Sunday 17 January 2016

Deep Space Secrets Unclassified

Deep Space Secrets Unclassified
NASA hacker: I found evidence America has Deep Space Warships


According to a hacker who faced a ten-year legal battle after breaking into NASA computers, the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships. Gary McKinnon, firmly believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US have a secret space program operated by the navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space.

In a new interview on UFO channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally reveals the entire truth about his findings saying: ‘I kept going for months and months. I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’.

McKinnon said that he used a software called Landsearch which allowed him to search all files and folders of interest to him.

‘I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’, states McKinnon.

‘It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships.

‘I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.’

Gary McKinnon is accused of mounting the biggest ever hack in the history of the Unite3d States by breaking into the computers of the Army, Air force, Navy and NASA.

During his latest interview, McKinnon describes a conversation from a former NASA whistleblower Donna Hare, who had been told by a colleague that NASA was trying to hide delicate information by “airbrushing” UFOs from their photos.

“There was a colleague, who was in another room — they all had secret clearance but they were on different projects — and she (Hare) was in this chap’s lab or room or whatever it is and he said come and take a look at this,” said McKinnon.

While there are many people who firmly believe this is yet another elaborate hoax, there have been a series of former NASA and government employees who back up the claims made by McKinnon.

According to statements from a former Marine not only have humans made it to Mars in the past, but we have developed a secret space program and flotilla that operates in space. The former US Marine, was posted on the red planet for years and his mission was to protect the five human colonies from indigenous life forms on Mars.

According to the former Marine known as Captain Kaye, not only did he spend years on Mars, but he also served aboard a giant space carrier for three years. He worked for the Mars Defense Force (MDF) which is owned and operated by the Mars Colony Corporation (MCC) which is basically a conglomerate of financial institutions, government and tech companies. Kaye and his team were part of a special section of the United States Marines with a highly classified mission, protect and ensure the existence of five newly-established colonies on the surface of the red planet. The Earth Defense Force, another secret military branch has military recruits from countries such as the United States, China and Russia.

Parts of the testimony from Captain Kaye are consistent with that of Michael Relfe, another whistleblower who claims to have served 20 years tour on the red planet. Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Eisenhower claims that efforts were made to recruit here onto a human colony on Mars, led by researcher Dr. Hal Puthoff.

According to “Jackie”, there are humans on Mars, and we have been on the red planet for over 20 years. ‘Jackie’, she and six other employees saw the exact same thing, suggesting this might be the evidence that proves that a secret space program did exist (or might even still).

According to ‘Jackie’ while working as part of the team downloading telemetry from the Viking Lander, she saw human setting foot on the surface of the red planet via a live feed from Mars.

In an interview with Coast-to-Coast AM, Jackie talked about humans on Mars, something that has been discussed among other alleged NASA employees for years.

Many ufologists firmly believe that the statements made by the above individuals are accurate and that this information is being withheld from the general public.

The unclassified NSA document that proves we intercepted 29 extraterrestrial messages that were decoded

“The dangers of excessive concealment of facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is very grave danger, that an announced need for increased security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning, to the very limits of official censorship and concealment
– JFK”

On October 21, 2004 the National Security Agency (NSA) authorized the release of a then top secret document, NSA Journal Vol. XIV No 1, which is in fact a report presented to the NSA by Dr Howard Campaigne. The report addresses the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that were received from ‘outer space’. To verify the authenticity of the document, visit the following link: which will take you to the official website of the NSA.

To download the document click here.

According to reports, the messages were intercepted by the Sputnik satellite but no one had the necessary knowledge to decode them at the time they were received.

The document is composed of 29 extraterrestrial messages that were received in ‘Alien Code’.

The article reads the following:


Dr. Campaigne presented a series of 29 messages from outer space in “Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” NSA Technical Journal, Vol. XI. No. 2. Pp 101 ff. The following article develops a key to these messages. Paragraph numbers parallel the serial numbers of the messages reprinted in the appendix below. This includes two new series -30 and 301- not included in the previous article.

 Only a few people know about the existence of the unclassified document from the NSA that is considered by many as the irrefutable piece of evidence that extraterrestrial beings do exist. Why this document hasn’t been spread and shared is something that remains a mystery.

Titled Key to the ‘Extraterrestrial messages’, the unclassified document can be found on the official NSA website by visiting this link.

The official document was cleared for disclosure over 10 years ago, in October 2004, but mysteriously, the document wasn’t made available until April 2011. The Document is considered by ufologists as one of the best pieces of evidence that suggest the government has knowledge of Aliens outside our solar system.

The document authored by a Dr. Campaigne, presents a series of 29 messages received from outer space.  Here’s an extremely interesting snippet from the journal:

“Recently a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again.  The pauses show here as punctuation.  The various combination have been represented by letters of the alphabet, so that the messages can be written down.  Each message except the first is given here only once.  The serial number of the messages has been supplied for each reference.”

According to reports, Dr Campaigne is one of the best cryptologists working for the government and he was deemed as the best shot for deciphering the alien code.

Today we live in a time where information about Alien life and the UFO phenomenon is something that has become part of our everyday lives. In the online archives of dozens of countries, we can find countless documents that speak about Alien life and extraterrestrial visitations to planet Earth. Yet for some mysterious reason, no one has taken the matter seriously and analyzed the complete information thoroughly.

Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us that ‘Somebody Else’ Is On the Moon


Dr. Manhattan (BILLY CRUDUP) reflected in the helmet of an astronaut suit in Warner Bros. PicturesÕ, Paramount PicturesÕ and Legendary PicturesÕ action adventure ÒWatchmen,Ó distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.


We live in a strange world, and as Neil Armstrong once said, there are “great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers.” (source) (source)

Fast forward to today, and a number of people have become aware of the fact that not all of what goes on behind the scenes is made public. This is precisely why the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was created; it’s a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government.

There are still many obstacles in the way of full transparency, one of which is the use of ‘national security’ to keep information classified and hidden from public viewing. This has become more evident with the revelations of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, but the problem goes deeper still. Did you know that the U.S government classifies roughly five hundred million pages of documents every single year? This is a completely separate topic in itself and if you’re interested in learning more about this, you can check out our article about the ‘Black Budget.’


NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon


Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel.

Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they   show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” (source)

The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.

When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. But that is a separate topic, which you can learn more about here.

It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. (source)

Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion.

“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Humankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” 
 Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)

Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.

Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)

According to Brandenburg in an interview from this documentary:

It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?

He then went on to state that:

Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there. 

If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think.

That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening, and if you’re interested in learning more about that you can visit the exopolitics section of our website, located HERE.

Other sources used:!the-cover-up-exposed-1973-1991/c1p8

For more information about secret space programs and ‘black world’ projects see
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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  1. About the NASA info presented here..... NASA and it's mother government is influenced most by the money myth, hence they must adhere to the rules of the game, and the game is about attaining a notion of VALUE in terms of acquiring MAKE BELIEVE DOLLARS.

    How do they do this? They first have to sell the public a worthy objective by generating interest in a fantastic fairy-tale about going to the moon, or Mars etc...

    Establish a stage (Cape Canaveral) Or wherever they perform their Hollywood type films, hire a cast of characters, set up writers, directors, lighting, prop and costume departments with all that they need and take their money making objective to CONgress and then steal the money they need to enrich themselves and their cronies.

    CONgress is a part of the entertainment and their paid off in millions.

    All price system governments and all their constituents are in the perception shaping business for that is how money comes into existence, by convincing a flock of sheeple to adhere to the play as they all willingly accept a dollars value to be worth more than life itself. Hooray for Hollywood!

    1. Oh and we don't actually "need" money and that's the joke of control. The only common denominator of ALL the goods and services we produce, distribute and consume is ENERGY, not mythical dollar denominations.

      Our belief in dollars value is the root of all staged hoaxes of which all price system governments base their sales teams and they're always best at selling snake-oil aren't they, grandpa Rockefeller?

    2. How many people know that "Cape Canaveral," is one of the busiest cruise ports in the world? It could be re-named PIRATES COVE... Yes, there is a correlation between Cape Canaveral Florida and the history of PIRACY. What we have today are systems of political and financial power that is based entirely on legalized PIRACY. The pirates in charge have paid for their own governments and have legalized their pirate methods of control through UCC based in Admiralty/Martine jurisdiction hence whether on land or at sea their codes are accepted by an unwitting public that is owned by the best pirates around the world. If you wonder why your lives are so incredibly fucked up it's because you have played a part in the acceptance of a system that is barbarian by nature as we ignore the peaceful solutions that have always been here!

    3. In other words this article which talks about NASA one of many PIRATE organizations working out of Cape Canaveral, FLA (pirates cove) have legalized theft through their crony pirate corporation (CONgress) and have made barbarianism civilized through the kinds of rhetoric stated above.

  2. Price system governments must have the very best snake-oil type selling actors to sell their fantasies to us, the question I have is why are we entertained by them, why do you believe in liars who have a long history of being nothing more than charismatic story tellers or yellers... That is what HIStory is -HIS Story or fantastic entertainment.

  3. You address NONE of the points in the article and pretend to be four separate anonymous writers. Why not just erect a site of your own if you're not going to bother to even read these articles before commenting on them - and commenting with such total irrelevancies? You're the only snake oil salesman here.

    1. "NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon?" This is a quote from the article above. I simply discredited the article because of my opinion about anything to do with NASA... NASA is a type of pirate organization, they use Hollywood directors, writers and their own actors to create BS fairytales.... Skim through any article that speaks about the acronym NASA and that article is automatically bogus. Just my opinion, with some facts thrown in.

    2. Your opinion is understandable, but you can't learn anything from that standpoint. Had you read the post you may have noticed it addressed those issues a little more rationally:
      “Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”


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