Thursday 14 January 2016

The Earth Pulse and Your Psychic Senses

The Earth Pulse and Your Psychic Senses
How your psychic senses are connected to Earth's energy

Psychic ability

by Julie Wilson

Psychic researcher Pete A. Sanders Jr. knew early on that psych ability was real, leading him to spend his education at MIT studying brain science and biomedical chemistry, hoping to understand the complex relationship between the brain, the mind and the nervous system.

MIT professor Dr. Jerome Letvin inspired Sanders when he opened a course about nerve study stating: "I am not going to teach what we know about nerves. Everything we know would take about two class sessions to tell you, and is relatively boring. Instead I am going to talk about what we don't know about nerves."

Dr. Letvin's approach changed Sander's outlook on life, spurring him to pursue a career studying the brain's sensory abilities and their connection to ESP. The following is an excerpt from Sanders' book entitled You are Psychic! in which he discusses the relationship between Earth's energy patterns and our psychic abilities – which he believes we all have.

Greater awareness equals more security


"By learning to focus on the Psychic Reception Areas you will receive stronger psychic impressions, strong enough to divert your attention from your physical senses. With practice, even subtle energy patterns will be discernible.

"Best of all, you will be able to develop your extrasensory abilities safely and steadily. When you are able to turn them on at will you can also turn them off to prevent the possibility of a psychic overload. Additionally, you will have the increased security that greater awareness and skill always bring.

"All our senses, physical and psychic, function in part by receiving and responding to some form of energy. Physical vision depends on the energy of light waves striking the eye. Physical hearing senses the vibrational energy of sound waves.

"Taste and smell function through chemical energy reactions between certain molecules and the receptor cells of the tongue and olfactory areas. The psychic senses follow a similar pattern, except that the energies they interact with cannot be discerned physically or measured by current technology."


Psychic senses are invisible, but that doesn't mean they don't exist


"That should not deter you from exploring your psychic ability. Many forms of energy affect your life whether you understand them or not. Two hundred years ago little was understood about electricity, but electric energy existed. Though scientifically unexplained, lightning struck, electric eels gave shocks, the nervous system functioned. Even today, you may not fully understand how electricity works although you use it routinely.

"Consider what happens when you turn on a light. You don't need to understand how electrons travel back and forth in the wires. Neither do you need to be aware that for each of your thoughts and movements the electrical energy that is your brain and nervous system has processed millions of messages.

"You don't need to know that each of those brain messages involves billions of complex exchanges of chemical energy into electrical energy. Instead, you have learned by experience how to make those forms of energy work for you in practical ways even though you may not know how they work. You just raise your hand, flip the switch, and the light goes on.

"You need to adopt the same approach to using your psychic senses. They receive the psychic energy that is emitted by all people, places, and objects. Because you are energy, you can receive and identify those extrasensory vibrations.

"Much about the human brain is still unknown, and we use the word 'mind' as a sort of shorthand to describe mental abilities that go beyond what we know about the physical wiring of the cortex. Brain scientists cannot yet explain exactly why or how we dream, how memory is structured, or how we form a creative thought."

People, places and objects emit waves of energy that may be picked up on by your psychic senses


"Yet every day we dream, we remember, and we think. Or consider the mystery of hypnosis. It has been studied and used successfully for over a century to reduce or eliminate pain (it has even been used in surgery instead of anesthesia), to help us control addictions, to uncover repressed memories, yet we still don't have a precise idea as to how or why hypnosis works.

"The fact is that science today comprehends probably less than a tenth of what our brain and mind can do. In a world where many scientists now believe once unbelievable things, for instance, that all matter exists in ten dimensions; that time slows as you travel faster; that particles called tachyons, which can arrive at their destination before they leave their point of origin, may indeed exist; that the universe is literally a sea of interchangeable and interacting energy. In such a world, the concept of psychic sensitivity, of ESP, is no longer a farfetched fantasy.

"Therefore it is not reasonable to resign yourself to waiting until some researcher announces: 'We have now discovered exactly how extrasensory perception operates. You now have permission to use your psychic senses.' Even though science does not yet understand how psychic messages are processed, you can experience and use them in your daily life."

This Experiment Proves Why Staying in Tune with the Earth’s Pulse is Key to Our Wellbeing



Have you ever felt disconnected from the earth? Interesting question to ponder, and while some of us feel that in some sense we become disconnected when we spend too much time indoors or on technological devices, the truth is, we don’t disconnect from the earth and its natural rhythms entirely, cause if we did, you would notice it big time.

That isn’t to say there isn’t huge benefit in being in nature, putting down your phone or even practicing some like earthing, instead, I’m saying there is a deeper connection we all have to this planet that we may not be aware of.

The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life.

“Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life”

In 1952 German physicist Professor W.O.Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the earth itself has a frequency — a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere there is an electrical tension that is created. Since the negatively charged earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the earth. This frequency was 10hz.

It wasn’t until 1954 that Schumann teamed up with another scientist (Herbert König) and confirmed that the resonance of the earth maintained a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This discovery was later tested out by several scientists and confirmed. Since then The Schumann Resonance has been the accepted term used scientifically when one is looking to describe or measure the pulse or heartbeat of the earth.

Even though the existence of the Schumann Resonance is an established scientific fact, there remain few scientists who fully understand the importance of this frequency as it relates to life. In the 1920’s another German scientist, Hans Berger, built an EEG machine himself which led to the first ever recording of frequency transmitted by the brain. While this was a profound discovery on its own, it is when we link it to the Schumann resonance that we see an even more profound truth.

Dr. Anker Mueller, a colleague of Hans Berger, stumbled across Schumann’s published research results in the journal Technische Physik. Upon reading Schumann’s results about the earth’s frequency, Dr. Anker Mueller was astonished to discover that the frequency of the earth was an exact match with the frequency of the human brain. Herbert König, who became Schumann’s successor at Munich University, discovered and further demonstrated a clear link between Schumann Resonances and brain rhythms. He compared human EEG recordings with natural electromagnetic fields of the environment (1979) and found that the main frequency produced by Schumann oscillations is extremely close to the frequency of alpha rhythms.

  Natural electromagnetic processes in the environment (I-IV), human EEG readings in comparison. Schumann oscillations (I) and the EEG a-rhythm, as well as locally conditioned fluctuations of the electric field (II) and the EEG d-rhythm, show a noticeable similarity in their temporal variation. – Herbert König, 1979

Research carried out by E. Jacobi at the University of Dusseldorf showed that the absence of Schumann waves creates mental and physical health problems in the human body. Professor R.Wever, from the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Erling-Andechs, began a study where he built an underground bunker that completely screened out magnetic fields. He then got student volunteers and had them live in the bunker for four weeks where they were hermetically sealed in this environment.

Throughout the four weeks, Professor Wever noted that the student’s circadian rhythms diverged and that they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. Considering that they were young and healthy, no serious health conditions presented — which likely would not have been the case with older people or people with compromised immune systems. Wever then added the Schumann frequency back into the environment and the results were astonishing. After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the frequency which he had been screening out), the volunteer’s health stabilized. This demonstrated a direct link between humans and their connection with the pulse of the earth. This was later confirmed in 2011 by Luke Montanye who stumbled upon a discovery during research of water memory.

We go back to the statement that all life must come from life. This life was always believed to come from material forms like egg and sperm or spore and cell division. The professor showed that DNA sequences communicate with each other via frequency. Further, he was able to show that the frequency communication was so advanced that it was able to organize nucleotides, which are the ingredients that make up DNA, in such a way that it could make brand new DNA. While other previous studies were able to show this, Montanye did something different that no other study had done. He removed all DNA from the water and introduced a frequency. That frequency was 7.38 Hz, Schumann Resonance. When introduced, the test tubes were producing new DNA helixes. When the frequency was not present, no new DNA formed. Thus we have a link between Schumann Resonance and the creation of life.

Even though Schumann Resonance could be confirmed by measurements at the time of discovery, it is now much harder to detect that resonance due to the fact that our atmosphere is now heavily inundated with manmade radiation and various frequencies. This suggests that our wireless technologies of today are drowning out the natural signal our mental and physical body requires to function in a healthy way. Could this be a link to the increase in cancer cases over the past few decades? Considering the importance of the Schumann Resonance as it relates to health and the creation of life, one would assume our energetically polluted air space is certainly not helping.


More About Professor W.O.Schumann


schumannWinfried Schumann was born in Tubingen, Germany, the son of a physical chemist. His early years were spent in Kassel and in Berndorf, a town near Vienna. He majored in electrical engineering at the Technical College in Karlsruhe. In 1912 he gained a doctorate with high-voltage technology as his thesis.

Prior to the First World War, he managed the high voltage laboratory at Brown, Boveri & Cie.

During 1920, he was made a professor at the Technical University in Stuttgart, where he had previously been employed as a research assistant. He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena. In 1924, he was made professor and director of the Electrophysical Laboratoy at the Technical University of Munich.

The Munich laboratory subsequently became the Electrophysical Institute, where Schumann continued working until retiring from active research in 1961 at the age of 73, though he continued teaching for a further two years. Schumann was 86 years old when he died on September 22, 1974.

Schumann Resonators –

For more information about psychic abilities see
For more information about Schumann resonance see  
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  1. I could argue that greater awareness equals "less" security.... Once you tap into the nerve pulse of the planet and the people in it, one realizes the extent of the insanity here. Insanity is the basis of all insecurity, is it not? And what security do any of us have within the framework of a scarcity based price system? Once you tap into the psychic realm and realize that we're really one mind, there is no security, or solutions, there is only insanity here!

    1. There are numerous approaches and solutions to the dilemma you describe, but we suggest
      TURN ON
      TUNE IN
      and above all
      OPT OUT of these toxic pseudocivilisations and create a healthy, happy, enlightening space with likeminded friends and loved ones beyond the purview of the brainwashed and the tentacles of the in dust 'realists' who rule their minds.

  2. We are the first generation to live in a [saturated] EMF World.
    For those looking for help in dealing with this onslaught to our natural electrical bio-rhythms, perhaps this could be of help.


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