Friday 3 June 2016

Poisoning YOU: The Last Roundup

Poisoning YOU: The Last Roundup

Results of Glyphosate Pee Test Are in ‘And It’s Not Good News’

[In April], Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) volunteered to take a urine test to see if glyphosate—the cancer-linked weedkiller—is in their system. Forty-eight MEPs from 13 different European Union countries participated in the test, and now the results are in.

Greens take the #MEPee to highlight 'probably carcinogenic' effects of #glyphosate
— Andrew Bell (@aw_bell) April 22, 2016

According to ELISA test results from the accredited Biocheck Laboratory in Germany: “All participants excreted glyphosate by urine.”

The experiment was spearheaded by the Green Party in the European Parliament, which wants a ban on the controversial herbicide in the European Union.

The group noted in a press release of their so-called “#MEPee” test:

On average, the MEPs had 1.7 micrograms/liter of glyphosate in their urine, 17 times higher than the European drinking water norm (0.1 microgram/litre). This means that everyone we tested was way above the limit for residues of pesticides in drinking water.

Of the 48 participants, EU-parliament members from Belgium, France and Germany made up more than 80 percent of the whole investigated participants. The test showed that EU-parliament members from Lithuania, Spain and Croatia had the highest concentrations of glyphosate. The lowest concentrations were in the urines of participants from Italy, Finland and Ireland.

“Nevertheless all investigated EU-parliament members were glyphosate contaminated. This will show glyphosate is also in the food chain of members of the EU-parliament,” the report states.

Glyphosate, which the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) declared a possible carcinogen last March, is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s widely used weedkiller, Roundup. It is also found in herbicides manufactured by Syngenta and Dow.

The Greens conducted the test ahead of European Parliament’s April 13 resolution that opposed the European Union’s relicensing of glyphosate.

The results of our #MEPee test on #glyphosate are in and it's not good news for the 48 MEPs
— Greens in the EP (@GreensEP) May 12, 2016

Despite fierce opposition from European Parliament, countries such as France, Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands, and the 1.4 million people who have signed a petition calling on an EU ban, the European Commission—the executive body of the European Union—reportedly plans to relicense glyphosate for nine years.

According to the Green Party, the European Commission’s latest proposal, which will be voted on May 19, will “plough ahead with a full-fledged approval of glyphosate’s license for nine years.”

“It considers only symbolically if at all the European Parliament’s resolution calling for a very limited scope of approval. Responsibility for the protection of operators and for multiple risks is discharged onto Member States in a non-legally binding manner,” the party said. “We are pissed off that our governments want to allow this poison for another nine years! No politician should have this in his or her body, and not a single citizen either!”

Glyphosate approval in the EU expires at the end of June. The chemical has been the subject of incredible controversy in Europe especially after the European Food Safety Authority famously rejected the IARC’s classification of glyphosate as a possible carcinogen in November.

Agri-business giant Monsanto has also vehemently denied glyphosate’s health and cancer risks and demanded a retraction of the IARC report.

EN Glyphosate

The Green Party’s MEPee test was inspired by a German study “Urinale 2015,” which sampled glyphosate concentrations in urine from more than 2,000 participants.

“The study found that the scale of the glyphosate problem is enormous, with detected concentrations in urine between five and 42 times over the maximum value of residues for drinking water in Europe,” the Green Party pointed out. “No less than 99.6 percent of all citizens who took part in this survey had higher residue levels. This means that virtually all citizens are contaminated with glyphosate.”

A number of other studies have detected glyphosate—the “most widely applied pesticide worldwide”—in feminine hygiene products, everyday food items and, yes, human bodies. A 2013 Friends of the Earth Europe study reported people in 18 European countries have traces of glyphosate in their urine.


European Parliament votes to ban most uses of glyphosate


by Oliver Tickell

The EU Parliament has responded to the health concerns of millions by calling on the Commission to severely restrict permitted uses of the toxic herbicide glyphosate, including an effective ban on pre-harvest dessication of crops.

This resolution opposes approval of glyphosate for most uses, and takes aim at the excessive length of the approval proposed by the Commission, which must now address these concerns.

The European Parliament today [April] adopted a resolution strongly opposing the Commission's proposal to reapprove the controversial weedkiller glyphosate for use in Europe for 15 years.

The resolution flags significant concerns with the Commission's proposal, notably calling for significantly restricting the uses for which glyphosate - best known in Monsanto's 'Roundup' formulation - could be approved.

The Parliament's vote precedes a decision by EU government representatives on whether or not to support the Commission proposal to approve glyphosate for use in the EU. This may take place at the next EU pesticides committee meeting on 18-19 May.

While the 374 to 225 vote is non-binding on the Commission and EU governments, it will nonetheless carry strong moral weight since it comes from the EU's only elected body directly representing EU citizens and will force a discussion of the issues raised.

The resolution calls for no approval of glyphosate - recently determined to be "probably carcinogenic" by the WHO's cancer watchdog, the IARC - for many uses now considered acceptable, including:

  • non-professional uses;
  • in or close to public parks, playgrounds and gardens;
  • where integrated pest management systems are sufficient for necessary weed control.

It also calls for the renewal to be limited to just seven years instead of the 15 proposed by the Commission.

Pre-harvest 'desiccation' strictly limited

The resolution additionally demands strict limits on 'pre-harvest' applications on crops, with a strong recital calling such uses "unacceptable". This refers to the practice of spraying crops up to two weeks before harvest to 'desiccate' the plants and make harvesting easier.

Pre-harvest application of glyphosate is a clear route for human exposure to glyphosate via the harvested crop. Currently glyphosate formulations are licenced for a wide range of crops including wheat, barley, oats, oilseed rape (canola), linseed, field beans and peas.

This use of glyphosate is believed to be the main source of the herbicide and its residues in bread and NGOs including the UK's Soil Association are campaiging to stop this use.

The resolution further calls for:

  • An independent review of overall toxicity of glyphosate;

  • A call on the Commission and EFSA to immediately disclose all scientific evidence for the positive classification of glyphosate, given the overriding public interest in disclosure;

  • A call on the Commission to test and monitor glyphosate residues in foods and drinks produced in the Union as well as in imported produce;

  • Strong criticism of the Commission for accepting an incomplete dossier with regard to endocrine disruption;

  • strong criticism of the problem of resistances of weed created by glyphosate, and the toxic spiral by agro-biotech companies adding further resistances to plants.

'The Commission and EU governments must take note'

After the vote, Green food safety and public health spokesperson Bart Staes said: "The European Parliament has today highlighted serious concerns with the proposal to re-approve glyphosate for use in Europe and the Commission and EU governments must take note.

"We would have preferred if MEPs had followed the recommendation of the Parliament's environment committee in clearly calling for an outright rejection of the re-approval of glyphosate. However, this resolution opposes approval of glyphosate for most of its uses, and takes aim at the excessive length of the approval proposed by the Commission.

"This is a shot across the bow of the Commission and it must now work with EU governments to address these concerns, rather than pushing ahead with its proposed reapproval."

Although falling short of the full ban demanded by the Greens and campaigners, the passage of the resolution represents a huge victory for all those who have opposed the Commission's proposal to re-licence for all existing uses for 15 years and heavily lobbied their MEPs. Over 1.4 million people have signed an Avaaz petition opposing the relicencing of glyphosate.

The passing of the resolution also represents some skilful political footwork by the Greens in the EU Parliament. While they wanted a complete ban on glyphosate, they worked with other political groups to impose restrictions that would secure a majority of votes from other parties - even though the Greens opposed the final resolution as falling short of a complete ban.

"There is growing opposition among EU governments to reapproving glyphosate for use in the EU and we hope today's vote, combined with major public opposition, will convince more governments to change their minds on glyphosate", Staes continued.

"Given the serious health and environmental concerns and conflicting scientific advice regarding glyphosate, it is scandalous that the EU Commission proposed to continue to allow its use for 15 more years, without any restrictions on its use.

"With the WHO assessment having concluded the substance is probably carcinogenic, EU governments must heed these concerns and reject the Commission's proposal." 

Rural residents still left at risk

However pesticides campaigner Georgina Downs points out that even if the Parliament's position was adopted by EU Governments, millions of rural residents would still be at risk from agricultural use of glyphosate:

"The European Parliament vote has seemingly recognised the risk to the health of transient bystanders and non-professional users of pesticides but left at risk from exposure and adverse impacts the group with one of the highest levels of exposure which is rural residents living in the locality of sprayed crop fields ...

"There are many millions of rural residents across the EU (including babies, children, pregnant women, the elderly, people already ill and/or disabled) who have no protection at all from exposure to this (or indeed any other) pesticide that is often sprayed in the locality of their homes and gardens."

In a statement, Avaaz gave the vote a cautious welcome, pointing out that "with mounting public concern the vote in the European Parliament could be a major influencing factor for the decision of the Commission on a new license."

Pascal Vollenweider, Avaaz Campaign Director, added: "This vote shows European politicians are beginning to listen to the citizens they represent and independent science, but we will still be glyphosate lab rats for 7 more years. Two-thirds of Europeans want to suspend glyphosate until it is proven safe and it's now up to the Commission to put public health before corporate profits."

Group of Farmers Files Lawsuit Against Monsanto Claiming RoundUp Gave Them All Cancer

A group of Nebraska farmers diagnosed with cancer is suing Monsanto, maker of agricultural chemicals and GMO seed. The farmers allege that glyphosate, the popular Monsanto herbicide, caused them to develop cancer and that the company intentionally misled the public about the dangers of the world’s most widely used herbicide.

The lawsuit was filed last Wednesday in federal court in Lincoln, Nebraska. The farmers are seeking punitive damages, alleging defective design, failure to warn, negligence and breach of warranty.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup brand herbicide, which is advertised as being able to kill almost any weed. However, the company claims it is safe to use on food. Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO seeds are designed to resist the chemicals so the plants can still grow after being sprayed.

The lawsuit also claims that Monsanto “concealed or systematically sought to discredit” research showing links between glyphosate and cancer and continues to do so.

“Monsanto championed falsified data and has attacked legitimate studies that revealed Roundup’s dangers. Monsanto led a campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers and the general population that Roundup is safe. Its continuing denial extends to the date of this Complaint,” the lawsuit states.

Glyphosate was designated as a probable cause of cancer in March 2015 by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. The report noted glyphosate is most frequently associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other hematopoietic cancers, including multiple myelomas, lymphocytic lymphoma, and B-cell lymphoma.

All of the farmers in the group have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Later in 2015, California announced plans to label glyphosate as a carcinogen based on the IARC’s classification. Monsanto has fought back against the declaration with a lawsuit.

Several countries have banned or restricted glyphosate since its classification as a possible carcinogen by the IARC, including the Netherlands, France, Bermuda and Sri Lanka.

According to the farmers’ lawsuit, Roundup is used on more than 100 varieties of crops, and the volume of glyphosate applied to crops grown in the U.S. has increased from 85 million pounds in 2001 to 185 million pounds by 2007.

“Glyphosate is found in rivers, streams, and groundwater in agricultural areas where Roundup is used. It has been found in food, the urine of exposed persons, and in the urine of urban dwellers without direct contact with glyphosate,” according to the complaint.

Monsanto has been the target of a series of new lawsuits including in India and Burkina Faso, both related to its BT Cotton. The company is also being sued by 7 major US cities including Portland, Seattle, and San Diego.

GMO policy is also in focus for the 2016 election season as Vermont’s labeling law is the first in the nation to require labels for GMO ingredients. Vermont’s law takes effect in July 2016. In March, the U.S. Senate voted 48-49 against SB 2609, a bill that would have blocked states from making their own GMO labeling laws. Senate Bill 2609, the Biotech Labeling Solutions Act has been called the DARK Act, an acronym for Deny Americans the Right to Know.

The new Vermont law has some companies planning to label all products with GMO ingredients including MARS, maker of M&M’s and SNICKERS, fruit company Del Monte, and other large food conglomerates like Kellogg’s, and General Mills.

For more information about Roundup see
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  1. "Two-thirds of Europeans want to suspend glyphosate until it is proven safe and it's now up to the Commission to put public health before corporate profits."
    And yet Glyphosphate has been renewed for the next 9 years. What does that tell you about the "democracy" of the European Union?
    Also, by the way, the NGO "AVAZZ" hides behind populist goals. AVAZZ has been outed as engaged in behavior which supports the destruction of Syria and ousting Assad, a democratically elected president of a sovereign nation. They use a populist platform to gain popularity for their nefarious activities. There are numerous articles providing the details. This is a new common ploy-using so-called charity groups to benefit humans & their true agenda hidden, or perhaps has been going on for centuries, such as "Christian missionaries" going into undeveloped nations and softening the natives for what is to follow. Good article New Illuminati! The struggle against the NWO continues...

  2. As luck would have it, this just popped up in my mail.
    Speaking to Mnar Muhawesh on “Behind the Headline,” investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley pulls back the curtain on U.S., NATO and Gulf ally forces already driving the conflict in Syria. She goes further, explaining the Western mainstream media’s complicity in the crisis by “following the imperialist roadmap” and “very rarely deviating from a narrative that serves the U.S. and NATO propaganda and objectives in Syria.” And who are the media darlings called Avaaz and White Helmets who are selling a humanitarian war to the general public and how are they tied to USAID?
    17 minutes:


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