Thursday 18 February 2016

Graham Hancock’s Breakthrough Collective Evolutionary Perspective

Graham Hancock’s Breakthrough Collective Evolutionary Perspective


Recently I was privileged to watch a presentation by Graham Hancock, author of the newly released and certain best seller Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization.

Graham Hancock is continuing the rogue archeological tradition of Chariots of the Gods by Erik von Daniken and more recently the Ancient Aliens series on the History Channel, but this very sober presentation has profound implications.

First it takes on conventional historical “fact” and turns it on its head by addressing the newly discovered astrophysical and geological findings that a cataclysmic extinction event – presumably a strike by a comet similar to what wiped out the dinosaurs – also happened between 11-12,000 years ago, with the date probably being narrowed down to around 11,800 years.

Hancock goes through the very credible conventional scientific proofs in superb detail with supporting photos.

He then lines up this timeline with accounts from Plato about the abrupt disappearance of Atlantis, and makes the startling determination that the two events coincided.

He suggests that Plato’s account of the sinking of Atlantis by a cataclysmic flood, as described in mythical accounts around the world, actually occurred as a result of this comet.

What happens next is amazing – he connects this event with the sudden appearance of immense and scientifically sophisticated megalithic structures around the world, most dramatically Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and of course the pyramids of Giza and Mexico – and the Sphinx.

More recently Indonesia has been the site of controversy over the halted excavation (by archeologists jealous of geologists) of another massive ancient pyramid at Gunung Padang which Hancock says can be dated for approximately the same time period–and certainly before recorded “history.”

His contention is that these megaliths were the attempts of the survivors of Atlantis to preserve their vast knowledge and he asks the most interesting question:

magicians-uk-500pxHow is it that these megaliths appeared out of nowhere, suddenly, amid the hunter gatherer “primitive” humans of the time at the beginning of agrarian revolutions and the evolution of a technologically advanced culture, rather than at the end?

For example, in Egypt, if his findings are correct, the Sphinx and Great Pyramid preceded the great dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs, and subsequent structures were in fact less advanced.  Their civilizations declined rather than advanced after the presumed appearance of the Atlanteans […]

In other words, the apex of these civilizations were at their origin — they did not evolve but rather declined.

More importantly, they were the remnants of a superior and advanced civilization that was destroyed in “prehistory,” and the actual “facts” of human history are completely different from what we have been told or led to believe.

This would lead us to question all of our conditioned belief systems based on these conventional “truths” — particularly the organized religions that were loosely based on fragmentary and erroneous interpretations of flawed historical accounts and junk science.

Hancock concluded his presentation with a very powerful summary and conclusion — he suggested that the demise of Atlantis came when their advanced science turned their attention outward for greater external control and material gain, and that “the universe slapped it down” with the comet.

Hancock also concluded that such astronomical events are not nearly as rare as NASA would have us believe, and that while none of the known asteroids and comets are on a collision course with Earth, we only have identified 1% of all of the potential threatening objects in the solar system.

He showed how twice each year the Earth crosses “the freeway” of threatening objects in June and November, and that is when the potential for another extinction event would be most acute.

Hancock suggested that our current advanced scientific civilization is at a similar cusp and we have a choice — to either continue the egoic manipulation and plunder of our planet for selfish goals, or to coordinate a worldwide effort to save our present civilization by rerouting any dangerous objects from their current orbits—and creating a new era of worldwide cooperation and thereby ushering in a new phase of human (collective) evolution.

This resonates deeply with one of my favorite videos by Eckhart Tolle in which he is asked about the evolutionary “purpose” of the ego.

Eckhart beautifully places the development of the ego (and the human brain) within the context of an evolutionary order beyond our current comprehension.  I would suggest that this infinite intelligence is sourced within the “Allness” of our universe and may have been an energetic force that slapped down Atlantis–but that is merely my own conjecture).

But this contextual aspect of the Ego (intellect) as evolutionary is conveyed in the first chapter of A New Earth where he describes the awakening (flowering) of the first lotus after millions of years of just leafy pods. Similarly, such an evolutionary awakening would now allow us as a species to transcend the intellect and harmonize our entire Being — to evolve past our egoic patterns of individualism to a global consciousness in line with the evolutionary order of Life itself–and align our own intentions as a species with the energetic impulse of the Universe.

Ancient Extinction Revealed: Graham Hancock Discusses the Real Atlantis


In this Antidote interview hosted by Michael Parker, award winning author Graham Hancock delves deep into the mysterious past of Earth’s ancient civilizations that have been come to pass, leaving only clues of their ways of life behind.

As Graham thoroughly describes what we have come to know about the remarkable megalithic structures of Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, the hidden power sources of the ancients, the multiple periods of mass extinction on Earth, and much more, he helps piece together the myriad of possibilities in an attempt to solve the puzzle behind the lost golden age of man.

This interview with Graham Hancock will make you reconsider everything you have ever been told about ancient civilizations.

Here are some images of the sites mentioned in the video above:

Gunung Padang

Some Geologists claim that this site in West Java could be from 9,000 to 20,000 years old. If true, the claim could rewrite prehistory and shed light on an obscure yet powerful and advanced ancient civilisation.



Göbekli Tepe

Göbeklitepe, one of the most important archaeological discoveries of our time, continues to defy explanation, but further research into what might be the first temple in the world made by man, may reveal more about Neolithic understanding, and may deliver a message to us from the ancient past.




Graham Hancock is the widely read author of “Magicians of the Gods,” “Fingerprints of the Gods,” “The Message of the Sphinx,” “Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization,” and the “War God” series. Previous to authoring books, Hancock was an East Africa correspondent of the Economist.

Please share this valuable information. What most people regard as the beginning of humanity was actually the re-beginning of human civilizations following huge natural disasters that lost us whole civilizations. History as we are taught is incorrect. Help spread the truth!

For more information by and about Graham Hancock see  
For more information by and about forbidden archaeology see  
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  1. The history of civilization works like this, civilizations are born, they grow, they grow older, reach their prime, then they decline, become old, and then they die.

    In that process, if civilizations step out of bounds and becomes a sort of disease to the living earth, a signal is sent from the earth to an anti-body (astroid or comet) and the anti-body collides with the disease and wipes it off the map, so to speak, hence civilization has to starts over again...

    Today, we're once again, the disease of the earth so watch-out for so called civilization will be destroyed again by the protective immune system that's built into the living earth.

    People are so ignorant, they can't see the correlation between their own bodies natural defense mechanism, and that of their mother earth, both have immune defenses always working against disease.

    We are the disease!

    Civilizations gain their knowledge of how things work through their understanding of laws of nature acting in harmonious balance with all that is, they are shown esoteric knowledge through dreams, visions (muse) The ancient knowledge is within everyone, and it can be applied for the benefit to ALL.

    Everything you wish to know is within each and everyone of us, it's coded in the very fabric of our DNA, some have a little more access to it than others, it is so important to know thyself, for it is there that the essence of all civilized worlds are created.

  2. I think the "fall" or remembrances of the "Golden Age" is the inner awareness of space consciousness which exists on a seperate plain than the physical dimension. If you remember as a child you had the idea that the world revolved around your own existence, and was a wondrous place. This is because ALL entities have been in the space realm of consciousness and have an innate memory of this state. Young children remember more vividly as many might be arriving from that realm.
    Because humans are actually made of billions of entities within the dense realm of physical energy,known as a body, consciousness and awareness will ALWAYS be on a variance of relations via physical systems.
    People insist on ignoring the obvious, wanting to make this physical world other than what it is. So humans of the past were free of the elements of nature? Did not have to contend with personality (variances of awareness)? Did not have death nor any strife? Please. I don't think this physical dimension will EVER be free of ego. Without ego, I doubt if we would survive. As long as we have a body we will have an ego. The point of spritual pursuit and psychological health should be awareness of ego, and how ego can be turned into a servant rather than slavemaster.
    What we really need to do, is discover the genetic causation of psychopathy and then find a cure, treatment or elimination, before they eliminate us. But people insist on talking shite. They prefer a state which is impossible to reach in the physical realm. Now THAT is ego.


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