stressed about keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range? A recent clinical study proved that superfood chlorella helps maintain healthy blood sugar metabolism, even at the genetic level! Be sure to buy organic chlorella (but not from China, because it's contaminated with heavy metals).

#5. Aloe: Wars have been waged to control areas where aloe flourishes. The Aloe vera plant has been used for thousands of years to heal all kinds of health conditions, including wounds, burns, skin irritations, sunburn and even constipation. Grown in mostly tropical locations, this succulent plant has more than 300 species with over 75 nutrients in the gel, including vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6, choline, folic acid, alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene. Plus, aloe extracts improve absorption of both vitamin C and vitamin E.

#6. Maca: A member of the cruciferous family, maca root is an adaptive superfood grown high in the mountains of South America. Maca is very rich in nutrients and supports increased libido, hormone balance, immune boosting effects and increased energy!

#7. Garlic cloves: Garlic contains a compound called allicin that's a potent medicine that was used by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Chinese to combat sicknesses, including the common cold.

#8. Licorice root: Dating back as far as 190 AD, this Chinese herbal remedy is used in over 5,000 formulas for clinical purposes, including in aiding digestion.

#9. Elderberry: Sambucol, a black elderberry extract, short-circuits the flu! Medical doctors will never tell you about this because it's cheap and it works.

#10. Medicinal mushrooms: Check out Reishi, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Shiitake and Chaga to boost immunity and brain power, and to fight cancer cells, for everything from brain cancer to breast cancer.

From Natural News @


The 5 Best Herbs to Soothe Your Nerves



Forget frazzled nerves, anxiety, restlessness, nerve-related headaches and pain. Herbs really shine when it comes to soothing nerves.  Here are five of my picks for the best nerve-soothing herbs:

Feverfew for Migraines and Headaches

This delicate flowering plant contains potent medicine, particularly when it comes to soothing the nervous system. Perhaps that is why it has been in use for over two thousand years, when Greek physician Dioscorides recommended feverfew for inflammation. Since then we’ve learned a lot about feverfew’s many other healing properties and its effects on the nervous system.

Feverfew is an excellent headache and migraine remedy. If you’ve taken it when you’ve had a migraine and found that it didn’t work for you rest assured that it will work when used correctly. Feverfew doesn’t work in the same way as headache and migraine drugs—at the first sign of pain. Rather, the best way to take feverfew is daily over the course of a month to prevent headaches and migraines the following month. Research published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews concluded that feverfew can reduce the prevalence of migraines.

Feverfew for Neuropathy

If you’re suffering from neuropathy pain, which is a general term to describe disorders of the nervous system that cause pain, weakness and numbness, you’ll be happy to learn that feverfew has been found effective for this set of conditions. In a study published in the journal Phytomedicine, researchers found that feverfew was as effective as the drug gapapentin (an anti-epileptic drug used in the treatment of neuropathic pain). Steep one teaspoon of the dried herb (leaves, flowers, and stems) in one cup of boiled water for 10 minutes. Drink three cups daily.

Nettles to Block Pain Signals

Nettles, or stinging nettles, as the plant is also called due to its fine hairs that impart a stinging sensation, have been found to interfere with pain signals transmitted through the nervous system, thereby reducing seemingly unrelated types of pain. In a study of nettles on osteoarthritis pain, researchers found that nettles reduced pain linked to the disease. Study participants also found that they needed fewer anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical drugs while taking nettles. Of course, you should consult your physician prior to reducing prescriptions. Dried nettles can be made into tea or added to soups and stews.

Sage to Ease Stress and Balance Moods

While sage is increasingly known for its brain health and memory-boosting effects, this potent herb also plays a critical role in balancing moods. It appears to work by inhibiting an enzyme that breaks down the essential brain hormone known as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed for mood regulation as well as many other brain and bodily functions. Drinking a few cups of sage tea on a daily basis may be just what you need to soothe your nerves and ease stress. Avoid using sage if you suffer from migraines.

St. John’s Wort to Alleviate Anxiety

While there are many excellent studies proving the effectiveness of St. John’s Wort against depression, few people realize that this lovely flowering herb can be used as a natural antianxiety medicine. Research published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that the herb was effective in the treatment of anxiety. Use one teaspoon of dried flowers from this plant steeped in one cup of boiled water and drink three times daily to take advantage of St. John’s Wort’s antianxiety effects. Alternatively, take a tincture and follow package directions.

Valerian for Restlessness, Hyperactivity and Anxiety

Valerian root has long been used for its antianxiety effects. Newer research shows that its potent antianxiety effects may be attributed at least in part to the compound valerenic acid. Other research shows that this powerful natural medicine taken in combination with lemon balm was helpful to reduce restlessness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness in elementary school children after seven weeks of treatment with the herbs. Valerian is best taken in tincture format. Follow package instructions. For children use an alcohol-free extract known as a glycerite.

Consult your physician prior to using these herbs if you are suffering from any serious health condition or taking any pharmaceutical drugs.

Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM is the president of PureFood BC, and an international best-selling and 20-time published book author whose works include: Be Your Own Herbalist: Essential Herbs for Health, Beauty & Cooking.

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