Monday 11 January 2016

Water – Fuel of the Future Today

Water – Fuel of the Future Today
The Future of Energy Is Here

By Michael Rome

Back in the 70s a scientist named Yull Brown discovered an amazing amount of energy within water.  He found this energy using a well modified form of electrolysis.  Brown studied the unique properties of this energy as well as gave a hypothesis as to what it consisted of.  This new form of energy became known as Brown’s Gas, as is even to this day.             

However, the hypothesis submitted by Brown proved incorrect time and time again.  It is a well known fact now that electrolysis cannot produce the energy documented in Brown’s experiments.  Electrolysis, by its very definition, consists of the transfer of electrons [which would occur at the electrodes], thereby creating known forms of H and O as dictated by The Laws of Electrolysis.  Regardless, there remained unaccounted for, an energy source far beyond any limits of known hydrogen and oxygen.  This undefined energy source has been my definition and use of the term Browns Gas and not the hypothesized version Dr. Brown gave.  I have always held true to the fact that, whatever form this was, it could not be any version of H and O containing monatomic or diatomic structures.  I was also certain it did not arise from electrolysis, for that would cancel out any energy finally available after great losses. 

My definition and use of the term Browns Gas, or HHO, is naming the unsolved properties within the water molecule. I was still giving credit to Dr. Brown because he did observe this energy first regardless of whether it was created by accident or an unintended byproduct.  Dr. Brown was not aware how the modified electrolysis created the new energy source, but thanks to my Proton Theory, we know now.  It was never the electrolysis portion of the reaction which created ‘Browns Gas’, instead it was the electromagnetic radiation produced by the charged electrodes.  Any product that came in contact with the plates became part of the electrolysis ‘waste’.  The remaining product only affected by EMR became the real Browns Gas.  This product is, as I have just discovered through fault by association, should NOT be labelled Browns Gas less it be categorized alongside the failed hypothesis given by Yull Brown bearing the same name.

The upside to this realization is another wonderful discovery regarding water.  The product containing all the potential energy within water is nothing other than; water.  What is the difference is that this form is actually the fourth state of water, PLASMA.  Water has never been observed in the plasma state [and realized at the time], therefore its structure is unknown.  My Proton Theory describes how the transition occurs as well as what must be avoided so that electrolysis cannot be initiated.  Water in its plasma form is the source of the most energetic potential within the smallest volume of space we have yet to discover.

With my theory we can now move ahead to design the most efficient system that changes water to plasma state while simultaneously providing the proper environment so that the newly created ions can become attracted to each other and not carried away separately. 

Until update is completed, please note any reference using the term ‘Browns Gas’ is to be understood as this final state of water containing its full potential.  All subsequent work will include the correct references as well as details on plasma water.

From The Future of Energy @ 

The Proton Theory of Brown's Gas: Accounting for the Energies in Water


An overall summary of Michael Rome's "proposed Proton Theory that identifies the true energy within water as well as giving Brown's Gas a defined structure and composition, one that accounts for its documented energy and properties."

Preface by Sterling D. Allan

On Oct. 29, Michael Rome wrote:

I have been researching in the field about 8 years now and have reached a point where I need to get the information out. I have found exactly what HHO is made of and precisely how to produce it. More importantly I have found the true energy in water that was never discovered. I have an almost complete scientific theory I want published, as well as to inform all those like me, it will make the fuel cell process almost perfect. If you would like to be a part of these discoveries please respond and I will send you a brief overview.

I have so much I've discovered I'm thinking maybe of making several CDs to fit it all. Thank you hope to hear back.

He subsequently launched a website, http://www.Brown', and posted this introductory article: 

The Proton Theory: Accounting for the Energies in Water

Plaque on the wall of Yull Brown's workshop - Image: R, Ayana

by Michael Rome
email: mrome@Brown'

One common thread in all growing fields of alternative energy sources is the necessity for those interested to understand the basic principles and to be able to predict the outcomes. The latter is imperative because it sets consistent parameters so that using the energy source becomes predictable and easy to apply. The standards of gasoline ensure all that use it know its power and capabilities. This order allows us to design a system it works efficiently with. One gallon of gas in Louisiana has the same properties as a gallon in China. Consistency is the key in energy sources.

However, in order to design a consistent energy source, one must first understand its basic principles. Even with obvious irrefutable physical evidence, such as in the situation with Brown’s Gas, the technology cannot advance into popularity until THE question is answered completely; “How does it work?” If the resulting energy output cannot be justified by the process that produced it, then the technology falls into 'pseudo' or 'fringe' science and is called over unity/ perpetual motion. Of course, by witnessing the physical outputs, we know this process works, yet for others, the 'How' must be justified before they accept it.

Common uneducated thought assumes that if something appears to break the Laws of physics, then it is either not real, doesn't work, or is not efficient. In fact, nothing breaks the Laws of physics; these Laws are not a borderline that once crossed, the technology fails to work. Rather, the Laws are proof that something is really working. If something must defy the Laws of Physics in order to operate, it simply does not operate. The mere fact of its operation, efficient or not, proves it obeys the Laws. The Laws of physics guide us to investigate deeper until all variables have been accounted for.

There is no such thing as 'over unity'. The concept was the product of an incomplete understanding of a process where one could not account for every variable associated with it. Often times, not every detail of a reaction is seen or understood. When one claims over unity or perpetual motion, they have not accounted for everything seen, unseen, unknown, undiscovered. Such is the largely debated energy source, Brown’s Gas, which is produced from water. It is easy to account for the electrical energy applied to the fuel cell, yet the output far exceeds this minuscule amount. What is not considered, or even understood, is that the water added to the cell contains the rest of the energy.

The necessity and desire to understand this massive amount of potential energy in water has been the driving force behind the proposal of my Proton Theory. This undiscovered potential energy contained in the water molecule is so massive that it is no wonder why no living organism can live without it.

The Basics

To become proper Brown’s Gas, water must first be broken down into its basic components
without forming unwanted structures (diatomic or monatomic forms). None of water’s components can bond with anything else until they are completely freed from their relations within the molecule’s structure. This first and foremost is accomplished by using sophisticated electronic circuitry, as well as unique electrode and cell materials, designed solely for the purpose of not allowing any product to come in physical contact with the electrodes. From this detail, no electrons are exchanged, which ultimately allows the cell to produce proper Brown’s Gas efficiently. The electrodes draw on the polar properties of the water molecule, which pull hydrogen in one direction and oxygen in the other. At this precise time in the reaction, Brown’s Gas is produced; but only if excess current or energy does not exist to draw the gas’s components to the electrodes.

Water consists of two separate (and not bonded together) hydrogen that share electrons with one oxygen. The hydrogen in water is called protium, and it does not posses a neutron. The electron which it shares is on its first orbital shell and on the second orbital shell of the oxygen. Ionization Energies teach us how likely an atom will gain or lose an electron on each of its electron shells. In this instance, oxygen's ionization energy on its second shell is almost three times stronger than hydrogen's first (and only) shell [3388kJ/mol vs 1312kJ/mol respectively]. This ultimately dictates the first steps of water's disassociation. These immediate atomic forms, produced via polar forces of the electrodes and being determined though ionization energy, are the actual components of Brown's Gas.

The Product
The protium once sharing their only electrons with the oxygen breaks from the bonds with their electrons (as well as its bond with the shared O electron). The resulting product is H+, a simple and free proton; pure energy. The oxygen which retains both electrons from the two protium, now has a full outer electron shell, and is the oxygen ion O-2[oxide]. To this point, the least amount of energy has been used [ionization energy of hydrogen’s 1st shell] to remove the protons from their bonds to electrons, and the simplest most stable forms have been created, including a desired full outer shell [for oxygen].

These forms can be proven by not only considering basic fundamentals of chemistry, but with simple physics as well. Once the protons of protium are no longer forcing the electrons to remain stationary, the valence electrons of the O-2 by their nature begin to orbit freely. The Protons [H+] remain close, attracted to the negative charge of the oxide, without bonding back again [until the gas is activated]. The energy levels of electrons in the second orbital can help us to understand one of the many energy forms observed in Brown’s Gas. The [8] orbiting electrons on the O-2 have a specific mass [9.11X10-31Kg each] while the shell they are in has a specific energy level [3.485X10-18J]. These constants can give us the total amount of kinetic energy produced by the valence electrons. This kinetic energy is utilized as Brown’s Gas [and] is activated when 'ignited' and aimed at a substance.

As the gas is consumed, the H+ are forced into the electron shell of the oxide and cause all motion to halt immediately and reform water. The basics of inertia, Newton's Law of Motion, and the Laws of Conservation of mass and energy describe what happens next. When the cumulative mass of the electrons at such speeds are forced to either stop orbiting or change their motion, this enormous amount of kinetic energy must go somewhere, much like a bullet traveling at high speeds transfers its kinetic energy upon impact. Although this kinetic energy is present when other similar bonds are made [such as O2 forming], it is normally dissipated and not useable. However, in the unique structure of Brown’s gas, the free protons that have attracted to surround the oxide become a rigid backbone of the gas limiting its movements and concentrating this kinetic electron energy in a manner that we can harness.

This massive amount of kinetic energy [subatomic] existed prior to the disassociation of water as potential energy within the molecule. True to the Laws of science, all matter and energy can be accounted for both before and after the reaction. All that was altered was the structural relations of water's components. This allows the potential energy in water to become kinetic and available for use. The many other forms of energy can now be calculated and hypothesized on once this simple and fundamental truth is understood. It can also help [to] explain why almost all life forms require water, which has no apparent nutritional value. This specific process may be used by all life to sustain energy levels critical for survival. It is not the H2 and O2 structures that biological reactions require, but a simpler more energetic one; the energy dubbed Brown’s Gas.

Reactions with Matter

In summary, considering the kinetic energy these findings have identified
are, in fact, subatomic, it stands to reason why this energy source has such unique effects on any substance it contacts. The components of Brown’s Gas are much smaller in size than most material it is applied to. It can easily penetrate into the molecular structures [nuclei even] of these objects and apply to it massive amounts of kinetic energy. This, coupled with the fact that these subatomic particles and ions are electrically charged, explains why this gas has countless electrical and thermal properties.

In addition to the precise penetrations, Brown’s Gas is reductive [implosive] in nature, therefore, it does not scatter or destroy the material it affects. Instead, it draws the molecules/atoms closer in, further concentrating the energy released into an area 1860 times smaller than the gas itself. Gasoline is nowhere comparable, as it expands and scatters its energy to an area 25 times larger than itself. This property of BG allows formations which normally would be impossible given other circumstances. In one such reaction, Brown’s gas turns feldspar into moonstone, or corundum into ruby. Naturally high pressures are required to offset the explosive/expansive forces of the thermal energy present. Instead, a 'vacuum' of sorts offsets this need, making it quite easy to accomplish what otherwise takes centuries, if not millennia, to achieve.


As one is well aware, my focus of research and investigations
into my proposed theory has been defining the true structure of Brown’s Gas; so that in clarifying what it is, we can justify, predict, and/or quantify the true energy contained in water. This theory removes any guessing or assuming what it is in order to prove how it works. So much research and discoveries have been accumulating since Yull Brown discovered this energy source and what it can do. I felt compelled to compound on this technology and solidify the physical results. Although this energy and its properties are nothing short of amazing and mind boggling, its basic foundation is extremely simple; perhaps the simplest to date. There is no 'over unity', no perpetual motion, no defying Laws of science to put out more than what was put in.

Every step to harness the true power in water consists of basic science. Once this process is better understood, more advances can be made in fuel cell design as well as applications of the energy. The original discovery of water disassociation using electrolysis 200 years ago holds true today, yet it would take today’s technology to discover that, with proper and specific design requirements, one could create a far better system with a far more powerful product.

In essence, the long standing formula [2H2O ↔ 2H2 + 2O2] is correct, but it is not the first nor only way. Now, we find that [H2O ↔ 2H+ + O-2], and it is this structure that can change all we 'knew' about water and its energy.
The late Geoff Moxham and the late Yull Brown - Image: R. Ayana

For more information about Brown’s Gas see
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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