Monday 8 February 2016

New Telescope Observes Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities with Intelligent Movement

New Telescope Observes Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities with Intelligent Movement

Main: Tampa Bay in Florida (pictured). Inset: Photograph of an ITE-2.
 Tampa Bay in Florida (pictured). Source:  Matthew Paulson / Flickr . Inset: Photograph of an ITE-2. Credit: Dr Santilli.


A new report published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Modern Physics has revealed a startling finding – a newly developed telescope with concave lenses has observed, for the first time, entities in our terrestrial environment that are invisible to our eyes and to conventional Galileo telescopes with convex lenses.  Even more surprising is the fact that these entities have been observed to move ‘intelligently’ in the night sky in a manner suggesting unauthorized surveillance of the area.

Revolutionary New Santilli Telescope

The discovery was made by Dr Ruggero Santilli, a highly-regarded expert in mathematics, cosmology, and physics, who has been nominated for Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. Dr Santilli developed a new type of telescope that was designed to observe antimatter-light.  This form of light has a negative index of refraction, thus requiring concave lenses to focus it, rather than the traditional convex lenses used in conventional Galileo telescopes.

Top: A conventional Galileo telescope with convex lenses designed to observe ordinary matter-light. Bottom: The new Santilli telescope with concave lenses designed to observe antimatter-light.

Top: A conventional Galileo telescope with convex lenses designed to observe ordinary matter-light. Bottom: The new Santilli telescope with concave lenses designed to observe antimatter-light.   Credit: Dr Santilli

Using a pair of Galileo and Santilli telescopes, Dr Santilli found the first known evidence of the apparent existence in our universe of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays. These results were published in the journal Clifford Algebras and their Applications in 2014. But that is not all the new telescope observed…

Detection of Invisible Terrestrial Entities

In his paper, Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE) , Dr Santilli relates the moment his new telescope found a lot more than he anticipated:

“On September 5, 2015, at 9.30 pm the author aimed a pair of 100 mm Galileo and Santilli telescopes at the night sky over Tampa Bay, Florida, as seen from the NE orientation of the terrace of room 775 of the Vinoy Renaissance Hotel in St. Petersburg… The tests were merely intended for the search of antimatter galaxies and, consequently, the paired telescopes were aimed at the sky, but sudden clouds halted the tests and the author oriented the pair of telescopes horizontally over Tampa Bay.

To his great surprise, unidentified yet clearly visible entities immediately appeared in the screen of the camera attached to the Santilli telescope, without any enlargement, without the same entities being visible to the naked eyes, and without any corresponding image existing in the screen of the camera attached to the Galileo telescope.

This unexpected discovery triggered a novel systematic use of the pair of Galileo and Santilli telescopes, this time, for the search of entities, here called Invisible Terrestrial Entities, that are invisible to our eyes as well as to our optical instruments with convex lenses, but are otherwise fully visible via the Santilli telescope with concave lenses, and are located in our terrestrial environment.”

Dr Santilli’s observations were made over Tampa Bay in Florida.
Dr Santilli’s observations were made over Tampa Bay in Florida (pictured). ( public domain )

Invisible Terrestrial Entities of the First Kind (ITE-1)

Following his first observation, Dr Santilli carried out systematic tests and observations, and came to identify two different types of Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITEs), though he acknowledges that further types may be identified in the future. Both types have been independently verified by colleagues, and their existence was disclosed for the first time at an invited lecture delivered at the St. Petersburg Astronomy Club on September 25, 2015.

He defines the First Kind (ITE-1) as entities that:

1.    are not visible to the human eye or to conventional optical instruments with convex lenses, but are otherwise fully visible via Santilli telescopes with concave lenses;

2.    exist in our terrestrial environment, rather than in deep astro-physical spaces; and

3.    leave “dark images” in the background of digital cameras attached to Santilli telescopes.

Dr Santilli notes that the entities moved slowly and rotated. This particular type of motion excludes impurities in the telescope lens or in the camera as possible interpretations.

He further notes that “the emission of antimatter light does not mean that the entity is made up of antimatter, because the existence of the entities within our atmosphere would imply a cataclysmic explosion due to matter-antimatter annihilation.”

“In short,” writes Dr Santilli, “it appears that ITE-1 consist of matter-entities in our terrestrial environment achieving locomotion via the acquisition of antimatter in their interior with consequential use of matter-antimatter propulsion, and achieve invisibility via the emission of antimatter-light as a sort of exhaust.”

  Photographs of ITE-1s. Left and Middle: Captured by Dr Santilli in the night sky over Tampa Bay, Florida on September 5, 2015. Right: Captured by K Brinkman in the night sky over St Petersburg, Florida on September 20, 2015.
Photographs of ITE-1s. Left and Middle: Captured by Dr Santilli in the night sky over Tampa Bay, Florida on September 5, 2015. Right: Captured by K Brinkman in the night sky over St Petersburg, Florida on September 20, 2015. Credit: Dr Santilli.

Invisible Terrestrial Entities of the Second Kind (ITE-2) 

He defines the Second Kind (ITE-2) as entities that:

1.    are not visible to the human eye or to conventional optical instruments wish convex lenses, but are otherwise fully visible via Santilli telescopes with concave lenses;

2.    exist in our terrestrial environment, rather than in deep astro-physical spaces; and

3.    leave “bright images” in the background of digital cameras attached to Santilli telescopes.

Unlike the ITE-1s, which leave dark images caused by a type of light equivalent to antimatter-light, ITE-2s appear to be composed of matter that leave bright images caused by ordinary light, which possess invisibility due to the “conversation of their index of refraction from a positive to a negative value”.

Dr Santilli notes that the ITE-2s were pulsating and moving systematically backward and forward, suggesting they were “conducting unauthorized surveillance of the Tampa Area solely visible with the Santilli telescope, thus confirming the need for systematic views of sensitive civilian, industrial and military installations”.

  Photographs of ITE-2s. Captured by Dr Santilli in the night sky over Tampa Bay, Florida on September 5, 2015.
Photographs of ITE-2s. Captured by Dr Santilli in the night sky over Tampa Bay, Florida on September 5, 2015. Credit: Dr Santilli.

Photograph of an ITE-2 showing its movement. The entity consists of lights of different colors that are pulsating and move synchronously according to a complex trajectory during the 15 seconds of exposure, including a point in which motion stopped for a few seconds, to resume thereafter.
Photograph of an ITE-2 showing its movement. The entity consists of lights of different colors that are pulsating and move synchronously according to a complex trajectory during the 15 seconds of exposure, including a point in which motion stopped for a few seconds, to resume thereafter.

In his report published in the American Journal of Modern Physics, Dr Santilli explains the significance and potential applications of this revolutionary discovery:

“The writing of this paper has been motivated by the fact that ITE-1 and ITE-2 behave in a manner strongly suggesting the conduction of unauthorized surveillance of our sensitive, civilian, industrial and military installations, thus warranting their societal knowledge.

On scientific grounds, the documentation presented in this paper establishes beyond credible doubt the existence of two new types of light that are totally outside any possibility of treatment via 20th century physical knowledge…

On industrial grounds, the findings presented in this paper establish, also beyond credible doubt, the utility of Santilli telescopes, not only for basically novel astrophysical advances, but also for issues pertaining to personal, industrial and national security.”

Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities


Ruggero Maria Santilli. Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE) . American Journal of Modern Physics. Special Issue: Issue II: Foundations of Hadronic Mechanics.

About Dr. Ruggero Santilli

Dr. Ruggero Santilli was born and educated in Italy where he achieved his Ph.D., the highest possible education in mathematics and physics, as well as a chair in nuclear physics at the Avogadro Institute in Turin. In 1967, Dr. Santilli was invited by the University of Miami in Florida to conduct research for NASA. In 1968, he joined the faculty of Boston University, under partial support from the U.S. Air Force, where he taught physics and mathematics from prep courses to seminar post-Ph.D. courses. From 1974 to 1977 he was a visiting scientist at MIT and from 1978 to 1983 he was a member of the Department of Mathematics of Harvard University under support by the U. S. Department of Energy to study a generalization of quantum mechanics and chemistry needed for new clean energies and fuels. Since 1984. Dr. Santilli has been the author of some 250 technical articles and 18 post Ph.D. level monographs in mathematics, physics, cosmology, superconductivity, chemistry and biology published the world over. He is the founding editor of three journals in mathematics and physics and editor of several others. Dr. Santilli is the recipient of numerous prestigious prizes and since the 80s, has been recommended by scholars around the world to the nominations for the Nobel Prize in physics as well as in chemistry. From 2007 to 2013, Dr. Santilli has been the Head Scientist of Magnegas Corporation that has developed a new gaseous fuels with complete combustion internationally. Currently, Dr. Santilli is the Chairman of the Board and Head Scientist of the new publicly traded company, Thunder Energies Corporation, which is developing the cleanest possible and most efficient possible combustion of fossil or synthetic fuels.

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  1. Since March of last year I have been taking images of intelligent lifeforms in Light from the Sun...

    My research and evidence has been made public on my my page since that time...

    My images are graphicly detailed and reveal an alternate universe that has been invisble to any instrument untill now...

    The Digital Camera was invented and 1975 and 40 years later I discoverd this with a very simple but complex method..

    I use light from the Sun and bend it with a water bottle and project that light onto a curved metal surface.
    Then I take digital images of the light on the metal and review my images...

    To my amazement i have been successful at capturing images of them for almost a year now...

    Thunder Energies have scientifically proven my theories...
    Scientific Proof my images are real...

    Please review my and research and evidence made public on my page...



    1. Thanks - very interesting information! Will do.

    2. If you have any questions you can contact me at

  2. This is an interesting finding, and surely worthy of additional investigation via the scientific method.

    On a separate but related note, do keep in mind that the Santilli mafia possesses the most powerful nuclear tech on the planet, and Santilli himself is a f*cking madman. I.e. see trust me, I know him lmfao

    moreover, note that the santilli cartel includes (but may not be limited to) the following organizations:
    [1] MagneGas Corporation (
    [2] Thunder Energies Corporation (
    [3] International Committee on Scientific Ethics and Accountability (
    [4] Hadronic Press (
    [5] Santilli Foundation (
    [6] Institute for basic research (

    in any case, this is also a magnegas video worth watching with good explosions and 50 caliber rifles lol

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