Thursday 8 September 2016

The Writing on the Wall: An Extinction Level Event

The Writing on the Wall: An Extinction Level Event

Dead EarthWyrms by R. Ayana

by Elva Thompson

Mankind we are told by the new age pundits is awakening, but awakening to what?

While people are arguing about who did 9/11, the farcical elections, the humane diet, the evil god spell, who’s screwing who, what’s on the telly and what’s for dinner –  time is running out. Behind the noisy cafes and pubs, the bustling streets and glaring lights of our electronic ‘whirled’, a tragedy is happening – a tragedy of epic proportions that will be the final nail in the coffin of humanity.

The ‘natural’ world is dying and drowning in poison. Over fifty percent of the species that once called Earth its home are extinct, and many more are teetering on the brink of annihilation. There are mass die-offs on our beaches, and our highways are littered with millions of dead birds and animals smashed into the pavement by ‘I am’ in a hurry to get everywhere.

Our rivers, lakes and seas are polluted with pesticide and fertilizer run off, discarded fishing line, lead shot, hooks, radiation, oil spills, and marine life is blown apart by the electromagnetic shock waves from the latest sonic weapons. Huge piles of plastic trash as big as continents are floating in the oceans murdering millions of life forms: whales, orcas, dolphins, fish, turtles and birds.

The writing is on the wall for those with eyes to see it.

Where did the herring go?

Fish that once were plentiful around the British Isles are in decline: the herring, cod, skate and haddock will soon be just an exhibit in a fish tank or framed in a box on a museum wall. In the video ‘The Bountiful Sea’ we are shown the reason for this massive and rapid decline in the herring population – man’s arrogance, selfishness and greed has turned the teeming waters of the sea into a silent grave. He does not realise that the chain of life is littered with broken links and carries on his depredation like there is no tomorrow.

There is a saying: Those who the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

No place left for life

It would seem there is no place left in this insane ‘whirled’ for other life forms, the sea creatures, and the animals of the forest, plains and tundra. Mono culture is the name of the game as the Monsanto tide of death washes across the countryside. Meadows  and valleys that were once alive with the  beauty of flowers, bees and butterflies are now devoid of life. Old forests, rain forests, any forest is disappearing under the ax and chain saw for wood, and the cash crop cow – hamburger on the hoof to feed the hive mind its daily dose of frequency reduction.

The wilderness areas are shrinking, and the habitat of every creature is invaded by those who want to hunt, fish, collect, ‘to get away from it all’ – the hikers and tourists with their cameras, trailers, campers, mountain bikes – and trash. Countries are ravaged by wars, bombs, radioactive ammunition and mines that claim millions of innocent lives and create the further genocide of species.

But everything’s okay

The normalcy bias of programmed consciousness says everything’s okay, and most people don’t see or care about the destruction happening to their habitat. They are too busy with their lives, the throw away society that lives in excess of everything, and as such are willing pawns for the dark forces of destruction.


Those that let the hive mind do their thinking cannot be authentic human beings – they are clones that reproduce their unsustainable fractals at the expense of every other life form on the planet/plane. They think technology will solve the problems of starvation and disease, and are unaware that unless there is a dramatic change of perception – a revolution of consciousness, their days are numbered and their offspring have no future.

The great divide

Reality is duality, and there is a growing division between the fractal, third dimensional consciousness of the hive mind and authentic human beings capable of intuitive awareness. In this divide, there is no common ground because the hive mindset is exclusive, and intuitive awareness inclusive.

Indigenous people

Indigenous people had inclusive consciousness, intuitive awareness beyond the narrow spectrum of 3D life. They realized as ‘a knowing’ that all life was one and everything in their world was related. They also knew that with the coming of the invader consciousness and the genocide that followed, the sacred hoop of life was broken.

Black Elk’s last vision clearly shows this heartbreaking understanding.

“To the centre of the world you have taken me and showed the goodness and the beauty and the strangeness of the greening earth, the only mother – and there the spirit shapes of things, as they should be, you have shown to me and I have seen.

At the centre of this sacred hoop you have said that I should make the tree to bloom.

With tears running, O Great Spirit, my grandfather I must say now that the tree has never bloomed. A pitiful old man, you see me here, and I have fallen away and done nothing. Here at the centre of the world, where you took me when I was young and taught me; here, old, I stand, and the tree is withered. Grandfather, my Grandfather!

Again, and maybe the last time on this earth, I recall the great vision you sent me. It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then, not for myself, but for my people; I am old. Hear me that they may once more go back into the sacred hoop and find the good red road, the shielding tree!”

Returning to the Red Road

A Lakota shaman told me that there are two roads in life that man can walk. The east-west road of conflict, and the north-south road of spiritual understanding. The east, he said symbolised the heart, and the west the emotions – and they were forever at war. This is the road of suffering and sacrifice.

The north-south road is Mother Earth and the animal nations. It is the spiritual Red Road, and where the four roads cross the tree of life blooms and self-awareness is born. Man has a choice which road he walks, but in this day and age most have chosen the east-west way of pain and limitation – the hive mind road of conflict.

The possibility

We are now entering a time of transfiguration for humankind if we can change our perspective.

In the words of George Griffiths:

Darkness would seem to be our chosen cloak whose very warp and weft’s composed of suffering and death…Yet he who he who knows the ebb and flow of tides within a tree, knows too the breath of planets in their pilgrimage.

Also, in his compass, he would hold in view the rise and fall of circumstance where man, as nexus of two worlds stands poised at this mid-between on razor’s edge…  

Gifted beyond angels, benisoned in light and cast in the major role…could he but know it.’

And again the call goes out.  Christopher Fry’s : The Sleep of Prisoners:

Thank God our time is now when wrong comes up to face us everywhere – Never to leave us until we take the longest stride of soul men ever took.

Affairs are now soul size. The enterprise is exploration into God.\

Where are you making for? It takes so many thousand years to wake – But will you wake for pity’s sake.’      

It’s up to each one of us to choose. We can align with life or destroy it, walk the road of sorrow or the road of joy. (See my article Prisoners of the Voice and The Choice).

For more information about extinction see  
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  1. This past weekend I visited relatives. They had a huge TV in the living room. I haven't watched TV in years, but it is amazing how hypnotic the programming can be. There was a big American football game going, and the humongous stadium was packed with humans, all shouting at the top of their lungs. I wondered, now what would happen if all of those people showed up at a meeting against the numerous destructive processes occuring? For instance if all of those people called their elected officials and demanded the TPP trade deal be voted down, or against Monsanto,chemtrails,vaccines, EMF smart meters, on and on and on.
    Although there is an awakening occuring, still far too many people remain in an almost comatose state of consciousness. It is quite painful for those of us awakening. It is just like "I'll do it" Huxley wrote, (paraphrase) once the programming is completed, people will fight for their own enslavement. But good news! The TTIP
    (European version of TPP) is for all intents and purposes, dead. If a revolution of awareness does happen, it is likely to explode in Europe, Brexit has now spurred on other nations toward regaining sovereignty and getting out of the stranglehold of the Zionist-Rothschild plan for world domination or NWO. I am ashamed of most US Americans.

    1. Do you actually think that government officials represent "we the people," FYM? They represent the super rich who hire and or APPOINT them into PRIVATE corporate offices under the guise of "elected officials". I'm talking about the highest levels of the US inc... What these football crowds would receive back is a standard form letter stating blah, blah, blah.... We in fact are enslaved on paper, FYM we've been incorporated as DEBT slaves to the self-appointed powers that be, yes, the Rothschild clan etc... But hey they were simply smarter than you and I weren't they? How they suckered US is just amazing isn't it and we ACCEPT their rules don't we? Can't blame them as we dance to their tune, can we?

    2. When we're standing on the front lines in front of bulldozers we often think the same thing FYM - yet even if the majority are brainwashed ingnorant dullards who wouldn't realise what was happening if they were led off to a firing squad (unfortunately the case), it's only ever taken small numbers of people acting concertedly to change and direct the world.

      However, you don't need to look far to find who is REALLY doing all the destruction of ecosystems and peoples - the largest warmongers are simply the US, UK and other Western citizens in the so-called First World, all profiting from the evil their colonialist governments and corporations perpetrate on the world. Russia would be as bad if they weren't all a bunch of drunken stumblebums. No need to blame distant conspirators - the perps are your neighbours.

      Look them in the eye as you pass on the street.

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  3. this crap is so strange? I know to be respective of other cultures and beliefs but Humans brains are incapable of being A "hive" mind. only insects, that we know of, have the ability to think with one central mind, which is just signals sent from the queens antennas to the workers or slaves to the mind. humans have no such antenna to transmit that signal and even if we did, there is no main human queen. unless you count the actual queen who you probably think is a lizard. just my point of view on this. at first I though it was a really good analogy, then I kept reading... just my thoughts.


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