Saturday 25 June 2016

Contemporary America Is Nazi Germany In Essence

Contemporary America Is Nazi Germany In Essence

"Ever wonder how German citizens in the 1930s allowed the rise of a brutal dictator and the emergence of a military dictatorship? Actually, you're watching it happen right now in the United States. This is exactly how it happened in Nazi Germany.

"The comparison is no longer metaphorical. It is literal. The U.S. government is following the recipe to the letter: The selling of fear to create a reaction where citizens demand greater 'security,' the centralization of power, the suspension of civil rights, the defiance of accepted international law, the control of the press through threats and propaganda, the excusing of war crimes committed by our own military leaders, the arrogance of believing the whole world should think, and act, and govern just like us. These are the ideas of madmen, and yet today, they are now official policy of the United States government."

- Mike Adams, "America officially becomes a dictatorship", 2012

The U.S. had been moving toward a total police state since about 1913; but in 2012 the final nail in the coffin of democracy and justice was hammered into place with the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act. NDAA allows for the U.S. military to arrest, imprison, and torture American citizen without due process of any kind! Contemporary America has adopted the identical police state, economic-military imperialist policies and operations that Nazi Germany did--though the enactment of those policies differs to some degree. The sound of Gestapo jackboots is now heard in the land of Jefferson, Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt.

     We who live in the post-World War II period possess an immensely valuable symbol, even if we don't understand it or use it effectively: the example of Nazi Germany.

      From this example we can discern that America, beginning in 2000, has become in essence the same kind of totalitarian dictatorship as Nazi Germany was:

      Persons sometimes want to quibble about contemporary America being, in essence, identical to Nazi Germany, pointing out that there are at present no known extermination camps in the United States. By saying that America is now identical in essence to Nazi Germany, we're acknowledging that not all features of the two societies are identical.

      The reason the international capitalist cabal does not yet find it necessary to create extermination camps for "surplus population workers" is that capitalists are murdering workers worldwide rapidly enough and in sufficient numbers for the cabal's purposes: to maintain a sufficient "army of unemployed" to be able to pay the lowest possible wages and to maintain a sufficiently low number of persons on any kind of social safety net.

      Capitalists are murdering workers through:

  • Malnutrition: Every hour of every day, 300 children die because of malnutrition
  • Military suicide

    • Army: 20.2 per 100,000 personnel commit suicide per year
    • Marines: 19 per 100,000 personnel per year
    • 30 US veterans attempt suicide every day; 18 succeed
    • More Iraq and Afghanistan US war veterans have committed suicide than were killed in battle (as reported by the US Department of Defense; however, they refuse to publish the total number of military and ex-military who have committed suicide)

  • Hunger and poverty: 34,000 children and 16,000 adults die each day from hunger or preventable diseases with poverty-related causes; a total of 8 million a year. (As reported by the United Nations)

  • Capitalist wars:

    • 4,415 US Iraq war deaths
    • 1.3 million Iraqis murdered
    • 4,236 killed in Afghanistan
    • 15 million murdered in World War I
    • 45 million murdered in World War II

      The capitalist class believes American workers are sub-human and that as many as possible should be killed off through unemployment, homelessness, poverty, sickness, suicide, and mental impairment. The cabal is therefore:

   Germans in Nazi Germany were forced to spy on and betray their fellow workers. Americans in the twenty-first century are now encouraged to spy on and betray others through new cellphone apps that make it ridiculously easy for any idiot to report to government agencies any behavior by others he believes (without any evidence) might be suspicious.

      To illustrate the identity between Nazi Germany and present-day America, we can take three examples:

1.    Leaders in both regimes seized dictatorial, criminal powers by using the pretext of responding to terrorist-led catastrophes.

Eric Holder worked/works for Goldmann Sachs    Hitler and his Nazi underlings blamed the communists for the burning of the Reichstag on February 27, 1933. By fanning anti-communist hysteria the Nazis and Nationalists won a bare majority of Reichstag seats in the elections of March 5. After the communists had been barred, and amid the anarchy of storm trooper murder of communist and other opponents, the Reichstag voted to give Hitler total dictatorial powers.

    In precisely the same manner, the capitalist cabal has blamed the 9/11 bombing of the twin towers on "terrorists." In 2012, Erick Holder, the Attorney General with ties to Wall Street and the Big Banksters, declared that U.S. Presidents have dictatorial powers, including the power to order the assassination of American citizens, without any due process (indictment, conviction, sentencing, etc.)

2.    The Nazi regime required the shutting down of all mainstream newspapers and radio outlets and the establishment of a propaganda bureau, to make certain that all news sources supported the regime's policy of invading foreign nations. In the twenty-first century, the predatory cabal finds that capitalist news sources (radio, TV, and Internet sites) are willing collaborators, supporting the present strategy of attacking foreign nations to bring about regime change.

2.    Hitler had his collaborator-film-maker Leni Riefenstahl and the capitalist cabal has its own Hollywood collaborator: Angelina Jolie.

Jolie is one of the official propagandists for the capitalist cabal. Jolie's aberrant psyche fits in with the capitalist cabal members she shills for.

Jolie is now propagandizing for the capitalist cabal's imperialist strategy: attack sovereign nations--such as Syria--and force regime change on them.
Snapshot taken at the 2012 Oscar ceremonies

      The capitalist fascist cabal doesn't need all the trappings of Nazi Germany because it has replicated Hitler's policies and tactics through different--though identical in essence--means...

The capitalist fascist cabal doesn't need all the trappings of Nazi Germany because it has replicated Hitler's policies and tactics through different--though identical in essence--means. 

An Unknown Episode In American History

Nazi Germany was created by the criminal cabal that currently rules the United States and much of the world. One of the early underlings of this cabal was Prescott Bush, Dubya's grandfather. Prescott Bush was a director of the Union Banking Corporation, which the U.S. government took over in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corporation stock shares, all of which were owned by E. Roland Harriman, Prescott Bush, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Prescott Bush.

Prescott Bush--Dubya's grandfather     President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order, published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the Thyssen family of Germany and/or Hungary, nationals of a designated enemy country

     This act by the U.S. government made it clear that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Corporation were in essence front men for the Nazis. By keeping news of this seizure quiet, the American government avoided the more important issue: in what way were Hitler and his Nazi cohorts set up, armed, and supported by the New York and London cartel of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?

     On Oct. 28, 1942, the U.S. government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on November 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners to carry on the business.

     These were actions taken by the U.S. government during wartime, but Prescott Bush and his collaborators had already played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany. Harriman, Bush and the other cabal puppets had financed the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of Europe and war against the U.S. They had also helped in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with the slave labor and extermination camps as the result.

criminally indicted Col. Oliver North     The cabal that controls America has moved as rapidly as possible to bring about the same conditions of dictatorship and fascism in the U.S. as it did in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The first major thrust toward fascism began during the Bush takeover of the Reagan presidency. During Bush Senior's (second) presidency he pulled off the Iran-Contra drugs-for-weapons crime, the savings-and-loan heist, the illegal use of U.S. military force to protect Bush's criminal collaboration with Manuel Noriega, his man in Panama, and many other crimes of state.

     Beginning in 2000, the cabal forced their chosen puppet into the U.S. presidency and have now put in place a mechanism to steal all future elections in America. As they did in Germany, they have now destroyed the bedrock of democracy, the right of citizens to vote for their leaders.

"The 2000 election in the United States is a historical watershed. It marks an irrevocable break with the forms and traditions of American democracy. Phrases such as 'crossing the Rubicon' are appropriate in assessing the significance of the five-to-four Supreme Court ruling that handed the election to the Republican candidate, George W. Bush. Notwithstanding the attempts of the media and the political establishment--liberal no less than conservative--to pass over the events of November and December 2000 and 'move on,' as though nothing of great significance had occurred, America has been changed in a fundamental way, and nothing will ever be the same in the United States, or, for that matter, the world." 1

American Citizen Complicity in the Current Fascist Dictatorship

The 2008 election, in which the con-man Obama fooled most of the U.S. public, revealed that many American citizens are as intellectually and morally debased as the Germans in the 1930s. Such incompetence and ignorance always lead to tyranny. The United States is exactly at the same point in national degradation as the German nation in the 1930s when Hitler assumed absolute power and began his regime of mass murder and war crimes against the people of the world.

     We've been conditioned to see Germany under Hitler as an unquestionably horrible example of dictatorial tyranny and inhuman barbarity--and to see our present American culture as completely opposite to that of Nazi Germany. And we like to think that if a tyranny such as that in Germany under the Nazi regime were present and growing in America we'd unquestionably be able to see it.

     So it's a shock when we realize: most people living in Nazi Germany didn't see the tyranny! They thought it was the best time of their lives!

Milton Mayer's book, They Thought They Were Free, concerns Germans still living after World War II who had been members of the Nazi Party. Mayer came to know them and studied their lives and attitudes.

     "As we know Nazism, it was a naked, total tyranny which degraded its adherents and enslaved its opponents and adherents alike; terrorism and terror in daily life, private and public; brute personal and mob injustice at every level of association . . .

     "These nine ordinary Germans [who lived in Nazi Germany] knew it otherwise, and they still know it otherwise.

      "An autocracy? [they say] Yes, of course . . . But a tyranny, as you Americans use the term? Nonsense."

How could Germans living under Hitler's National Socialism not have seen what it was? How did their lack of social and personal awareness make them blind to their reality?

      How could Americans now possibly be living under a creeping dictatorship and not know it? And how could we not only not see a police state condition but actually think we're living in complete freedom?

     Because most of us don't WANT to know what's going on. We've lost the ability to think critically about political, economic, and social dangers confronting us.

      If we have a job--as most people did in Nazi Germany--if the political-economic system seems somewhat stable--as it does in America--then that's all we want to know.

     "When [modern man] is completely infantile ... he does not need and does not have an understanding of the outer world. It exists for him merely as gratification or denial."

Walter Lippmann (1889-1973)

To the Germans in Mayer's study, each occasion of Nazi violence was worse than the last, but only a little worse. So they waited for the one shocking event, thinking that they would join with others if or when it happened. But as the violence escalated, no one rose up to condemn the concentration camps and general oppression. No one wanted to act alone, and when a mass uprising failed to occur, the common people just let events take their course. They progressively lost the ability to understand the horror of Nazism and the will to oppose it.

     Similarly, we don't see the growing fascism in America and the world because we don't want to see it and because it happens somewhat gradually, which makes it almost imperceptible to those who don't think critically. Everything in your society--Nazi Germany or twenty-first century America--seems so ordinary. 

The Progressive Loss of Freedom in the United States

  • In 2000, the American people lost the right to elect their president when the U.S. Supreme Court commited a coup d'etat by approving the stealing of the presidency by George W. Bush--in spite of major media companies paying milions to contrive a "recount" which they falsely claim proves Bush won the election

Hitler's seizure of power, 1/30/33

  • The 11/14/01 announcement that any person designated as a terrorist by the President is to be placed under the control of the Secretary of Defense and not allowed the aid of US or foreign courts--a giant-step in our march toward a total police state
  • Men, women, and children can be murdered without compunction--as at Ruby Ridge and Waco--and the person ultimately responsible for these "police-state" atrocities will be promoted to become the head of the agency guilty of these crimes.
  • Persons convicted of crimes are being appointed to critical positions in the Obama administration

      As 1930s Germans and twenty-first century Americans wait, believing things won't get any worse--it's finally too late. The imperceptible changes have totally transformed you and your society into a totalitarian state. Self-deception has infected almost everyone.

      One of the Germans in Mayer's study was only shocked into awareness when he heard his little boy say "Jew swine" and he suddenly realized that his whole society had degenerated into racism, leader-worship, violence, and depravity. By 1939, when Hitler had consolidated his power, most Germans citizens were incapable of recognizing their society's corruption, so few spoke out. Even fewer opposed the totalitarian nightmare.

      By learning from the German Nazi tragedy, we can see--in twenty-first century America--that we could easily wait too long. For example, we must look at the interesting similarity of Hitler's use of the Reichstag Fire to seize dictatorial powers and Bush's use of the September 11 terrorist attack as his excuse to move us to a police state where the cabal can simply "declare" that a foreigner is a terrorist and that person's rights become almost non-existent.

      Without any necessity of presenting evidence, the president can now brand a non-US-citizen--OR A US CITIZEN--a "terrorist" and the suspect is brought before a secret military tribunal where the rules of evidence and prisoner rights are drastically attenuated.

Off with their heads     Hitler was able to brand anyone he considered an enemy and see that that person was summarily executed. And now, the cabal-appointed President is able to brand as "terrorist" any US citizen who disagrees with him.

     The fact that ivy league university professors and other supposedly intelligent persons think the President's seizure of such police-state powers is okay, and the civilian and military cover-up of torture in American prisons in Iraq and Cuba, proves that the fascist mentality is rampant in our society.

     In the United States and the world today, we still can stop this escalating descent into total tyranny. We can learn to face up to the political, economic, and social oppression that is rampant; learn to think critically about what our leaders are doing, and join together 2 to safeguard and re-establish our freedoms. But we must not delay, we cannot simply do nothing or we'll be plunged into the same terror that destroyed Nazi Germany.

     Pastor Niemoller, a German clergyman under the Nazi regime, later confessed that when the Nazis attacked opposing groups such as the Communists, he was a little uneasy. But, he said, after all, he was not a communist, so he did nothing. When the Nazis began to attack the Jews he was even more uneasy, but he still did nothing. Then they attacked the Church, and because he was a clergyman he tried to do something, but it was too late.

     We in the modern world are in exactly the same situation as the German people in the early days of Nazi totalitarianism. Daily, staring us in the face, is the unmistakable evidence of brutality, economic oppression, fear-ridden conformity, pleasure-deadened mindlessness, ignorant know-it-allness, and unashamed hatred of the "different," the "unpopular," the momentary devil-enemy.

     But people totally blinded by their pursuit of pleasure or engrossed in destroying some enemy (the anti-abortionists killing their enemies, U.S. leaders killing tens of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of American soldiers) don't see the crises in the modern world.

     The general intellectual incompetence of Americans at present leads directly to a blindness to our current catastrophic situation. Without the learned ability to make decisive distinctions, people cannot discriminate between, for example, "economic downturn" and depression, or between "change of leaders through free elections" and coup d'etat through monied interests buying and selling presidents and congresspersons. Our minds are so undeveloped that we lack the capacity to discriminate between the essentials and the changing, superficial forms.

     "There couldn't be a police state in the U.S.," says Joe American, "because we don't see men in uniforms with swastikas on their armbands goose-stepping down our streets! "

     "We can't be losing our freedoms," says Jane American, because I didn't see anything about it in the New York Times and there was nothing about it on the evening news."

     We like to delude ourselves that the 1930s German citizen was some special case. 3  But Nazism didn't arise because a few maniacs somehow got into power and did something unique to the German people's minds. Those myths have been exploded once and for all by our more recent understanding that those same tactics have been used and are being used to enslave the minds of people in many different societies.

"'Fascism' is only the organized political expression of the structure of the average man's character, a structure that is confined neither to certain races or nations nor to certain parties, but is general and international. . . 'Fascism' is the basic emotional attitude of the suppressed man of our authoritarian machine civilization and its mechanistic-mystical conception of life."

Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism

So our present "enemy" is our own conditioned lack of progressive awarness, our love of ease, our unwillingness to dispel our social and moral delusions, our headlong rush into the mindless attitude that "everything is okay."

     Even though our society faces a truly alarming situation, people find ways to ignore the peril. One way to do this is to assume that such an episode as the 1930s-1940s Nazi terror is no longer a threat. But we have a number of horrible examples of what happens TODAY to a society when its people fail to develop progressive awareness abilities, the most ghastly perhaps being that of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

     Ever since this indefensible horror, few Americans have had the ability to ask the critical questions:

     Thus we return to the absolute necessity to learn how to think critically. And perhaps now we can begin to see why it is essential to our very existence. Progressive awareness is no longer an intellectual option for the few; it is a necessary tool for discovering what kind of people we have allowed ourselves to become.

     Through self-study and change we must find out just what in us makes it possible for a new, more sophisticated "Nazism" to now be taking control, a more insidious brand of fascism, undetected because the blatant symbols and familiar catchphrases are indiscernible to our undeveloped minds.

     We either learn to use progressive awareness now, or we can passively watch while the new, disguised gas-chambers and death squads are prepared for us.

Are You a War Criminal?

the Justice Trials court     You could, sometime in the future, be put on trial for FAILING to fight against the crimes against humanity that the cabal is now perpetrating! You certainly are complicit in the cabal's destruction of constitutional freedoms if you fail to speak out against:

  • Their refusal of due process and habeaus corpus to foreign detainees in Cuba and the U.S.
  • Their allowing the CIA, the FBI, and other intelligence agencies to spy on American citizens (tapping phone lines, seizing property based on trumped-up charges, monitoring internet usage, and on and on)
  • Their deliberate, unabashed destruction of workers' rights and welfare in acting for big-money interests (e.g. Enron, Halliburton, agribusinesses, Afghan pipeline, pharmaceutical companies) in every arena
  • Their lying about not having been informed prior to 9/11 about Arab men training in American flight schools and planning to hijack large airliners
  • Their use of their own failure to act on the warnings they had received to justify grabbing even more power, at the expense of our civil liberties, by deceiving Congress and the American people

protecting liberty from tyranny     In a nation such as America--where citizen rights have now been almost totally destroyed--but the tradition of democracy is still strong--it's the responsibility of citizens to inform themselves and to struggle against the further destruction of constitutional liberties. If some people are too unintelligent or morally deficient to see the tyrannous acts of the Obama administration, if some people are too cowardly to stand against those acts, it's still your individual responsibility as an American citizen to uphold the principles of democracy on which this nation is founded.

     One of the most effective ways of feeling this is to view the 1961 Academy Award-winning film, "Judgment at Nuremberg," and consider how you could, in the future, be considered as one of three classes of war criminals depicted in the film:

  • Nazi villains such as Goering (though not depicted in this movie, the Nuremberg tribunals included Goering's trial and conviction as a war criminal)
  • Ordinary criminals such as the German judges who took advantage of the Nazi tyranny to feather their own nests
  • Germans who prided themselves on upholding the nation's principles, such as Emil Janning, former German secretary of justice (portrayed in the movie by Burt Lancaster) and the widow of a convicted German general executed for ordering the murder of American POWs (portrayed by Marlene Dietrich). These kinds of people were shocked when they found that the world held them responsible for what had happened in Nazi Germany.
the Justice Trials court     Abby Mann's brilliant screenplay "Judgment at Nuremberg" drives home several crucial points that we cannot afford to overlook:

  • We're responsible for being aware of what's going on in our society; we can't plead ignorance. In the movie, the defense attorney argued strenuously that all those who supported or tolerated Nazis were guilty, not just those individuals then being tried.
  • We must make sure we're aware of what kind of criminal trampling of our constitution and war crimes our government officials may be involving us in.
  • American leaders (especially the Bush family), Britain (open letter to the "Times" by Winston Churchill in 1938 praising the strength of Hitler), the Vatican (corcordat with the Nazis), and others were all complicit in creating the Nazi horror, as the defense attorney in the movie pointed out.
  • We cannot legitimately try to excuse ourselves with catch-phrases such as:

    • "My country right or wrong"
    • "I'm only following orders"
    • "We don't make the laws, we merely carry them out"
    • "I'm only agreeing with the ideas of our leaders"
    • "If I'm critical of my country's leaders, I'm a traitor"

     The cabal is currently, and was previously, involved in war crimes in Afghanistan and is complicit in encouraging Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people Kissinger, indicted as war criminal(just as the Arab states are encouraging Palestinian terrorists to commit war crimes in their suicide bombings).

      Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger says he's too busy to answer a subpoena ordering him to appear before a Paris judge investigating crimes by the Kissinger-backed Pinochet regime in Chile.

"An official British inquiry into the war with Iraq, which opened in late December, 2009, has already heard evidence sufficient to indict top Bush administration leaders on the same charge that was the axis of the indictment of the Nazi leaders at Nurember--deliberately waging an aggressive war." 4

Former President Bush I and other United States leaders committed war crimes against Iraq (during and following the Gulf War) and Yugoslavia (in the invasion of Kosovo) and are still under indictment with the International War Crimes Tribunal.

      It's possible that American leaders at any level could at some time in the future be brought before an international war crimes tribunal for those criminal acts. the man who endorses tortureNone of the excuses above (the catch-phrases) would be allowed as mitigating circumstances. In the movie, the defense attorney argued in support of mitigation the fact that all German judges during the Nazi regime were forced to swear to the Civil Servant Loyalty Oath of 1934.

     Obama and the other members of the current administration are trying to frighten Americans by telling us that we are traitors if we criticize their actions--or those of the capitalis cabal in general. On the contrary, they are traitors to the American practice of democracy in trying to suppress honest citizens' thought and dissent. It's possible the tables may be turned, as in post-World War II Germany: the leaders who forced obedience to criminal acts may be put on trial for crimes against humanity!

"Imagine if you can a world in which truth is one general and something we will call blindness is the opposing general. These two simple factors one must choose between. There are no neutrals. We are frankly for or against and hold our positions by the force of the effort we put forth. The great struggle is not only to conquer our opposing forces, but to reclaim and form them into fighters for the truth."

Stewart Edward White

You are not so much struggling against the cabal or any other form of tyranny as you are fighting for the inalienable democratic principles which once made this nation somewhat free:

  • The individual does not receive government and authority from a deity who gives his secular sword to princes and magistrates to rule by his divine right.
  • The individual does not have a subordinate place in a divinely inspired hierarchy, in which kings, nobelmen, political leaders, and corporate executives are placed above him as 'your highness.'
  • Government is voluntarily established by free individuals through a willful act of contract, individuals rationally consenting to limit their own freedom and to obey civil authority in order to have public protection of their natural rights.
  • Government's purpose is to serve the interests of the people, to enable individuals to enjoy peacefully their rights to life, liberty, and property.

     We're facing a life-or-death crisis with the cabal's attack on our constitutional rights. On May 30, 2002, using their own incompetence as an excuse, they gave the F.B.I. totalitarian state powers to spy on Americans through the passage of the unconstitutional "Patriot Act."

     With the ObaMessiah having stolen another four years to rain terror on America and the world, we Americans must immediately wake up to the dangers facing us and begin:

     The con job of the 2008 election by the cabal was a blatant display of tyranny and reveals to all the world that the criminal thugs behind Obama are intent on destroying every vestige of democracy. Informed citizens worldwide now realize that they must unite to take back their governments and their countries.


1 Barry Grey, "The world historical implications of the political crisis in the United States,", Feb. 6, 2001
2 "Building a Unified Activist Citizen Taskforce"
3 Molly Harrower (1976). "Were Hitler's Henchman Mad?", Psychology Today, July, pp. 76-80. Also see the review by Richard L. Rubenstein in the same issue of Psychology Today of the book The Nuremberg Mind.
4 US imperialism, 9/11 and the Iraq war


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  1. Compare America to Nazism all you want.... It's really uncomplicated.... in order to CONTROL society in any country, one needs to control the money supply, now the people who control the money supply are not necessarily exclusively American. The cabal is internationally or transnationally based, they don't hold any specific allegiances to any one particular nation and or state.

    After they control the money, they need to use this money to influence and or buy out the political dynamic of each state that will merge into ONE WORLD ODOR. They use the political power of myth to institute the legal system, and the police state for protecting and expanding their interests throughout the world.

    With the myth of money and political power under their belt they can use it to buy up the propaganda based educational and media institutions to shape the perceptions of all the sheeple.

    Then they can buy up all the lands, the energy resources, the corporations that convert these resources into products and services etc...

    It's pretty easy to figure it all out... Yes, call it Nazism if you want, but no label is needed to see this process that is not exclusive to America alone.

  2. Yes those evil German Nazis. Let's not talk about those evil Bolshevik communists who tortured, murdered, jailed or starved to death 66 million innocent Russians. Although the official number is 20 million. The communists had infiltrated Germany, that is a major reason
    for the rise of Hitler not discussed in this article. The communists created the "Stasi State" as well, which was dominant in East Germany post WW2. And whom might have created, funded, and made up the majority of communists in the Bolshevik revolution? Which also occured by the way 4 years after the creation of the Federal Reserve in the United States, as well as the start of the first world war, or the "War to end all wars" in 1914. The American public was dead set against involvement in WW2, it took Pearl Harbor, a set-up false flag to rally enthusiasm for war, as Roosevelt knew of Japan's plans and deliberately failed to issue warnings. Read how the US manipulated and created deliberate financial turmoil in Japan pre-WW2.
    "The U.S. had been moving toward a total police state since about 1913."
    I am reading a book entitled "The Controllers" by Edward Whitley. Immediately after the creation of the Federal Reserve, a private bank, that "loans" money to the U.S. government at interest, and is in charge of issuing monies, the plans for a one-world government shifted into high gear, with the creation of a multitude of various organizations linked to the Federal Reserve central banks, all moving toward a world government and technocracy. The book is well-documented and richly sourced. And it is amazing how many leaders of this movement were openly honest about their motives!

    What happened in 1913? The secluded Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia, home to the prestigious Jekyll Island Club whose members included the Morgans, Rockefellers, Warburgs and Rothschilds. Their purpose?
    The Federal Reserve, a private bank, which loans money to the US government at interest.

    Or, in the words of Alan Greenspan: “The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means there is no other agency of government that can overrule actions that we take.”

    The Fed goes on in its self-mythologization to state that it is “not a private, profit-making institution.” This characterization is dishonest at best, and an outright lie at worst. John Corbett does a good job explaining
    the Federal Reserve here in "Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve"
    ALL WARS ARE BANKER'S WARS. We are now moving toward WW3, another contrived war if you don't know this, you are not reading the right articles.
    "You may charge a foreigner interest, but not a fellow Israelite, so that the LORD your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess." Deuteronomy 23:20
    land you are entering to possess........sounds like the Rothschild central banks, now almost global.
    King James Bible 61:6
    "But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves."
    Don't tell me this BS has not been worshipped, followed and implemented in practice. To do otherwise is to choose to remain in denial.
    Using the concept of God, to rip-off and use or manipulate those considered inferior. ie making a religion out of psychopathic intentions.
    We have allowed psychopaths to take over and rule us.
    And another thing, compare the complicated, BS of increasing nonsensical laws and regulations ruling every detail of life in our legal system, to the same level of BS nonsensical paralysis of minutiae in the Talmud.

    1. You have it wrong FYM, NO VIABLE TECHNOCRACY is possible under any kin of price system operations..... So why do you mention "technocracy when you know nothing about it?"

    2. For those of you who want to know what Technocracy means... The word is rooted in the Greek, Techno, meaning skill and function. Cracy, meaning government. Hence Technocracies socially accepted definition of the words means, a government by skill and function by technical experts.

    3. The real psychopaths are not the money cabal, FYM... The real psychopaths are all of us who follow their lead and use their money. The Rothschild's and company are simply smarter than everyone else. Yes, they've learned to capitalize within the framework of an INSANE operating system that they themselves did NOT create. We've collectively agreed to socially ACCEPT it.

      As I like to say, INSANITY is holding any belief or system that is NOT supported by FACT. We're the real psychopaths are we not? Do you use their war based mythical monopoly money, FYM? This is the true religion that influences society more than any religious GOD, money has become our impersonal GOD as indicated by what we worship the most....

      Nazism is just another ideology intended to distract the simple objectives of the controllers. It's ALL about CONTROL that's the entire GAME in a nutshell. People use specific divide and conquer techniques to keep people distracted and guessing about what it is that is screwing up their lives. It's simple we march lock step in line to an INSANE political PRICE SYSTEM that benefits a few at the great expense to ALL.

    4. Indeed - and not to forget the greatest mass murdering warlord of the 20th Century; Chairman Mao, weighing in at around 100 megadeaths. Yet now, in the 21st Century, long after the monsters of Jekyll Island, US citizens simply rolled on their backs and kicked their legs in the air when Govcorp stole their rights and liberties.

      Call something a 'patriot' act and the entire triggerhappy nation rolls cow eyes up at postmodern neocon mass killers and agrees to anything and everything if they can just keep their personal popguns.

      No real opposition - and the environment is trashed to the point of no return while the herd swallows its blue pills and keeps its eyes on 'celebrities'.

      Speak not of ancient foibles in the face of current idiocy.

    5. What do you suggest we as American citizens do, Illuminator? Getting A REALITY BASED education is the only reasonable thing to do.

      We can point out the BS (faulty beliefs), as we commence with the process of introducing people to alternative systems that actually WORK to solve our more complex problems for the great benefit to ALL.

      Violence won't work, for that would serve the current controlling bunch who benefit from such tactics. It's a conflict based society usual perpetuated by one side. Conflicts are manufactured, enemies are crafted in Hollywood type labs as people believe in TV fictions, they think they're REAL when in fact their NOT. They control the propaganda campaigns for psychological mind manipulating purposes to perpetuate the same degree of war materials that have been here since the concept of money values! It's all about CONTROL, whoever has the baton of control is the one who must keep the flame of conflict burning as our ashes fill the air and choke the life out of every living thing....

  3. On a February 17, 1950, appearance before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Paul Warburg stated, "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest."[1]
    Senate Report (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) (1950). Revision of the United Nations Charter: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Eighty-First Congress. United States Government Printing Office. p. 494

  4. correction that "one world government whether you like ir or not" was made by James Paul Warburg.His father was banker Paul Warburg, member of the Warburg family and "father" of the Federal Reserve system

  5. That's just it...We worship an IMPERSONALIZED token of debt more than anything else, hence we have become impersonalized barbarians in our quest for the myth of funny money values.... Nazism is just one of many symptoms of this strange and seemingly interminable human mind disease!

  6. Far too easy to blame banksters and gangsters and ignore the fact that everyone who profits from or buys into the stinking system - thereby supporting it - is equally culpable for the damage done.

    It's like blaming Monsanto for poisoning everyone when in fact all the poisoning is actually done by redneck farmers with no real heart or brain, whether for a profit motive or any other. Easy to blame the invisible Man at the top of the totem pole - but how about the members of your own family who support the evil military, or work for a toxic corporation, or spray the poison on our food, or buy the psudocivilisation's toxic products in an obscene orgy of consumerism, or profit from shares in companies that are destroying the planet?

    Who will cast the first stone? Only those who have opted out can even see what's really going on inside the blithering insect hive of modern society.

  7. Hello!!! Do you want to be a member of the great illuminati and start receiving 90,000,000.00USD monthly and be popular among others and have riches and fame,,this is the only chance of being of the illuminati..I was sent by the freemason high chief to bring 52 members into the illuminati,I have gotten 32,so we looking for 20,,so try and be among the tweenty people to be rich and famous, WhatsApp us on +1(610)6342968 OR Email us, so we can begin the joining process!!!...


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